Evan and Jessica were talking about what he done at filming earlier that day while the kids were watching TV as Jessica's head looked down at their kids.
"Someone asked me if I wanted to have more children today on set." Evan said as Jessica looked at him.
"Who?" Jessica questioned.
"Some nosy press journalist." He said as the kids looked at their parents.
"Mommy, I want a baby sister." Paisley said as Jessica smirked.
"Sweetheart, mommy can't have anymore kids. I mean, imagine if that were possible and at my age." Jessica said.
"Mommy, you love babies like us." Grayson said.
"I do sweetheart but mommy is way past the age I could have another baby, plus you have three sisters and a brother who love you so much." Jessica said as she got up to check on dinner.
"Kids, daddy is going to go see if mommy needs any help." Evan said as he got up and walked into the kitchen and seen Jessica stir the soup in the pot.
"Evan, do you want another child?" Jessica asked him.
"I do but Jess, but do you want to have another baby?" Evan asked her.
"I do but honey, I can't have another child because do know how old I am? Carrying a child full term at my age would be dangerous and close to impossible." Jessica said.
"Then, what if we got a surrogate mother?" Evan asked.
"I don't feel comfortable with another woman having your child, I mean if I were younger, I would be trying to have your baby but that'll never happen, no matter how bad we want it to happen." Jessica said as she wiped a few tears as Evan held her.
"Do you want to adopt again?" He asked.
"I'm happy with our children we have now, I mean I miss those days of being pregnant and having my children but we have two children who need us more because they weren't so blessed with love from their biological parents." Jessica said as she smiled at the sight of her two youngest watching TV together and getting along.
"I just don't want you to think about what that journalist will say, I mean they lie about everything people read in the supermarket tabloids." Evan said.
"I'm fine honey, I mean I never pay any mind to what they might think. If they were to print that I'm pregnant tomorrow, then let them but it's not true. We have fans who know how old I am and knows how impossible getting pregnant at my age is and loves us and apparently ships us, whatever that means and will believe us over them and whatever lies they make up." Jessica said.
"I just don't want you to be passing by the rack of tabloids with one with our faces on it and it say something like 'Jessica Lange pregnant' or something along that line." Evan said.
"Maybe in another universe, we'll have a child together but in this one, we can't." Jessica said.
"I know and honestly, I'm happy with the children we do have. We have five amazing kids, plus two grandchildren and life is good." Evan said.
"It's crazy that you're so welcoming to being a second grandfather to Adah and Ilse, as weird as it might sound to some people, they love you." Jessica said as he sat down with Jessica on his lap.
"I'm happy to be married to you, a second father to Shura, Walker and Hannah. Along with being a second grandfather to Adah and Ilse as well as being a father to Grayson and Paisley." Evan said as Jessica started kissing his neck.
"You make me very happy and if me and you are happy, our children are happy." Jessica said.
"You know, I thought about this one day and I wonder if I had ever had kids before we got together, I wonder what they would have looked like." Evan said.
"I couldn't have seen you having a child with your ex, I mean I love you but she put you through a lot." Jessica said as she got up to stir the soup.
"You're right but at one time, I did love her and I wanted to marry her but now, I would never ask for anyone better than the lady standing in front of me." Evan said.
"Sweetheart, we both have loved other people. We can't change who we've loved in the past." Jessica said.
"I know we can't." Evan said.
"I mean, I got married to the first man I met in Paris when I was in my twenties and then, I got into acting, we divorced and after that, met Shura's father, Mikhail, a wonderful dancer, got pregnant, had her when I was just starting to become someone people I guess looked up to and then, met Sam, we got engaged and then, got pregnant with Walker and Hannah and after, we just realized we weren't working after almost half our lifetimes together and ended things." Jessica said.
"Was this before or after you joined American Horror Story?" Evan asked.
"I believe it was before the first season, I loved getting back to work even if I played a character with a few flaws." Jessica said.
"I miss seeing you on the set, so does Sarah but you never know what Ryan has up his sleeve and I can't wait to see what character you might make an appearance as." Evan said.
"You really like that I played a mother who did some of the things I did in the show?" Jessica asked.
"I mean, I totally had feelings for you but then, I got told you were playing my mother and I got weirded out by that so I waited for the next season and I was flirting with you one day and you slapped me." Evan said.
"I'm sorry honey, but I just didn't know what to do. It had been so long since a man flirted with me and that was my first instinct." Jessica said.
"Well, I guess after my genitals flashed you, we were even. Although you went and complained to Ryan." Evan said.
"Well, I'm used to it now. I mean, imagine if Ryan and Brad wanted us together before that. I mean, it would have been fine if you had more time to cover up but we only have so long to get ready." Jessica said.
"If they could only see what we do when we're in bed, like I think we'd make a perfect couple for an American Horror Story storyline." Evan said.
"Honey, I did my time on there but now, we have children and I love spending my time taking pictures and photography is my passion, next to taking of our children and acting." Jessica said.
"Maybe we could watch a few episodes tonight before we go to bed?" Evan questioned.
"That sounds like a terrible idea." Jessica said.
"Or we could make love?" Evan whispered in her ear.
"That sounds like a great idea." Jessica said.
"Good, now let me cook and you go relax with our kids." Evan said as Jessica kissed him.
"Sounds good." Jessica said.
"I love you sweetheart." Evan said.
"I love you too babe." Jessica said as she walked into the living room and sat down to watch TV while their kids were coloring.
Later on that night, Evan and Jessica tucked their children in and read them both a story to fall asleep but the kids were just not budging as they tried everything but nothing worked.
"I don't understand why they won't go to sleep, I mean it's now eight o'clock and I'm tired, on top that, I have a busy day tomorrow." Jessica said as she stood near the dryer where she put Grayson's blanket, he won't sleep without it, in to dry because she had to wash it after he spilled milk all over it before bed.
"Once we give Grayson his blanket and I go give Paisley a hug and a kiss, we'll turn on their night lights on and head to bed." Evan said.
"I have to be at the studio really early to go over the new episode of Feud. Ryan wants me and Susan to rehearse together and I want to nail my part and I can't do that with little to no sleep." Jessica said as she yawned, making Evan yawn too.
"I know, but why don't you go on to bed and I'll take care of the kids so that way you sleep well and not be so tired in the morning?" Evan questioned as Jessica kissed him.
"Sounds great honey, thank you." Jessica said as she went into Grayson's room to give him a kiss.
"Mommy, where's my blanket?" He asked.
"It's still in the dryer baby, mommy has to get up early in the morning and go to work, so I'm going to bed and daddy will give your blanket and turn on your night light." Jessica said as Grayson looked at her and frowned.
"I want you mommy." Grayson said as he crawled up in her lap and put his head on her chest.
"C'mon, let's go see daddy." Jessica stood up from his bed and carried him over to Evan but that caused Grayson to get fussy.
"I don't want daddy." Grayson clung tightly to Jessica as Evan was trying to make him let go of her.
"Buddy, mommy has to get up early and go to work, now let go of her." Evan said as Jessica put Grayson in his arms and walked off when Grayson started crying and screaming.
"Grayson, you'll see mommy tomorrow. She's tired and neeps sleep just like you, now let's wait until you blanket dries and we'll get you tucked in." Evan said as Grayson cried louder and trying to get out of Evan's arms as he screamed.
"I WANT MOMMY!" Grayson cried as Jessica had enough as she flung the door open.
"Evan, just for tonight, let him sleep with us. He won't let you get him to sleep and my patience is worn thin." Jessica said as Evan huffed knowing Jessica always gave in when it came to the kids.
"You said that last time, he needs to sleep in his own bed Jessica." Evan said as Jessica closed her eyes.
"Evan, I'm not in the mood to argue. Just bring Grayson to me and when his blanket is dry, bring it to me before you go to say good night to our daughter." Jessica said as Evan walked over to her and put Grayson in her arms and walked away as she shut the door, putting Grayson on her side where she laid down beside of him as he calmed down and Jessica fell asleep.
After Grayson's blanket dried, Evan took into the bedroom where he was cuddled up on his side against Jessica's chest as he put the blanket over his lower half and walked away quietly, trying not to wake them up.
When he got to Paisley's room, she was asleep as he kissed her head and turned out her lamp and switched on her butterfly night light and walked back to his and Jessica's bedroom.
He walked to the bathroom to brush his teeth and get in his pajamas as he turned out the light and nearly collapsed into bed with exhaustion as he turned the other way to avoid waking Jessica and Grayson, who was lightly snoring.
He thought about earlier when they were talking about children and he was happy that Jessica didn't want to have anymore kids after the tantrum Grayson had, he couldn't imagine wanting another child as he fell asleep and dreamed of his blonde haired goddess.
Author's Note: I hope you enjoy all the updates! Trying not to go too long without writing. I'm making up for the times I wanted to update but didn't because of work, life etc.
Anyway, enjoy! ❤️
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