Chapter Fourteen
"Cora-chan!" Himiko's voice startled her awake.
Cora jolted out of bed and let out a hiss of pain as she slammed her toe into the nightstand next to her bed. At some point she appeared to have flipped over on her bed and her feet ended up where her head was supposed to go. She opened her eyes and focused on herself so she could see her surroundings. She was in her room at the League of Villains hideout beneath the seedy bar.
A small squeal of terror and surprise escaped her as she spotted a figure slumped uncomfortably in the chair in the corner of the room. From her vantage point she couldn't see their face but at her sound of terror they jumped and shifted, looking upward. Cora relaxed as she realized it was Dabi and felt her cheeks redden with embarrassment for having woken him with a girly scream.
"Cora-chan!" Himiko yelled again before barreling through the door. She paused as her golden gaze fell on Dabi sitting in the corner and a smirk twisted onto her lips, "what are you doing here?"
"Guard duty." Dabi said with yawn as he stretched and rolled his shoulders back to alleviate the stiffness that had crept up from his uncomfortable sleeping position.
Himiko smiled mischievously, "I call guard duty tonight."
"Not happening." Dabi grumbled as he stretched again, his back popping in the process. "What were you screaming about anyway, psycho?"
Himiko grinned up at the ceiling knowing that was where Cora looked down from. "Time to go grocery shopping!"
"Really?!" Cora asked with a grin.
Himiko skipped toward the blind girl linking their arms together, "yep! Let's go!"
"Hold it, psycho." Dabi blocked their path and pulled the excited teen away from Cora, "let her get dressed." He shoved her toward the door.
"Is that why you're on guard duty, so you can watch?" Himiko challenged him with a manic grin.
Dabi rolled his eyes and shoved the teen out of the room before turning to the blind girl, "are you alright on your own or do you need a hand?"
Cora felt her body burn at his question. "I-I'm okay."
He nodded and exited her room, catching a knife Himiko hurled at him with a sigh. Once alone, Cora grabbed a black duffel bag Giran had brought her with some clothes in it. She changed into a pair of comfortable pale grey leggings and a long flowing black shirt that stretched to mid thigh. She stepped into a pair of flats and exited the room with a giggle as she almost smacked into Dabi and Himiko who were currently scowling at the wall across from her room like two intimidating bouncers.
"Ready." Cora beamed.
The two guard dogs relaxed at this. Dabi let Himiko offer Cora an arm to help her up the stairs and followed the pair of them up to the bar.
Shigaraki was sitting at the bar scowling at the paper. Kurogiri was behind the bar and turned as the trio stepped out of the stairwell. "Good morning, did you three sleep well?" He asked politely.
"Yes, thank you." Cora replied politely, though Dabi and Himiko chose not to answer.
Kurogiri politely nodded to the blind girl. "Coffee?"
Before Cora could respond, Himiko tugged on her arm steering her toward the door.
"Where the hell are you three going?" Shigaraki growled.
"Out." Dabi answered coolly.
"That's not how this works, Patches." Shigaraki glowered.
"Grocery shopping!" Himiko cheered.
"What?! Why?!" Shigaraki stared at them incredulously.
"Cora-chan has never been grocery shopping." Himiko said as if it were obvious.
"Do be careful and try not to come back too late." Kurogiri nodded to the trio before throwing a wary look at Shigaraki who looked like he was ready to explode in anger.
Shigaraki huffed but said nothing.
"Do you need us to get you anything?" Cora offered.
"They can get their own damn groceries." Dabi growled as he slung an arm around her shoulders and helped the psycho pull her out of the bar.
"Ah, that's not very nice. Kurogiri has been very kind, we should bring him something back from the store." Cora nearly tripped as Himiko pulled her down the alleyway. If it weren't for Dabi's arm around her she probably would have wiped out.
"If we must." Dabi sighed.
Cora smiled, "we must."
The trio walked to a nearby supermarket. Cora used her quirk to get a layout of the place and gushed as she saw how big the produce section was. There were exotic fruits and vegetables from all over the world.
Himiko reluctantly let Cora go so she could push a cart. She and Dabi watched as Cora excitedly perused the aisles. Occasionally she would pick something up in her hands and angle it so that it was tilted upward so she could use her quirk to see it. They exchanged curious looks as she put a few things in the cart.
"What are you getting all this for?" Dabi pondered.
"Gifts for everyone." Cora beamed.
"They don't deserve gifts from you, Cora-chan." Himiko grumbled.
"I agree with the psycho." Dabi frowned.
"It's the polite thing to do." Cora giggled.
Dabi and Himiko sighed in unison before scowling at one another. Himiko froze as she spotted a middle aged man staring at Cora as if he recognized her. She discreetly elbowed Dabi in the side and nodded to the man.
"Stay with Cora." Dabi ordered her before making his way toward the man, his fists clenching at his sides.
The man ducked down an aisle and made a dash for the exit while fishing his phone out of his pocket. Dabi placed a hand on his shoulder as he began to dial on his phone. "Let's talk." He grabbed the phone with his free hand, incinerating it in an instant.
The man paled, "I don't want any trouble."
"Sure about that? Looked to me like you were about to call the police." Dabi smirked as he roughly steered the man to the side alley. "Now, why would you do that?"
"The girl. The blind one, she escaped-."
Dabi didn't hear anything else as he was overcome with rage, this was one of Cora's abusers.
Cora jumped as Himiko suddenly covered her eyes from behind, "Cora-chan! Let's get cookies."
"S-sure, Himiko-chan." Cora giggled. She hadn't seen Dabi with them before Himiko had covered her eyes, "where did Dabi go?"
"He wanted to look at something." Himiko shrugged.
"Why are you covering my eyes?" Cora asked.
Himiko hesitated, "I don't want you to look at anything."
Cora tensed at this. "What's Dabi doing?"
"Keeping Cora-chan safe." Himiko hugged her from behind with one arm, keeping her other hand firmly over Cora's eyes.
A shiver rolled down Cora's spine.
"What are you doing to her, psycho?" Dabi asked upon his return.
Himiko released Cora from her hold and Cora activated her quirk to look down on them all. Dabi's coat was smoking slightly. She reached over to pat the dying embers out.
"What happened?" Cora asked curiously.
"Just taking care of something." Dabi shrugged and slung an arm across her shoulder's delighting in the blush that crept across her cheeks. "We should get going, are you almost done?"
Cora nodded and convinced them to let her go through the self-checkout line so she could pay for her purchases. After checking out, Dabi insisted on carrying the bags. He managed to carry everything with one hand so he could keep his other arm firmly around Cora's shoulders.
They made it back to the bar to find that Giran had joined Shigaraki and Kurogiri. Giran looked at the trio curiously before smiling as he noticed the grocery bags in Dabi's hand.
"Have fun shopping?" He asked.
"So much fun." Cora beamed before searching through the bags for a tin of tea cookies which she handed to Kurogiri. "Thank you for your hospitality."
Kurogiri seemed taken aback by the gift, "ah, you're very welcome, Cora."
Cora returned to the bags and fished out a small charcuterie board with fancy meats and cheeses and gave it to Giran.
Giran smiled and ruffled her hair, "best assistant in the world." He smiled.
Cora returned and retrieved a cute pastry in the shape of a corgi and extended it to Shigaraki. Everyone tensed as Shigaraki looked at the cute pastry with a scowl. After a moment his scowl shifted slightly and he snatched the pastry from her without a word.
Dabi looked down at the remaining bag. "Who are these for?"
"You and Himiko-chan." Cora smiled.
Dabi fished through the bag and found a box full of cutely decorated cookies which he handed over to Himiko. The remaining bag contained a sandwich that reminded him of the one he'd shared with Cora many years ago when they'd first met. He smiled as he looked down at it before turning his gaze to Cora.
"Split it with me." Dabi extended a hand to her.
Cora's cheeks flushed with heat before she shyly nodded and placed her hand in his.
Dabi pulled her away from the others heading for the stairs leading down to their sleeping quarters.
"Where the hell are you two going? We have things to discuss." Shigaraki snapped.
"It can wait." Dabi shrugged as he led Cora down the stairs.
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