Late Nights

"Fangs if you tell Sweet Pea a word about this I will kill you and I won't even think about it." I warn Fangs and he nods. "So..what's the plan mini Pea?" Fangs asks and I quietly chuckle at the nickname. Him and Toni had given the nickname to me a few months back when I had started turning into Sweet Pea in girl form. "So..that dude that started the red circle..I've been following him for like 4 days and now he's coming over here. So me and you..with your gun skills and my knife skills..are gonna kill him. Earn our stripes." I explain and Fangs smiles and agrees. "There he is." I say when I see him spray painting a red circle on a fence. I walk up behind him and Fangs goes around the corner to see if anyone's coming. "Hey." I say in the red haired boys ear. "Leave me alone." He says pushing me off. "Make me." I say putting my knife against his throat. "Y/N?!" I hear Sweet Peas voice roar. I look in the direction where his voice came and am so lucky I kept my black sweat shirt on. I had bought a black ski mask and was wearing it. (No, no, no. Your not the black hood.) I look at Sweet Pea and he looks back at Fangs. "That's her isn't?" He asks clearly mad. "Yeah.." Fangs says and I sigh sadly. I pull the hood and mask off slowly with my free hand keeping the knife on the red haired boys neck. "You caught me." I say annoyed. "Why the heck aren't you at home!?" He screams. "Isn't it obvious? Also, don't scream so loud dimwit! Your gonna get the cops called." I say and he rolls his eyes. He looks at Archie. "Who's this?" He asks. "The Red Circle Scumbag." I say and hear the guy scoff. "What? Got something to say?" I ask pushing the knife a little harder but not enough to puncture the skin. He doesn't make any noise and I look back at Sweet Pea. "All yours Pea." I say and push the boy towards Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea and the boy talk but I walk over to Fangs. I glare at him but it's soon interrupted by Sweet Pea pushing me and making me fall to the ground. I hit my head hard and when I slowly lift it up, I touch the top of my head and feel a wet substance. Blood. Great. I feel a person pick me up and throw me in their car. (Pretend Archie drove a car. We can do that right? Since it's an imagine?) I feel more and more blood dripping until I pass out.

Sweet Peas POV
I push Y/N and she trips a little but is soon behind us. We run and run until we're far away from that crazy NorthSider. I sigh. "Where's Y/N?" Fangs asks and I turn around fast. Oh crap. Where is she? I go to run back but Joaquin pulls me back. "You can't. I'm sure that Andrews has already called the cops Sweet Pea." I look down and punch the fence that we had jumped previously. "We'll go look for her tomorrow." Fangs says and I don't even speak to either one of them. I just get on my bike and drive home, lay on my bed thinking about where my princess could be.

When I wake up I'm tied to a chair, in a dark room and my head is thumping. I groan at the pain. "You're awake." A voice says and I can tell it's the red haired boy from earlier. "Let me go scumbag." I say with a scratchy voice. "It's Archie." He says and gets closer to me. "Get away from me. Or at least turn on a god dang light." (Don't curse kiddos. 👍) He scoffs and turns on a light. Oh great. We're in a basement. Life's amazing. "You can't put a knife to my throat." He says and I glare at him. "No, you can't come at our hero. Can't come to our side, and draw your disgusting red circle all over the place." I say with venom in my voice. He slaps me and I kick him. He goes to hit me again when there's a knock on the door. "Lucky." He says and runs upstairs. I twist and turn and try to get out of the stupid ropes. I finally do but when I stand up, I can't regain my strength. It takes me two minutes to finally regain my strength. Stupid, can't even tie the ropes strong enough. I roll my eyes when I open the door. Didn't even lock the door. I walk a few steps but then stop in my tracks. I hear a familiar voice taking with Archie. Sweet Pea. I run to the door and he sees me. I push some bulldogs aside and jump into Sweet Peas arms. "Princess." He whispers into my ear. I burry my head into the crook of his neck. He strokes my hair and kisses my head. "Did he have you?" Sweet Pea asks. I nod and he glares at Archie. He stands up and gets back in Archie's face. "Your gonna get it later." Sweet Pea helps me back to his motorcycle and drives me to SweetWater river. A minute later its starts pouring rain. Finally the idiots show up. We all stand with the NorthSiders on one side and SouthSiders on the other. I get in Archie's face. "You are gonna regret this Scumbag." I say. I back up and Sweet Pea stands where I had previously been standing. Archie punches Sweet Pea and I lunge at a bulldog. Me and him fight and fight. We don't even hear it when a gunshot is fired. I punch him, he punches me, I kick him, he slaps me, I pull his hair, he pulls mine. Finally someone grabs me me and puts me on the back of their bike. "I win!" I yell and they roll their eyes. I look at the person who grabbed me and realize it's Fangs. We must all be heading to the same place, Sweet Peas trailer. When we get there, I go to get off the bike and fall to the ground. I brake my wrist trying to catch myself and let out a small whimper. I grab my wrist and Fangs picks me up. "I think she got the most hurt out of anyone." Fangs says to a younger Serpent who nods. Fangs lays me on the couch and Sweet Pea bends down beside me. He grabs my broke hand and I flinch. "I'm sorry." He says and grabs my other hand. "You put up a heck of a fight baby girl. I'm really proud of you. You definitely earned your stripes baby." He says and places a kiss on my head. I give him the best smile I can. I cough and taste blood in my mouth. I keep coughing and blood starts pouring out of my mouth. "Baby?! Someone call 911! I DON'T CARE CALL THEM NOW!!" Sweet Pea yells. I grip Sweet Peas hand. "I'll be okay Sweets. Just know, I love you so much." I slur my words horribly and caress his face. "Don't say that please." He says tears coming out of his eyes. He puts his hand over mine and is now full on crying. "I love you Pea. So much. Never forget that." I say crying a bit too. "I love you more my baby girl." He says and then, I black out.

Sweet Peas POV
"I love you more my baby girl." I say still crying. She passes out. I hear the ambulance pull up outside and Tallboy and FP take Y/N outside to them. I cry into the couch where she once lay. Fangs and Toni come over to me and kneel down beside me. "Sweet Pea? Do you wanna ride in the ambulance with her?" Toni asks. I nod and they help me up. I get in the ambulance and hold her precious hand in mine. "Stay with me baby girl." I say quietly. The ambulance closes the doors and starts driving and I see Toni and Fangs on their motorcycles following. When we arrive to the hospital they take her immediately but make me stay back with everyone else. I look behind me and see Toni, Fangs, Jughead, FP, and Tallboy. Toni and Fangs come and hug me and I cry into them. "Lets sit down Sweet Pea." Toni says and I sit down in a chair looking at the ground. Fangs sits beside me while Toni goes and talks to the others. "It's okay Pea. She'll be fine. She's a fighter, she'll make it through this." Fangs says and rubs my back. "You guys don't understand. That's my baby! That's my future wife! I love her so much and if she doesn't make it through this, I won't either." I say and look up at Fangs. His eyes widen and he runs to the others. That makes me feel real great. (Hint the sarcasm)

Fangs POV
"You guys don't understand. That's my baby! That's my future wife! I love her so much and if she doesn't make it through this, I won't either." Sweet Pea says and looks up at me. I go into a state of shock for one minute and run up to the Toni and everyone. "Guys he's bad. He's saying that if she doesn't make it through this he won't either. Guys, if she dies, we're not losing one Serpent, we're losing two." Toni looks at me with wide eyes. "See the problem now Jones?" She hisses at Jughead. "What did you do?" I ask getting all up in his face. "Jughead here thought it would be okay if he called Betty, Veronica, Archie, Kevin, some bulldog, and let them come down like this a free for all." Toni says and I get so mad. "Half of them are the reason we're here Jughead! But you weren't there, so you just take it upon yourself to do this crap. Wait till I tell Sweet Pea, Jones, your in for it." I threaten and walk over to Sweet Pea. He's crying again. "Jughead invited Betty, Veronica, Archie, Kevin, and some bulldogs." Sweet Peas face immediately changes from sadness to anger. He gets up and walks over to Jones, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. "YOUR NOT GOING THROUGH THIS! IMAGINE IF IT WAS YOUR LITTLE GIRLFRIEND IN THE HOSPITAL!!! HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF I INVITED Y/N AND TONI AND FANGS, HECK THE WHOLE GANG!? HUH!? HOW YOU WOULD YOU FEEL JONES!! Y/N COULD BE DEAD FOR ALL WE KNOW AND YOU GO AND INVITE THE WHOLE SQUAD!!!" Sweet Pea screams in his face. Me and Toni pull Sweet Pea back before he does something he regrets. Just as we pull him away they walk in. Betty. Veronica. Archie. Kevin. Reggie. And the guy who did this to Y/N. I look at Toni and she looks at me. 'Oh crap.' I mouth.

Sweet Peas POV
I see them walk in. Then, I see the guy who did this to Y/N. I break away from Toni and Fangs and run straight at the guy. I knock him down and punch, and punch, my knuckles are red and people are trying to pull me off but I just keep punching and punching. "YOU DID THIS TO HER!!" I scream over and over. I keep punching till I'm pulled off of him. I lay on the ground and stare up at the ceiling. Toni and Fangs are yelling at me, others are checking on the guy. Security was gonna come but I guess got too scared. But I don't care about any of that. I just want to hold my baby in my arms and when I realize I can't, I turn to my side and cry my eyes out.

Fangs POV
I've never seen him like this. He beat up that guy, he laid almost lifeless on the floor, and now he's crying his eyes out. I look at Toni and she bends down beside him. The doctor walks out of the double doors. "Anybody here for Y/N Y/L/N?" He asks and Sweet Peas head shoots up. "I am." He says and walks over to the doctor.

Sweet Peas POV
"I am." I say and walk to the doctor. "She's gonna be okay sir. She did take a very bad beating, but she's gonna be fine. If you want to see her, she's awake in room 5 right down the hall." Oh my god. My baby's alive. I run through the double doors and straight to room 5. I walk in and see her. She looks at me and her eyes glisten with tears. I run to her bedside and hug her. She hugs me back and I cry into while she cries into me.

I stare at the ceiling when someone runs into my room. I sit up and look at who it is. Sweet Pea. He runs to me and hugs me. I hug him back. "Baby. My precious baby is alive." He says still crying. "I love you so much Sweet Pea. I can't live without you I really can't. Your my hero, my protecter, my stabilizer, my best friend in the entire world, my everything. I want to be with you forever and ever, I never want to be with anyone else. Your mine, I'm yours. I don't plan on that changing and I hope you don't either. Sweet Pea, please promise me you won't ever leave me. Promise me you won't cheat on me, won't make me feel unloved. Please." I say caressing his face. "I could never love anyone else. Y/N, your the one." I break down crying. He cries with me. "I love you Y/N." He says looking up at me and kissing me gently, but with so passion. I kiss him back the same way and we both finally pull away. We hear clapping in the back ground but Sweet Pea ignores it and buries his head into my side. I smile at him and look up at Toni and Fangs in the doorway. I rub Sweet Peas head and he moves and lays down beside me. I lay my head on his and he's soon fast asleep. Toni and Fangs sit beside me in chairs. "We were really worried about him Y/N." Toni says and I give her a confused but concerned look. "He said that if you didn't make it through this, neither would he." Fangs continues and I look at Sweet Pea. I kiss his head lightly and he moves closer to me. "He beat someone up, then after just laid in the floor almost lifeless." Toni starts again. "Then he turned on his side and balled his eyes out." Fangs says. I start crying again and I hug Sweet Pea tightly. It wakes him up and he hugs me back. I break down into his arms and he holds me close. "I'm sorry I caused so much conflict on you Sweet Pea." I cry. "I'm not mad at you. It's okay." He says and pulls me closer. Me and him both fall asleep soon afterwards.

🤞✌️The End✌️🤞

A/N: Sorry for a sad one. But hey, it had a good ending! 💛


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