The Scent Of Pie Fills You With Determination.

Fandoms: Supernatural x Undertale

The Scent Of Pie Fills You With Determination.

"Sam? Sammy, are you okay?!" Dean yelled, sending the douchebag angel who had just sent his brother crashing into the wall on the other side of the room a sharp glare, clearly meaning the angel's death would be swift should his little brother be hurt in anyway. A pained grumble of complaint came from the far end of the room and Dean watched in distress as his brother climbed to his feet, sending a brief thumbs up in his direction before clutching his arm, obviously in complete agony. "You son of a bitch!" Dean snarled through gritted teeth, turning back to face the Angel, his knuckles white as his fist clenched around the cool metal of the Angel blade. He'd barely even made it two steps in blind fury towards the Angel before he too was thrown to the ground, the Angel now towering above him with a cruel sneer etched onto its face. "This is the best that the famed Winchester brothers can do?" It scoffed, "Well I can't say I'm surprised. You two always had a knack for screwing up the world in your mission to save it. Well no longer." With that Angel placed his hand down on Dean's forehead causing a bright, hot white flash to illuminate the room.


Groaning, Dean sat up. Rubbing at an throbbing spot on the back of his head he blinked a couple of times to clear his blurred vision. Where the hell was he? Last thing he remembered he had been fighting one of the douchebag angels he hadn't had the pleasure of meeting before, but had learnt mid-battle that his name was Gabriel, with Sam. Dean's whole body snapped to attention at the thought of his younger brother Sammy, his own injuries and pain forgotten about almost as if they'd never even existed to begin with. "Sammy?" Dean called out, surveying his surroundings. Flowers, really? What the hell was he doing lying in a yellow flower bed? Shrugging it off as a question he'd attempt to figure out later, Dean clambered to his feet. Gritting his teeth as the pain increased slightly and his vision span, threatening to send him crashing back to the floor.

Snatching up the Angel blade that had been lying just a short distance away from where he had been he continued on his search to find Sam, crushing the delicate flowers underfoot with a vengeance that had been intended for the Angel. "Sam! Sammy!" Dean called, keeping himself tense and wary just in case the Angel decided to make a reappearance. Pausing, Dean rummaged through his pockets his fingers brushing against the cool metal of his phone as he pulled it out. He let out an annoyed huff of a sigh when he noticed the cracked and damaged state of the screen, silently praying that it would still switch on. "C'mon. C'mon. I need to find Sammy. There we go!" He monologued as the phone screen flashed brightly however the brief grin on his face soon turned to a frown again as the signal bars flashed up empty. "Damnit!" Dean cursed, continuing once more on his march through the flower bed, the distant thought that Sammy hadn't been brought here with him and was instead still with the Angel was niggling in the back of his mind, putting him even further on edge. If that was the case he'd have to find a way back from wherever he was and fast.

The bed of golden flowers soon disappeared underneath his feet as he marched, uninterested in anything else around him besides from anything that would indicate where Sam was. Suddenly a high pitched chuckle echoed from just behind Dean and he spun, blade clenched tightly in his hand. "Sam?" He called again, eyes darting to and fro in the hopes of catching a glimpse of whatever had made that noise. He needed something to take his anger out after all. Another chuckle, this time closer sent Dean spinning to face his right, preparing himself for a fight. Whatever had made that noise did not sound particularly friendly. The slight crunch of the ground breaking open sent Dean whirling back around to face the flower bed, tense and ready to kill. Staring down at the ground in front of him the older Winchester's eyes widened in surprise as he stared down at the golden smiling flower in front of him.

The flower was larger than the rest and had dark eyes that stared up unblinkingly at Dean almost as if it was assessing him and the blade in his hand as its smirk grew wider. "Howdy! I'm Flowey! Flower the flower!" It spoke, it's voice high pitched and if Dean didn't know better he would have said maniacal. But flowers couldn't be maniacs at least not that Dean knew but still his grip tightened on his blade nonetheless. "Hmm... you're new to the Underground aren'tcha?" Flowey said its eyes narrowing slightly as it continued its assessment of the man in front of it. "Golly, you must be so confused! Someone ought to teach you how things work around here!" The flower continued but this time Dean ignored it continuing with his visual search for Sammy as his brain whirred, trying to figure out a way that he could get away from the flower.

"No thanks." Dean mumbled. "I'm not staying. I just need to find someone then I'll be out of here right away." It was a flicker of change across Flowey's face but still Dean caught it, being a hunter required quick reflexes after all. The brief shift from friendliness to demonic was all Dean needed to raise his blade ready to fight. "Where's my brother?! I assume you've seen him. He's very hard to miss after all. About yay big?" Dean questioned, gesturing with his free hand as to Sam's height whilst the other pointed the blade at Flowey. Flowey's face turned cold and cruel as he laughed, "Oh that's who you're looking for! He looked in an even worse shape than you do! Crashed down just over there, I found him first of course. Strangely trusting for his first time down in the Underground of course!"

Dean began to advance on the flower, all feelings of foolishness for talking to a flower long forgotten, instead pure fury took its place. "You son of a bitch!" Dean cursed, "I swear I will kill you!" Flowey chuckled again, a ring of white pellets surrounding Dean as he grinned up at the hunter. "In this world it is kill or BE KILLED after all! DIE!!!" Flowey laughed, the ring of pellets edging slowly closer to Dean, moving with the hunter as he stepped towards the flower. Just as he was about to sink his blade down into the flower a voice rang out. "Dean stop!" There was a flash of fire and Flowey disappeared. Slipping the blade into his pocket Dean ran over to his brother, gripping him tightly by the shoulders. "Are you okay? Did that son of a bitch...?" Sam shook his head, wincing as he moved his injured arm slightly within the makeshift sling around his neck which looked like an apron.

"He tried." Sam informed his older brother, "I couldn't fight. If it hadn't been for Toriel." He gestured with his uninjured arm towards the woman stood besides him whom Dean hadn't noticed before. Except she wasn't a human woman, but half goat from the look of it. "Erm... well thanks I guess." Dean mumbled, raising an eyebrow in question at Sam who just shrugged. Toriel nodded her head in acknowledgement. "What a terrible creature, torturing such poor, innocent youths. Do not be afraid children. I am Toriel, caretaker of the ruins just ahead of us, I walk through everyday to see if anyone has fallen down although you are the first humans to come down here in a long time. Come. I will guide you through the catacombs."


Halfway through the catacombs Toriel left Sam and Dean, giving them each a mobile phone in order to contact them or vice versa should they need it. They ran into a few monsters and traps on their lonesome - besides from each other - journey through the catacombs, the safe warmth Toriel had supplied long behind them. Dean had wanted to attack both the Froggits and Whimsums as they appeared but Sam constantly reminded him of Toriel's lessons before she had left them, causing his older brother to roll his eyes at him and feel foolish for speaking to monsters who didn't seem to understand anything they were saying.

Eventually the two of them had made it through the catacombs, tired and slightly frustrated, to come to a halt outside a rather quaint looking house. Dean looked over at Sam before shrugging and pushing open the unlocked front door. Wandering into the house, Sam and Dean found Toriel sat on an armchair besides a roaring fire and a steaming pie set in the middle of the coffee table. Sam didn't even need to look over at his brother to know that he was already eyeing up the pie with a watering mouth. 'At least he has the decency for Toriel to allow him a slice before digging in.' Sam thought as he took a seat on a cushion on the floor besides Dean who was already munching his way through the large slice of Cinnamon and Butterscotch pie. "Oh my god..." Dean mumbled, his mouth full of pastry, "This is heaven Sammy!" Sam pulled a face at his brother.

Toriel smiled, "Thank you child. If you enjoy this pie. I'll be certain to make my snail pie for you should you choose to stay." Sam let out a loud obnoxious laugh at the look of disgust on Dean's face as the older Winchester set his plate of pie down on the table. "How dare you?! Pie is a religion! It's literal heaven and all that is right with the world and you besmirch it's good name with snails?!" Dean pulled a face, "I think I'm gonna be sick." Sam sat back up, clutching his stomach and wiping away tears of mirth as he handed the plate back to his brother sending Toriel an apologetic smile. "Shut up and eat your pie!"

* The comforting scent of homemade cinnamon and butterscotch pie fills you with determination* ❤️


Thanks to my IRL Undertale and Supernatural bestie ParaFlux for convincing me to actually start posting these.

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