Chapter Five - "Not Sure If Starting To Like You Or..."

Tenten woke up to the smell of something sweet.

Her eyes opened and she sat up slowly, wondering where the smell came from. She then remembered where she was and recalled when Neji held her all night.

It almost felt like a dream.

She got up and walked to her dresser, changing from her nightgown to a red undershirt and black shorts. Tenten walked out of the bedroom and into the living room, where the smell grew.

Someone was cooking in the kitchen, no doubt.

Tenten walked in and saw Neji at the stove. He was wearing a white apron and had two plates set out on the table. Before Tenten could utter a word, he said softly, "Good morning. I figured you'd get up by now."

Tenten smiled slightly before saying, "You could've waked me up to help."

"It is alright," he replied, turning and dumping the pan's contents onto the plates. It was basic rice and chicken.

"The buns are almost done. Have a seat."

She nodded and did what she was told. Moments later, he placed two buns on each of their plates and sitting down moments later. Tenten smiled at him and said, "Thank you. This is the first time anyone has done it for me."

He nodded and smiled softly at her, digging into his plate with his fork. Tenten did the same, and they ate in blissful silence. Halfway done with her plate, she asked with a slightly full mouth, "This is really good Neji. You must cook often."

He smiled and said, "Not as often as I would like."

Tenten gulped her food down and asked, "What do you mean? Don't you cook for the other me often? I mean, it seems like you do; you knew where everything was."

Neji's smile slowly faded as he said, "I've never cooked anything for her. I never got the chance to. She'd always tell me to sit down and let her handle it. I knew how tired she was when she cooked for the team, but she never complained." "Oh," Tenten replied, feeling a bit uncomfortable.

Neji smiled at her and said, "Don't worry about it. Eat your food so we can go enjoy our day." Tenten smiled and continued eating. Deep down though, she noticed a longing in Neji's voice, and in some way, it made her feel sad.

And she didn't understand why.

It wasn't like she was feeling anything for this Neji.

'Am I?'


"Hey sunshine, daylight won't last forever. Get up."

Tenten opened her eyes and looked up at Neji, who was hovering over her. She groaned and pushed him away from her, sitting up and yawning.

Neji got off the bed and said, "You're a deep sleeper, you know that?" She said, "Yeah, I've been told that by the other you before."

Neji scoffed before saying, "So, Tenten, what's the plan for today?" "Well, I was planning on doing something, but I won't be doing it anymore," she replied. He asked, "And what would that be?" "Go and hangout with you yesterday," she said, sighing, "But you waved me off the day before yesterday, so I thought I might try again today."

Neji blinked before saying, "So he said no for yesterday, so you assumed he'd say no today?"

Tenten shrugged softly and said, "Besides, it's a fruitless point. You're not the Neji I know, and you'd just reject me again."

"What makes you think that?" he asked softly.

She turned to him in slight confusion. "I'm not your Tenten, so you don't care. And aren't you supposed to be mad at me?"

"Only if you want me to," he said, smirking. She sighed and shook her head, standing up and walking over to her dresser.

Neji waited a moment or two before saying, "I wouldn't mind hanging out with you Tenten... We're not enemies like that, you know." Tenten sighed and said, "Alright. Fine. But you're not going to like what I have planned."

"I'll take my chances," he replied, walking towards the bedroom door.

Tenten hesitated before letting a cup on the dresser drop to her foot. She cursed and leaned on the dresser. Neji gave her an annoyed look and said, "By tonight, you're going to be completely bruised."

Tenten smirked and said, "I'll be your Tenten for all day until you tell me all that needs to be said. Until then, I suggest you accept it, Creep."

Neji rolled his eyes and walked out, shutting the door behind him. Tenten waited until he was out of earshot before she screamed slightly and held her foot.

'God that hurt,' she thought, 'He'd better just go on and tell me sooner or later.'


Neji took Tenten out to enjoy the cool weather near the river, and also took the time to further explain the personality differences.

She'd stop him and tell him who acted like this or who did what, and he'd listen closely. They then went quiet as they watched the river move about.

After a few minutes of silence, Tenten asked, "What am I like over here...?" Neji looked up thoughtfully, then at Tenten.

He said, "You're superstitious at times. You used to try and read my hand a lot. You complain at times, and yes, you are good at wielding weapons. Really good actually. You helped me personally when it came to overcoming one of my weaknesses."

She looked at him and asked, "What did I help you with?" Neji smiled and said, "You helped me try and work around having a blind spot that almost became the death of me." "Oh," she replied, "I must be a really cool person."

He chuckled and said, "You are to me. You also have a bit of a temper and we do argue still from time to time. I still lo- care about her though."

Neji blushed at his slip up and went quiet afterwards.

Tenten didn't see the slip up, as she was stuck in her own thoughts.

After a moment, Tenten said, "She seems to have it better than I... I didn't even know you had a blind spot. The other Neji... He never said anything about having one, nor did he ever try and properly spar with me. As for believing in ghosts or whatever... I don't. Reality hasn't given me the luxury."

Neji nodded softly and gently rubbed her back. She looked at Neji and said, "You're so different from him... I don't understand how the same person can be so different if placed under certain situations..."

He nodded.

"I understand what you mean." They looked at each other for a moment, and Tenten felt tension. Neji was feeling quite the opposite, but he didn't say.

After a moment, Neji asked, "Would you mind telling me about how I act a little more? Maybe I can come to some understanding of the Neji you know."

She tensed up. She was unsure if he would really want to hear about someone as terrible as himself, in a sense.

But it didn't seem like he would let her avert the subject.


Tenten pushed Neji and said, "Oops." She laughed as he half-glared at her.

"You're not funny," he said, falling in step with her. Tenten wiped her eyes and said, "Your reactions are priceless though, sorry to say."

Neji scoffed and nudged her. As weird as it felt, it also felt natural for her to be by his side. They had been walking for about an hour, since Tenten took another two hours to simply get outside. Neji restrained himself from thinking about the matter and cleared his throat, as if to clear the awkwardness only he knew about.

She looked at him and asked, "What's up?"

He looked down at her before asking, "Do you hang out with Neji like this?"

Tenten shrugged and said, "From time to time. Not often though, as he's always dealing with other things. To be honest, this is the first time I've gone on a walk with a Neji alone."

Neji raised an eyebrow and said, "Sounds like a boring version of me." "It is a boring version of you," she laughed, grinning at him, "but I wouldn't have it any other way."

Neji nodded and rolled his eyes. "I'm hurt," he said flatly. Tenten scoffed and said, "You? Hurt? Not possible. Even if your damned pride was hurt, you'd never show it. Even when you were young..."

Her voice faded as she started thinking about the past. Neji could tell that the subject affected her, but curiosity peaked higher than any other feeling, so he asked, "How did I act when I was younger?"

"Stuck up, up tight, believed that fate held you back," she replied flatly. "Wow," he replied, "I really sounded like a young asshole." "Indeed you were," she said, giggling, "but after Naruto kicked your butt, you straightened up."

"Naruto?" Neji asked.

"He's another version of Menma, only kinder. Naruto is like a version of the Sakura in this world," she replied. Neji nodded softly and looked up in thought.

After a few minutes of silence, Neji asked, "Is his- is my father alive?"

Tenten shook her head and said, "He died when Neji was young. Why do you ask?" Neji frowned and said, "Because mine is dead as well. I was just... Making sure."

Tenten caught a tone in Neji's voice, but didn't have time to question it. Both looked ahead to find Hinata and her team walking towards them.

Tenten glanced up at Neji and found him grinning.

She rolled her eyes the moment she realized he was staring at her breasts. She found herself annoyed and jealous all at the same time, but wouldn't dare compare her breast size to that of the tramp ahead of them.


The tension was thick between them. Tenten really didn't want to bring up the other Neji, but she felt like she couldn't get away with not saying anything.

She sighed and said, "The Neji I know is an asshole. He's a pervert, a bit stuck up, and... Sometimes, he ignores me altogether."

Neji scooted closer and listened closely.

She continued, "He tends to hit on all the female villagers and shinobi, and sometimes he uses his Byakugan to spy on other females while they're naked. Sometimes he has the nerve to literally peak from behind walls."

Neji shook his head in disgust and anger.

"Has he ever done that to you?" he asked. Tenten shook her head and said quietly, "No..." The tone in her voice confused him.

"What's wrong?" he asked. She looked at Neji, feeling a bit guilty before smiling and saying, "It's nothing. Just lost in thought." Neji hesitated before reaching over and gripping her hand gently.

The gesture caught her off guard, and made her face flush in seconds.

Neji smiled at her and said, "Peeking isn't something I do. I'd never stoop so low, even if I wanted to." Tenten smiled back and nodded, but her mouth didn't match her eyes. Neji frowned slightly but didn't bother to question it.

Tenten glanced down at the water and said, "I'm so glad you're not like him... I didn't believe that someone like you could even exist until yesterday. I feel... relieved... I don't have to worry about being tossed about, emotionally and otherwise."

Neji nodded and said, "It doesn't take science to know that he doesn't control himself during a fight either."

Tenten shivered and said, "Yeah, I guess it doesn't... He really is an asshole."

Neji studied Tenten and found that she was more hurt about it more than she let on.

Before he gave it a second thought, he pulled Tenten to him and hugged her gently. She blushed furiously but didn't budge. She found she liked being in his arms.

After a moment, Neji said, "I wouldn't mind helping you train. You may be a klutz, but that's only because no one tried to help you." Tenten smiled warily and said, "I'd love that, Neji."

Neji's heart beat faster than he wanted to let on.

He wasn't sure if he ever felt a certain way with Tenten, but because of the Tenten in his arms, he couldn't help but to feel happy. 


Hinata looked at the both of them before eyeing Neji warily. Tenten faked her best smile, but were she honest, she'd turn right around and find somewhere else to walk, or at least storm past her.

"Well, well," Hinata said, chuckling, "This is a sight no one ever sees." Tenten said, "Well, it's nice to know you're the first to see it then."

Hinata half-glared at Tenten before noticing Neji was smirking gleefully. Hinata scoffed and said, "Keep your eyes to yourself, Hyuga. Don't act like you weren't staring."

"Oh I'm not," Neji replied, but at this point, everyone knew he was lying. Hinata balled up her hand and raised it to punch him, but Tenten stopped it at the last second.

Both Hyugas turned to look at her, and found she looked relaxed.

But her eyes showed a burning flame of anger. "I would prefer if you didn't touch him while I'm around." Hinata snatched her hand back and snapped, "Why the fuck are you defending him?! What, are you his little whore now?!"

Tenten tensed up, about ready to whoop the hell out of Hinata, even if she got hurt in the process.

Neji said, "She's not my whore, Hinata. She's not even my Tenten." "And what the hell are you talking about?" Hinata demanded, glaring at him. Neji looked at her in a way that told her he wasn't joking around. "This isn't our Tenten," he explained further, "The Tenten we know is in another world, but like what happened with the Sakura and Naruto that came here."

Hinata scoffed and said, "You, you're talking about that asshole and the pink bitch."

Tenten cut in, "She's not a bitch!!"

Hinata glared at her, but Tenten continued before she could respond, "She's a good friend, unlike you! And Naruto is not an asshole, not like your precious Menma."

Hinata grit her teeth and her Byakugan activated moments later. Tenten couldn't stop herself, "Who in the hell would look at your body anyways? You want to call me a whore, yet you look like a slut. Why don't you find a street to stand at and get you some cash for new clothes?"

Hinata was furious, and it seemed like no one would reach her at that point.

Hinata turned and lashed out at Tenten, but she backed up on time and said, "I'll prove to you that I'm not your 'Helpless' Tenten! Come on; I don't have all day!!"


Tenten did her best to follow what Neji was showing her, but it was always the smallest problem that made her misstep.

However, Neji was completely patient with her the whole time, and even showed her how to stand, aim, and throw.

By the time it was evening, Tenten was all but comfortable when Neji placed his hands on her body. She was close to blushing at one time when he stood behind her and showed her how to stand properly when throwing a shuriken.

The duo kept at it, and at one point Lee had shown up to help.

Eventually, they were able to properly show her how to throw a shuriken. She was close to hitting bullseye and slightly yelled out in happiness. Neji smiled and said, "Great job, Tenten. I knew you had it in you." She smiled shyly and said, "Thanks Neji. Thank you as well, Lee."

Rock Lee gave her a thumb up and said, "Anytime! Shall we practice some more?"

Tenten was about to say yes when Neji said, "I'd love to, but my family has called for a meeting. You two can continue without me."

Tenten forced herself to swallow back disappointment and smile. "That's okay, Neji," Tenten said, "See you in a while." He nodded softly, turning and walking away.

Tenten gave out a soft sigh before turning to Lee and seeing a wide grin on his face. "What?" she asked nervously.

Lee said, "I'm just really happy for you. I don't know how the other me has been acting, but he should've been trying to help you. I'm just glad I got the opportunity to do so."

Tenten smiled at him and said, "I'm glad. Let's practice a bit more." Lee nodded and proceeded to assist her in learning how to defend herself a little more.

By the time they were done, Tenten was exhausted but really happy with herself. She and Lee parted ways, deciding that they should stop before the sun went down. As Tenten walked home, she ran into Sakura.

Sakura smiled and said, "Hey, Tenten. Is everything well? You look tired."

"I am," Tenten replied, "but it's a good tired. Neji and Lee trained with me and helped me keep from hurting myself. See? No extra holes in my shirt."

"That's great!" Sakura exclaimed, "I'm glad you were able to accomplish that." Tenten smiled and then sighed moments later. Sakura asked, "Tenten, is everything alright?" "

Well," Tenten replied softly, "I was wondering... If I could sit somewhere with you and ask a few questions."

"About who?"

Sakura asked. Tenten bit her lower lip and almost whispered, "About... About the other me... And Neji..."


Hinata yelled and aimed to attack Tenten's chest, her hand blazed in chakra.

Sparring with Neji taught her how to dodge on time.

She did so, and pulled out a scroll, pressing her hands together and sending several kunai flying towards her. Hinata dodged them and laughed. "Missing your target as usual!" she spat, aiming for Tenten's head.

Tenten grunted and moved her head to the right, releasing a katana from a scroll and swiping it at Hinata, causing her to jerk back. The katana was long enough to almost slice her waist.

Hinata growled and picked up Tenten's discarded kunai, sending them flying in Tenten's direction. Tenten expertly dodged and even sent two flying back at her.

Neji was about to step forward when Menma grabbed his shoulder from behind. "Let them spar," he said. Neji was unsure about the decision. Hell, he was unsure just how everything unfolded. The only thing he really cared about at the moment – as odd as it was – was keeping Tenten safe.

'I can't do that when standing still, damnit.' Neji thought.

He knew that eventually Hinata would overwhelm her.

She was ruthless.

Tenten swung a kusarigama towards Hianta, to where the Hyuga caught it in her hands. She yanked Tenten forward and prepared the final blow. However, Tenten was five steps ahead of her, and placed a paper bomb on her hand, preparing herself and releasing it moments later.

Both kunoichi went flying, but neither was knocked out. In fact, it only served to hype Tenten and anger Hinata.

Hinata sprinted towards Tenten, yelling out, "Eight Trigrams Palms Revolving Heaven!!"

Tenten was knocked off her feet once more, and slammed up against a tree. Before Hinata could stalk towards her, Neji slammed his hand upside her side before tripping her, causing her to fall on her back.

Tenten looked with wide eyes, and it seemed like Hinata was almost out for the count.

Menma stalked forward angrily, but Neji wasn't having any of it. He got in a stance and prepared himself.

Neji was caught off guard however, as Tenten tried to stand up and cried out in pain.

Menma created a rasengan in his hands and aimed for Neji, but was stopped short by Lee, who knocked him off his feet.

Neji looked at Lee in partial thanks before turning to attend to Tenten. She looked up at him and saw that he was angry.

She didn't know the reason why, but she didn't bother saying anything.

He carefully picked her up and said to Lee, "Try to calm them down when they're not dizzy and enraged. I'm taking Tenten back to her house for healing." Lee nodded and said, "No problem."

Neji then walked away, ignoring the looks aiming in his direction. Tenten simply stayed quiet the whole way there, not sure if she should apologize for something that she didn't exactly start.


O3O Neji is piiiiiissed. Or is he feeling for the Kunoichi?

Much confusion. Great Mystery. Wow. XDD #DONE

~ Nimo

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