Chapter 25: Fires of Love
Another boring bar. Shesh, I hate it. My mind needs to work! I quickly ordered whiskey and Sam and I took shots. "Crap, I'm gonna get a big-ass hangover." I commented after downing my last shot. "There you two are. What are you doing?" Dean asked sitting between us. "Hey! I wanted to seat beside him!" I exclaimed smiling. "We're having drinks." Sam replied for us. Dean ignored my protest as I tried to seat beside Sammy again. "It's two in the afternoon. You're drinking whiskey?" Dean asked frowning. "I drink whiskey all the time." Sam replied winking at me. I laughed finally getting through Dean and hugged Sammy. Yes, weird, but I'm not in the right state of moind at the moment. No, you don't." Dean stated trying to pull me off Sam. "What's the big deal? You get sloppy in bars, you hit on chicks all the time except Emily. Why can't I?" He asked. "It's kind of slim pickings around here. What's going on with the both of you?" Dean asked again successfully pulling me away from Sammy. "I tried, Dean." Sam stated looking so pained. "To do what?" Dean asked confused. "To save you, you idiot." I butted in feeling my phone vibrate. "I have to take this." I said pushing Dean away and walking out answering the call. "Who is it?" I asked slurring and annoyed. "Emily, have you been drinking?" Dad asked worriedly. "Dad! You finally called. How's uhm... Martha and familiy?" I asked concerned. "They're doing..." He trialed off. "Is he still alive?" I asked abit worried. "No, Martha's mother shot him." He replied quickly. "Dad, get me, please." I whispered. I hate to leave them, but I need to talk to him and I can't take the fact that Dean's going to hell soon.
The TARDIS came to view and I can hear it. I smiled running towards it as Dad came out running as well. "I missed you so much!" He exlcaimed as Donna came out. "Donna!" I exclaimed letting Dad go and hugging her. It's been so long since I saw her. "Emily... thank heavens you're alright." Donna whispered kissing my forehead. I smiled feeling tears go down my face. They let me go then the TARDIS started to close. "We have to go." I stated running in after them. "Emily!" Dean yelled. I turned and smiled. "I'm so sorry." I yelled back as the door closed the TARDIS jiggled about. I can feel the hangover coming. "Son of a bitch!" I yelled sitting down and rubbing my temples. "I was right, you have been drinking." Dad said frowning. I sighed leaning on the railing. "I just..." I trailed off as Dad pointed his sonice screwdriver at me. "Emily, how... Who are you!?" He asked furious. I knew this was coming."Answer me!" He shouted glaring at me. "Doctor, stop! The shouting will hurt her even more!" Donna joined the shouting making my head hurt even more. "She's not my daughter! WHat did you do to her!? Where is she!?" He yelled waiting for me to answer. "Well?" He asked glaring even more and I swear it's hitting me really hard that I think my head would burst. "Quit the glaring, please. I'll answer you." I replied softly. Donna helped me on the chair as the TARDIS stopped.
He crossed his arms as Donna rubbed my back. "I am your daughter, but I'm from the Parallel Universe. I'm here on a mission sent by you, Moriaty, and the Master. I have to find and spend time with each one of you because I need information and preparation to go back in time thousands of years. My mind is from that Universe where everyone is just normal and ... Mom is there." I whispered the last part. He gasped hugging me to him. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." He whispered smoothening my hair. "Whose the father?' He asked pointing his screwdriver at my belly again. "Castiel." I replied blushing. "THE ANGEL!?" He asked a bit worried. "Dad, don't worry. He's with me in ... Dean's body." I replied embarrassed. He sighed and shook his head. "You need to stay with those hunters longer. Do you want one trip with us before you go with them for good?" He asked smiling. "Depends where too?" I replied smirking. "Go change. You reek off alcohol." He said slightly pushing me towards the dressing room. "Wear something appropriate!" He hollered as I quickly found the perfect attire. I went out smiling. "It's amazing how you're not showing yet." Dad commented. "Well, time is faster here than in my world, Dad. I'm going to show after around three or four years here which is three or four months there." I replied smiling. "Fasinating. Well, come on." He said linking our arms as Donna followed. "Ancient Rome. Well, not to them, obviously. To all intents and purposes, right now, this is brand new Rome." Dad said smiling. "Oh my gosh! It's so... Roman! This is fantastic!" Donna exclaimed smiling at me. "How did you two end up together again anyway? I wanna know!" I exclaimed as she hugged both of us.
"I'm here, in Rome, Donna Noble in Rome. This is just weird! I mean, everyone here's dead." Donna commented the obvious making Dad and I laugh. "Don't tell them that." Dad said hugging me closer. "Hold on a minute, that sign over there is English." Donna commented frowning at us. I chuckled seeing what she was pointing at.
Two amphoras for the price of one.
"Are you having me on, or are we in Epcot?" Donna asked eyeing us. I laughed even more. "No, no, no, that's the TARDIS translation circuits, just makes it look English Speech as well, you're talking Latin right now." Dad said smiling. "Seriously?" Donna asked. "Uh huh." We replied smiling. "I said 'Seriously' in Latin?" Donna asked amazed. I tuned out of the conversation as I thought I saw Castiel beside the TARDIS and pointing at it. I frowned and walked towards it and went inside to find it gone. The door closes and I ran towards it. I banged and banged, but nothing hapened. "Dad!" I yelled, but no one replied. "Emily... Alone are we?" A familiar voice called. I frowned and got my sonic screwdriver from my pocket. I turned around and pointed it forward to see Castiel right before my eyes. I gasped retreating my hand to my chest. "I-It can't be..." I gasped backing away. "Y-You're not supposed to remember me..." I trailed off feeling tears fall down my face. "So you are Emily. I have some questions for you." He stated frowning as well. What the hell could this be about?
"Yes, that's me alright, how did you get in here? It's impossible." I stated wiping my tears away with my sleeve. He smirked walking towards me. "There are lots of questions in my mind, but I really have this confusing feeling towards you." He stated stopping right in front of my face. "Well, I if you can describe it, I might be able to tell you what you're feeling." I whispered feeling my breathe hitch. He smirked and put an arm around my waist. "I have been feeling lost doing orders for Uriel then you... Your face keeps popping in my mind making me yern for you. It's been a year and I miss doing this to you." He whispered hugging me. I smiled hugging him back tightly. "I missed you so much." I whispered kissing his temple. He pulled away so our foreheads were touching. "I don't know how I can say this so quickly, but I love you." He replied smiling. I smiled brightly and kissed him. Mother of Galifrey! It was slow, but full of passion. Castiel hugged me tighter and deepened the kiss. He trailed his tongue on my lower lip asking for entrance and I gave it.
I was cut off with a kiss. I missed back pulling Emily closer. "I misses you." She whispered grinning. "And I, you. You called?" I asked smirking. "Yeah, I uh... How do I say this... Can you watch over me when I sleep? I... I'm scared of the dark." She replied embarrassed. I chuckled kissing her forehead. I laid on the bed and let her lay her head on my shoulder. "You're adorable." I whispered as she played with my necktie. She blushed closing her eyes. "Goodnight." She whispered falling to sleep. "Sleep well, Emily." I whispered as she gave out a small moan. I frowned fixing my position to lean on the headboard. "Oh... Castiel..." She moaned hugging me tighter. I'm so sorry, Emily. I'm going to peek at your mind. I softly touched her temple and muffled a gasp to see the dream before me. We were having sex in the kitchen and she looked beautiful. I watched as every touch made her moan and made me groan. How is her so vivid?
I let her finish her dream before it drifted to another situation. I had wide eyes and quickly got out. One dream is enough and I could feel my pants tighten. "You took a peak." Emily commented trailing her hand down my pants. I groaned pulling her for a kiss. She smiled gently squeezing my crotch.
*End of Flashback*
I pulled away slightly and I knew all my memories came back about her, but that flashback was my favorite. "What is it? You're smiling like a fool." She whispered wrapping her arms around my neck. "I missed you." I whispered burying my head on the crook of her neck. "I missed you too." She whispered smiling. "You're adorable." I whispered kissing her again. "I miss you... In me." She whispered smirking. I groaned capturing her lips in mine again. "I love you." I whispered carrying her as she put her leg around me. "I love you more." She whispered bitting my earlobe making me moan. It was one of my soft spots. We walked towards her bedroom and smiled.
I pinned Emily on the door and locked the door, kissing her deeply on the lips. She moaned pulling me closer as our lower parts touched. We moaned and pulled away. "I want you now." She whispered removing her trench coat then mine. I smirked kissing her neck. She moaned entangling her fingers in my hair. I pulled away smirking. "Oh no, what are you planning?" She asked with lustful eyes. I removed her shirt off and pinned her hands on the door with one had. The other explored her body. I started to trail kisses down her neck. She moaned trying to get her hands free. "What do you want, Emily?" I asked kissing her neck. She moaned in response. I stopped completely touching her, but kept her hands pinned on the door. "I-I want... Castiel I want you in me now, please. You've tortured me enough just by forgetting me." She whispered trying to get me to move. I smirked letting her hands go and smirked dropping on the bed. She gasped pulling me closer.
"Emily!" The Doctor hollered. She gasped and tried to pull away. I smirked shaking my head. "I'm not going to let you go until we're done." I whispered kissing her. She smiled kissing me back and reached to unbutton my polo. I smirked letting her. She trailed her hands over my chest and untucked my shirt. She pulled it off with the tie and smirked. "I love you." She whispered pulling away and started to remove her undergarments. "I love you too." I replied smirking helping her. I caressed every part of her making her blush and threw her head back. I smirked trailing down more. Her moans are driving me insane. I captured her lips again as there was loud banging on her door. We pulled away quickly and Emily got her blanket as a cover. I whined missing the view. "Be quiet." She whisperd as I ducked under the bed. "Emily, I need your help now. We have a situation." Doctor said worried. "Just give me time to change. I'll be there in a minute." She said closing the door behind her. "You need to fly away." SHe said letting the blanket fall. I smirked as I neared her and wrapped an arm around her waist. "Shall we continue this later?" I asked kissing her softly. She smiled pulling away. "Apparently so." She replied smiling at me as we pulled away. "Emily!" The Doctor yelled. We laughed and started to put our clothes on. "Can you help me with the zipper?" She asked smiling.
I smiled back and helped her zip the dress. "I'll see you later?" She asked hopeful. I smiled and kissed her cheek. "Yup, I'm gonna get flogged for this if I weren't an Angel." I stated kissing her again. I loved her lips. "I'll see you later." I stated pulling away and disappearing. I got back just in time for Uriel to come to my Heaven. "Are you preparing yourself for getting Dean's soul out of hell?" He asked raising a brow. "Yes, sir. I have." I replied preparing my mind and soul for hell. Emily, stay safe please. As I saw her go out of the TARDIS.
Emily came out of the TARDIS wearing her usual clothes. "Oh, Miss Sparticus. I have been looking for you for awhile now." I said smiling. "Oh, how are you related to Mr. and Mrs. Spartacus, Miss Spartacus?" Caecilius asked. She smiled curtsiying. "I am Mr. Spartacus Daughter, pleasure to meet you, Mr Caecilius." She replied smiling. "Oh no, the pleasure is all mine. Your father is a marble inspector." He replied proudly. She chuckled and glanced at me. "By the gods of commerce, an inspection! I'm sorry, sir. I do apologize for my son." The woman said taking the cup away from a young boy. "Oi!" He exclaimed frowning. Emily chuckled smilng. He looked her way and blushed a bit. I smiled amused. "And this is my good wife Metella. I... I must confess, we're not prepared for..." He trailed off. "Nothing to worry about, I'm, I'm sure you've nothing to hide. Although frankly, that ovject looks rather like wood to me." I commented pointing at my TARDIS. That stupid merchant had to sell my beautiful TARDIS. "I told you to get rid of it!" Metella hissed. "I only bouhgt it today!" Caecilius apologized. "Ah, well... Caveat emptor." I said smiling. "Oh, you're Celtic. There's something lovely." Caecilius stated. "I'm sure it's fine, but I might have to take it off your hands, for proper inspection." I stated smiling. "Although while we're here, wouldn't you recommend a holiday, Spartacus?" Donna asked puzzling me. I glanced at Emily who was nodding her head.
"Don't know what you mean, Spartacus." I stated frowning. "Oh, this lovely family. Mother and father and son. Don't you think they should get out of town?" Donna asked again. "Why should we do that?" Caecilius asked puzzled as well. "Well, the volcano, for starters." Donna replied. "What?" He asked again. I watched as they exchanged answers. "Oh, Spartacus, for shame, we haven't even greeted the house gods yet." I said dragging Donna and Emily to the shrine. "Let go of me, Dad. Donna's right." Emily said pulling her arm away from me as she splattered watter on the shrine. "they don't know what it is. Vesuvius is just a mountain to them, the top hasn't blown off yet. The Romans don't even haven't even got a word for it yet. Not until tomorrow." I stated splattering water as well. Oh, great, they can learn a new word. As they die." Donna commented. "Donna, stop it." I said a bit annoyed. "Dad, what the hell happened to you?" Emily asked frowning. "Announcing Lucius Petrus Dextrus, Cheif Augur of the City Government." The man announced. "I'll deal with you later." I stated pulling both to see the man. Emily pulled away and I frowned having a bit of fun giving old Lucius some literature. "We'll be off in a minute." I stated pulling both ladies towards the TARDIS.
"We're not going." Donna whispered as we neared the TARDIS. "You've got to." I whispered back as Caecilius revealed a square-like circuit. "Oh, now that's... different. Who designed it, then?" I asked as we walked towards them. My mind was raising. Something was not right here... "They're laughing at us. Those three, they use words like tricksters, they're mocking us." A young lady came through. "No. no. no. My father meant no offence." Emily stated examining the girl. "Oh, for gods, mother, what have you been doing to her?" Quintus asked staring at his sister. I examined the girl myself. She does look sick. Emily walked beside as we both examined the girl. "Consuming the vapors, you siad?" I asked riasing a brow. "They give me strength." She replied. "It doesn't look like to me." We both stated. "Is that your opinion... as a doctor?" She asked. Emily and I shared a look. "I beg your pardon?" I asked. "Doctor, that's your name. And you, his daughter, you call yourself Emily." She replied. We were taken a back. "How did you know that?" I asked. "And you... you call yourself Noble." She stated. Her mother told her to stop. "No, no, no, no, let her talk." I stated narrowing my eyes.
"You three come from so far away." She stated and Lucius interupted her. "Oh, not this time, Lucius. No, I reckon you've been out-soothsayed." I stated still looking at the girl. "Is that so... man from Galifrey?" He asked. I frowned and turned towards him. "Your home is lost in the fire, is it not?" He asked. "Doctor, what are they doing?" Donna asked worried. "And you, daughter of... London." He said turning towards Donna. "You... Daugther of Galifrey... You've come a long way from home to join your father." He stated again. Emily clenched her fists. "How does he know that?' Donna asked. "This is the gift of Pompeii. Every single oracle tells the truth." He replied. "That's impossible." Donna said frowning. "Doctor, she is returning." He stated again. "Who is? Who is she?" I asked frowning. "And you... daughter of London... there is something on your back." He stated. "What's that mean?' Donna asked scared. "Even the word 'doctor' is false. Your real name is hidden. It burns in the stars, in the Cascade of Medusa herself. You are a Lord, sir. A Lord of... Time." Evilina said collapsing. We carried her to her room and I stayed behind to check on the hypocaust. "Dad..." Emily called.
I turned to see her crying. "Hey, what's wrong?" I asked worried and stood up to hug her. She buried her face on the crook of my neck. "Uncle Bobby is in trouble." She whispered hugging me tighter. "Shhh... It's alright. I promise will get out of here as soon as I find out what's wrong." I whispered kissing her head. I let her go and she walked away. I examined the steam and made small chat with Caecilius. The seerers have been breathing in Vesuvius herself. "Mind telling me where your son is?" I asked standing up and putting the grille back. I walked towards the direction he pointed. I spotted Quintus consuming wine. I shok my head and walked towards him. Same like the Emily I saw this morning. "Quintus, me old son. Thus Lucius Petrus Dextrus, where does he live?" I asked walking towards him. He laid the glass on the table. "It's nothing to do with me." He stated. "Let me try again. This Lucius Petrus Dextrus..." I trailed off pulling a coin from his ear. "Where does he live?" I asked getting Quintus interested. We walked passed his Dad as Emily was distracting him with small talk. That's my girl. "Don't tell my dad." He said getting a torch leading me towards a window of the house. I followed. "Only if you don't tell mine. Pass me the torch!" I exclaimed jumping on a vase and opening the window.
"You have got to be kiddding me." Donna stated as she held my hand tightly. I chuckled as we let the woman talk. Shesh, just because we told the girl the truth they want us dead. Looks like I am really hopeless in this kinds of situations. "I'll surrender you in a minute. Don't you dare!" Donna yelled. I couldn't help, but smile. She was funny that's why I love her around, but right now... DAD MAKE IT FAST! "Listen, sister, you might have eyes on the back of your hands, but they'll be in the back of your head when I've finished with you! Let us go!" Donna yelled again. She talked again and that's when I heard Dad's voice, but I was bored so I didn't really listen. "Emily, are you just gonna lay down there?' Dad asked smirking. I chuckled getting off and watched as Dad got mad at the creature in the woman. He pulled me after the woman said his water pistol was harmless. I laughed as we followed him into the volcano. I stayed silent thinking about Bobby. Dad pulled me after him. He pulled as both again after Lucius appeared. I'm getting really tired. "Emily, get your head togehter! We're in the middle of something here!" Dad said shaking me. I shook my head and frowned. "Dad, you... It's Pompeii or the World..." I trialed off. "Oh my gosh." She said teary eyed.
Dad and I always had to deal with this every single day of our lives. "If Pompeii is destroyed then it's not just history, it's me. I make it happen." Dad replied worried. "But the Pyrovile are rocks maybe then can't be blown up." Donna stated. " Vesuvuis explodes withthe force of 24 nuclear bombs. Nothing can survive it." Dad stated. "Certainly not us." I said conituing to help Dad with the fixing. "Never mind us." Donna said looking at both of us. "Push this lever and it's all over. 20, 000 people." Dad stated as we all put our hands on the lever and pushed it down. We tumbled around inside the rock. "it was an escape pod." Dad commetned as we got out. "Ugh... my head is hurting." I stated shaking my head. We ran as we saw the sky. Donna tried to warn them, but they ran for the beach. We reached Caecilius house. "God save us, Doctor!" Caecilius yelled. E turned to see them all on one corner. "No! Doctor you can't!" Donna yelled. I took in a deep breathe as Donna looked at the fmaily. "DAD! GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE TARDIS! FOR ONCE PLEASE SAVE THEM!" I yelled feeling tears fall down my face. The TARDIS was disappearing and we gave them one last look before I pulled Donna towards the TARDIS.
I covered Donna's mouth as we got in. I turned to Dad and glared. "You can't just levae them!" I yelled as Donna tried to get away from me. "Don't you think I've done enough?" Dad asked controlling the TARDIS. "History's is back in place. Everyone dies." Dad stated. Donna got out of my grasp. "You've got to go back. Doctor, I'm telling you, take this thing back!" Donna yelled I cried falling tothe floor. I don't want anyone dying anymore. "It's not fair." Donna stated. "No, it's not." Dad replied. "But your own planet. It burned." Donna said crying. I stood up and walked towards them. "That's just it . Don't you see, Donna? Can't you understand? If we could go back and save them then he would, but we can't." I stated crying even more. "What do you mean, we?" Dad asked confused. "I just found you in the TARDIS a decade after Galifrey burned. You're not a Timelord." Dad continued. "Dad... You really don't remember?" I asked crying harder. He couldn't even remeber. "Then tell me!" He yelled. "I am your daughter, Dad! You carried me with you when you pressed that button! You carried me into the Tardis and regenerated forgetting me! When you realized I was even in the TARDIS, I was tenty-five, Dad." I stated collapsing. Not even my own Dad knew.
He gasped staying put. "I can never go back. I can't I just can't. I can't." Dad replied as if he didn't hear me. "Just someone. Please." Donna and I begged. "Not the whole town. Just someone." Donna begged. Dad looked at me and bowed. "I'm sorry, Emily. I'm so sorry." He whispered hugging me to him. "I remember now Thank you... For reminding me." He whispered kissing my head and turning the TARDIS back. I smiled hugging him tighter. The TARDIS was materializing. "I have to get them." He whispered letting me go. I smiled as he went towards the door. "Come with me." He said. I stood up and wipped my tears away. They got in and we went on top of a hill and watched as Pompeii burned. "But tell me, who are you, Doctor? With your words, and your temple containing such size within?" Metella asked. "Oh, I was never here. Don't tell anyone." Dad replied. And then Caecilius had his monologue making the volcano word. "All those people." He stated. Dad pulled us away as the family had a moment crying over Pompeii. "Thank you." Donna stated looking at us. I smiled at Dad. "Yeah." Dad stated pressing some buttons. "You were right. Sometimes we need someone. Welcome aboard." Dad said with a poker face. "Yeah." Donna said smiling as we travelled again.
We stopped and I went out to see Dean and Sam speeding towards us. "Woah! Get the hell out of the way asshole!" Dean yelled stopping. "Dad, no." I begged turning towards him. "It's your turn to go." Dad stated smiling. "Dad, no, please." I begged once more crying. "Dad... Dean's dying.... I can't..." I stated hitting his chest. "Emily, it's your turn to try and save at least one of them." Dad whispered gently pushing me towards the car and giving me something. "See you soon, Emily." He whispered as the TARDIS disappeared. "What are you?" Dean and Sam asked pointing a gun at me. I turned and smiling at them. "Emily?" They asked lowering their guns. I looked at my hand to see three bracelets. I smiled walking towards them and hugged them both tightly. I actually saw what happened just by touching them. "Where have you been? What was that blue box, anyway?" Dean asked as we pulled away. "How do you know the Doctor?' Sam asked raising a brow. "y-You know him?" I asked frowning. "I've uhm... he saved me when Dean was knocked out when we were children. I think... you're his daughter. You're that girl who stayed and protected me while the Doctor dealt with the monster under the bed." Sam replied.
"You're that girl who saved Jess and I that night." He stated smiling. I smiled hugging him. "Yes, that was me. I am the Doctor's Daughter." I replied pulling away. "You can help Dean then, right? You can go back in time and stop Dean from making the deal." Sam said smiling hoefully. "I... Sam, it's a fixed point in time. I can't even tamper with the death of your..." I trailed off walking towards the car and getting in the back seat. They followed and the ride was silent. I can't go back to save Dean and that is kiling me inside. I hate it so much. He is the brother I have in my world and there must be some way of saving him. "There is." Cas replied to my question. I gasped looking at him. "You're asleep. I'm in your dream. I am going to save Dean's soul after he goes to Hell. Emily, I'm so so-" I cut him off by kissing him. "That's the best news I have ever heard all day." I whispered as we layed on the bed. He chuckled playing with my hair. "I do love you." I whispered falling into a deep sleep.
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