Part 6
Sanskar comes back…he goes straight to swara’s room…sees her sitting lost… He goes to her and politely asks…come we will have food….I came to know you didn’t eat anything since morning… Swara gives him a blank look and nods…they both goes to kitchen….sanskar starts to make noodles (as I love noodles)…while swara sits on table silently… Her gaze is moving with each and every sanskar’s movement… She is watching him keenly…later they both had noodles then coffee…sanskar continuously talking to her randomly… About his random college incidents… So that she should not remember about aman and her past…which was obviously not so good…all the time swara was eating quietly and listening to him calmly… God knows listening or not…after that…
Sanskar:so swara what are your hobbies??
Swara just nodes in denial… you watched TV…??ufff silly question…everyone watches TV…OK let’s come we will watch my favrt show…you know what’s my fvrt show…(asks excitedly to gain her attention)
Swara slightly nodes in no…
Sanskar:ufff I m so budhooo….how will you know… Well its the great,best,amazing,wow show ever made…THE TOM AND JERRY SHOW…(he says as he is welcoming the Barack Obama on stage)
On his childish behaviour swara smiles slightly… It was the first time she smiled after meeting sanskar…even a smile crept his smile after watching her smiling…
Swara:no I hate tom and jerry…
(Sanskar was super happy that swara at least talked to her..he really wanted to say sorry for yesternight incident… But for now he didn’t want to spoil environment… So he decided to talk on some other random matter)
Sanskar:oh is that so…(makes a puppy face)so what you like we will do that…
Swara:(in painful and deep voice)I..I like to be alone…to think about me and my past…I always do this you know I am always recalling my past…each and every second I scan each and every second of my past…just to illustrate…what was my mistake… What was the point when I was on fault…you know doctor I just want to know my mistake and wanna get guilty on that I want to be guilty…I want to cry on my mistake… I want to ask for sorry on my mistake…but you know what is stopping me from doing all this..??(without waiting for an answer she continues)the thing which is stopping me is…what is my mistake… Where was I wrong..??
you know doctor when I will find answer of this..I will be able to live my life…living it with guilt with regretion with cursing me…but I can’t live my life revolving around my past…just thinking what I did wrong…a punished life is much easier than a question mark life…
By saying she goes towards her room leaving him there numb and shocked
Sanskar’s POV…
What is this all…she is suffering from such a big pain and I m not even able to understand her pain…I wish I could have never gone to meet aman’s family or to police station on ragini’s calling… Or i shouldn’t have agreed for taking care of her…I wish…but I know even after wanting I wouldn’t have been able to back out…I can’t see her in pain but I cant even console her ….oh God what is this all…why it all happened with her…???I don’t even know what has happened with her …but please show some mercy on her..give her some peace please…please God…
…he was not in state to follow her and console her…not even in a state to read the dairy and discover about her past…
At this time what he all could do was to do what he always does…to go to his room and play guitar…
He went to his special music room…where many types of instruments were present he took his guitar and starts playing the tune of (ek teri khair mang di)(awesome song guys just listen it once you will listen again and again)…
Swara’s side…
Swara was thinking about the recent happenings and she was cursing herself for saying this all to the person to whom she was in love for two years the love which was still burried in her heart but she was unknown of it…suddenly she hears some music and goes towards the source…she sees the door open and sanskar sitting having guitar and closed eyes…she takes baby steps…goes near him and sits on other stool…she listens silently with closed eyes as trying to inhale the music… But again goes to her past…some flashes of a beautifully decorated room a bride with veil…a man coming and sitting near her…she opens her eyes with a jerk…and starts singing sun rha hai na to..
Sanskar first was shocked with her presence…secondly was mesmerized with her melodious voice…but soon starting to play the same tune of swara’s song..and they both made a beautiful musical environment… After ending song…there was a pin drop silence… Which was a need to environment… But soon sanskar broke the ice…
Sanskar:(lowering her gaze)swara I m really sorry…actually yesternight…everything just happened in unwilling way but I m really sorry…I swear I didn’t do it intentionally..please swara I really mean it…
Swara looked at him…he was sitting with bow head…
Swara:you are really guilty for what you did??
Swara:you didn’t have any feelings for that act…??
Sanskar:(looks at her questioningly…their eyes met..both were having question as well as a sad reflection in their eyes…the most painful eye lock for them…because there was no love only guilty question and sadness..) Nodes in no…
Swara:its OK don’t feel bad…it was just a nightmare for me…these type of nightmare are part of my life so it doesn’t bother me much.. U also don’t think about it…and one more thing please drop me back to my apartment…because I don’t need any sympathy from you…and don’t wanna be burden on you…
Sanskar:but swara…
By saying this she left the room only disappointment..sadness…guilt as she has just realize her mistake..but was that really a mistake… She went to her room..
Sanskar was again left speechless… Shocked and don’t know what to do…so he just concluded that by only knowing her past I will be able to heal her wound…he stands up with a determine face…and takes her dairy from his drawer.. (Which he had already taken from her back)…
He sits on his bed and caresess the name written on dairy by swara…(MIRACLE OR LOVE)…
1.swara was in love with sanskar for two years…was it one sided or not..???
2.the most important one…what’s in miracle or love..??
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