Whatever a Slendyman does (ch 4)

Slendyman Slendyman.
Does whatever a slendyman does.
Kicks a tree, stubs a toe.
Watch ouuuut!
Here comes the Slendymannn.

(I honestly don't know so don't even ask...)

Your POV:

I gasp and am out of my chair before I even know it. I look around and see that I am in my 2nd class with everyone staring at me.

I sheepishly sit back down and can feel my cheeks burning a bright color. Wait... How did I get here? Wait so all of that WAS just a dream... Oh thank doggos... wait... That is perfect! I'mma say that from now on instead of God! Wait why? uhh... I don't actually know...

I quickly shake away the weirdness and start on my work only to see that it is all almost done. How the actual fuck did this happen...? What all happened while I was out?? Well. You fell asleep so I thought hey you need yo sleep so I let you guys sleep then I took us to the next class while you guys were asleep and, yeah. You are welcome. "Oh..." So it WAS all just a dream. Yes good! I was worried that we were gonna die.

I took a breath then pretended to do my work while my voice caught me up on the stuff so I could actually do the work.

~time skip b/c you probably don't wanna read about homework. I mean I totally would love to talk bout math and shiz, but no.~

~magical time skip all the
way to the car, brought to you by, cute baby pic of Smile Dog~

Once the sound of freedom (aka the bell) is heard I grab my bag and rush to the doors.

Once I get to my car I unlock it and just sit down and get caught up on all the notifications on my phone. Uhm... There is a text from an unknown number... I go and check it out.

(U/n) = unknown number
(Y/n) = you... Ya know what I mean!
(F/n) =friend's name....

Sent at 3:13

(U/n) :
meet me in the woods at 4pm.


Sorry bud but you got the wrong number

(U/n) :
I am pretty sure I got the right #.

Ok then.What is my name if you are so sure.

(U/n) :
Easy. (Y/n)

Last name too.

(U/n) :

: (Y/n)
Ok. Who are you

(U/n) :
Come to the woods
and you'll find out~

It is probably just my friends trying to prank me. Look I'll call them to prove it! I call the number and wait for someone to pick up. What if it is a stranger! "I'll be fine"

The person answers the phone. I speak first, "(f/n) stop messing with me. I know it's you. Gosh sometimes I wonder why we are even friends. Like for real this isn't even funny. You know how I am, you can't do this kind of stuff." I stop and wait for a response.

All I hear is heavy breathing in the phone. Hahahahaha! Oh this will be good! "Sh!" I huff once I realized that I said that out loud. "Uhhg. Ok who da heck is this then? Someone trying to pull a prank on the weird kid or something?"

The breathing stops. I speak "so uh... Is this supposed to be scary or something?.... Uhg whatever." I hung up on them. Weird Lil fucker I put my phone down and start driving home.

(U/n) sent a text message:
you shouldn't have done that...

~time skip brought to you by
an angry Jeff stuck in an air vent.

Home sweet fucked up home. How I missed you so!~ I go to the sink to start doing the dishes, I go to play my favorite song but I see a text message from Random Guy. Wait I mean The Unknown McWeirdo McCreep!

I read it out loud "You shouldn't have done that... Hm. Well I guess they didn't like that I hung up on em. Well guess what McWeirdo McCreep I don't care that you broke your elbow!"

I started to laugh while I reply "Marry excuse my potty mouth, SHUT THE FUCK UP!" To McWeirdo McCreep

I then go to my music app and start playing my favorite song while doing the dishes.

~time skip brought to you by
A LJ choking on a piece of candy
"Cough cough cough 👍"~

Once I finally finished my chores I went to my room and checked my phone to see if the guy texted back.
He didn't. Fine then! Geez. Respect the drip Karen! You is so ruuuude... ♪why you gotta be so rude!♪ Heh. Ok now. What time is it' I look at the time on my phone to see that it is 4:43pm.

Hm... Wasn't there supposed to be something I had to do at 4...? Hm well if you can't remember then it probably wasn't even that important. You were supposed to meet with McWeirdo McCreep... Oh yeaaaaahhh!!! Meh, I don't wanna. What if it was something important though? What if the person was just gonna kill us? I highly doubt that. No one ever kills cuz that's bad... How would you know? You don't watch the news and you don't really pay attention to notice if anyone is died. Oh yeah... Hm

"Well if someone died then... RIP. I don't really care that much I think I'll be fine. If someone tries to kill me... I mean, I'll just kill them first! Ha easy!" How would you know? "Uh... I don't...... Ah i don't knowwww. I just know that when I go down I'm going down with a fight!" Yeah! We chew ass and kick gum! Wait a minute. I mean suck ass and kick dick! Yeah! And we're all out of ass.

"Heh we truly are crazy. Anyways! What should we do now?.. We should go on a nice walk! Nah, that sounds boring. Ok! We are going on a walk. It will be fun!" and with that I am off on an adventure! Not really. I just go and grab a water then go out to the woods behind my house.

Ah~ now this is relaxing. This is amazing. The beautiful songs the birds and the winds make for any and everyone. It is amazing! But... the weirdo told us to met them in the woods...what if we see them here?..

"You are crazy. I highly doubt that they meant these woods."
But what if they did mean these woods... What if they are a freaky serial killer and kills us! We should head back. "Stop being so paranoid and just enjoy the freaking walk! Gosh, you are worst than the basic white chicks in horror films." Ha! Now that is funny! Uhhhg why you so mean! "Ok guys go back to being quite please"

McWeirdo McCreep's POV:

Ha! She's a memestr! Now I wanna watch that video.... Ye I'mma watch it again.'

~A few moments later~

"Hahaha! Oh fuck that never gets old! Haha! Ok ok ok. Now. What was I doing again?... Oh yeah! Looking threw the woods. ♪ Lookin threw the woods. Lookin threw looking threw lookin threw da woods! ♪"

~a few more moments later~

Your POV:


Frick! That scared me. Ok it's. Probably just an animal or something. I stop walking and go to sit under a tree. Wouldn't an animal make more nose? Yeah wouldn't that spook the animal away? Shit it's the McWeirdo McCreep! They are here! Fuck they are gonna kill us then we will be dead again! Wait.... Again? Uhhhh.... Ignore that. But we gonna die. Just shoosh. I listen for more noise but that mean you gotta be quite!

I hold very still and just listen, I don't hear anything and I get up.

I sigh and trun around. I took two steps then I heard my phone ring. I quickly check to see who it is, "McWeirdo McCreep" I whisper to myself. I answer it only to hear nothing. Ok I'm getting a lil freaked out now I take a breath then huff "hello?" I ask with a little bit of anger in my voice I hate being scared. This is all probably just a freaking prank. I hear nothing. I huff again and start getting paranoid, I look around casually trying to act cool.


The person then hung up on me and I said "uh! Rude!" I put away my phone and start heading back home.

Then I stop. I hear the sound of rushing water. Sounds like a stream is nearby... cool. I shake away the thought of checking it out and keep heading home until I hear something. It sounds like someone drownding. I sigh and turn around and start jogging to the source of the sound.


Hello! This chapter's question is;

What are your top 5 favorite songs and your top 3 favorite singers/bands!

As always you don't have to answer!

I hope if you are reading this that you are enjoying the story! I am very insecure about my writings... Well in this case typings heh... Ok yeah I'll stop now...

1541 words

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