Author's Note: The adventure continues....... I wonder what the group wi l l r e q u e s t...
There will probably be one more part to this because this story is another trilogy.
Mumbo's POV:
We were all waiting for who knows how long.
Iskall had started to help me with dealing with the cyborg eye with Grian observing with curiosity.
Doc was sleeping on the floor with his leg kicking in the air. Ren was figuring out his cyborg arm with a head cock every now and again as he laid his head against Doc's side.
Stress (Biffa), Joe (EX), and Python (TFC) were discussing the odd book that the controller had. I believe I overheard them mentioning that it could manipulate any of us in any way. You put that in the wrong hands, and well, we know what happens.
Zedaph (Impulse) was scratching at his stubble and complaining about how itchy it was. Tango (X) was laughing, and Impulse (Zedaph) was telling Zedaph that he would get use to it.
Biffa, TFC, and X still haven't returned yet.
This left EX (Joe) still laying there in his cage; his eyes were darting towards us, and the moment I returned the look he would look away.
I perked up when a hand touched my shoulder.
" Mumbo, what are you doing?" Grian asked as I looked over at him and turned off the cyborg eye like Iskall had taught me.
" I'm just thinking about what the others are doing." I answered as I yawned slightly.
Grian nodded at me, " I still don't get the whole "Evil X" thing." Grian did air quotes as he glanced towards EX then back at me and Iskall.
" If he's X's brother then why is he called Evil X?" he raised his eyebrow. Iskall and I looked at each other.
I frowned slightly, " Biffa knows the full story. We just know that he one day appeared and kept pranking all of us." I told him with a shrug. Grian frowned, but he then nodded in silence. Grian laid down on the floor.
" Nicknames stick G. Nicknames stick. Even if they are bad." Iskall yawned as he fixed his glasses.
The sound of fireworks went off as TFC (Python) re-entered the base. His tail was swaying as his forked tongue stuck out of his muzzle.
" Any luck finding Biffa n' X?" Stress (Biffa) questioned once they noticed TFC's reentry. TFC shook his head, " None." he sighed as he walked next to Joe, Stress, and Python. Everyone let out a sigh.
We all continued to wait until more fireworks went off as Biffa (Stress) and X (Tango) came back in.
Ren stroked Doc awake causing the dog-hybrid to sit up groggily and shake himself out, " What does that work?" he mumbled as Ren shrugged, " Dogs enjoy being petted?" he answered with a small smirk. The two hybrids stood up.
Tango, Zedaph, and Impulse all got up as well.
Grian, Iskall, and I did the same.
" We were discussing the book. " Stress explained as he motioned towards Python. Python was going to bring the book back out, but he glanced at me and quickly halted himself from doing so.
X crossed his arms. The hermit sighed, " You guys know that we can't exactly use it though, right?" he tilted his head.
" What do we do then?" Tango (X) explained as he scratched his head then put the helmet back over his head. X looked at Biffa, who nodded slightly.
X shoved his hands into his vest as he looked towards the sky. He shook his head as he looked down his spine, " Before I explain the plan, Tango I need to talk to you in private." he waved Tango to follow him.
The two walked into Grian's chest area and behind a large shack of shulker boxes. I really need to help Grian make a sorting system now that I think about it.
Impulse let out a sigh, " I think I know what this'll be about." he blinked tiredly as he popped his back.
I thought for a moment then remembered.
Tango had a weird lion like tail that he kept hidden until he deaged during the whole virus thing. He still felt uncomfortable about it being in the way of his work, so he kept it taped against his leg.
" I tried to tell him that taping his tail to his leg wasn't the best option, but he was persistent on his decision." Zedaph shook his head with a sigh.
TFC straightened up, " I would not blame him though..... " he looked down at his own tail, " These are quite a hassle to deal with." he crossed his arms as Ren and Doc both nodded in agreement.
We all continued to talk about the men's troubles with tails until X and Tango came back out from behind the cover. Tango's tail was out and waving around sporadically.
" Thank you for letting me have it out Tango." X nodded as Tango gave him a smile, " It was bound to have to reappear eventually X." he replied with a yawn as he stood beside Impulse and Zedaph.
X looked between all of us then towards EX.
" Okay....." he crossed his arms behind his back and stood up straight.
" We all know that getting back to our own bodies isn't going to be easy." he started as he walked around the room. I followed his walking until we were all gathered near EX's cage.
EX perked up and let out a hiss as we all looked between him and X. The brothers looked at each other, " Due to my brother's...... prank as I..... as I wan to call it.... We need to head to central server."
This caused everyone including EX to perk up, " We can't all go there though. Only a select few of us can." TFC sighed as X nodded.
" That's the main problem at hand. Who will stay, and who will go? There can only be five of us." he frowned. Everyone looked at each other and shuffled awkwardly.
X and Biffa both frowned.
" Do you guys not want to meet the controller?" X raised his eyebrow. Iskall straightened up, " We've never really met them before mate." he sighed as X and Biffa looked at each other.
Doc crossed his arms, " I have work that I need to get done." he sighed as he immediately flew away with Ren trailing behind him.
TFC and Python fled as well with their own excuses.
Biffa and Stress were next with Stress 'suddenly' realizing that they still needed Biffa's held at their base.
Impulse and Zedaph whispered some reassuring words to Tango and promptly left with nervous and sad expressions.
This left Tango, Joe, X, EX, Grian, Iskall, and me. We all looked at each other in awkward silence.
" It is clear that I need to go in order to come back to this server." X spoke causing Tango to sigh, " I saw that coming." he mumbled under his breath with an awkward sound.
Joe looked down at EX, " I should stay here and watch after him." he sighed causing EX to growl, " I don't need you here you southern hi-" a piece of duct tape was slapped over his mouth by Iskall. EX shook with anger, but he recoiled into a ball with a muffled yelp of pain.
" Honestly.... I'll go with you." Grian smiled as he took a step forward. Iskall and I nodded. X straightened up, " Okay, we got things set up..."
X fixed his elytra, " Follow me gentlemen. We can get to the central server near my base." X took off into the sky with the four of us following behind him.
EX laid there with the duct tape over his mouth. The stupid hermits plus his traitorous brother left him with the southerner hermit.
Joe gave him a sad look as he gently took the duct tape off of his mouth. EX grumbled at him, " Why would you even do that?" he questioned as Joe sat down in front of him.
The two looked at each other. EX from his painful spot on his ground, and Joe causally sitting up. There was the dark energy radiating off his eyes, but Joe surprisingly kept in control.
" I don't want to be your enemy...." Joe spoke in a calm tone. He looked down at his hands. EX stared at him, " You're just saying that...." he hissed as he looked away.
The hermit looked at him in silence. Joe sighed, " I'm not just saying that.... You have seen how all of us are.... There are some of us, like me, that wish you no harm. I can't even fight..... I have received a vulnerable wound to my stomach that still isn't fully healed..." he explained.
This statement made EX realized something. It explained why he still hurt so much after his fall. EX looked away from Joe.
" Can you just go away for now?" he questioned as he heard a quiet 'yes' before the sound of heavy footsteps left him alone in his cage.
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