
"Mom, I'm home." I yell while walking into my house. Nothing. "Mom?" I yell again, more concern in my voice this time. I turn the corner to the kitchen slowly, when I walk into the kitchen what I see makes me scream. I see my mom, blue, cold, bloody, and dead. I drop to the ground on my knees and cry. I grab my phone and dial 911. "911, What's your emergency?" The operator asks. "I just got home..m-my m-mom is dead!" I yell into the phone between sobs. "Did you kill her?" They have the audacity to ask. "No! I just got home! Please help my mommas dead!" I scream. They say their gonna send people. I then call my best friend in the entire world, Cheryl Blossom. "Y/N? What's wrong why are you crying?" She asks worried. "Cheryl come to my house please, my mommas dead!" I cry into the phone. "Oh my gosh! Okay! Okay I'm coming. But I have Toni and some of her friends with me." She says hoping I don't change my mind about her coming over. "I don't care just get over here!" I sob frantically. "Okay I'm coming I love you!" I cry more and hang up the phone.

Cheryl's POV
"Okay I'm coming I love you!" I say into the phone. Y/N cries and cries and then hangs up. "That your girlfriend?" Fangs jokes and Sweet Pea and Toni slap him. "Change of plans guys, my best friends mom just died and we have to go over there. I have to comfort her." I say trying not cry. Y/N seemed heartbroken. "What does Y/N even look like?" Toni asks. I pull out my phone and pick a cute picture of me and Y/N. I hand it to Toni. "Oh, she's, gorgeous." Toni says and Fangs and Sweet Pea sit up to look at her. "Dang, she really is gorgeous." Sweet Pea says. Toni looks at me and I smirk. "You guys need a little background on Y/N so y'all can help me. Now, this is gonna get deep, so, don't get sappy on me got it?" I say keeping my eyes on the road. They all say okay and I take a deep breath. "So Y/N, she's in my grade at Riverdale High, her dad left when she was three, her mom barely had any time for her even though she loved her momma dearly, she's about 5'4, she loves to read, she's very pretty, as you guys saw, me and her have been best friends since birth, our moms kno- knew each other. And she's just an overall great person." I say and everyone looks at me. "She's got an interesting life." Fangs says with a sigh. "Don't we all?" I say and pull into Y/N driveway. It's a small house, but when there's only two people that live in it, and one of them was always gone, and now gone forever, it's kinda big. I get out and basically run to the door, there's no telling what Y/N could do now that she has lost her mama. I bang on the door. I can hear Y/N crying and so can everyone else. She runs to the door and opens it. I hug her tightly and she cries into my shoulder. "She's gone!" She sobs. "I know, I know. Shh." I say trying to comfort her. "Is she still, in there?" Toni asks. "Yeah." She says. "Police haven't come yet?" Fangs asks. Y/N looks at him confused but then answers, "I called Keller about 15 minutes ago, but knowing him, he'll take his sweet time while my mom is laying in a pile of her own blood in the kitchen." She says and starts sobbing all over again. "I may not know her but, I hate to see her cry." I hear Sweet Pea whisper into Toni's ear. I help Y/N inside and we sit down on the couch. "Alright, tell us what happened." I say.

"Alright, tell us what happened." Cheryl says. "I went to a Gholie party, it was the most stupid decision of my life Cheryl. They wouldn't let me leave. I just wanted to have a good time, they made the it the opposite. If I was here I probably could have saved her." I say the last part and turn into a crying mess. Cheryl and Toni hug me tightly. I can feel the two other boys lingering. I don't actually know them so I don't know what I really want them to do. "Where is Keller?" The boy with Raven hair asks, clearly annoyed. "They hate me. I get into so much trouble, when I called 911, they actually asked me if I killed my mom." I say through sobs. A boy with jet black hair and Toni gasps. "Can you show us where the body is?" Toni asks. I nod and stand up. The rest do the same and I lead them into the kitchen. I have to look away so I don't turn into a crying mess all over again. I feel a strong pair of hands lead me outside. "What are you doing?" I ask turning around once we're outside. "I'm sorry, I just know how bad it is to stare at a dead body." The boy with Raven hair says. "What's your name?" I ask trying not to cry. "I'm Sweet Pea. The guy with the real black hair, that's Fangs. And then you know Toni and Cheryl." He explains. I sit down on the steps and look down. My mind starts racing with possibilities, memories, sadness, regret, horrible fears. I don't feel to good all of a sudden. I run over to the grass and start throwing up. I feel someone hold my hair back and strokes my back soothingly. I finally get done and wipe my mouth. Ugh I hate the way throw up taste. "Let's get you back inside." Sweet Pea says. I stand up and lean on him for support. He puts his hand around my waist and helps me up the stairs and into the house. "I think you should get some rest Y/N, you don't look to good." Cheryl suggests. I nod and Sweet Pea helps me to my room. I lay down and cuddle a pillow. He looks at me. "You need a better cuddle buddy." He finally says. "I know. But, no one ever really wants to volunteer to be my cuddle buddy." I say. "I volunteer." He says and takes off his Serpent jacket and combat boots. "You sure?" I ask scooting over for him. "Yes." He says and lays beside me. I lay my head on his chest slowly, he wraps his arms around me, I let my hand rest on his torso. I feel safe in his arms, like I was meant to be here. "I'm so sorry this has happened to you Y/N. You seem like a really good girl." He says. His hands rest on my back. I move closer to him. "We should hang out more Y/N." He says and smiles. "Why? I'm no fun." I ask. "Because I feel like this is a start of a very good relationship." He says and closes his eyes. "Me too." I say and blush and smile. We both fall asleep.

Cheryl's POV
"Guys I think we should go to sleep. It's late." I say as they take the body away. "You know what makes me mad?" Toni says. "What?" Fangs asks. "That if the paramedics had come a heck of a lot sooner, maybe they could have saved her." Toni says with a sigh. Me and Fangs nod. "Where's Sweet Pea?" I ask. "He went up stairs with Y/N. They sound like they are asleep." Fangs answers. "Good. Maybe Y/N will get some good rest if she has something other than a pillow to cuddle. She needs someone and he seems like the right person." I say and sigh. "Should we stay?" Toni asks. "No. We should all get some sleep as well." I respond. We all nod. I take Fangs and Toni home and go to sleep.

The Next Day:
I wake up early. I tossed and turned last night. I didn't see Sweet Pea when I wake up, but I'm not surprised. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. Normally, I would see my mom making pancakes, or oatmeal, but today, the kitchen is empty, it still smells like blood, and it just sucks overall. I don't even have an appetite today. I sigh and sit on the counter. I look down at the fading blood stain. Tears start flowing down. What the heck am I going to do? I'm completely broke. I just want my mama back. The door opens but I just keep crying. I don't even look up to is in my house, maybe they'll take my life too so I can be with my mama. The person drops whatever they have on the ground and wraps me in their arms. I cry into them not caring. "Y/N shh I'm here, don't cry." The person says and slowly pulls back. I recognize the voice. It's Sweet Pea. I look up at them and he gives me a smile. "I don't know what I'm going to do." I sob out. "Hey, I'll help you. I promise." He says and hugs me tightly again and I hug him back as I see three figures in the doorway to the kitchen. I sigh into him and wipe my tears. My vision goes from blurry to clear and I see that the three figures are Toni, Fangs, and Cheryl and they have been their the entire time. "Um..Hey." I say with a weak smile. "Hey." Cheryl says and walks over to me. She grabs my hand and leads me into my living room. "Y/N. He's a Serpent." She says warningly. "And?" I ask. I never really cared about the NorthSide or SouthSide difference. "I just wanted to tell you. He goes on dangerous jobs, I don't want to see you get your heart broken." She explains with a sympathetic look in her eyes. "Your with Toni. And me and Sweet Pea are just friends." I state. She knows I'm right and just shakes her head with a smile.  She hugs me tightly and I hug her back. We walk back to the others and I walk over to Sweet Pea. He smiles at me and I return it. "Y/N, we were thinking. You know that um, talking about a love one that has passed can help you get through it easier." Fangs says and slightly smiles. I nod. "Y'all wanna hear some stories about my mama?" I say with a smile. They all nod and we can go to the living room. Me, Fangs, and Cheryl on the couch, and Sweet Pea and Toni in front of us on the coffee table. I start telling stories, some make me cry, some make me laugh, but most of them make me happy. They make me feel like my mama is right next to me laughing with us. I smile as I end the last story of the night. Everyone laughs at what I said. I laugh too. "That's all I can remember right now." I say and check the time. "Oh my god guys you should go home it's like 10." I say and Fangs, Toni, and Cheryl stand up. Sweet Pea stays sitting. "I'll stay here tonight." He says and flashes a smile. They nod and we all say our goodbyes. "You didn't have to stay over." I say closing the door and walking back into the living room. "Actually I did." He says standing up. I smile and shake my head. He smiles back. "You hungry?" I ask. "Yeah. You?" He says. "No. I don't really have an appetite anymore. But I can make you something." I say and slightly smile. "Come on you got to eat something." He says with a calm voice but there's worry in his eyes. "I'll eat later." I say and smile. "Fine. But I'll go get food." He says and hugs me. I hug him back and he leaves to go get food. I sit on the couch and slowly fall asleep.

Sweet Peas POV
I drive to pops and get me food. I also order Y/N a burger that hopefully she'll eat later. I feel so bad for her, she won't eat. I can't even imagine losing my mama. What could I do to make her happy? Water park? Nope. Hawaii? Nope I'm too broke. Amusement park? Nope. I can't really afford anything on my 'salary'.  I sigh and frown. I pull into the driveway only to be met my 3 other cars. 'What the heck?' I think. I run up to the door and it's unlocked. I walk in. "Y/N?" I say concerned. "In here." She says. She's in the kitchen. I walk into the kitchen to see Sheriff Keller, Kevin, and Joaquin. "Joaquin?" I say confused. "Sweet Pea!" He exclaims and hugs me. I hug him back confused. "What are you doing here?" I ask him and look at Y/N. She shrugs. "I came with my boyfriend, Kevin." He says and smiles. "Ohh." I say and look at Kevin who smiles brightly. I look at Keller who's looking at me. I look at Y/N who's chuckling to herself. Joaquin finally pulls away from the hug and I swoop to Y/N side. Keller glares at me but I ignore it. "Um..why are they here?" I whisper into Y/N ear. "I don't know. They literally just showed up." She whispers back in my ear. I let out a small sigh and move past Keller and Kevin to put Y/Ns food in the fridge. I close it and go back to Y/Ns side. She smiles at me. "Are you two dating?" Kevin asks catching me off guard. "No. Just friends." Y/N says with hesitation. I smirk on the inside but just nod on the outside so I don't get in trouble by Keller again. "I guess we should get going." Sheriff says. Everyone nods and we all say our goodbyes. I wave to them as they walk out the door and close it behind them. I immediately sigh and Y/N hears me. "What's wrong?" She asks. "Nothing. Just tired." I respond. "Me too. Wanna go to sleep?" She asks. "Yeah." I say and we head upstairs. I sit on the edge of the bed and she grabs a pair of pajamas for herself. "Um..I don't really have anything for you to wear." She says and blushes intensely. "That's okay. I usually just sleep in my underwear anyway." I say and chuckle. She turns even more red then before. She runs into the bathroom and changes into her pajamas. I take my jacket, boots, socks, shirt, and pants off then I lay down. Y/N comes back in a minute later with beautiful silky hair that she just brushed. God she looks so beautiful. She lays down beside me. "Hey cuddle buddy." She says with a cute little giggle. "Hey cutie." I say and smile. She blushes again.

I walk back into the bedroom and lay down beside Sweet Pea. "Hey cuddle buddy." I say and giggle. "Hey cutie." He responds and I instantly turn red. He pulls me closer to his bare chest. I snuggle into it and soon fall fast asleep.

The Next Day
I wake up with bed head, no surprise. I smell something familiar, pancakes. I walk downstairs slowly, I have zero clue on what I'm going to see. When I turn the corner, I see Sweet Pea, in an apron, cooking pancakes. I smile and chuckle making him turn around startled. "God you scared me." He says and laughs. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Making breakfast. You haven't ate in while Y/N." He explains and I look down in shame. He notices and walks over to me slowly. He puts his finger under my chin and slowly lifts it up to make me look at him. "Don't be ashamed. You just haven't had the appetite lately, and thats perfectly normal. So don't be so hard on yourself." He explains with a very gentle look in his eyes. A look that makes me melt inside. A look with so much passion and consideration that I just want to pull him closer and let him hold me in his arms. Wait, no Y/N stop. I can't be falling in love with Sweet Pea. Am I? I sigh. "Don't worry." He says and kisses my cheek. I smile. Shoot, I'm falling in love with a SouthSide Serpent, a tough guy, but honestly I don't care. There's something there. I can tell. Me and Sweet Pea, we're meant to be, no matter what anyone says. "I love you, Pea." I mumble as I look into his eyes. He looks shocked and a smile forms at the corner of his mouth. "I love you too, Y/N." He responds as he puts his hand on the side of my cheek and leans down slowly. Our lips meet and we kiss. When I pull away, we both smile. He's the one.

Sweet Peas POV
She's the one.

💎💧The End💧💎

A/N: This took forever to write, and I was gonna make it longer, but, then, I decided to end it here, for a reason only i know. Do y'all want me to start naming these imagines? 😂


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