"Hello, Detective!" a sing-song voice said.  It had a British accent.

Waverly frowned and looked up at the man in front of her.  He was tall, had black hair, and was wearing a suit that probably cost more than her apartment.  She watched his smiling face turn into an expression of confusion.

"You're not Detective Decker," he said.

She raised her eyebrows. "Oh, really?  I hadn't noticed."

"...but this is her desk," he said.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Waverly asked.

She heard a gasp come from behind her. "Lucifer!"

Waverly's heart started beating fast when she recognized Ella's voice.  She could hear her footsteps as she practically ran over to the man in front of her.  She watched as she hugged Lucifer, who seemed uncomfortable but didn't push her away.

"I've missed you, too, Miss Lopez," he said, and now, he gently moved Ella's arms away from him.

"Okay, you didn't answer my question," Waverly spoke up, feeling excluded from whatever was going on in front of her. "Who are you?"

Ella turned to look at her, smiling. "This is Lucifer.  He was Chloe's partner before you got here." She looked back at Lucifer. "Chloe said that you moved, that you went back home!  She made it sound like you weren't coming back."

"Well, that was the plan.  Originally, anyway," he explained. "I didn't think I was coming back, but..." He motioned around the room. "I guess I changed my mind."

"Chloe's not here right now," Waverly said.  The two of them looked at her. "She's..." She trailed off, unsure if she should tell them about her therapy. "...out."

"Well, yes, I can see that, Miss..." he trailed off. "I didn't catch your name."

"That's because I didn't tell you."

"Now that I'm back, we might be working together, and, well, Miss Lopez already told you my name," he said. "It doesn't seem fair for me not to know yours."

"My name's Waverly," she told him.

"What an... interesting name," he said.

"Right?" Ella said. "I told her when she got here that it was like Wizards of Waverly Place."

"I... don't know what that is," Lucifer said.

"It's a TV show," Waverly told him, "for kids."

"Ah, yes, of course." He nodded. "I should have assumed."

"How long have you been gone?" Waverly asked. "I've been here for almost five months, and I've never heard of you."

"Well, let's see..." he trailed off, like he was doing math in his head. "Seven months ago, was it?"

"What made you decide to come back?" she asked.

"I missed Chloe," he replied, "and I realized that home wasn't where I belonged.  It's here."

"In Los Angeles?"


"What's with all the questions, Waverly?" Ella asked.

"I'm a detective, it's what I do," she replied. "Also, I've never heard of this guy.  Sorry if I have some questions, especially since it seems like everybody knows him but me."

"That's quite all right," Lucifer said. "If anything, I'm hurt that Chloe never mentioned me.  We were quite close, you know."


A soft buzzing started coming from inside Lucifer's jacket.  He pulled it out and looked at the caller ID.

"Excuse me, I've got to take this," he said.  He walked away, and when he put the phone to his ear, Waverly could hear him say, "Hello, brother!"

Once he was far enough way, Ella walked over and sat in the chair next to Waverly.

"Chloe didn't talk about him much," she said, and Waverly's heart started beating fast again.  She ignored it, though, instead trying to pay attention to what Ella was saying. "They were partners for a few years, and they definitely had something going on, if you know what I mean."


"Yeah, and then one day, Lucifer just left," Ella continued. "Chloe didn't come into work for a little while, but when she did, all she'd say was that Lucifer went back home.  I guess to, like, England or wherever.  And she was all mopey and stuff for a few weeks, but right before you got here, she seemed okay.  And now that you're here, she seems a lot better.  I think she likes having a partner to work with, so she's not all alone, you know?"

Waverly was going to say something, but she saw Lucifer coming back, and when Ella followed her gaze, she stood up.

"So, was that Amenadiel?" Ella asked, motioning toward the phone still in his hand.

"It was," he said, putting it back inside his jacket. "He's a bit upset that I didn't tell him I was coming back home."

"Your brother's name... is Amenadiel?" Waverly asked.

"Are you really one to be commenting on someone's name, Miss Waverly?" Lucifer asked.

"Well, when you put it like that, I guess not," she replied.

"Wow..." Ella said. "I've gotta get back to work, but welcome back, Lucifer!"

She turned around and began walking back to the lab.

Lucifer walked over and sat down in the seat Ella had occupied just minutes before.

"I guess I'll wait here until the Detective comes back," he said.

She raised an eyebrow at him. "Must you?"

"Don't sound so sad, Waverly," he said, "I can help you with this case, you know."

He reached out to grab the folder sitting in front of her, but she grabbed it and slid it away from him.

"Do you even work here?" she asked. "Like, have you been hired back?  Because I'm not going to just let you look at a case, this is all classified information."

"All right." She thought he was going to stand up, but instead, he leaned forward.  He looked at her – like, into her eyes – and she couldn't look away. "Tell me, Miss Waverly, what is it you truly desire?"

"I..." Waverly couldn't look away, and she wasn't sure she could keep her mouth closed.  She knew what was going to come out of her mouth, but she also knew that didn't want to say it.

She couldn't look away, though.




She gasped as Lucifer looked away.  Standing in front of them was Chloe Decker.

Waverly's partner was back, and she did not look happy.

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