Surviving Number 8. Part 14.

"Breathe! Hyung please!" Taehyung screamed. He instantly got to doing CPR on Hobi. Pressing on his chest and giving him rescue breaths, which proved hard to do when he could barely breathe himself from crying so hard. Jimin was beside Taehyung, crying. He didn't know what to do or how to help. While Taehyung was busy giving the dance leader CPR, he looked over to see Ky was now trying to drown Namjoon in the pool.

"Stop!" Jimin screamed. He got up and jumped in after them. He reached Ky and put him in a headlock, screaming for Namjoon to get to safety. "Go, hyung! I've got him! Go help Taehyung!"

Namjoon wasn't about to leave Jimin behind in the pool with Ky, so he grabbed his dongsaeng and pulled him away. "Let's go!"

They escaped the water and ran to Taehyung, who was having an extreme panic attack over the fact he couldn't get Hobi breathing. "It's's not working! I-I don't know what to do!" He started pressing on his brothers chest harder. "Wake up! Hyung please! Please! Please wake up hyung! I need you to breathe!"

Jimin and Namjoon started screaming that they had to get out of there, and Jimin reminded everyone that Yoongi was still half dead on the kitchen floor. He jumped to his feet and ran inside to his hyung, finding him curled up in a ball, clutching his stomach, crying so faintly that all Jimin could really hear from him was wheezing.

"Oh...Yoongi hyung..." Jimin gently placed his hands on his hyung, trying to offer comfort any way possible.

Yoongi noticed Jimin's swollen and bloodshot eyes. " he okay?"

They both looked over when they heard footsteps running into the house. Jimin practically threw himself onto Yoongi in fear that it was Ky coming to finish what he started. He was surprised to see Namjoon running in while holding Hobi in his arms, who was awake and coughing as if there were no tomorrow, and Taehyung right on his heels.

"He's breathing! Hobi!" Jimin cheered.

The dance leader was gagging and spewing liquid all over Namjoon, but the leader would take that over him being dead any day.

"Get him!" Namjoon screamed, pointing at Yoongi. Jimin knew they had to get out of there as quickly as they could. He got up and scooped Yoongi into his arms, lifting him gently as he tried not to hurt any of the rapper's injuries. They were running for the front door, Taehyung keeping a close eye behind them to make sure Ky didn't sneak up. The monster was still outside but he didn't seem to care to get to them. He wasn't chasing them. That didn't stop them from speeding out of there. They hopped into the rental car, Taehyung taking the wheel. Namjoon had Hobi sprawled across his lap in the back seat while he patted his chest and back trying to help him breathe still. Hobi was clutching Namjoon's shirt with all his strength, his tears flowing heavily. He was coughing so hard he couldn't get words out, and his entire body was burning, but he was grateful that he'd at least woken back up. He wasn't aware of how long he'd been out for.

Jimin was next to them in the back seat, with Yoongi curled up in his lap. Jimin was rubbing his back and cooing gentle reassurances that everyone was going to be okay. Yoongi was hyperventilating and still clutching his stomach, the blows from the tree branch were still sending explosions of pain through him. He moved his leg enough so that it was touching Hobi. He needed to feel his brother. Feel him moving. Feel him crying. Anything to help him know his dongsaeng was still alive.

Taehyung got them to the same hospital Jin and Jungkook were still at. Part of him was happy to be close to them again, but the circumstances that had brought them back there so quickly broke his heart. Once he parked he jumped out of the car screaming for help saying there were two emergencies.

"My hyung! He drowned! He still can't breathe well! I had to do CPR! Help him! Please! And my other hyung! He was beaten! Badly! He can't move! Help! Someone help!" Taehyung dropped to his knees right in the parking lot and buried his face into his hands, screaming out in frustration.

He dropped his face into the pavement and started punching it once the tears weren't enough of a release. His body couldn't hold all of this pain.

Paramedics and doctors outside ran to the car and helped Jimin and Namjoon get the other two boys out and onto stretchers. Yoongi and Hobi were both rushed into the hospital while Namjoon and Jimin got down on the ground with Taehyung and held him.

"I-I-I can't do this anymore!" He screamed. He looked between Jimin and Namjoon. "We-we're the only ones left," he sniffled, "He's hurt everyone! Everyone!"

Jimin was hugging Taehyung against his chest as he broke down too. Namjoon had both of them in his arms and was rocking them. Neither of them had comforting words for Taehyung. Saying "It's going to be okay," wasn't even true at this point, so why bother?

"He's going to kill us," Taehyung cried. His chest and shoulders were going up and down a mile a minute at the mere thought. Ky already almost killed four of them. He knew Ky didn't care about murdering someone. "It's only a m-matter of time, and he's g-going to kill us."

"No," Namjoon whispered as he ran his fingers through Taehyung's hair. "He won't. He won't."

He didn't know what else to say. Part of him had the same fear but he didn't want to make Taehyung, or Jimin, even more terrified by admitting that he fully believed Ky would one day kill them. All they could continue to do is protect each other but he was seeing that was clearly not working to their advantage.

As the three of them were huddled together on the ground of the hospital parking lot, it suddenly started to downpour. The rain instantly mixed with their tears and sent shivers through their bodies. Namjoon stood up and offered his hands to both of his dongsaengs. "Come on, let's get inside and see what's going on."

Jimin grabbed his leader's hand and stood up. Taehyung started to stand, but a dizzy spell came over him and he started to wobble and stumble.

"Tae?" Jimin grabbed Taehyung's arm to help steady him. "Are you okay?"

Taehyung started rubbing his head. His vision was going blurry and his body felt light. He forgot where they even were. "I'm-" before he got another word out, his eyes rolled to the back of his head and his body dropped forward.

"Taehyung!" Namjoon and Jimin screamed in unison.

They both caught him before he smashed his face into the pavement. The boy had completely passed out.

Jimin tried shaking him. "Tae! Taehyungie!? Wake up!" He gently patted his face. "Hey, wake up," he begged.

Taehyung's eyes weren't opening. Jimin burst into more tears. He didn't know how much more of this he could take before he simply passed away from a broken heart.

Namjoon picked Taehyung up and rushed him inside, trying to get him out of the cold rain as quickly as possible. Jimin screamed saying they needed another doctor because now Taehyung had passed out.

Doctors took Taehyung from Namjoon and placed him on a stretcher. They watched another member of their family be rushed off somewhere. A doctor escorted Namjoon and Jimin back into a private waiting room. "Do you have updates on any of them? At least one of them? Please. Please I need positive news about at least someone." Namjoon's eyes were swollen and dark. It was clear he was beyond exhausted.

Unfortunately, the doctor had no positive news. He had no updates on the three recently brought in, Jin was still unconscious. "And Jungkook still has such bad panic every single time he wakes up that we have to immediately sedate him and put him back under."

The news of that absolutely outraged Namjoon. Jimin flinched at the leader's sudden outburst of anger.

"Stop fucking doing that to Jungkook!" He screamed so loud it could be heard all the way down the hallway. "Let him wake up! Let him scream and cry and panic and do what he needs to do! He's never going to get any better if all you do is put him right back to sleep! He's never going to calm down if you don't give him the chance to! All you're doing is pumping him full of a million different drugs and I'm demanding you stop that! Is he awake right now?"

"No." The doctor was beside himself. He didn't expect such an outburst but Namjoon was so sick of everyone and everything right now he didn't care how mean he was.

"Well when he does, let us in the room with him." Namjoon pointed between Jimin and himself. "No drugs. No sedation. If he's screaming and crying, fine, let him. But I want us in the room with him."

The doctor agreed to come get them once Jungkook woke up again, and assured Namjoon that they wouldn't sedate him any more. After the doctor left the waiting room, Namjoon and Jimin stood there silently staring at each other.

No words needed to be spoken before Jimin threw himself into Namjoon's chest and was so overcome with grief he dragged both of them onto the floor. Namjoon held him in his arms tightly and kissed the top of his head.

"W-when does it get better?" Jimin cried. His voice muffled into Namjoon's shirt. Namjoon did his best to dry the remaining droplets of rain off Jimin's face.

"I don't know." Namjoon's voice was small and defeated. He knew he was the hyung here but he didn't have the energy in him to be the brave big brother Jimin needed right now. His heart broke a million times over as the two continued to hug silently for what felt like hours.

They were huddled in the corner together hugging, the warmth of each other's bodies was comforting and for the first time in who knows how many hours, both of them fell asleep.

They weren't sure how long they'd fallen asleep for, but they were woken up by a doctor coming in and letting them know Jungkook was awake, and as expected, screaming and crying and freaking out. The two jumped to their feet.

"Take us to him!" Jimin demanded. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as they were guided to Jungkook's room. They could hear him screaming and crying from all the way down the hall and their hearts broke hearing it. They started running, desperate to get to him faster. To hold him. To comfort him.

They ran in and saw their maknae covered in bruises and bandages from where he'd been cut by glass in the car accident. He looked like he had two black eyes but that was from the pure exhaustion of continuously waking up panicking and being drugged over and over and over again.

"Oh! Baby! My baby!" Jimin got to him first. Jungkook was so panicked and out of it he didn't even know who was holding him. He was screaming and thrashing around, and Jimin wrapped his arms tightly around him. "Kookie it's me! It's Jimin hyung! It's hyung! Shh! It's okay! Shh!"

Namjoon ran and wrapped his arms tightly around the youngest too.

"Jin! Jin hyung!" Jungkook screamed through his tears. "Where is Jin hyung?! Where is my Jin hyung?!"

None of the doctors had given Jungkook updates during the small windows of him being awake. The youngest didn't even know if Jin was alive or not. He was so terrified that he'd lost his oldest hyung for good. Jungkook's eyes were scanning all around the room, oblivious to who was holding him. He was looking for Jin.

"Shh, maknae," Jimin was kissing Jungkook's cheek over and over. "Jin is...he's alive...he's in another room."

Jin is alive. He's alive. Alive.

Those were the only words the maknae needed to hear. His breathing calmed. His screaming stopped. He realized he felt multiple arms around him. He finally looked and realized who was holding him. "Jimin hyung? Joonie hyung?" He was clearly still a bit confused as to what was going on.

But Jin is alive.

Jungkook finally gathered the strength to hug his hyungs back and embrace their warmth.

"Yeah, it's us Koo," Namjoon reassured. The leader was happy to see Jungkook finally calming down and becoming aware of his surroundings. He couldn't help but be angry at the doctors for trying to keep Jungkook's feelings suppressed. He knew the youngest never would have gotten better that way.

Jungkook felt his body being gently squeezed for a long time. It took him a few minutes to realize something wasn't right. He scanned the room again. "W-where are hyungies? Are they with Jin?"

Jungkook looked at Jimin and saw his hyungs tears fall as his cheeks turned red and he looked away.

Something is wrong.

He turned to Namjoon with fearful eyes. "Where...where is everyone?"

Namjoon gulped. He could tell Jimin didn't have the strength to tell Jungkook that everyone else was also badly hurt.

Jungkook noticed Jimin's silence and Namjoon's hesitation. His heart monitor started beeping as his pulse picked up. He was getting scared all over again.

"Jimin-ie? Namjoonie?" He frantically looked back and forth between his two hyungs. "Are they okay? What's wrong?" The maknae's tears flowed out of his eyes before he even knew he was crying. "Where are all of my hyungs?"

Namjoon sniffled and wiped the wetness from his eyes. He couldn't even look at Jungkook. He hated seeing how hurt he already was, and his chest tightened knowing he was about to add a lot more hurt.

"I-um...Kookie...I don't know how to tell you this...but I have some bad news."

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