Chapter 3

     The drive was short, but on the way she was able to see the thick foliage from the leaves blend together in a green blur and the wooden trunks of the trees merge together, she enjoyed the island and its natural surroundings. She had worked at the park for as long as Owen did, after winning a bet with him.

     Owen had dropped Marlo off close to the park which meant that she had to walk through some of the rainforest to get to the Innovation Centre side entrance, which she would then have to make her way through to the front, then to the main street plaza of the park, then quickly get a lift from one of the other workers to the dock. It was a good thing that she woke up early for this.

     She lifted up the sign that had the names of Claire's nephews on it and walked through the crowd with an annoyed expression. She didn't necessarily hate the visitors, but she did dislike them as they always wanted more. Which of course was one of Mr. Masrani's favourite things. He owned the park and would often drop by to see how things were or to give instructions, he had somehow only met her once and never her brother. Once, Marlo referred to him as always being; 'Chill.' Resulting in a reply from him of; 'Chill? No, I'm not cold. The weathers nice out.' Which in turn got a response from Marlo which was the sound of her groaning and slapping her hand to her forehead.

     Marlo was already getting bored of standing with the sign in her hand, she shuffled on her feet and started to make faces at small children walking by resulting in them giggling at her or being scared of her face. "That's us," she heard a voice speak up, she looked away from a baby and towards two boys. "Where's Aunt Claire?" Gray asked. But she already forgot which boy was which—not really paying attention to Claire.

     Gray had longish dirty blonde hair that curled slightly at the ends, he wore a plaid shirt, beige shorts, white socks, and old red trainers. Not only that but he had a small fanny pack around his waist which was slightly covered by his shirt. In his hand was a disposable camera. Needless to say he was adorable. Something Marlo never thought she would ever think to herself, even though she had no idea which one he was.

     "Consulting ageing cream with the dinosaurs." Gray looked up at her with red cheeks while he let out a small laugh and smiled at her, she didn't bother looking at Zach. "Well I'm going to take you to your room and then I'm leeching you onto Claire's assistant, Zara. Who has the attention span of a spoon, the attitude of Satan, and the looks of a goblin." She finished and heard a snicker from Zach.

     "What's your name?" Gray asked her.

     "I'm Marlo, and I will be your travelling tour guide from here-" She clicked her fingers as she pointed to the ground while shifting her weight onto her right leg making her body look extremely relaxed. "To there." She clicked as she pointed to the general direction of the hotel they would be staying at. "Any questions?" Neither of them spoke up so she nodded and started walking towards the monorail, which would take them to the hotel. The two boys trailing behind her.

     "What happened to your face?" Gray spoke up as he jogged to fall in line with Marlo, who had a quick pace while he was taking pictures of their surroundings, she turned her head to face him and Zach slapped his arm.

     "Gray, don't," he growled out, however Gray didn't listen. She caught a look at Zach, he had dark hair and dark eyes. He had a dark red shirt on with a grey jumper, he wore dark trousers and converse, he also had black headphones around his neck.

     "Genetics," Marlo replied as she pushed her way through the crowds of people. They seemed to be multiplying like germs which was something that annoyed her as well, they seemed to grow bigger in crowds as the seconds passed them by. "Move you baby hippo," she spoke as a child ran into her because he wasn't looking where he was going. "I will feed you to my Raptor." The boy looked startled and his eyes gazed over her face as his mouth dropped open and moved away from her, while Zach snorted a laugh but covered it with a cough. "But back to the answer of your question, Gray, work happened to my face." She saw from the corner of her eye Gray looking at her.

     "A dinosaur did that?" He ran beside her to keep up as she was walking quickly. "What one?" He continued as they walked towards the monorail. Marlo shook her head and didn't respond. The two boys were now seated side by side, Marlo stood beside the chairs, even though Gray offered her his chair. He was the guest. Claire better be paying her extra Marlo thought to herself. This wasn't in the job description.

     Zach continued to look sullen and bored, crossing his arms. A gleeful Gray grinned and elbowed him but Zach didn't respond. Marlo looked out to the front, never actually having been on the monorail before, she stared out the window with a smile on her face. A monorail announcer was heard over the interior speakers;

"Okay, those of you in the front of the train should be able to see our main gate, built from the gate of the original park, over twenty years ago."

     Gray got up excitedly, and pulled Marlo by the hem of her sleeve to the front, both of them watching as the train approached the main entrance to the park. Marlo noted that it greatly resembled the original 'Jurassic Park' gate, complete with lit torches, except it has 'JURASSIC WORLD' in large blue letters. The doors creaked open and the train passed through.

     "Woah," Marlo mumbled out. Gray looked up to her and smiled to himself.

     "This is so cool," he told her, Marlo looked down to him and nods. "Do you do this often?" He tilted his head slightly.

     "First time." His eyes widened at Marlo. "I'm mainly with my brother or with the dinosaurs, never people," Marlo explained.


     Gray rushed excitedly through the crowd. While the P.A system cracked on once more;

"Please obey all park rules. Proper attire, including shoes and shirts, must be worn at all time."

     "Why don't we go streaking through the park instead?" She rolled her eyes. Zach stifled a laugh at Marlo. Gray gasped at everything he saw, Marlo smiled and quickly walked after him, Zach—looking glum—followed behind the two. "Okay, so boss man said she arranged to meet you at one so...Slow down speedy." Marlo laughed after Gray.

     "Boss man?" Zach laughed.


     "But why boss man?"

     "She's my boss, not a man...Sure. But it's quicker and smoother than boss woman." She shrugged.

     "Come on." Gray gestured excitedly as he got on a nearby escalator.

     Marlo quickened her step and caught up to him, brushing passed people, Zach huffed as he copied her actions. Marlo stood behind Gray two steps down, so he was just a bit a taller than her when he turned to face them, while Zach stood directly behind Marlo, almost touching.

     "You never did tell me which dinosaur hurt you." Gray looked to Marlo as they walked into the lobby of the hotel, she already had their key that Claire had given her so she went straight to the elevator. She couldn't help but think that it was incredibly sweet that he cared, and that his tone was almost—somehow—protective, even though they had just met.

     She was about to respond with a sarcastic comment or long pun that the 'dinosaur' was someone she worked with rather than looked after, but she really wanted to cut the chit-chat short so she cut to the chase. But then again, she couldn't help herself, it was in her nature to respond the way she does.

     "Not one you would find in an enclosure...A colleague did it. Turns out not everyone likes my opinions." Marlo pressed the button and the elevator went up. "But it's fine, it's not as bad as the other ones." Gray and Zach both looked at her slightly worried, they thought that if this was what a colleague did but was thought of as 'fine' or 'not as bad' then they didn't want to know what 'bad' was.

     "Who?" This was the first time Zach actually got a look at her.

     "I mean...Never mind," she huffed out as she walked out of the elevator and Gray took the room key card and ran ahead. "Kids got speed," she muttered to herself. Once she caught up the door was already open and Zach went to lay down on the bed as he went on his phone. Gray opened the curtains excitedly.

     "Do you three ever slow down!" A British accent called out from behind Marlo which made her groan and roll her eyes.

     "No," Zach muttered in annoyance before the lady continued.

     "I'm Zara, you will be with me-" Marlo cut her off by taking Zara's coffee and taking a sip.

     "Already told them," Marlo replied as she swallowed the hot coffee, it needed more milk, it tasted like dirt. Which wasn't surprising to her seeing as Zara was basically a demon that crawled out from hell.

     Zara snatched back her drink and Marlo put her hands up in defense. "You are disgusting," Zara muttered almost spitting on Marlo who had turned around to face the boys and grinned, Gray had grinned back at her and Zach had sat up watching the two waiting for their next move. "Shouldn't you be heading to work? Possibly getting mauled by your giant chickens?" Marlo dropped her smile off her face and slowly turned to Zara.

     "What did you call my pack? Giant chickens?" She laughed harshly towards Zara, who wore a smug look on her face. "How about I shove you in their paddock and watch you calm them down? Oh wait, you can't! The only thing you can do is complain and talk on the phone to your so-called 'friends'. Don't you ever insult my Raptors again." Marlo growled at her and felt a tug on her sleeve, she looked down to Gray who was smiling lightly at her, possibly trying to get her to calm down and not lash out at the overly dressed 'ass'istant.

     "Come with us! It will be fun!" Marlo shook her head apologetically at him, Zach had stood up by now and was watching Marlo closely. Marlo sighed and crouched down slightly to Gray's height.

     "Sorry kid, I have work to do, but I might see you around the park. If you see me first then you can come drag me with you, but for now, I have to go take care of a lot of teeth." She winked at Gray whose cheeks darkened again and he smiled at her widely knowing what dinosaur she was on about. "Anyway, enjoy your time with medusa, I'm sure I will save you later." Marlo walked back and out of the door way. She walked out of the hotel and towards the Tyrannosaurus Rex paddock for feeding time.

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