
Y/N = Your Name
Y/L/N = Your Last Name
Y/N/N = Your Nick Name
Also: I know that it has 'Rose' as the name and if you don't like that you might not read on so that's why I am writing this!!! Just please read on!!!!
Roses POV
"It's three weeks till prom and Archie still hasn't asked me out!" Veronica complained as I ate popcorn on her bed. (Literally me.) "Maybe he's just nervous." I suggest and toss a piece of popcorn in the air and catch it in my mouth. She sighs. "Have you got asked yet?" She asks. "Yeah, by Chuck, but I turned him down with a punch." I say with a sigh. "He hurt my knuckles." I add and Veronica laughs. "Seriously Rose we need to get you with someone, you haven't been on a date in what? 3 years?" She asks. "Thank you V, for reminding me that I have zero love life. But honestly, I'm fine with it. I like being single." I explain. "Rose," She gives me a serious look. "You, can't, be, happy, being, single." V looks at me and sighs. "Rose, do you think Archie loves me?" She asks and grabs a handful of popcorn. "Of course. I've seen the look in his eyes that he only gets when he is around you, or talks about you, or just anything to do with you in general. Also, I was talking to Betty and she said that Archie never shuts up about you." "Really?" I nod. She smiles and drifts off for a moment. "Ron?" I say waving a hand in her face. "Oh sorry." She says and shakes her head. "Thank you Rose." She says and hugs me. I hug her back and smile. "It's what besties are for." I say and she smiles back. "But also seriously, we need to find you a date. You can not go to prom alone and I'm sure you don't want to third wheel with me and Archie."  Veronica reminds me. "Yeah. But I guess the right guy just hasn't come along." I sigh. "Yet." She adds and smiles.

*The Next Day*

I walk into Riverdale and see V and Archie at tables. "Is this why I was asked to come to school at 5 in the morning?" I ask and Veronica and Archie look up at me. "You came!!" Veronica yells and runs to me, hugging me. "Of course I did." I say and walk out over to the table. Archie smiles at me and I smile back.

*Two Hours Later*

"Okay it's 7:30 I wanna go." Archie complains and I smack him. "They'll be here any minute!" He sighs. Two minutes later the doors open and they walk in. I see Jughead and old memories fly in. Me and Jughead used to be best friends, still are I guess, we haven't seen each other in two years. I look at the rest of the Serpents and meet the eyes of a tall, dark, and handsome one. He looks at me and I smile politely. He nods and looks back at whatever Veronica is saying. When she's done with her speech I go to walk away. "Come on no love for your best friend?" Jughead says and I slowly turn around. I walk over to him and hug him tightly. He hugs me back and I can feel him sigh of relief into my shoulder. "Missed you Rosey." He says and smiles. "Missed you too Juggy." I look up at Jughead and see he's looking in the other direction. I look behind me and see Cheryl, Reggie, and their 'squads' coming down the stairs. All I see is red and I want to punch her and Reggie when they start to trash talk to the Serpents. "Cheryl, I suggest you shut up before I make you." I say and get in her face. "Try me." She says and I take that as a challenge. I punch her and she falls down. "Done." Reggie goes to lunge at me and the guy I locked eyes with goes to stop him but I hold the Serpent back. "He's not worth it." I say and he nods. "Everybody get to class. Rose, my office now." WetherBee says and I nod. I make my way to his office and sit down in a chair. "Rose Vanderbilt, that was very uncalled for." He starts. "It was also very uncalled for when Cheryl came down the stairs trying to trash talk the SouthSide." I add. He suspends me for a week and I leave school immediately.

Sweet Peas POV
Rose walks the other way and me, Toni, Fangs, and Jughead starting walking to class. "I can't believe she stood up for us like that." I say and Toni and Fangs nod. "I can. Rose has literally fought so many people for me and my dad. She seems really shy and everything else but trust me, she's not. She has a mouth, she has a fist, she has a mind. And they are all dangerous." Jughead states and looks at me. "She's basically a Serpent by blood." "No way." I say and Jughead nods. "She's been to the Wrym, she loves rattle snakes, the snakes love her. One of the older lady Serpents taught her the dance. The only reason she hasn't joined is because her dad is stupidly overprotective and doesn't want her to join the Serpents. I mean the only reason I was hesitant at first was because I know she'll get involved into the drugs that go around, and the alcohol, but she might not if someone could watch out for her." Jughead shrugs and me, Toni, and Fangs all stop and stare at him. "That cute little kitten would get involved in drugs and alcohol?" Toni asks. "First off, not a cute little kitten. Second off, heck yeah. Anything to get under my dads skin." Rose says and we all turn around and stare at her. "Well..." Jughead says and drags out the L. "I got suspended. But hey, I can stay for a little longer. If they want me to go they can fight me." She says and shrugs. Every word she says makes me fall even more for her. "So Rose," I say putting my bad guy face back on. "What makes you think you can just, walk up to us Serpents and be besties with us right off the bat?" I ask and smirk. She walks up to me and gets in my face. "What makes you think you can come to this school and already have power over anyone? What makes you think you can talk to me the way you just did? What makes you think I can't do whatever I want just because you are Serpents?" She snaps back with venom in every word. I tense up. She did not just talk to me like that. Fangs puts his hand on my shoulder and I push it off harshly. "Talk to me like that again, see what happens." I say getting closer. "Talk to me, like that again, and you will see what happens sweetheart. I am not afraid to get my snakes on you. They listen to me and me only so I wouldn't talk to me the way you are anymore." She threatens. I glare at her, she glares back at me. "Toni. Take her away from me before I do something I regret." I growl and Toni starts over to her but Rose holds a hand up. "Don't bother. I was just leaving. See ya around Sweet Pea." She winks and walks out of the school. "How did she know my name?" I ask Jughead. "Her dad is Tallboy." Jughead says and looks down. My eyes go wide and I look back at the doors she walked out of.

Roses POV
"Don't bother. I was just leaving. See ya around Sweet Pea." I say and wink. I walk out the doors leaving him dumbfounded. I get on my motorcycle and drive to the knife store. "I'll take the best medium sized one you have." I say to the guy at the register looking at my snake rapped around my hand. He nods and grabs the knife, slides it across the counter and I grab it and walk out. I drive my bike back to Riverdale and point out Sweet Peas motorcycle. I grab the knife and carve out 'Don't mess with me.' On the side of his bike. I look at the time and see it's 2:58 pm. Oh I'm waiting to see his reaction. When the two minutes go by and him and his squad walk out of school they all head to his bike. His eyes go wide and he turns around, I'm pretty easy to spot with my snake climbing around my neck and chest and my knife in my hand. His eyes are full of anger and he storms over to me. "Hi." I say and smirk. "Why did you do that to my bike!?!" He yells not getting to close seeing my knife and snake. I shrug. "You needed to be taught a lesson. No one messes with this Serpent." I say pulling up my sleeve showing my tattoo. He stares up at me in shock. "You are gonna regret this." He warns. "Or..I could ya know...not." I say and walk towards my bike. I get on and drive to the Wrym.

Sweet Peas POV
"You are gonna regret this." I warn. "Or..I could ya know...not." She says and walks back to her bike. She drives off and I walk back over to my friends trying not to think about killing her. "She got you good bro." Fangs says and I glare at him.

*Two Weeks Later*
(Summary: Toni and Fangs convinced Rose and Sweet Pea to hang out. Rose and Sweet Pea, being their stubborn selves, denied at first, but after a while of talking, they decided to give it a try. So, at the moment, they are at Sweet Peas place, on opposite sides of the couch, watching Beauty and the beast.)
Roses POV
"Beauty and the beast," The teapot sings as the beast and Bell dance on the ballroom floor. I smile, this is one of my favorite movies. The moral of the movie is so sweet and loving. It means you can fall in love with anyone you want, and that there are no boundaries for love. I check the time on my phone, 11:36 pm. I yawn and thrown my phone down beside me. "Tired?" Sweet Pea asks. I look at him, "Yeah." I sink into the couch a little more. "You want me to take you back to Toni's?" He asks and pauses the movie. "But the couch is so comfy." I whine. "I know. I loved it when I bought it, got it for a really good deal." He smiles. "So you do smile?" I smirk. "Yeah, yeah. Don't get used to it." I roll my eyes playfully. "I'll call Toni and tell her to pick me up." I say, grabbing my phone. "Don't." He grabs my phone and tosses it beside him. "Hey!" I exclaim. "No. Movies not over yet." He hits play on the movie. I glare at him but then, remembering how cozy the couch is, lay down and stretch my feet across his lap. He looks over at me but I keep my eyes on the movie. He stands up, grabs two blankets, lays one over me, sits down, puts my feet back on his lap, puts that blanket over himself and goes back to watching the movie. I smile and fluff up my pillow. I lay down and feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier. A few minutes later, I'm sound asleep.

Sweet Peas POV
I look over at Rose and see she's asleep. I smile and stand up. I fix the blanket on her and add the second one on top of her. It gets really cold at night and I don't want her to be uncomfortable. "Night Rose." I say and walk back to my bedroom. I lay down and cover up myself with several blankets. I hope she doesn't leave in the middle of the night. Maybe if I write her a note. I stand up and walk to my kitchen. I grab a pen and a piece of paper.


            If you wake up in the middle of the night you can just come to my room and sleep. I have more blankets and it's much more soft. If you don't you'll see this in the morning and, Good Morning :)

                          -Sweet Pea <3"
I lay the note on the counter and walk softly back to my room. I lay down and close my eyes. Soon, I'm fast asleep.

*3 am*
Rose POV
I wake up in total darkness, and it's freezing. I sit up and realize I'm still in Sweet Peas trailer. I walk into the kitchen and see a piece of paper on the counter. I read the note Sweet Pea left me and smile. I walk into his bedroom slowly. "Sweet Pea?" I whisper. He stirs a little but doesn't wake up. "Sweet Pea." I whisper a little louder. "Rose?" He whispers and sits up. "I just um..woke up and saw your note so I came in here." His eyes open and he slightly smiles as he scoots over. "Come on lay down." He offers and I lay down beside him. He pulls the covers over my shoulder. He lets his fingers linger on my shoulder before looking me in the eyes. My eyes flicker between his eyes and his lips and his eyes start to do the same. I can slowly feel myself leaning in and him doing the same. Sweet Pea finally closes the gap between by kissing my lips softly but passionately. I kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck. When we pull away, we just stare. Did I just kiss Sweet Pea? Did he just kiss me? After a few minutes I can barely hold my eyes open and I put my head on his chest. He kisses my head softly and strokes my hair. I fall asleep in his arms.

*The Next Morning*
Sweet Peas POV
I wake up and see a sleeping Rose in my arms. I smile. I remember the kiss we shared last night and just long to do it again. I shake her lightly and she sits up fast, panting and sweating. "Woah, woah. What's wrong?" I ask and hold her close. She starts to breathe slower till she can finally talk. "Just, I get scared easily and I have nightmares a lot." She sighs. I rub her shoulder and kiss it softly. "I've got you okay?" I say trying to reassure her. She nods. I put my finger under her chin and make her look up at me. I slowly lean in and kiss her lips. She kisses back and I pull away after a minute. "You wanna talk?" I ask. "Yeah. I mean..I think you should know anyway." I nod slightly confused. She stands up and walks into my living room. I follow her and we both sit on the couch, her ready to spill all, and me, completely unprepared.

Roses POV
I walk into the living room and sit on the couch. I take a deep breath, "So," I say on the exhale. "You know me as, Rose Vanderbilt. But that's not my real name. My real name is Y/N Y/L/N. I changed my name two years ago when I moved here because, where I used to live, people wanted me dead, I killed one of their own and i almost lost my life for it. So, when my parents found out, they um..kicked me out of their house, and I just walked and walked till I saw a sign." I slightly smile. "That sign lead me here. It lead me to the Serpents, it lead to me here, with you." I say and put a hand over his. He looks up at me in shock before engulfing me in a huge hug. I hug him back and sink into his chest. "But Sweets you have to know.. I live in fear everyday. Life is my own panic room." He stares at me in shock. He kisses me softly and pulls me closer. I kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls away and lays his forehead on mine. "I love you Y/N." He whispers softly. "I love you too Sweet Pea." I whisper back. Our time is interrupted by the door flinging open and Toni and Fangs walking in. Me and Sweet Pea pull away fast and I hear Sweet Pea lowly growl. "Sorry." Fangs says and sits down. I close my eyes and sigh. I look over at Fangs and see a familiar face that I've been overlooking for way too long. Fangs didn't want to kill me, but someone who looks just like him did, and still does. I stand up and run out of the house. Sweet Pea runs after me and I slip on the wet ground from where it came a downpour last night. He grabs me just in time and brings me close to his chest. I cry pull away from him and end up on the ground sobbing my eyes out. "Y/N." He says and bends down beside me. I look at him with teary eyes as the rain stars to pour again. "He looks just like the guy who wants to kill me!" I yell. "Who does!" He asks. "Fangs!" "Listen, Fangs won't hurt you! He can't! A Serpent never hurts its own!!" He extends a hand towards me and I take it. He helps me up and holds me close to his chest while I cry into him. "Lets go back inside." He offers and I nod slowly. When we walk back in, Toni and Fangs are staring, their eyes begging for an explanation. "Just tell them." I say and start walking back to his bedroom. I close the door behind me and lay down. Soon enough, I'm sleeping.

Sweet Peas POV
"Just tell them." Y/N says and walks back to my room. She closes the door and I sit on the couch. "So you guys know her as Rose Vanderbilt. Yeah that's not her name. Her name is Y/N Y/L/N. Back in her old town, she killed someone, and it almost got her killed. When her parents found out, the kicked her out. She walked all the way here till she found a sign. She said that sign lead her here, lead her to us, the Serpents, me. Fangs when she saw you today she had just opened up, so, you look like a guy who is trying to find her and kill her and she had learned to be able to be around you I guess but now she couldn't hold it in. Guys, you've got to understand, she lives in fear everyday of her life." I explain. "I'm gonna go wake her up and talk to her." I say and leave the two with their thoughts. I walk into my room and lay down beside her. "Y/N." I say, softly shaking her. She wakes up a bit and looks at me with pleading eyes. I put my hand on her waist and pull her closer before connecting our lips. She pulls away after a minute. "I love you Sweet Pea." She says against my lips. "I love you too." I say and she kisses me once again. I kiss back and slowly pull away.

🥂🎗The End🎗🥂

A/N: Oh my god. This took so longgggg ughhhh. I mean don't get me wrong I love it but like when it starts out as one idea...then changes mid story, then changes again to where I had to go back and delete stuff here, change this there. But the overall outcome is pretty good.

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