A/n: Paloma I am so insanely sorry this is so so late!! I just haven't been in the best mood lately. Thank you for being so patient!! 💕
"Paloma!!" Your brother jughead yelled as he ran up to hug you.
"Hey jug" you say laughing as you laugh at his excitement.
"Hey Paloma I don't know if you remember me ,I'm Betty; jughead's former friend now girlfriend" the blonde girl holds her hand out.
"Yes of course betts good to see you, jug this is the 21st century you couldn't have I don't know picked up the damn phone and called me. I mean I was in California, not somewhere in Europe" you say as you hug Betty.
"Well its a little hard to talk to you since I don't know what time zone you were in. not to mention it's exhausting solving murder mysteries" he jokingly says back.
"Well anyway nice to see you again Betty, to be honest I don't know why you're dating my idiot of a brother you're way too pretty and pretty much just better than him." Before you could say anything else, you were interrupted.
"Hey princess!" Your dad said loudly.
"Dad!" You yell as you run up to hug him.
"Hey So Paloma, why were you in California if your family lives here?" Betty asks.
"Oh well I was up at boarding school, got kicked out because I kinda in one way or another somehow told the dean to fuck off.." you explained.
"Alright lets get you home" your dad says.
*at the trailer*
You get back to the trailer and as you enter you see three people you don't know.
"You don't live here. How did you get in here? Who is you? WHAT YOUR NAME IS?!" You yell.
"Toni, we're all friends of your brother" Toni introduces herself.
"My brother has friends? How? How on earth did he get friends?" You ask making everyone laugh.
"He didn't I'm just here because all the good snacks are here" a tall scary looking boy says.
"Mood" you laugh before looking at who spoke. "And who are you tall dark and moody?" You ask
"Sweet pea" he says offering his hand out.
"Wow scary gang name sweet pea" you laugh taking his hand.
"I'm Fangs" Fangs reaches his hand out towards you.
"Now That is a scary gang name" you say taking his hand.
"Don't be fooled he's like an actual teddy bear" Toni laughs.
"And let me guess Sweet pea is the hardcore the world did me dirty typical gang type?" You ask looking around the room earning a nod from everyone in the room except sweet pea causing you to laugh.
"Now it was nice to meet all of you but really all I want to do is eat some of those good snacks sweet pea was telling me about and go to bed sooo good night everyone" you say before heading to the kitchen and getting a bag of Doritos and heading to the only room in the trailer.
"Why did I expect something different from her? All she does is eat and sleep" jughead scoffs and shakes his head. your dad laughing as he puts his hand on jug's shoulder.
"Oh come on jug she's probably just tired from her flight" Betty says trying to get jughead to be nice.
"No betty, you don't know my little sister. Paloma literally never does anything ever" jughead says laughing.
"Well we'll need to change that" Toni says eyeing fangs and sweet pea with a smirk.
"yeah good luck with that" your dad smirks
"now everybody who doesn't live here or isn't dating someone who lives here.. just get out of my home"
*the next day*
"RISE AND SHINE BITCHES!!" You hear someone slam your front door open.
"Toni what the fuck" You hear your brother groan. You groan yourself and throw the covers off yourself. Getting out of bed, You walk like a zombie into the living room/ kitchen.
"What the fuck is happening?" You ask.
"Good morning to you too sunshine" you hear a males voice that did not belong to your brother. Looking up, you see Toni, fangs and sweet pea in your kitchen.
"Do you have pants on?" Fangs asks you. You look down and remember you were wearing your dad's oversized shirt.
"Yes I'm wearing pants fangs" you laugh and lift the shirt up slightly to show him you were wearing pj shorts.
"So, who's shirt is that?" Sweet pea asked from the table, you look over to him to see him put a spoonful of cereal into his mouth, his jaw clenched.
"It's my dad's why?" You question squinting your eyes. Before he can respond Toni interrupts.
"Doesn't matter just get your swimsuits on both of you, we're taking you somewhere" Toni said with a smirk. Jughead quickly gets his swim trunks and goes to the bathroom. You get out a black and white pokadot bikini, a white crop top and high waisted jean shorts. You pull your hair into a ponytail. You leave the bedroom to see everyone waiting for you.
"Okay we all got our own bikes so Paloma you can ride on sweet peas bike" Toni says with a smirk. You shrug as Toni turns to exit the trailer.
"I'm surprised you don't have your own bike" Sweet pea says as you lift your leg to straddle the bike.
"Why?" You ask. He turns his head to the side.
"You know your dads the leader of a gang and your brother has one.." he says trailing off.
"Well I have been at boarding school for the last 8 years. I could really only visit during Christmas."
"Why were you even going to boarding school anyway?" Sweet pea asked.
"Because when I was younger I got into so much trouble my grandparents offered to pay the tuition just to make me learn to behave" you laugh.
"And did you learn to behave?" Sweet pea asked.
"No" you scoffed
"you're kinda a Badass" Sweet pea smirks before starting the bike.
He takes off and your arms wrap around his waist tight. As you feel the wind on your face and in your hair, you smile.
"So where are we going?!" You yell over the wind.
"You'll see" sweet pea smirks and speeds up the bike, your grip on him instantly tightens.
"Come on sweet pea!" You whine
"We're gonna have our hands full with you aren't we" sweet pea says after sighing loudly.
"Yep. Now tell me where we're going" you demand.
"No need we're here" sweet pea says as his bike pulls up on a cliff. the four older serpents turn off their bikes.
"Paloma, jughead, welcome to the quarry." Toni says getting off her bike.
"How have I never been here?" Jughead asks
"Because Jones you're too busy solving crimes with the rest of your Scooby doo gang." Sweet pea laughs.
"That is the perfect way to describe them" Toni laughs.
"Oh fuck off" jughead rolls his eyes making everyone laugh harder.
"Last one in has to take out the garbage at the wyrm" Fangs shouts, running to the edge of the cliff as he rips his shirt off, the two boys following behind him.
"Boys" you roll your eyes
"Nope just those boys" Toni laughs.
You and Toni didn't feel like going in right away so you just say and talked.
"Seems like sweet pea has a thing for you" Toni says smirking.
"And why do you say that?" You ask.
"Because of how he reacted to you wearing your dads shirt. He got so jealous when he thought it was another guys" Toni laughs at the memory.
"He doesn't even know me" you laugh
" you're hot and funny, how much more does it really take for a guy to be interested in a girl?" Toni questions
"A lot more, plus you're a lot hotter than I am, maybe he has a thing for you" you put out there.
"Paloma, you don't understand. Sweet pea is my best friend, has been for years and plus" Toni says "I'm way more into girls anyway" she finishes whispering the last part.
"ARE YOU TWO GONNA COME IN OR WHAT?!" You hear Fangs yell from the water. The both of you laugh before you see two soaking wet figures come up from the side laughing. Your eyes meet Toni's and you both realize what's about to happen. Before you can react, sweet pea picks you up bridal style and throws you into the water, doing a front flip into the water himself right after. You looked at your brother and gave him the evil glare and he knew what to do. Every time you two wanted to play a prank on either your parents or your younger sister jelly bean, you would give each other a certain look. Once jughead sees the look he yells out as you pretend to drown.
"Oh my god!" Sweet pea yells worried as he swims over. Once he gets to you, you and jughead place your hands on his head and dunk him in the water. The rest of the day was spent with the five of you playing in the water and just hanging out of the rocks.
"Hey guys I'm gonna head over to Betty's, I'll see you guys later. Sweet pea make sure my little sister gets home safe please!" Jughead asks
" I promise" Sweet pea nods.
"Yeah we gotta get going too, it's getting late, you guys coming?" Fangs asks.
"Nah I'll just see you guys tomorrow" sweet pea says.
"See you guys later" you semi yell to them as they walk to their bikes.
"So should I take you home?" Sweet pea asked once you were all alone.
"Nooo not yet" you whined.
"Honestly I was just asking to be polite it is late and if I was out late at night with you both FP and jughead would actually kill me so unfortunately you have no choice" Sweet pea says (imagine him making the face Jim halpert always made)
"Fuck" you mumble before reluctantly getting up. "I honestly hate how obedient you are with my father" you laugh as you and sweet pea walk to his bike.
"Yeah yeah yeah Paloma just get on" he says rolling his eyes.
Sweet pea drops you off home where you're met with your dad sitting on the couch.
"And she's finally home" your dad says getting up "where were you?" He asks.
"I was with my friends dad calm down"
"What friends? You've been home not even a day" FP asks confused
"I was at the quarry with jughead, Toni, Fangs, and sweet pea" you say shrugging.
"Doing what?" He asked
"Just hanging out, we swam a little bit and talked" you said. FP nodded.
*the next morning*
You woke up to rustling in the kitchen.
"The fuck is going on?" You asked
"I'm going to the wyrm, wanna come?" He asked
"Sure why not" you say before going back into the room to get dressed.
*at the wyrm*
"Well well long time no see" Toni said as you entered the bar.
"Hey Toni" you laughed.
"Want something to drink?" She asked
"No she doesn't" FP says before heading upstairs.
"So what did you and sweet pea do after we left?" Toni asked with a smirk.
"He just took me home" you laugh.
"Hey Paloma!" Fangs yells. You look over to see fangs and sweet pea coming over to you and Toni.
"Hey guys" you laugh. After a little while of talking you hear a voice behind you.
"Damn baby I've never seen you here before"
You look behind you and see a group of serpents your age.
"That's because I don't hang out with immature assholes" you say sassily.
"Come on baby don't be like that" one boy says.
"Hey newbies get away from my girl" sweet pea says getting defensive.
"Oh fuck sorry man, we didn't know" the first boy said.
"I don't care just leave" sweet pea hisses.
"Thank you for that" you said turning to sweet pea once the boys were gone.
"No problem" he smiles down at you.
You and the other three serpents stay silent for a little bit.
"Soooo your girl?" You ask smirking up at sweet pea.
"Would you be?" He asks. He was more quiet than usual and seemed really nervous.
"Yes of course sweet pea. It's so cute how nervous you were asking by the way" you giggle.
"Now how are we gonna tell my dad and brother?" you laugh nervously.
"Fuck I forgot about that" sweet pea groans before laughing.
A/n: I'm so sorry this is so late and I'm so sorry it sucks so bad!!
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