Chapter 10:" Tum Theek Ho ( Are you okay)

Two days later

 It has been two days since Swara found out what bothering Sanskaar. But he hasn't shared anything with her yet. Swara knew it been bothering him. At the end of the day laksh was his cousin.

No matter what the decision it might be the toughest for him and yet Swara can't share his burden because he refuse to share it with her.

She knew it was because of her. Her decision to support her sister over and over again is what making him keep it an secret. She knew he is thinking this time also she would ask Sanskaar to forgive laksh for her sister happiness. And he was not far away from the truth.

Swara wants her sister to be happy. While Swara always stood against injustice, Family was and will always be her weakness. She has managed to look over all the misdeeds of her family.

She still remember her sister voice echoing in her brain. You forgave me for almost killing you. Ask Sanskaar to forgive laksh. What he did, he did because he was helpless. Do you know how hard it is for him everyday to do what he did .

But this time Swaea wants to stand by him.Not because he was right, but also because he needs her. She failed him last time but she won't repeat it ever again. Tonight she decided, Tonight she will tell him she knew.

 But Swara didnt expect things would get complicated before that, Within an hour later. Ragini marched inside her room. One look at her. Swara knew something was terribly wrong.

" I asked you to make Sanskaar stop "her sister spoke up. 

"  What happened Ragini" she asked her sister .

" Papa found out because Sanskaar told him , They are organizing an urgent meeting  to fire him. They are going to fire him Swara. From his job. " Ragini spoke up

"  I know it hurts ragini. But Sanskaar had to tell bade Papa. It not fair to ask him to keep it hidden "Swara defended sanskar actions.

"  Yeah whatever you do is fair. And whatever we do is always wrong. Why because of both of you. You always get away with everything while we suffer. "her sister went on to lament about her sufferings

"  Enough Ragini, What do you mean. That we didn't suffer. Really ragini. Haven't I been kicked out of this house several time because of you. Haven't I suffered enough because of you. Yet you are telling  me. We made your life miserable. "Swara answered back .

"  I know that why this whole family treats you as some saint and ever word from your mouth is right and every word from mine is wrong. But I don't care about that, All I asked for you to is talk with Sanskaar. Yet you can't do that. "Ragini lashed back .

Before Swara could speak further,  The door opened to reveal an angry Annapurna. She heard from her husband apparently and just like ragini she was furious. Swara knew she will be on the other side of the anger the moment she looked at her.

Annapurna silence always is more lethal than her words. And even today she simply dragged ragini out with her.And Swara knew once again the house was going to be divided. She briefly wondered how her family could be so loving toward each other one day and break apart just like that the very next day.

You know she always made it her mission to keep this family together and it almost cost her Sanskaar.

But looking at her family she realized it always going to be fixing an broken glass. She might get cut and bleed trying to fix this family. Still the cracks will remain. And one push is all needed for it fall apart again.

While her relationship with Sanskaar is different,  It was strong. Stronger than diamond, no matter what happens it won't break unless we break it on our own she realized.  Diamonds can't be cut by anything except another diamond.

She broke them up and she knew inspite of the scars she still can fix her relationship with Sanskaar. All she needs is for him to trust her . All he needs for her is to be his support. They will build their relationship  back up and make it more stronger than before. Because she can't lose him.

 Before Swara could call to check on him. Sujatha marched in to the room. Apparently she was also in the other side of Annapurna anger. But unlike Swara, Sujatha was still clueless about everything. When Swara told her about the recent events Sujatha was angry because once again her son was blamed.

She remained in Swara room grumbling about how unfair Annapurna is towards her son. And only after Sujatha left their room to bring her juice. Swara had managed to call Sanskaar. She was worried he wouldn't answer. But to her relief he answered within the second ring.

"  Sanskar. Tum theek ho? . "swara asked him

" Yeah I am fine,  I really am. "Sanskar told her

"  You don't how worried I was when I heard from ragini . Are you really fine."Swara answered back

   Sanskar Maheshwari can face anything but not Swara accusing him again. He won't survive that. He survived Laksh blaming him for trying to steal the company. He knew the already strained relationship between his Maa would reach its end today .

He can survive lots of things but he can't survive if Swara asked him the same questions as laksh did.And most importantly if she didn't believe him. So he was worried about her reactions. But instead of accusing him or enquiring him about what happened to laksh . She asked if he was fine . That one sentence calmed him down. And yeah he was fine after all.

" Swara, I am really fine.Calm down please. "Sanskar spoke up trying  to calm her down

"  You are really fine right. "Swara asked him instead

"  I Am really fine Swara.Stop worrying. "he reassured her

"  How can I not worry. You don't share anything with me. I know you don't trust me. But I can't stop worrying when you decide to carry the burden all by yourself. What kind  of life partner I am. If I can't even share your burden. "Swara told him

"  Swara. I don't want to stress you further. And before you say I am lying. Let me tell you that was one of the reasons and yes I was worried I might put you in an tough spot again. I am really fine Swara. Can we talk about everything else when I head back home. I need to attend this meeting "Sanskar answered back

Moments before the call Sanskaar was nervous about everything.. But now he feels much relaxed. Even if he knew things won't never be the same in his family ever again. For the last two days Sanskaar struggled with his decision. If his relationship with his family was good. He would have talked to his bade papa or Maa and let them decide. But their relationship already took an hit when laksh went missing. And it still is somewhat broken.

And now it might finally fall apart if Sanskaar took any step against laksh.. And then there was his wife. He would do anything for her happiness and sanskar knew she wouldn't want to see ragini suffer. Yet he wish she asked him instead of keeping silent about it.

But the decision was taken away from his hands when bade papa found about laksh on his own. Apparently he has been looking into it as well. While the decision was taken out of his hands. Yet the blame fell upon him. Laksh didn't believe his father claim. He thinks it was his cousin who told his father and pretend to be innocent now.

 Bade papa once again decided to protect his son in the best way he knew. Yes laksh was fired a fact he thought was so unfair. But he didnt even stop to think the alternative was jail. Bade papa convinced his board to just let it slide for his name sake.

And what shocked Sanskaar more was when bade papa stepped down from his job as well. So the post went to Sanskaar dad. Which convinced laksh once and for all that it was all sanskar master plan to take over the company.

Explaining to laksh was like explaining to stone. Sanskaar can't convince him so he gave up trying too. Sanskaar was sure laksh would have called ragini by now meaning Swara would know and he was more worried about her reaction and when the call came he was worried.

But all she asked was if he was okay. And that all he needed to calm down. They still need to talk about this whole thing. But Sanskaar was not worried like before. And all it took was her to ask if he was fine.

P. S:" That it for now. A short update sorry about that. Let me know your feedback. Hit the votes if you liked it "







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