Onwards and Over

Sweet Dispositions

-Chapter 11-
Onwards and Over

October 11th. Night.


It was when she got escorted to the bathroom. She washed and clothed. As she stepped out of the bathroom, Mitsuyo whirled around with loads of towels and blankets.

Wanting to help, Hinata said, "Natsukawa-san? May I help you?"

Mitsuyo nodded and handed some towels to Hinata. "Thank you, dear," she said.

Hinata quite liked being called 'dear,' although she knows that it was just a speech tick that Mitsuyo has. Hinata's never been called 'dear,' so many times in a day. It reminded her of what parents were supposed to be like.

Hinata shook away those thoughts. She couldn't be wondering about things that weren't meant to be. It was impossible.

Mitsuyo turned and opened a closet. It was a cabinet for towels and an assortment of colored blankets. Why she had so many was a puzzle.

Mitsuyo took some towels more out. Too many...

This was too much. Sasuke didn't like a warm place during the night because he overheated. They didn't need this many blankets.

"Oh, Natsukawa-san? Uchiha-san and I do not require so many blankets," Hinata said, hoping to catch the attention of the woman.

"Tut tut," Mitsuyo said, not paying attention to Hinata at all. "What did you say, dear?"

Hinata just looked away because she was distracted by the sight of Sasuke.

"Ah, the bozu. She's out of the bathroom, you could stop with the stalking," Mitsuyo said.

Hinata's eyes look up at Sasuke, confused. Stalking?

Oh. Him. The stalker...

He leaned on the wall, bored. Then he gave her the look that said they needed to talk.

Fine. Fine. Fine, Hinata thought.

She looked at the weight of the towels in her arms and suddenly was interested in the softness of it. "I'll be ready in twenty minutes. Then we could talk," she said as she tried to pass Sasuke.

He stepped in front of her. She sought to sidestep him but he barred her.

"Uchiha-san? What are you... doing?" she questioned.

"This is karma," he said in that usual languid tone.

She almost wanted to sigh. It kind of was karma. In that Izakaya... all those weeks so when she stopped him from leaving the room.

"I get the vibes that you're still pissed at me, huh." Sasuke shrugged.

"Well... you are not wrong," she said quietly.

"What about the lack of disagreements deal?" Sasuke asked.

"That isn't communication... we must deal with the problem," she tried to step away from him.

He followed in her steps. "This isn't either, right?" he said.

"You lied to me, Uchiha-san. That isn't easily forgivable, not really..."

"I lied for you. I don't ask for your forgiveness. You're my responsibility and it was best," he said.

Hinata huffed. "Can we talk about this later? I have to give these to Natsukawa-san."

Sasuke looked down at her forearms long time.

Oh. He wouldn't-

Sasuke swiped half of the folded towels and held them high in the air.

Sasuke and Hinata stood there, looking at each other for a mere three seconds.

Oh. You've gotta be kidding, Uchiha. Seriously?

He put on that ridiculous smirk that made her mad. He kept the towels well up above her head. His smugness screamed that she was too small and he was too tall.

"That was a low blow," Hinata crossed her arms. "You... Uchiha-san... Can I please have it?"

"Hn," he said. "No."

She jumped up, attempting to get to the towels. "Uchi-ha-san- give me those towels!

"Let me think about it," he replied, watching her struggle. "No."

She huffed before settling in front of him. "I have to give Natsukawa-san the blankets."

"You mean we have to give them in."

Hinata tilted her head. "Ano, Uchiha-san... I do not understand."

He turned around with her blankets and walked along. "Are you coming along?"

She paused and approached him. She nodded then went by his side.

"You're playing a dangerous game, Uchiha," she said.

He chuckled. She'll probably always go with him. He eventually gave her a towel.


After they delivered the towels to Mitsuyo (she was going to wash them along with Hinata's cloak and Sasuke's poncho), Sasuke went to bed early.

Hinata was inspected by Mitsuyo; taking pills, other substances, supplements and different types of medicines. Mitsuyo inspected Hinata's stomach and made Hinata lists of what to work on. Hinata knew what was to be expected but it was nice to be taken care of like this.

Hinata was impressed with everything Mitsuyo offered for her health. Mitsuyo was unimpressed with the scars Hinata garnered. Hinata was destined to have leftover scars from her dangerous years.

Hinata noticed that her stomach was... a bit curved and convexed. She poked her stomach, under Mitsuyo's glaring lamp light, her skin was pasty. It dazzled her, at the same time terrorizing her.

Aside from barfing and going to the bathroom every two minutes, she didn't look pregnant. What a sweet sign of what's to come. Hinata wanted to tell Sakura and Ino... She really wanted to but they weren't there.

Sasuke and Hinata convened in the hallway. It was time to sleep, and Hinata didn't know whether or not to sleep with Sasuke or by herself.

Mitsuyo watched as they lasted there, awkward without much to say. Hinata was the one who was awkward and Sasuke had nothing to say.

"Eh, Sasuke what are you waiting for?" Mitsuyo questioned.

Sasuke gave Hinata a pointed look, putting on his natural expression of impassivity. "Nothing," he said.

Then Sasuke turned around and shut the door to his room.

Now's their chance to talk! Hinata backed away slowly, preceding in the direction of Sasuke's room.

"It seems as though I will be turning in. Thank you... Natsukawa-san. For all that you've done, we three appreciate it," Hinata laughed awkwardly.

Mitsuyo scowled.

Hinata turned and headed for the room that seemed to be the most appealing; Sasuke's.

"My dear, Hina. You will be staying in this room," Mitsuyo pointed to the room three doors away from Sasuke's.

Hinata wanted to be in Sasuke's room. "But I-"

An arguement went on for two minutes then Mitsuyo screeched: "If another baby is made in the oven under this roof, I'll surely send you off to my sister's house and lock you with the miserable wench."

Hinata believed people shouldn't dislike their siblings because Hanabi was darling. They didn't really talk but still, Hinata loved her sister so.

"You have a sister? She lives in Kumo?" Hinata blinked.

"My sister is what the devil would run away from because she is the thing that kids have in their nightmares..."

"Do you both... visit each other?" Hinata asked, hopeful.

"After I had children, we never got along," Mitsuyo shrugged.

That struck a chord in Hinata. Hinata never thought about what leaving would do to all the relationships with the people she cared about. Would... Hanabi hate Hibata for having one kid? That made Hinata nauseous.

"Oh... Well... I'll go to bed, then," Hinata gulped, thinking about Hanabi's face.

It wasn't preferable to be sent to another room than Sasuke's at night. Until he came along, Hinata was used to sleeping alone.

They slept in the same bed, they seldom stayed up talking or reading. They didn't have sex. They rightly fell asleep like if a brother and sister had to sleep in the same bed. Hinata has her side and Sasuke has his side. The last thing she wanted to do was need it, so she slept.


October 12th. Morning.

Hinata got a tour of the house just before breakfast.

They sat at the low table in the living room. Silently, they both drank tea. Hinata was habituated to eating herbs and berries for breakfast. There were a lot more options now; biscuits, vegetables, eggs, rice, and milk. This was a delight but Hinata felt too nervous to eat.

Mitsuyo watched Hinata. "What is your real name?"

Hinata freed her mouth to lie but the woman said, "Do not lie. Eventually- you must trust me."

Hinata avoided the woman's gaze. "It's Hyuuga Hinata..."

"Hinata... as in the weak heir of the Hyuuga clan?"

"I am not weak nor am I the heir of the Hyuuga," Hinata countered defensively.

"Ah. I spoke to your otousan years ago. Man was callous and our meetings were unpleasant. A perfectionist with ideas that couldn't be cured with any amount of skill," Mitsuyo said.

Hinata looked away, knowing what she spoke of.

"He wounded you, didn't he?" Mitsuyo leaned in.

"He has never laid a finger on me," Hinata whispered.

"There are different kinds of wounds and he scarred your heart. That would taint how you see yourself forever," she looked at Hinata very closely. "You're not different from him 'cause pockets of turmoil hidden within your soul. Children shouldn't die with hearts chock-full of hate and malice. I know you won't but unless someone does something about Sasuke... he will."

"You know about us. Why did you say yes to taking care of all three of us?" Hinata patted her stomach.

"Before you're misty-eyed... soft, I didn't do this for you. Your child's extremely valuable to Konoha and Sasuke," Mitsuyo replied. "To an orphan, family is more precious to them than you would ever know. He is precariously unforthcoming when it comes to his feelings. However, you are different. I can staple everything that's on your mind.'

"I'm practically the opposite of Uchiha-san..."

"You and he are reckoned to be like ying and yang; opposites yet they cannot be without the other... like order and chaos. If you try hard enough, you'll know what he thinks. He is simple like all men," Mitsuyo explained softly. "When that child arrives... you'll have to know him r your family will fall apart."

"I know... the fundamentals."

"That's not enough. And you are incompetent with children."

"Hey!" Hinata protested before she realized that it wasn't... true but not entirely false. "Go... on."

"Have you ever cleaned after yourself? Have you ever cooked meals for you and your family? No, because you, a spoiled brat, got everything done for you your entire life."

"I've helped out!" protested Hinata.

"Probably not enough. You are going to be a mother. If men didn't have us, the world would be chaos. We are the protection, the role models and the order in the world. Most importantly, you're a parent- a provider at home."

"I'm not going to be that stay at home mother. I will be working," Hinata informed her.

"I understand. However, I'll teach you both how to be parents. You both know nothing. I want to change that and keep you safe," Mitsuyo huffed. "I arranged appointments while you slept. I will be editing your hideous outfit selections. Konoha has such senses of style that I do not understand."

"My clothes are decent," Hinata frowned.

Mitsuyo laughed. "For Konoha. Child, you are in Kumo. You stick out like a sore thumb, along with the bozu. It's embarrassing."

Hinata looked at her clothing, blushing.

"I am not a prune or one who advocates for old-style clothing. You do not blend with us. Your eyes are too noticeable. Your hair is too striking. Your clothes are too similar to the one worn in the fire country. You must change and adapt. Under my watch, you will be renewed and knowledgeable."

Oh. Okay. All of these personal attacks are making Hinata concerned. Why was Mitsuyo so rude? Hinata hasn't chosen to be here and yet she's taking the grunt of Mitsuyo's anger. This lecture shouldn't do on for this long either.

"Do you like anything about me?"

"No," she chuckled.

"Then why are you helping me?"

"You are a child in my eyes. Dramatic. Unpunished. Young. A child without affection, nurture or path. My job is to guide children through this harsh and unforgivable world. You will be looked after by me like every child should."

"Oh... Ano, thank you," Hinata said, oddly endeared.

"I don't favor the adults of your age... They are the ones I dislike the most. Children are why I live. I take care of the blooming like they're my own despite their upbringing, politics, and pasts. I can't do anything but help their future."

"Is that why you saved Uchiha-san?" she asked quietly.

"He was a lost, injured boy of darkness ready to be saved. I'm not playing Kami... I knew of his past, I didn't agree with it. He had nothing, no one and no place to go. I took mercy on family. His attitude makes me sick and he's no manners! He was stunted. He appealed to my heart... he was suffering. A suffering boy makes a man who's always in pain. No child of the earth should be carried to that level of misery,"

"Thank you for recognizing his pain..."

Mitsuyo waved her hand and the thanks she gave. "Bah! He was crushing my gardenias. And Hinata, why do you call him 'Uchiha-san'? You are past that stage, no?"

"Because I haven't been close enough to him to call him otherwise. I'm not familiar with him."

"Then stop waiting and do something but please do not fall for that duck-haired man," Mitsuyo said, chuckling into her tea.

Sasuke? Falling in love with Hinata? Impossible.

Hinata admonished the very existence of the possibility. She would never have his missing pieces, filling in his blanks. It made her laugh.

How could she fall in love with someone like Sasuke? He's unbelievably stoic and he doesn't know how to talk to people.

Hinata shuddered.

The topic made her uncomfortable, so she changed the subject. "Anyway, thank you for letting me stay. I would like to see... my home... The people I want to see the most."

"Fear of distance only happens to those who are in love and have those to love. If it's not the bozu, who is he?" Mitsuyo asked.

Hinata hid her face, turning the brightest of reds. That's much too personal.

Naruto is... Did Mitsuyo need to know Naruto's name?

No. Not really. Not at all.

Mitsuyo watched Hinata sink in her chair and laughed. "We all have our secrets. Hinata, you're out of here by next October, understand?"

Hinata nodded nervously. She actually didn't know if she could stand Mitsuyo for a year. Mitsuyo was blunt and her humour was an acquired taste. Hinata thought it was bitter and mocking.

Hinata looked at her tea, noticing the awkward silence that fell upon the two. Hinata would usually pick up a conversation with Sasuke... Just where was he?

"Natsukawa-san... not to be a bother but when is Uchiha-san coming to eat breakfast?" Hinata asked.

Sasuke usually likes to watch her eat to know if she's getting all the nutrients she's supposed to have.

Mitsuyo watched Hinata, kind of amused. "You both are not familiar indeed. The bozu left this morning."

Eh- what? "Well... Uh... Did he leave a note?"

Mitsuyo shook her head. "He said he had some matters to attend to..."


Mitsuyo laughed again. "I know... if he keeps this up then you won't fall in love for a long time..."

Hinata agreed.


October 12th. Later.

Sasuke came back later that day with all of her clothes. They were in the doorway, with all the shoes. He set the luggage down. They were probably having breakfast since it smelled like fruits and batter.

The door shut loudly and the screech of a pushed chair filled the air.

Hyuuga came up to him, around the corner. Her eyes glowed with some energy. She looked quite exhausted and eager to see him all the same. He understood; spending time with Mitsuyo was... difficult.

Hyuuga and Sasuke awkwardly stood there as her eyes had a glaze. She pursed her lips a bit, too.

Was... she... angry?

"Here are your things. The vipers hadn't gotten to them." Sasuke patted the luggage.

Hyuuga was grateful. He could tell while she sped to her luggage, beaming at her items. She smiled then shut off her good feelings and passed him, carrying one of her suitcases.

"Your breakfast is cold and I'm not eating with you. Enjoy," was all Hinata muttered.

Sasuke watched the ink-girl. Sweet then sour the next moment.

Mitsuyo chuckled at Sasuke's quiet, frenetic expression.

Sasuke hasn't noticed her. Damn hag, sneaking up on him like the old times. She always liked laughing at his pain. Even in bandages, the old git chuckled at his misfortunes.

Mitsuyo's eyes shone as she smirked. "What happened to you, bozu? You were so happy when she was smiling now you have a sour face," she teased.

Sasuke scowled. "Shut up."

Different. Sasuke is used to women getting over their rage so they could kiss him easier. Sakura was never angry with him for this long nor did it have this effect.

"She is upset with you, for good reason. I do not like liars, I raise my kids better than that. You should have known better than hide your plans from her," Mitsuyo scolded Sasuke. "Be a man and bring the pregnant woman her luggage."

She obnoxiously patted his cheek and laughed.

"You know that I am going to dance on your coffin." Sasuke told her.

"Oh yeah, it's a hundred years too soon to be talking to me like that," Mitsuyo hummed. "Now don't keep the lady waiting, boy."

Sasuke did what she said in the end.

Sasuke had given Hyuuga what she wanted. To him, that's something.

Sasuke made it work. If she didn't appreciate this- it was her loss. This area was meant to reflect her whims and desires but her wants lie in Konoha. He's trying. With all the cards stacked against him at every rung, Sasuke's desperate to figure something out.

The house was pleasant enough for the Hyuuga to like. It smelled like her; flowers and meadows. It has lots of space. She had money. He has to take her to a library soon or she'll be restless. She had a garden, food to eat, a space to read and a person to talk to about her pregnancy.

Why is Hyuuga so disatisfied?

He went up the stairs and took a right.

The place wasn't stingy and the wood-tiled floor felt pleasant against his bare feet.

He jutted his lost arm to turn the door handle. He sighed. He always forgot the fact that he lost his left arm. At times, he sensed the weight by his side, reassuring him. It was never present. Yet like a fool, he'd attempt to reach for items utilizing his fictitious arm.

Beside luggage, she sat on her bed. Hyuuga hummed casually like she did when she was upset. The window was open, letting in crisp October air she liked smelling.

Hyuuga hadn't noticed Sasuke. Sasuke was always aware of where Hyuuga was yet she never sought to pinpoint where he is. He wanted her to notice when he wasn't around.

She filed through her things with a heavy look in her eyes. Her opal eyes kindled at some parts. She looked at every item like a fond memory, smiling softly at them like they were something extraordinary.

Why did Hyuuga feel such attachments?

As she resounded the melancholic tune, Sasuke realized he knew the song. It was a song his mother sang to him. He was rubbish at remembering songs because they never amused him. It was an original to Konoha.

Hyuuga quit going through her stuff then looked a photo. It was the usual one, with the girl who looked nothing like her. Something made Sasuke feel worse and worse.

She moved on to the sketchbook she cherished. She sketched rough drafts of Konoha before they split.

He precipitously felt guilt.

Hyuuga missed Konoha. She really missed that horrible place. He got her pregnant and took her away from her family, her job and her happiness. Now Sasuke's hoping to make her comfortable in a place she hates.

And it was creepy to watch her like this.

He has to announce his presence before seeming like a creep...

Sasuke knocked on the door softly so he wouldn't scare her or anything. Hyuuga was too distracted to notice him and reacted, frightened.

Her troubled look lifted when she spotted him in the door frame. "Oh, it's you. Uchiha-san... Is everything alright?"

For some reason, Sasuke couldn't look her in the eye.

Sasuke's gaze shifted from her face, setting the luggage down. "Yeah," he swallowed.

"Oh, that's good. As long as you're fine, it's good," Hyuuga replied then turned back to her own matters.

Hyuuga went back to humming the tune. He looked at her for a few extra moments. They met each other's eyes.

"Is it hurting you to be in Kumo?" Sasuke asked.

She abandoned his gaze. This withdrawal told him everything. She held a pillow and squeezed it in her arms. The amount of time it took to answer chafed him.

She hugged the pollow after catching careful moments to reflect. "I can be in situations like this when it comes to my child. I'm willing to do anything for our child."

Hyuuga lifts him with the loyalty she had to their kid. It felt good to hear. At least Hyuuga won't walk out. She still had this tinge of sadness swimming around her words. He caught it; the real blues she had from this.

"Is it a bad situation?"

Hyuuga paused then shook her head, smiling a bit more with cheer. He felt oddly lighter.

"No, perhaps I believe that Natsukawa-san will be problematic. Said I had to change everything about me or something... akin to that," she looked at Sasuke, cocking her head to the side. "Natsukawa-san cares about you but she detests me... somewhat."

"She doesn't give two shits about me. She'll like you."

A small part of Hyuuga questions every move she makes. To have that amount of insecurities within a person was sad. Even Sasuke liked her. Hyuuga had that quality when you look into her eyes, you feel good. Consoled. Taken care of in a sense.

Hyuuga shook her head, looking puzzled.

"Do you miss Konoha?" he asked, cautiously numb.

"Yes... but no more than the usual..."

She missed Konoha from the start. Sasuke half wished he was like that. He wanted to have something to miss, something to rush home to. Alas, he has nothing. Nothing and no one to go to. He had friends but that wasn't going to fill the void... perhaps nothing will. The ones in his corners were the usual psychopaths and the rest were dead.

Hyuuga studied Sasuke for a bit, toying with the edge of her thin lips again. Biting them. That did strange things to his insides.

"Do you ever miss Konoha, Uchiha-san?" Hyuuga asked.

Sasuke couldn't tell her any of the excuses she would probably believe.

He didn't want to talk about Konoha. Konoha; the place of suffering, nights of bad decisions.

He named it that 'cause those were all the decisions that were made... bad and shitty decisions.

There are specific nights that protected his heart from healing... Itachi killing everyone. His parents choosing to plan the coup. Almost killing Naruto. Ignoring what he had. Hurting Sakura.

Sasuke wouldn't put meeting Hyuuga on the list of bad things or bad nights.

Konoha was somewhere he got hurt in. He couldn't imagine wanting to go back. He also made the worst decisions in Konoha. He made the most mistakes. He did all that he could to hurt, destroy and get revenge but he ended with nothing. He's always ending up with nothing except for ashes, especially in Konoha.

Did he miss Konoha? No. But Hinata doesn't want to hear that stuff.

Sasuke honestly shook his head. "No, not at all,"

Hyuuga's face fell. Sasuke didn't want to cause any more hurt for her so he smoothed it over. "Some things... I do and all others, I don't," he added.

Sasuke looked happy to hear that. Mission accomplished. What was the particular mission? Sasuke had no clue.

Hyuuga laughed softly. "In Konoha, there are these cinnamon buns that are found at this shop named the Ayanomiya Bakery, I haven't found a place as good as them. They... are honestly to die for."

Hyuuga truly treasured cinnamon buns. If she could, she would eat them all the time- without restraint or a change of diet. She only liked the ones in Konoha. Sasuke couldn't envision himself in Konoha to buy cinnamon buns for a two-month pregnant woman just because she missed them. That wasn't what he was supposed to do. That wasn't what he wanted to do.

"I really want them. Natsukawa would refuse to take me to Kumo's bakery with... them," she heaved a sigh.

Ha. Not a chance. "If I go there, I'll stop by." Sasuke said.

She brightened up, smiling amazingly. "You would?"

He nodded as he sighed. Damn it.

"Thank you, Uchiha-san. It makes me forget that I am mad at you when you're like this."

Sasuke looked away. Fuck.

Misuyo knocked on the door and burst in. She had a plate of dried apricots. Sasuke reached for one of them and she smacked his hand. Hard.

"Are you pregnant Sasuke?" questioned the hag, automatically defensive about her fruits.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes at Mitsuyo. "No. What kind of question is that?"

"No touching," Mitsuyo turned to Hinata with the plate. "This has vitamin C. I want you to be nourished, okay?"

Sasuke was surprised at Mitsuyo taking this seriously. Did Mitsuyo genuinely want to feed Hinata or was the food poisonous? Sasuke took one either way and sniffed it, tasting it. It is a normal apricot, not laced with anything.

Good. Sasuke swallowed the apricot then made eye-contact with Hyuuga. Hinata watched as Mitsuyo gave him an evil glare then pushed him out of the door.


Mitsuyo shut the door as Hinata ate the apricots, enchanted at the taste. As she ate the first one, Mitsuyo looked into Hinata's luggage and shook her head, making sounds of disapproval.

"What are you doing?" Hinata asked quietly, still munching.

Mitsuyo didn't spare a glance in Hinata's direction. Instead, she said, "Hush child! Do not bother me for I am checking something."

Checking something? Hinata wasn't liking Mitsuyo more and more.

Mitsuyo disorganized Hinata's stuff. Mitsuyo picked up shirt after shirt and clicked her tongue. Everytime Hinata would want details of Mitsuyo's plan, Mitsuyo either disregarded her or replied with the usual, "Hush child!".

Hinata gave up and ate her apricots, suddenly wishing to be in her room with her stuff. Hinata had never missed her maids, ever. She never missed being in the luxurious Hyuuga estate, she only missed... Konoha. Being in a house made it real that she left.

Homesickness invaded her heart and mind. Hinata just felt... disconnected. She has been in Konoha her whole life, now she's in Kumo with Mitsuyo and Sasuke.

Mitsuyo noticed how she looked at the photo of Hanabi more and more. Hanabi must be looking for Hinata, huh? She must miss Hinata in the same way that Hinata wants Hanabi. Is anyone else missing her? Probably not Ino or... Sakura.

Sakura always preferred Ino to her company and Ino would just set off on her again. Tenten was too busy with her dojo and perhaps Lee. Hinata had noticed the inklings of a relationship between the two. Kiba and Shino have their own lives. Her father never liked Hinata's company. And her work place... They probably don't miss Hinata.

Why is Hinata feeling their absences so profoundly?

Mitsuyo watched Hinata's face as she picked up a red knitted scarf. She inadvertently made Hinata chew on more apricots so she wouldn't have to answer.

"Why do you have this?" Mitsuyo questioned.

Hinata choked on her apricots before having a coughing fit.

"For Kami's sake, breathe woman! If you die, Sasuke will murder everyone from now to Sunday."

Hinata looked at Mitsuyo then shrunk. Mitsuyo dropped the scarf and Hinata winced.

Hinata must have packed that during the frenzy before they left. She didn't remember doing that.

"Hinata, dear," Mitsuyo said and lifted her clothes. "For a lovely girl like you, your clothing is surprisingly plain."

"My clothes are not plain!"

Mitsuyo shrugged at Hinata. "They belong to Konoha, my dear. Anything from Konoha is plain. And just saying, they will never fit you again either."

Hinata panicked, thinking about it. "What do you mean?"

"Your body has changed drastically and your hips are fuller and you are fuller. You probably will never get your pre-pregnancy shape back. It takes years to get all the weight off for some women and others, it takes months but your clothes won't be of use here or after the pregnancy."

Hinata did notice her breast size change and her hips being fuller. She did have new found curves but they were more exaggerated than the ones before. She thought she could slip into her old pants and not feel differently. She felt out of place during her pregnancy. She felt too big or that she was eating too much or she was bloated at this time and not at others. She just wanted everything to go back to normal after her pregnancy. She wouldn't have to look pregnant when she came back.

She didn't want her pregnancy to change how people saw her.

She was a shinobi, she lost weight constantly... Her metabolism was wildly quick. She could unquestionably wear those clothes again. She could fit into her Konoha styled clothing. She could and she will.

She didn't want to throw out her entire identity in Konoha to be in Kumo.

Mitsuyo shook her head as Hinata went to go try on some of her old clothing. "It will not work, you're changing..."

"Excuse me, Natsukawa-san, I have to go try these on," Hinata said as Hinata grabbed a handful of clothing.

Mitsuyo clicked her tongue repeatedly. "Hinata, it will not work because you must adapt to your new lifestyle and embrace it."

Hinata was already gone.


Hinata tarried in front of the mirror, reflecting on Mitsuyo's statements. She was going to fit into her clothes. She hadn't changed that much.

She maneuvered herself out of her idiotically snug t-shirt and saw them. Her breasts were in the way and they were enormous. Seeing the physical changes was an eye-opener. How will she put these clothes on with these new curves and angles?! Her standard apparel wasn't regularly worn because she spent so much time in her scrubs.

None of my clothes are fitting, she thought. She tried on every pair that she had. For Kami's sake- nothing's fitting.

She sat down and began weeping. Everything's changed. She no longer gets to be around her family, she's not permitted back in Konoha, she can't work and she's stuck with a person who doesn't like her. Sasuke was sufficient but she ached to be around Hanabi and her friends.

Sojourning in Kumo didn't seem like a reality until she got there. Now she misses Konoha dearly. Everything was alien and new. It didn't make sense. She's just homesick.

She's crying like a little girl. A baby. She's showing her weak emotions. Her father didn't like weakness.

Now she's being sensitive and weak. She mustn't be weak. She's growing a child in her uterus. She has to be strong. A strong mother. A competent mother. She's a shinobi and a medical-nin. She could be strong because she is strong.

But why... why does it feel so bad on the inside?

She drooped against the door, arms encircling her legs and sighing into her knees. Behind her, a knock vibrated the door, ending her sorrow momentarily. She rubbed away her tears, overlooked the puffiness around her eyes and the redness on her cheeks.

"Hinata, I know you're in there. You have been in there for over an hour. Is something wrong?"

Hinata didn't answer. It was Mitsuyo. She could picture the scowl on the sour woman's face. Hinata didn't want to speak to the woman. She wanted Hanabi to take Hinata in her arms and tell comforting concepts.

More intent knocking. "Hinata! Hinata... Are you okay? Sasuke's worried."

Sasuke? Sasuke... why would he be worried?

Hinata drew a sigh and opened the door just a crack. "Tell Uchiha-san that... I'm alright. He needn't worry," Her voice had undertones of suffering.

Mitsuyo sighed noisily. "You are low in spirits. What's wrong?"

Hinata sighed, the wetness on her cheeks was undeniable now. There was a lump in her throat, making her voice scratchy. "I... I just... didn't realize that everything was so different."

"Change is inevitable,"

"I miss working. I miss... feeling like myself and not throwing up. I miss working and cheese and caffeine. I miss my old life," she admitted in a rush. "I... don't think pregnancies should be this overwhelming. I miss my old body and I don't know why I wanted to do this. I wouldn't have-"

"Your baby is your everything now. You can't view your pregnancy in a negative way. You cannot regret your baby. Having a baby means sacrifices but you are not trading in yourself for your baby. Don't believe that for a second," Mitsuyo scolded.


"You will have highs and lows but you need to find a place where you believe in yourself and that everything will be alright. Your baby is not taking your life away, it is giving you new purpose and life."

"I am scared of this new life. The life I am responsible for," Hinata said.

"Sasuke will be there to help you," Mitsuyo assured her.

"I'm not sure of that," she said. "I'm not sure of anything. He's all big, brave and powerful but he gets into so many fights and what if the Hyuuga kill him because of my carelessness? Or if they kill my baby? What if... what if he doesn't come back to me or the baby? And that would just be devastating!"

"Well, Hinata trust him. And trust yourself for once. You will have a safe, healthy baby in Kumo under my watch and other people who want to bring your baby into our world. You can't be afraid to stare into the world's face. Move along with the truth and embrace."

Mitsuyo pushed the door open and gasped at all of the discarded clothes placed on various spots on the floor. "Why did you try on all of your clothes?" she asked.

"I tried... to fit into... them," Hinata admitted, feeling foolish.

Mitsuyo raised a gray eyebrow, crossing her arms defensively. "That's of your old, non-pregnant life in Konoha. No wonder they do not fit. It's a sign telling you to move on to the next."

Hinata sighed. "Natsukawa-san- what are you doing?"

"These are going into the garbage-" Misuyo said as she picked up some of the clothes.

Hinata jumped. Throwing? Away? TRASH CAN?! Hinata hastily gathered all the clothing in a hurry.

Hinata backed up into the corner of the bathroom, clutching a bundle of clothes. "No- no, I want to keep these."

"Why?" asked Mitsuyo.

Hinata still pressed her slightly ruffled clothing tighter to her chest. She brushed away a strand of hair, looking scared.

"No reason..." Hinata winced.

Mitsuyo crossed her arms.

"They're what I have left of Konoha." Hinata stroked the fabric.

"Sasuke is from Konoha." Mitsuyo smirked.

"Er..." Hinata shifted in place. "I know... My clothes. They do not deserve a... trash can... It deserves a suitcase or a basket."

"I will not hold them in my house. It's useless to you and me. One day, you will not need them- the miscreants you abandoned in Konoha,"

"I will always need them, Natsukawa-san!"

"You do not realize Sasuke's plans, my dear? You and him are are going to be here for a long time -a year doesn't seem long- but I digress. You will never cease to surprise me, Hinata," Mitsuyo whisked some silvery hair out of her eyes.

Hinata shrugged. "Let me have this one, please?"

Mitsuyo's eyes roamed Hinata's.  "Fine. We'll find a suitcase, okay? Then we'll find your substitutes. You cannot keep on wearing those rags anymore."

Hinata smiled appreciatively. "Thank you! Thank you!"

"Don't thank me. Thank Sasuke for bringing you," she said roughly but there was some amusement in her tone.

Hinata nodded. "I think... I will, sooner or later. Natsukawa-san... None of the clothes from Konoha fit me... What will I wear?"

Mitsuyo smiled at Hinata. "I have something. My daughter had some clothing. She was small and curved like you, it will fit."

Hinata nodded.

"Hinata. Two things, call me Mitsuyo. None of that other stuff, it makes me feel like a stranger. And every day in every way, life, and your pregnancy... it's getting better and better."

"Okay... thank you, Natsu- Mit... Mitsuyo," Hinata said shyly.

"Hm. Thank me later. Let us deal with the problems with your clothes, alright?"


Sasuke sat at the dining room table near the clean kitchen. He's had many meals here but there wasn't really other people with plates. It's weird to have someone breathing and eating aroumd you.

Hyuuga's meal was finished and his was cold. His eggs were rubbery and his toasted bread was grossly soft.


Sasuke liked bacon. Meat. Mitsuyo knew that. She made him breakfast for six months and he was quite punctual. Repetative.

Then, Hyuuga came into the kitchen.

Sasuke never paid heed to threads or clothes. Literally never. He was tolerant with his combat wear as a daily attire. Always good to go. He never paid attention to girl's outfits. He was stuck in a forest with nothing attractive to stare at but grime and grass.

Hyuuga piqued his interest, though.

Hyuuga showed up in different clothes (aside from her normal purple/blue/violet color design she seemed to like), all apprehensive and fiddling with her knuckles.

He's never seen her in other colors than the hushed, muted tones. She... looked good in red. Sasuke looked at his cold eggs for a few milliseconds before veering back to her.

Hyuuga looked really good.

Was he drawn to her? No. Sasuke wasn't allowed to. She was still in love with wonder boy Naruto.

Hyuuga was accompanied by Mitsuyo's scowly face.

Sasuke thought the old bat would make Hyuuga break down. Sasuke was mildly impressed with Hyuuga for keeping her cool around Mitsuyo. Mitsuyo was a frustrating person. It took a lot of mental energy to deal with her presence and her catty responses.

Sasuke was exactly like Mitsuyo (just less vocal and giggly) and now Hyuuga was stuck with the both of them. Anyone in the right mind shouldn't put up with Sasuke or Mitsuyo. Hyuuga's still here, which is as stupid as it was brave. Sasuke appreciated that in some sense.

Mitsuyo sat beside Sasuke while Hyuuga sat across from Sasuke, dodging his gaze and ducking her head.

Up close, he could smell bursts of freshness from her side. He felt a little bit stabler now that she was there... Whoop di doo, she's nervous. Why does she always fog up her mind with little things that others would pass over?

Hyuuga wasted so much time in the bathroom, just thinking about her old life with mounds of clothes. Mitsuyo laughed when she informed Sasuke that Hyuuga wasn't adapting completely.

She came back with hot tea and settled across to the left of Sasuke. Mitsuyo stared at the both of them, expectantly. Sasuke was still as Hyuuga dined and sipped.

Brunch was usually ambient, relaxing. Sunny if it weren't raining. If it weren't raining, then warm.

Sasuke could relax; Hyuuga was being taken care of, his kid was okay. It was fine. Did Hyuuga know how pacifying her chakra signature was to him? When they were alone, she gave him serene smiles. Now, she was stiff and yielding.

Mitsuyo noticed the lack of looks Hyuuga granted Sasuke's way and the defeat they both had. Sasuke could take the punishment. Though it all came folding back into place, Sauske was lucky to peel away some layers of Hyuuga's secrecy.

Mitsuyo got more and more impatient as they sat there and said, "Well? When are you guys going to start talking?"

That was for Hyuuga to choose.

Sasuke was right. Sasuke wasn't going to let another Danzou tear apart the Uchiha's legacy. The eyes of his enemy would see his offspring as a threat to Konoha and kill the baby. He doesn't want her to die in Konoha. Sasuke had to take her away from the sickness that was Konoha.

Hyuuga didn't bother looking up. Her apples and iyokans suddenly looked real interesting.

Mitsuyo cleared her throat once again. "Hello? I do not understand how you both have a kid together when none of you guys can talk?" she turned to Sasuke and quirked an eyebrow up. "You- I never thought you were afraid of pretty girls and starting conversations."

Hyuuga shook her head. "I... am not pretty, Mitsuyo..."

Man. Hyuuga is dense.

Despite having the world's best sweetest eyes, she really can't see a thing? Sasuke's only known her for about a month. She's looked at herself for about nineteen years. How the hell hasn't she noticed she's a bombshell?

Hyuuga's wild inky hair wasn't tied back this time. Messy. Twirling. Long. It tumbled down her shoulders. Her opal eyes were heavy with worry. It was a long shirt, almost a dress but not necessarily one. It flowed. Hyuuga's body looked soft. Felt soft. Filled hips. Filled breats. Thin, slender legs and a kind face.

He wanted to tell her. He wanted to be sparse but definite. He should deliver a specific, targeted missile of appreciation. Ideally not when she's expecting it.

"He begs to differ," Mitsuyo said, watching Sasuke closely.

Hinata looked at Sasuke, flustered then looked down, blushing.

Sasuke shook his head. "I'm not afraid of conversations,"

"I know that. How did you talk her into having your child? You and I both know that you can't express poetry in your life." Mitsuyo clicked her tongue.

Hyuuga shifted in her spot, hiding a smile. "Mitsuyo... Uchiha-san doesn't like poetry," Hyuuga flicked her eyes towards him, amused.

Sasuke thought about all the stanzas and verses she read out loud. She had a nice voice while reading. He'd never liked books but being at the top of his class made him spend hours with them as company.

When Sasuke was in Orochimaru's hideout, Kabuto was insufferable about reading scrolls and everything that that had to do with jutsu. Sasuke had been forced to read some of them because of sheer, absolute boredom. After Sasuke left the hideout, Sasuke didn't want to look at another book.

For some sick twist of fate, he impregnated a woman who was in love with words.

Hyuuga's always having her nose in a book. He'd see the expressions she has. When she'd nod and gape at her medical books and plan surgeries, he never understood just how enjoyable they could be.

That's beside the point. Hyuuga had a book of poems and another side that no one really knows.

Mitsuyo looked in between the two of them like there was something wrong with him.

Mitsuyo looked back at Hyuuga then said, "Why do you do that?"

"Do what?" Hyuuga responded.

"Call Sasuke by... 'Uchiha-san'? I do not understand."

Hyuuga looked at Mitsuyo then back at Sasuke, shifting uncomfortably.

The tension was plausible. He felt it breathing down his neck. Sasuke wanted to smack Mitsuyo for making the tension worse.

Hyuuga chewed on an apple, to delay her answer. "The second night we met... Uchiha-san said that my name didn't matter if we wouldn't see each other again. So, yes, we've seen each other again but I don't want to say his name... if I'm going to get treated like that," Hyuuga looked at Sasuke. Straight at him. "It's distance... I mean, it puts distance between me and the wicked stuff he's said."

What was this feeling? Guilt? Probably.

Why he was such an asshole all the time?! Hyuuga was just a stuttering stranger back then not... whatever she is to him right now. If he could invent the time machine and kick himself, he would.

Sasuke's always like this; overlooking what's important later on in life.


Mitsuyo eyed Sasuke. "What do you have to say?"

Sasuke looked away, his throat tight. "I think your name is important now," he mumbled.

He looked back.

Hyuuga's eyes lit up, telling him her happiness. "Really?" asked Hyuuga, sounding warm like summer afternoon rain.

"I think that this," Mitsuyo gestured between the both of them, pulling a face, "will not work. You both need a clean slate. Children of mine always apologized and restarted anew once conflict and when unkind words lashed out. Their intentions came out different than what they envisioned and they acted wrong. Sasuke acted wrong. You acted wrong as well, my dear."

"How?" Hyuuga asked.

"You let him treat you that way."

Sasuke lowered his gaze once more, feeling. Yep, it was guilt.

"But that isn't something to cry over. We look to our future without thinking of what we could've done differently in the past. So, both of you need to restart and proper... introductions to each other without airing the dirty laundry. If anything, just think of the other like a stranger. Like you've just met."

"Why should we do that?" Sasuke grouched.

"Then you guys will meet half-way for your child, you imbecile! Let me finish." Mitsuyo let out a harsh breath.


Hyuuga said, "Go on... I'm interested..."

Why? Why was Hyuuga interested?!

Mitsuyo said, "Go."

Hyuuga and Sasuke paused. Go do what? They shot identical confused looks to Mitsuyo.

"Oh, you know, introduce yourselves. No honorifics or nicknames or lies. Just do that and we'll work on whatever."

Sasuke sat up taller. "Why should we-"

"Arguing gets you nothing. Make eye-contact, take her hand, introduce yourself. Every man should have a firm handshake. Restart and rebuild. It's always built better the second time around, ne, Sasuke?" Mitsuyo whispered.

Sasuke wanted to complain; this was so stupid.

Mitsuyo looked at Hyuuga. "You, don't shy out on me, 'kay? Be a good girl, nod, squeeze his hand enough to know you're strong and introduce yourself, without the 'san'. No need to be polite since he wasn't. Okay? Go."

Sasuke was unsure of this. Whatever this was. Was it something Mitsuyo bothered her children with? Starting anew. Forgive and forget. It was Hyuuga's move. It's always her move.

"Onwards and over?" Hinata said quietly to herself. "Alright..."

Just alright? Just like that?

In Hyuuga's darkest hours, she learned to forgive. In Sasuke's, he learned how to hate profoundly. That's why they were different. Hyuuha lets go and forgives. How did he stumble upon someone like her?

They sat there, unsure for a long time.

Then hands lifted in the air. Sasuke wasn't sure who reached out first but they met halfway.

They're shaking hands.

Hyuuga squeezed Sasuke's hand, making eye-contact after looking away. Aasuke was surprised. There's that feeling lighter thing that messed with his head.

"My name is Uchiha Sasuke of the Uchiha clan," Sasuke cleared his throat and felt weird. "You probably knew that."

Her fingers unconsciously brushed over his knuckles, sending electric shocks up his arm. Maybe it was a nervous tick or she really wanted to.

"Uh, yeah. I do... My name... is Hinata. Hyuuga Hinata of the Hyuuga clan," Hyuuga said.

Hinata... Hinata was right for her. Warm and bright for a girl like her. Made sense.

"Hello... Hinata?" Sasuke asked.

Hinata smiled. Hee teeth are so white but she drank coffee all the time. Her clothes were stained by it for a while.

"Hello... Uchi- no... It's Sasuke?"

"Just Sasuke." Sasuke shrugged.

"Am I squeezing your hand too hard?" she winced.

He didn't mind. "No," he said but she really was.

"Okay... good because it's like we're holding hands that way and I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. Anyhow..."

He didn't mind. Really.

"Hello Sasuke," Hinata whispered.

Mitsuyo smiled at the both of them. "Now, that wasn't so hard?"

"Hn," Sasuke said.

Hinata smiled at him. "No... Sasuke... it really wasn't."

"Onwards and over," Sasuke said back.

All he really knew was a simple name but... for once, he wanted to know her better.


-End Chapter-

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