2. Cherry
"So, you're not a fed?." You asked Butcher as sirens were heard in the distance
"Do you hear that?." Butcher pointed out of the store. "That's the old bill, so unless you want to explain why you've got America's favorite invisible wanker dead on the floor, give us a fucking hand, will you?."
Butcher and You grabbed the body of Translucent and put him into the trunk of Butcher's car, you quickly got in the passenger seat and he backed up, driving straight out of there down the road.
"All right, listen, I have worked for the feds." Butcher talked as he kept driving down the road at a fast pace. "I've worked for loads of people, I'm what you might call an independent contractor...You got a problem, you call me, I solve the problem."
You then heard banging noises...they sounded like they were coming from the trunk...
"What is that?." You turned your head back.
"That's a problem..." Butcher looked over at you.
"Oh, thank fuck, he's alive." You smiled. Yes, yes, he's alive...okay, pull over-"
"No, no, no, Y/n, you don't fucking get it." Butcher glared at you. "This is a fuck-sight worse, He's seen our faces!."
Hearing that, it took you a millisecond to realize how fucked you are.
"Oh, my God." Your eyes widened. "No, no, no, no, no-"
You began to freak out a bit, wanting to get out of the car.
"Y/n, you walk away now, and you will never get payback for Robin." Butcher kept his eyes on the road. "You'll spend the rest of your life sitting on your ass with fucking regret, now, is that what you want?."
You put your hands in your face as Butcher smirked.
"I know a bloke." He kept driving along the road. "He'll know what to do..."
You and Butcher had arrived at a building that looked pretty much abandoned, Translucent was still in your trunk and you were still nervous.
"Oi, calm down." Butcher looked at you. "This will all get sorted out, alright, just relax, keep your mouth shut, and keep it cool."
He then knocked on a door before a woman opened it.
"Morning, luv." Butcher smiled. "Frenchie about?."
The woman looked at Butcher before looking at you, her eyes widened then she smiled...she started running her hand across your jaw, which made you want to back away.
The woman removed her hand from your face and walked inside.
"You'll love this guy." Butcher followed her, and you followed him, a man was working on something in the garage.
"Frenchie." Butcher spoke up. "Oi, Frenchie."
"Monsieur Charcuter." Frenchie smiled at Butcher. "This is a surprise, good to see you."
"Good to see you, too, mate." Butcher nodded.
"Means you brought that 40,000 you owe me?." Frenchie smiled. "I mean, why else would you show your face around here?."
"Because I've got something even better for you." Butcher smiled at him, making the money sign with his hands. "How would you like to double your money?."
"The double of zero is zero." Frenchie groaned, before looking over at you, confused. "Who is he?."
"This guy?." Butcher pointed at you before patting your back. "Oh, this here is Y/n L/n."
He smiled at you.
"We're, uh, working a little job together."
"And he's still alive?." Frenchie smirked.
"You and I worked together, and you're still in one piece." Butcher snarled.
"Am I?." Frenchie asked.
"Look, do you want to know what the fucking job is or not?." Butcher glared at him to which he nodded.
He led him out to where his car was and opened the backseat, taking out a cattleprod and walking over to the trunk, you were also there.
"Open it." Butcher nodded.
"Who is in there?." Frenchie asked.
"Where's your sense of adventure, Frenchie?." Butcher smiled, looking at you and then back at him...Frenchie opened the trunk.
"You dumb fucks are fucking dead!." Translucent shouted. "Have you any-"
Butcher zapped him with the cattleprod and he screamed out in pain before Frenchie shut the trunk.
"That's Translucent." His eyes widened. "You got Translucent in your trunk, huh?-"
"Nothing gets past you, mate." Butcher smiled.
"Go away." Frenchie glared at him, taking out a gun. "Get him out of here."
"All right, all right, easy." Butcher sighed.
"He's chipped!." Frenchie shouted. "The Supes can be on their way-one of the Homelanders can be on their way right now!."
"Wait, he's chipped?." Your eyes widened. "Oh shit!-"
"You bring this to my doorstep!?." Frenchie glared at Butcher, putting his gun right under his chin. "This is not my problem, huh!?-"
"Well, it is now," Butcher smirked, not fazed by the gun. "He knows what you look like..."
Now realizing Butcher had played him, Frenchie shot him a nasty glare, looking like he was about to pull the trigger then and there.
"Look, Frenchie, we need your help, mate, and I don't know about Y/n, but I ain't leaving until I get it, or until the Seven show up."
There was a kid with cancer, lying in a hospital bed, being live-streamed to an audience of 2.4 Million people.
"Here comes the A-Train!." A-Train ran into the room with his super speed, giving a grin to the camera before looking at the kid. "My man, how you doing?."
He then placed a bag on his lap.
"Look, I brought you something."
"Thanks?." The kid looked confused as he opened the bag.
"Yeah." The speedster smirked.
The kid reached into the bag and pulled out a limited edition A-Train action figure.
"I'm sorry, I asked for Translucent." The kid frowned.
"Right, but Translucent is on a secret, undercover mission right now." A-Train nodded. "But you got the A-Train, baby."
"But... my wish was to meet Translucent." The kid frowned, looking down at the figure. "That was my only wish...He's my hero."
"Yeah." A-Train nodded again. "Well, you know, maybe he can swing by next week or some...something..."
The viewership on the video began to decrease from 2 Million to 1 Million then quickly to the hundred-thousands as the video was getting more dislike than likes and hearts.
"Fuck." He muttered quietly before looking back at the kid. "You know what?."
He patted his shoulder.
"Maybe I can't turn invisible, but I am the world's fastest man." He smiled again. "Like, I can outrun anybody or anything...that's something, right?."
The kid's frown remained, upset that he didn't see his hero.
"Look, I'll tell you what, you get better, and I'll teach you to run as fast as me." A-Train scrambled to think of something to say to the kid.
The kid however looked up at him again, still with a frown on his face.
"...You'll teach me to outrun cancer?..."
"...Yeah..." A-Train nodded, looking at the camera with a smile, giving a thumbs up. "...Yeah..."
"Oh, my God, turn that off." Madelyn Stillwell growled at her assistant, who quickly turned off the tv. "How many times do I have to tell you that A-Train needs to be scripted?."
"Right-" Ashley nodded in agreement.
"When he doesn't have a script, this happens." Madelyn sat down in her chair.
"I'm on it." Ashely nodded again. "I'm so sorry, it will not happen again."
"All right." Madelyn sighed. "And where is Translucent?."
She looked back at her.
"We know he's not in the building, he hasn't triggered any of the motion sensors," Ashley reported. "He's probably out on another one of his fucking benders."
"Doesn't he have a team-up tomorrow night?." Madelyn asked.
"Yeah, with The Deep." Ashley quickly responded. "I'll get on it right away."
"Okay, good." Madelyn smiled. "Now go!."
You, Frenchie, and Butcher had pulled up to an empty and abandoned restaurant and parked your vehicles, carrying a cage and setting it down in the empty freezer room, you began wrapping Foil around the room, trying to block the chip's signal.
"That stuff really blocks the chip's signal?." Frenchie asked you as he tightened a bolt on the cage.
"Yeah." You nodded. "It's just R.F. Shielding Foil, you can get it at Fry's."
"You're in tech intelligence?." He looked surprised.
"Sales and installation." You nodded again.
You all heard groaning and saw that Translucent had woken back up.
"Oh, what the fuck?." He looked around the cage. "Where am I?."
"Oi." Butcher smiled. "Morning, sunshine."
"You know who I am?." The Invisible super demand.
"Not sure." Frenchie scoffed. "I know so many invisible assholes."
"You fucking amateurs!." He snapped and touched the side of the cage, only for it to shock him, he let out a pained scream as he let go of the cage. "Fuck!."
Butcher smiled, enjoying the spectacle.
"What the fuck?!." Translucent shouted.
"Mind them bars, son." Butcher started walking to the door. "You'll only bollocks yourself again."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." He started pleading. "Okay, what do you guys want, Money?."
"We don't want your fucking money." Butcher walked out of the freezer after you and Frenchie, shutting the door behind him.
"What do you think, Frenchie?."
"You just dropped the Moby fucking dick of problems on my plate." He responded. "That's what I think."
Frenchie then lit a cigarette and leaned on the table.
"He can re-order his carbon on his skin into metamaterial." He took a puff from the cigarette. "It's hard as diamonds and nearly impossible to penetrate."
"All right, how about we suffocate him?." Butcher asked, leaning against the wall.
"Some Dominicans already tried this, way back, '07." Frenchie sighed.
"And what happened?." Butcher asked.
"They're all fucking dead." Frenchie responded. "That's what happened."
"All right, then, fuck it, electrocution." Butcher smiled. "We'll just increase the amps-"
"You already hit him with enough to drop a water buffalo, and look." Frenchie gestured to the freezer again. "Might knock him out, doesn't seem to kill him, huh?."
Your eyes widened as you heard them speak back and forth, these two were talking about killing someone, and not just any normal Joe, a goddamn supe, a member of the seven, one of if not the most powerful group in the entire world.
"We need to pierce the skin somehow." Frenchie suggested.
"Well, how the hell are we gonna do that?." Butcher asked
"I don't know." Frenchie groaned in response to his question.
"You're gonna kill him?." You spoke up, causing the two of them to look at you like you were the dumbest man alive.
"We didn't bring him here for a fucking Happy Meal." Butcher scoffed at you before turning back to Frenchie.
"I don't...I thought we'd question him or something." You stuttered. "I don't know, you get a hold of someone this big-"
"At Gitmo, we had to waterboard Khalid Sheikh Mohammed 183 times over six months to get him to talk just once." Butcher interjected. "Now, we ain't got six months...I doubt we've even got six hours."
"There are so many crazy things about what you just said, but right now, you're talking about randomly killing one of the most famous men on the planet." You looked at Butcher like he was insane. "A goddamn national treasure, I mean... people tend to notice that kind of thing-"
"And if we let him go..." Butcher got in your face. "What do you think the Seven will do to us?..."
You slowly leaned back from him but he pressed forward.
"You can't get A-Train if you're a greasy smear on the pavement."
"I'm not a murderer." You glared right at him, which earned you a slight smile.
"That's all right." He patted you on the shoulder before walking past you.
"I am..."
Madelyn Stillwell was sitting in her office when someone walked in unexpectedly.
"Whoa." Homelander chuckled. "Still going strong, huh?."
"Oh, yeah, yeah." Madelyn smiled. "I've just been pumping for thirty minutes and I got a quarter of an ounce."
"Hey, hey, go easy on yourself..." He put his hands on his hips. "Personally, I think it's amazing that a woman your age can have a baby, period."
"That is so sweet of you to say." She smiled at him again.
"Oh, no problem." He began pacing around the room. "Hey, have you found Translucent yet?."
"You heard about that?." She asked, shutting the door behind her. "No, not yet."
"Well, you know I could search for him, bring Joan (Female Homelander) with me." He continued to pace around the room. "Personally."
"That's not necessary." She responded as she fixed her hair. "Hey, did you hear about the mayor of Baltimore?."
"Yeah, yeah." He slowly nodded, now his smile faded. "Heard his plane went down...some sort of engine trouble."
"Yeah, it's awful." She nodded. "I saw him Tuesday, had a meeting with him right here."
"Wow..." He looked out the window, observing the city. "...Well, hug your kids, right?."
He then shrugged his arms.
"Because you never know what might happen..."
"So true..." She then started walking up to him. "You know what's interesting?..."
She then got right in his face.
"The Deep told me, and only me, that there were scorch marks on the mayor's engine..." She smiled. "Almost as if from two small, high-intensity beams, roughly the width of human eyes..."
The Supe's smile completely faded, realizing he was caught.
"...Say what you mean to say..."
"Your brand is hope, baseball, America...sunshine," Madelyn spoke again. "...You don't do vengeance..."
"Madelyn, I heard him through the wall of this--He was blackmailing you-"
"I am the last person you need to save-"
"Yeah, but, I-I did it for you-"
"I know, but did the timing occur to you?." She frowned. "I have half the Senate Appropriations Committee coming tonight."
His eyes watered a little before he gave a scoff and sat down on the couch.
"How did he even know about Compound V?-"
"We are not going to talk about that-" She sat beside him on the couch.
"Oh come on Madelyn." He groaned. "You do not need to hide things from me, I love Vought as much as you do, and I can do more."
"You can do more?." She cut him off. "You've already grossed $12.3 billion for us-"
"Right." He nodded. "So the pricks on 82 can take all the fucking credit, empty fucking suits with Cornell degrees-come on, I'm the one who is out there, not them!."
He then gave her a frustrated look.
"I'm the one who, who knows the audience, who knows what's good for this company."
"I know." She sighed. "I hear you...but what I need from you right now is to charm the shit out of those congressmen."
"Right..." He groaned again. "Because that's all I'm good for, huh?."
He frowned.
"Smile, look pretty, say my lines...whoop, whoop, whoop."
"No..." She got closer to him. "You just need to let me protect you..."
She then put a hand on his cheek.
"Gods are pure and they're perfect, and they're above all..." She smiled as she caressed his cheek with her thumb. "And they need to stay that way..."
The Deep walked into the meeting room, expecting to see the other members of the Seven...however...his eyes widened as he saw not just Homelander but his sister as well...both giving him big smiles...
"Oh..." Deep paused. "Well, I heard we had a meeting..."
He slowly turned around.
"So, I'll just leave you both two it-"
"Well, we're having a meeting right now, aren't we, Deep?." Female Homelander spoke up, leaning back in her chair. "You and us."
He slowly turned his head, looking back at them.
"Come on in." She continued to smile at him.
"Yeah, sure..." He slowly walked over to the third chair and took a seat. "So uh what-or is there anything I can do for you-both of you, Homelanders?."
"Well, yeah." Homelander spoke up. "I-I guess, uh..."
He sighed.
"Well, you can help me understand something Deep, because, uh...I don't know, maybe I'm stupid."
He then looked over at The Aquatic Supe, his smile fading.
"Am I stupid, Deep?."
"What?." Deep scoffed. "No, you're not stupid...you're-you're smart, very smart, right?."
"Yeah, okay." Homelander got up from his chair. "So, what possible reason, what, uh, razor-sharp fish instinct made you run to Stillwell?."
He then gripped his shoulders tightly, standing behind his chair.
"And tell her what you thought you saw down there?."
"All right, look, I-I thought-" Deep stuttered. "I-I don't even know--I don't know what I saw down there, as a matter of fact...it was really dark and, uh, muddy-"
Homelander tightened his grip on his shoulders, making him squirm in his chair.
"I-I didn't see anything down there!."
Homelander smiled and released his grip on his arms.
"That's what I thought..." He then gently gripped him by the throat. "And I trust we never have to have this conversation again..."
"No-No, of course not!." Deep gasped for air. "Just this once!."
Homelander chuckled and let him go before walking past him.
"Now go fuck Shamu in the blowhole."
Deep nodded and walked out of the room while Female Homelander leaned back in her chair.
"Translucent still missing?." She asked.
"Yep." He nodded, then it seemed he had an idea as he turned his head to her. "Hey, since I'm busy tonight playing host for a bunch of fucking suits, why don't you have a look around, and see if you can find him."
"But I thought Stillwell told you that it's not-"
"If I tell you to do something Joan...you'll do it..." He glared at her. "...Remember what I told you...don't listen to Stillwell, or anyone...besides me...I'm all that matters...after all...we're siblings...and we have to listen to each other, right?."
She nodded slowly and he smiled.
"...Good..." He patted her shoulder. "...I love you, sister...now go find that invisible dickhead..."
"Rounds coated in the same carbon metamaterial as his skin." Frenchie handed Butcher the bullet he had made.
"Will it work?." He asked.
"Je ne sais pas."
You opened the door and Butcher walked inside the freezer room, pointing the gun at Translucent.
"What are you doing?." Translucent shouted. "No, no, no-wait, wait!."
The bullet was fired and bounced all around the room, making everyone duck for cover... except Translucent who was laughing.
"You stupid, fucking asshole." He smirked. "I'm invincible, you stupid motherfuckers, I'm fucking Translucent!."
He then pointed at Butcher.
"I'm indestructible, It's only a matter of time before they come for me, you're fucking dead!."
"Well, that was great, guys." You spoke sarcastically to Butcher and Frenchie. "That was awesome."
"Frenchie, back later." Butcher put his coat back on.
"Where are you going?." He asked.
"Got an idea." He smiled. "Long shot, might help."
"Now?." You asked.
"Yeah, well, it's all under control here, isn't it?." He walked away. "Try not to bugger each other."
You opened the door to the freezer, a glass of water in your right hand.
"I thought you might be thirsty so I brought you this..." You set the glass down and slide the little hatch of his cage open, however, he didn't even try to grab it. "Well if you don't want it, I could-"
"No, I want it..." He spoke up, as you saw the glass floating in the cage as he took a sip of the water. "Cheers..."
"So, listen." You leaned against the doorframe. "I need to ask you some questions about A-Train, when he burst through that woman the other day, Robin Ward."
You sighed, remembering the visuals of her severed arms in your hands.
"I need to know why." You paused. "Where he was going, what was he doing?."
"Why?." He asked. "Was she your sister? Girlfriend?."
He took notice of your facial expression dropping slightly as you gave a slight nod.
"That's what this is all about?." He groaned. "Christ, what makes you think I know anything about it?."
"I know you and A-Train were tight." You responded. "You guys came up together-"
"What are you, a fucking fan?."
"Listen, those two guys in there, they want to kill you." You snapped. "So, give me something and maybe I can-"
"What, hold them off?." He scoffed. "Because they hang on your every word, you're the big man around here-"
"Okay, if you don't wanna talk." You walked to the door. "I tried-"
"Buddy, my superpower ain't invisibility." He spoke again. "You know that right?."
You slowly turned around again, he wasn't invisible anymore.
"It's reading people." He smiled. "Watching them when they think they're alone."
You looked confused as the super continued to speak.
"I see people for who they really are." He pointed at you. "I see you, too, pal."
"Right, because you know me so well, right?."
"Yeah, I know you're trying your damnest to be tough-it's a little adorable-but the truth is..." He paused again. "You're terrified...shitting in your tighty-whities 'cause you're "in over your head fucked" and you know it..."
He stared you right in the eyes, leaning forward slightly.
"Y/n, I even kind of feel for you, your girl died and we do crazy shit when we get broken hearts." He nodded. "but now every instinct is screaming at you to head for the hills, and you should listen to that instinct..."
"Unless we kill you first..." You glared at him.
"How?." He chuckled slightly at your response. "I got invulnerable skin, I'm a fucking superhero, guy."
Hearing him chuckle made your blood boil, as he continued speaking.
"We fight gangs and terrorists, we save the world, I've stood in front of thousands of screaming fans, all of 'em creaming their jeans... and who are you?..." He asked rhetorically. "A water balloon filled with blood and meat..."
He smirked again, seeing the anger on your face.
"The Homelanders are gonna find me, and when they do, they're gonna burst you wide open...I'm gonna make it home in time for cocktails because that's who you are, and that's who I am...You're not the hero of this story...and I'm not the one who's trapped."
You said nothing and shut the door behind you, walking over to the sink and growling, anger was coursing through your veins and you wanted nothing more than to beat that asshole to death.
"Fucking diamond skin!." Frenchie growled. "Merde!."
He then looked over at you, seeing your anger.
"Here..." He handed you a pill. "Take it..."
"What is it?." You looked at the pill in his hand.
"It's LSD and MDMA, this is a candy flip." He held it right up to your lip. "It'll smooth your right out, take it."
You shook your head and he sighed before he walked back over to the table and began relaxing.
"What are you anyway?." You asked. "Chemist? Engineer? What?."
"No." He shook his head. "I know a little about a lot of things...I'm a gunrunner by trade, but as you can see, I've developed a certain niche."
"Killing superheroes?." You raised an eyebrow.
"No." He shook his head again. "You can count on one hand the number of dead superheroes...sometimes you can incapacitate them..."
He then lit another cigarette.
"Truly, the are magnificent creatures, each one with a unique power that requires a unique solution...it's never the same twice."
"Who pays you that?." You asked.
"Whoever can pay." He smirked at you and took another puff of his cigarette.
"And when you do kill a supe-or anyone...what's it like?."
He smirked at your question.
"You know, I saw this woman once, in a midtown elevator, 2008."
He looked at his cigarette.
"No more than ten seconds did I see her, stunning, five-nine, hair so black it absorbed the light, you know?."
He looked back at you.
"Tom Ford pencil skirt, Louboutin stilettos...C'est Magnifique....but she had dirt under her fingernails and callouses on her hands, and I see this and say "Oh, strange for such a refined woman like this, what are you a gardener?." And I think about this...I think about her all the time."
You watched him take another puff of his cigarette.
"She was the first person I ever killed..." He admitted. "I carry them all with me, it's like scars in a way, you know?..."
He then looked up and glanced at the tv in the corner of the room, seeing a turtle go in and out of it's shell...it looked like wheels began turning in his head as he grabbed the cattle prog.
"What are you doing?." You asked, looking confused.
"Shocking our invisible friend." He smiled at you. "I need him unconscious!."
When you asked that, he turned back to you and his smile widened.
"Because I've got it!."
You, Butcher, and Frenchie were back in the freezer room, waiting for Translucent to wake again.
"You sure about this?." Butcher looked at Frenchie who nodded.
"Oui, Oui!." He smiled and then looked at you. "It's perfect!."
"What the?..." Translucent woke up. "Something doesn't feel right..."
"Oh, I'll bet," Butcher smirked. "Frenchie, tell him."
"I'm not ashamed to admit that I've outdone myself." Frenchie smiled at him, then bent down to the cage. "Now, the problem is the skin, it's hard like diamonds...but then...I realized it is just your shell that is hard, huh?."
He then looked up at you.
"Like a turtle!."
He then looked back at the cage.
"But your insides...they're like the rest of ours...soft." He chuckled. "So, how do you get to the squishy insides?."
"Through the mouth?." You asked.
"Non, the stomach acid, the gag reflex." Frenchie waved his finger at you. "If I stick something down his throat, he may vomit it up."
He then looked back at the supe in the cage.
"There's truly only one way..."
"The fuck did you do to me?." Translucent groaned.
"He stuck a lump of plastique up your bum, son..." Butcher answered. "Ass bomb..."
Translucent made himself visible again and you could all see the pure shock on his face.
"Oh my god..."
"Now, you stick a little finger up there and try to fish it out...bang..." Butcher then pointed to a detonator in his hand. "I trigger this...also bang...savvy?."
"Please don't kill me!." Translucent began begging. "I'll do anything!."
He then began stuttering, racing at a million miles per hour to get out of this situation.
"I-I-I-I'll tell you tell about A-Train!." He gestured to you. "That's what the kid wants, right?."
Butcher and Frenchie then looked at you as you glared at the supe.
"I don't know where he was going that night he killed the girl, but I know where was coming from!."
"What?." You spoke up. "Where?."
"Popclaw's!." He answered. "He fucking...loves her."
"Popclaw?." You looked at Butcher. "That's the woman with the things that come out of her arms?-"
"Yeah." Butcher nodded. "Real D-lister."
"Anyone knows what A-Train was doing, it's popclaw!." Translucent nodded. "But that's all I know, I swear to Christ, but ask me anything and I'll tell you!."
"No, normally..." Butcher began. "That would've been just what the doctor ordered..."
He then made you get out of the room.
"Unfortunately, for you, we're out of time."
You all walked out of the room and Translucent began pleading as the door shut behind you, Butcher raised the detonator and was just about to press the button.
"Butcher!." Frenchie's eyes widened when he saw the monitor. "A moment, si vous plait."
You all walked over to the monitor and saw something flying in the sky.
"What's that?." You asked looking confused.
"....Homelander..." Butcher glared at the screen. "...The female one..."
"Homelander's here!?." Your eyes widened, remembering your previous encounter with her. "She's got x-ray vision, she can see through the roof!-"
"And superhearing!." Frenchie looked at Butcher. "You pull the trigger, she will hear it!."
"We got to throw her off the scent..." Butcher growled. "Get her off our backs..."
"How?." You asked, looking around the room. "How are we gonna do that?."
Butcher smiled, looking at Frenchie
"Oh, you cannot be serious, huh?." Frenchie groaned. "You know how much this will cost me?."
"Put it on the tab." Butcher handed you the detonator and walked away, Frenchie following him. "Y/n, stay here!."
"Guys!?." You shouted. "Where are you going!?."
They walked out the door just as soon as you heard the cage unlock from the freezer room and the door swung open, you held the detonator up.
"Get the fuck back in that cage!." You shouted.
"Just take it easy, okay?." He begged. "I'm not getting back in that cage man, I do, I am dead."
"Yeah, well, if you don't..." You glared at him. "You're dead."
"Just think..." He pleaded. "You kill me, they'll never stop looking for you...you'll be glancing over your shoulder your whole life until they find you, which they will..."
You put your index finger on the button, ready to push it if he tries anything.
"Look, if you let me go..." He continued to beg. "You'll be the hero that saved Translucent...it's not too late...You can still go home...back to your life...."
You think about what he said...then slowly release your finger off the button.
"Attaboy." He put a hand on your shoulder and started to walk away from you, turning invisible once again...however...you slowly glanced at a sign on the wall saying "Keep your hands clean" and then your mind flashed back to A-Train, covered in your girlfriend's blood then remembered what Butcher had said to you.
"What have you got to lose that you ain't already lost..."
Those words kept repeating in your head as you slowly turned around and took a deep breath...before you pressed the button...
Blood and guts went everywhere, including all over you, drenching your clothes and covering your face, and what used to be the invisible supe...now exploded into meaty cubes on the floor...
"Alright, Y/n, we're back." Butcher walked down the stairs. "Got the golden cunt of our..."
He looked around, seeing the blood and bones everywhere, and you standing in the middle of it covered head to toe in what used to be Translucent.
"...And you said you ain't a murderer..." He smiled at you.
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