1. The Name of The Game

You were working at a tech company, fixing cables for TVs and repairing broken electronics, it's not the dream job you wanted, but it pays well enough so you can get by.

"Excuse me?." A woman came in, her voice was instantly recognizable to you, it was your girlfriend, Robin. "I was hoping you could come back to my place and...lay some cable?..."

"I'd love to..." You smiled at her. "I'm about to go on break so...give me five minutes, okay?."

Five minutes later...

You were walking with Robin, her apartment wasn't that far from where you worked so you could spend a few minutes with her before you had to start again.

"Hey..." She smiled at you. "You ever wonder about the future?."

"Umm, yeah..." you nodded. "But I tend to live in the moment..."

"I understand." She chuckles. "But...I also like thinking about the future..."

"And what do you see in the future?." You smiled and closed your eyes.

She also smiled and leaned in to kiss you, eyes closed as well...however...you felt something splatter on you, you thought it was rain starting but then you opened your eyes....you were covered in blood...Robin's blood.

You slowly turned your head and saw a familiar-looking Superhero, also covered in blood...it was A-Train, Vought's resident speedster...

"I-I can't stop!." He looked at you, then ran away at the speed of light. "I can't stop!!!."

You looked down at your hands...you were holding Robin's severed forearms.

"R-Robin?..." You immediately began crying as you held her arms whilst covered head to toe in her blood.

Timeskip...a day later...

You were trying to recover from the loss of your girlfriend, which wasn't going well... you heard the TV in the background, Translucent, Vought's invisible hero, was talking to Jimmy Fallon about his new movie, not that you cared...the only interesting thing you picked up on was his skin is made of carbon...you saw someone checking out a stuffed bear in the store, he was wearing a trench coat...

"You Interested in a nanny cam?." You walked up to him. "Because we're actually running a special on that-"

"Tell me..." The man examined the bear, he spoke with a British accent. "How many nannies shake their babies?."

"Uh, I'm sorry?." You looked confused.

"You know, like a good..." The man began violently shaking the bear. "A good hard shake..."

The man in the trench coat slowly turned to you.

"Like trying to get ketchup out of a bottle..." he smirked at you. "One percent? Less?."

"I really don't know." You looked even more confused.

"Funny that." The man set the bear down. "They sell a billion dollars worth of that shit worldwide."

He then walked up to you.

"Goes to show you doesn't it?." He got right in your face. "The bollocks people will believe, if you get them scared enough."

"Um...is there anything I can help you with today, or...?"

"I'm not gonna piss you about, Y/n." He got right in your face. "I heard about what happened to Robin."

"I'm-I'm-I'm sorry, who are you?." You asked, backing up slightly.

"She wasn't in the street, she was one step off the fucking curb." The man continued getting in your face. "And you didn't take the pay-off."

"Yeah-" You backed up further. "I said who the hell are you?."

"Name's Butcher." The man took out a wallet, showing an FBI license and badge. "Billy Butcher."

You looked at the wallet, then back to him.

"Listen." Butcher began. "I was thinking that you and me should have a bit of a chat..."


You and Butcher were walking around the big city at night.

"You're a fed?." You continued looking at the FBI badge. "You don't sound like a fed-"

"What, I can't immigrate?." Butcher scoffed. "There's a giant green slapper with her ass in the harbor that says different."

"You don't really look like one either." You followed Butcher through the city, looking around at the superhero products on display.

"No?." Butcher looked at you again. "What do I look like?."

"Like you're staring in a porn version of The Matrix."

"Well, it's all right there for you in black and white." Butcher continued walking along the sidewalk.

"Okay..." You raised an eyebrow. "Uh, what exactly can I do for you?."

"No, you've got it all wrong, Y/n." Butcher took his wallet back. "It's what I can do for you."

The two of you continued walking around the city, you looked over at some Funko Pops which showed the collection of superhero's like Homelander, The Deep, Black Noir, and...A-Train...

"You see, you ain't alone, son." Butcher looked at you again. "It happens more than you think...Supes lose husbands of people each year to collateral damage."

"No, come on, that'd be all over the news." Your eyes widened. "People would be screaming bloody murder-"

"Yeah, look, there might be the odd mention of it now and again, like with Robin, but there's a fucksight more that just gets swept right under the rug."

"Why?." You asked.

"Ain't it obvious?." Butcher gestures to the city square, all around it were posters of the superheroes. "Movie tickets, merchandising, theme parks, video games...a multi-billion dollar global industry supported by corporate lobbyists and politicians on both sides."

You looked around in awe at what Butcher was saying, seeing children running around dressed up as superheroes.

"But the main reason that you won't hear about it, is because the public don't wanna know about it." Butcher got right in your face again. "See, people love that cozy feeling that Supes give them, some golden cunt to swoop out of the sky and save the day so you don't gotta do it yourself."

He looked around again before looking at you.

"But if you knew half the shit they get up to...fucking diabolical..." He clicked his tongue, then smiled. "But then...that's where I come in."

"Come in to do what?." You asked.

"Spank the bastards when they get out of line." Butcher spoke to you in a rather cold and dark voice.

"How do you spank a Supe?." You asked, looking concerned.

"Come on, son." Butcher started walking away.

"Where?." You asked, looking confused.

"You'll love it." Butcher continued walking away.

"Not likely." You said quietly before shaking your head. "Listen, I think this is good-I'm good."

Butcher stopped walking and looked back at you as you continued speaking.

"Thank you for an extremely weird conversation, but I don't want to go to a second location with you." You smiled at Butcher. "So, I'm gonna get back to work...Thank you."

You started walking away.

"Y/n!."Butcher shouted. "Y/n!."

You stopped walking and Butcher walked right up to you again.

"This is your one and only, mate." Butcher glared at you. "Once I go, I'm gone."

He got right up in your face again.

"I'm offering you the opportunity to get them that got your girl." He looked you dead in the eyes. "What have you got to lose that you ain't already lost?..."

With that, Butcher walked away again, starting to disappear through the crowd of people, you hesitantly groaned.

"Fuck me..." You facepalmed before running after Butcher who turned down an alleyway.

"Where are we?." You looked around.

"Keep your mouth shut." Butcher kept you away from a door and knocked on it, the little slit opened up, revealing a man in a suit.

"Harry." Butcher grinned. "Got your message, thank you for being an upstanding citizen."

"You know this is fucking police brutality, man." Harry frowned. "You know what they'll do to me, they catch me letting you in?..."

"Not half of what I'll do if you don't...." Butcher glared at him and Harry opened the door instantly.

"Did he just say you were police?." You looked at Butcher, confused.

"Yeah, you know, cop, fed, all the same to twats like that." Butcher walked inside and you followed him...what you saw...made your jaw hit the floor...it was an orgy...people were naked and doing it everywhere, even on the chandeliers...

"Holy shit." You looked around.

"Pick your jaw up off the floor and try to blend in." Butcher instructed as he walked past everything, you followed him. "This is the only place where the Supes can scratch their filthy little itch without the paps taking snaps."

You looked around at the mess happening...then you recognized one of the Supes..

"Wait, wait, wait." Your eyes widened even further. "That's Ezekiel...The "Capes for Christ" guy... preaches all that "pray the gay away" shit..."

"And now he's the meat in the Manwich." Butcher rolled his eyes as he saw Ezekiel making out with another guy. "Fucking hypocrite."

He then looked at you and motioned to a door.

"Keep going forward." Butcher walked to the door and opened it.

You walked inside and a man was sitting at a desk, there were screens all around him, cameras were everywhere in this place, even in the bathrooms.

"Butcher." He nodded. "What do you need."

"Play the footage you found." Billy gave the man a nod back while you sat down in a chair.

The man pulled up footage from one of the screens

"There." Butcher pointed. "There, stop."

The screen he was pointing at showed A-Train, having drinks with another Supe.

"Wait, wait, wait." Your eyes widened. "A-Train's... A-Train's here right now?."

"Was." Butcher nodded at you. "This is from last night."

The guy sitting at the desk played the footage and turned the volume up.

"I cannot believe you ran through a bitch." The other Supe said to A-Train.

"You want to hear something crazy?." A-Train looked at him. "I ran so fast through this bitch that I swallowed one of her molars...like a bug on the fucking freeway."

"Dude, that's nasty." The other Supe said....before they both started laughing, thinking it was the funniest shit ever.

"They're laughing." Your eyes widened and suddenly a wave of anger came over you. "Just... Like she's a joke...they're fucking laughing."

"So, what are you gonna do about it?..." Butcher looked over at you.

"They're all like that?." You asked him. "All of them-even Homelander?."

"Homelander's the exception." Butcher nodded. "He doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, man's a saint."

He then took a sip of his beverage.

"But the rest of them, yeah." He nodded again. "Pardon my French, fuck those fuckers."

He then took something out of his coat and put it down in front of you.

"Here." He slides a stack of papers over to you. "Have a shufti of that."

"What are these?." You glanced at the papers in front of you.

"That's the police log the day that Robin got murdered." Butcher responded. "Couple of bar fights, a few cars got nicked...but you know what's not in there?."

"What?." You asked looking through the papers.

"No bank alarms going off." Butcher answered. "No one charged at Central Booking."

He then sighed.

"A-Train stopped two bank robbers, my arse." He looked at you. "Someone's fucking hiding something."

"Hiding what?." You now looked up at him.

"Well, I don't know, whatever dodgy shit he was up to that night." Butcher shrugged. "Why couldn't he stop-I mean, what was in that bag-Who was he running from?."

"Or where was he running to? ." You asked.

"Bingo." He smiled at you. "Work that out, and we'll have the fucker, I can smell it."

"Okay." You nodded. "Okay, so... what can I do to help?."

"Here's what you do." Butcher began explaining his plan. "Ring Vought, tell them you'll take the money, sign the NDA, but only if A-Train's there in person when you do it."

"Why does A-Train need to be there?." You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"They'll take you into the Seven Tower, through security, mate, and then you'll plant a bug." Butcher explained.

"A bug?." You asked.

"A bug." He repeated. "And we'll have a little listen, see what's really going on."

"Okay, let me just... Sorry, let me just get this straight." You nodded. "You want me to... You want me to go to Seven Tower by myself, and... And you want me to plant a bug, like I'm... What, like I'm fucking James Bond?."

"Yeah, exactly." Butcher nodded. "You got it."

"You're FBI." You got up from the table. "If you're FBI, then get a warrant...why do you... why do you even need me?."

"Y/n, Y/n, look, mate, I got a warrant, all right?." Butcher nodded. "But that place is firewalled, untappable, and locked up tighter than a nun's knickers...I couldn't get myself in there in a million years."

He then flashed you a smile.

"But you, son, you could do it."

"No, no, I can't, okay?." You slammed your hands on the table. "I can't-no-you didn't see A-Train covered in...and I'm, what, I'm just supposed to go in there, and I'm supposed to shake his hand and smile?."

"Yeah." Butcher nodded.

"I'm not..." You shook your head no again. "Do you know who my favorite musician is?."

"Who?." Butcher asked.

"James Taylor." You responded. "Number two, Simon & Garfunkel. Number three, Billy Joel, any of those guys, they don't infiltrate, I'm not an infiltrator."

"Y/n, Y/n, fucking grow a pair." Butcher tried to calm you down. "You heard that cunt laughing at your girl-"

"No-no-no." You shook your head again. "No, I can't, I can't do that, I'm sorry, I'm just gonna fuck it up, and you're not gonna have your bug...and I'll be dead."

You walked towards the door.

"I'm not... I'm not like you."

You left Butcher in the room and walked outside to an alleyway to try and get back to work, out of nowhere, someone grabbed you and pinned you to the wall, putting a knife to your neck.

"Give me your fucking money!." The man shouted at you.

"T-Take it easy man, I-I don't have any!." You put your hands up.

"Bullshit!." He put the knife closer to your neck. "Give me your goddamn money or-AHHHHHHHHH!."

The man began screaming in pain as you saw someone squeezing his head like a pimple, he dropped the knife and he was thrown so hard against a brick wall.... and his body exploded.

"Are you alright?..." Someone asked you and you looked up to see who saved you.

"Homelander?..." Your eyes widened as she helped you up.

"All in a day's work..." She smiled...then...she started looking at you up and down. "You know...you look...kinda cute..."

She then leaned right up against you, her breasts were right up against your chest.

"I-I-" You gulped. "You think I'm cute?..."

"Yes..." She smiled at you and began stroking your cheek. "Very cute, well, for a human at least..."

She saw your face turn slightly red and she gave you a dominating smile.

"Ooh...blushy, aren't we?."

"I..." You didn't know how to respond, so your face was getting redder than a cherry. "I-"

"Shh..." She put a finger to your lip, quieting you. "You don't have to say anything....I know what you want..."

She started to remove her uniform, exposing her breasts to you.

"Don't worry..." She smiled at you. "I'll be gentle..."

Meanwhile...At Vought Tower.

"This is amazing, Madelyn." A man looked at an 8X10 photo of Homelander, signed by the man himself. "Thank you for this. My kid is gonna lose his mind."

"It is our pleasure." Madelyn smiled as she sat down. "Just do not sell it online."

"All right." The man smiled "What are you thinking?."

"Baltimore is a beautiful town, but you've got a problem." Madelyn spoke again. "Your homicide rates are up, what, 62 percent?."

She let out a little laugh.

"The police are not closing cases." She then sighed. "You're on the verge of needing a federal lifeline."

"Cut to the chase, Madelyn." The Mayor glared at her. "Who are you proposing?."

"Nubian Prince." Maydeln showed a picture on the giant screen mounted on the wall. "Fits your population's demo, but not too militant...Caucasians love him, too, with a 59 percent approval rate."

She then put a document in front of The Mayor.

"I am willing to give you a three-year exclusive contract with full PR support, and I'm gonna give you nine and a half points of the merchandising."

"I thought he was in Detroit." The Mayor looked confused.

"Well, we're thinking about making a move." Madelyn smirked.

"How much?." The Mayor asked.

"$300 million a year." Madelyn answered before both of them laughed...

"I know, I know, it's a tough swallow." She continued to laugh. "But we both know that your city needs a hero."

"$200 million for Nubian Prince." The Mayor's smile faded. "I can sell that."

"I'm sorry, Steve, I can't do it." Madelyn shook her head. "We've got Atlanta waiting in the wings."

"I think maybe you can." Steve leaned back in his chair, a grin on his face.

"And why is that?." Madelyn asked, looking confused now.

"I happen to know about Compound V..." The Mayor smirked.

"What is Compound V?." Madelyn asked, trying to play dumb.

"It's the type of rumor that could really tarnish those heroes of yours." The mayor looked at the wall, showing a painting of the seven. "Nobody wants that...People need heroes."

He then adjusted his tie.

"Now, I can make sure that that stays a rumor because I'm a friend." Steve sipped his drink. "But friendship does cut both ways..."

"I'm sorry, Steve, I don't know what you're talking about." Madelyn continued playing dumb. "$300 million is the price... or we go to Atlanta."


After you were done with Homelander, she let you go and you stumbled over to a nearby park bench...a woman was upset...she looked like she was about to cry.

"Excuse me." You spoke up. "I'm sorry, are you okay?."

"What?." She looked up at you.

"Sorry." You frowned. "I don't mean to bother you-"

"No, no, it's okay." She nodded. "I'm fine, I'm just...I'm just having a bad day."

"Yeah, me too." You nodded. "Is it, like, a work thing, or... a life thing?."

"It's a work thing." She responded. "You?."

"Life thing." You looked at her before she began to speak up again.

"You know how you have this... image of yourself?." She sighed. "Like, I thought I was strong, you know, like, made of steel...A fighter....and... then I was faced with this horrible situation with this asshole... and...I just heard my mom's voice in my head, "Keep smiling, the show must go on," and... I didn't fight."

She looked down, saddened.

"And now I just feel sick." She looked like she wanted to cry. "Partly because I did it, but... mostly because... turns out I'm not who I thought I was."

You felt that pain in her voice...and you looked down as well...

"Oh, I'm sorry." She quickly apologized. "I... I didn't mean to just dump all of that onto you-"

"No, no, it's totally fine that you dumped..." You sighed and stopped mid-sentence. "Listen, do you like your job?."

"It's the only thing I've ever wanted." She smiled at you.

"And it's a good job?." You asked. "Like, you're not selling kids smack?."

"No, it's a great job." She giggled. "I could help a lot of people."

"Thing is, I... used to know this girl... and we used to go skating at Rockefeller, and I'd be on the side with this death grip on the rails." You smiled, remembering a date with Robin. "She would just charge headfirst into the middle of the rink, and she wasn't... good, like, she fell... a lot... but she was never scared."

You paused for a minute before looking at the woman again.

"And she always used to say "Just because you fall on your ass doesn't mean you have to stay there." So you fell on your ass, you know?." You smiled. "That's not who you are."

She smiled at you and you smiled back.

"So who are you?." You asked, a smile still on your face.

"I'm a fighter." The woman nodded. "I'm gonna fight."

"Yeah." You nodded.

"I'm gonna take that son of a bitch's head clean off his body." She smiled at you.

"Okay..." You stopped nodding. "Wow, that was...Cool....Little scary, but... but cool."

You then stuck your hand out to her.

"I'm Y/n, by the way." You smiled.

"Annie." She shook your hand and smiled brightly now.

Annie's phone began to ring and she looked at it.

"Sorry." She got up. "I've got to go...it was great meeting you Y/n, oh...here..."

She quickly wrote something down on a piece of paper and handed it to you, it was her number...

You smirked as she walked away and then took out your phone and called someone.

"Okay..." You spoke into the phone. "I'm in..."

"Atta boy." Butcher's voice was heard from the other side. "Meet me where we last meet, bloody hell, you'll never believe what I found, some poor bastard had his head squished into pieces... his brain's all over the alleyway."


You once again met back up with Butcher, the two of you were now in a bathroom where Butcher locked the door and handed you a phone.

"Okay, it's ringing." You nodded at him before a voice was heard from the other side.

"Yeah, hello?." A man spoke up.

"Yes, hello." You turned it on speaker phone. "Hello, Mr. Friedman... It's Y/n L/n, I got your message, and $45K, it's just... it's just... it's bingo, like, life-changing....But I just need one thing before I sign anything."

"What is it?." He sighed. "And make it quick."

"I need an apology from A-Train." You looked at Butcher who nodded.

"He already apologized." The guy said.

"Well, no, no, no." You spoke up again. "No, he hasn't."

"Yes, he sent his..." Mr. Friedman tried to speak up again.

"He sent his regrets and his sympathies on TV, but I... if I could just get an apology face-to-face, that would be fantastic." You interrupted. "Just to... Just for closure, just to put... Just to put a b-button on it."

"Y/n, I'm telling you, the answer's gonna be no." Mr. Friendman sighed.

"All right, in that case, can you just give me... Hello?." You heard the phone turn off. "I think... they hung up, I don't think they're gonna go for it-"

"Oh, yes, they will." Butcher smirked and took his phone back. "Come on, my car's just outside...we're going on a little road trip..."

Meanwhile...At Vought Tower...

Starlight was walking into the meeting room, when the door opened, all of the seven were present, including the leader...

"Starlight." Homelander smiled. "Don't want to be late to your first official meeting...I had a whole welcome speech planned."

"Sorry, sir." Starlight looked down, walking to the empty chair.

"Please, Homelander's fine." Homelander smiled before someone else spoke up.

"Beginning to wonder if you'd even show up." The Deep smirked. "I mean, all that pressure, it's a lot for anyone to swallow..."

"Yeah." Starlight glared at him. "Don't worry, I'll be fine...I'm here... and I'm not going anywhere."

"Can we get back to this, please?." Translucent was writing something on a notepad. "This is a serious crime."

He then pointed to a chart with his pen.

"These assholes pirated my movie three weeks before release, and you can't walk down 5th Avenue without bumping into a table of unlicensed Homelander shirts." He continued. "Copyright infringement is costing Vought $1 .2 billion per year-that's money out of our pockets-we've all got, what, four points each?."

"What the fuck?." A-Train looked at Translucent. "You got four points?."

"And clearly better lawyers." Queen Mave smirked.

"Hey, hey, hey, guys, come on." Homelander groaned. "Stop, what's Starlight gonna think, listening to us haggling over nickels?."

He then began to give this big speech, moving around in his chair.

"We're the Seven, for God's sake." Homelander smiled. "Whether we're out there or we're in here, now, what I do want to hear... is who you saved this week."

He then looked to someone sitting in a chair.

"Black Noir."

"Let's start with you, man." Homelander smiled.


Butcher's car pulled up right outside of Vought Tower, you looked at the back of the car he was driving, there were a few dog boys in the back.

"Do you have a dog?." You asked.

"No." Butcher looked at you. "All right, give us your phone."

You handed him your phone.

"There's fuck-all security to worry about." Butcher sighed. "In fact, they're a bunch of muppets."

He took out a tiny device and smirked.

"And the metal detector won't pick this up." He then took your phone out of its case and placed something in the case, it looked like a chip of some kind.

"And what they'll probably do is take you through the security and then up into the boardroom." Butcher said as he explained his grand plan to you. "Sit down, be nice, congenial...then, real polite-like, tell them you're gonna take a fat shit...go into the bog, take the bug out, peel back the plastic bit to reveal the sticky side, put the plastic bit in the bog, flush it, then go back into the boardroom, sit down, big smiles, plant the bug underneath the table."

He then smiled at you again.

"Easy-peasy Japanese-y, Bob's your uncle, that's that." He handed you back your phone.

"That's that?." You asked. "That was... That was a lot. I've... Hold on, can you just... Can you repeat it again?.

"Y/n, calm down, all right?." Butcher sighed. "This is like that scene in The Matrix...now, you could take the fucking red pill, right, spend the rest of your life jacking off, crying into your chai tea, green latte, what the fuck...or, you could take the blue pill, or is it the red pill?."

He looked confused before looking back at you.

"Anyway, take the other pill and quit being a cunt."

"Which pill do you want me to take?." You asked.

"Just quit being a cunt." Butcher sighed. "That's what I'm saying."

You nodded and exited the car, looking up at Vought Tower.


You were now sitting in the board room, waiting for A-Train to show up.

"Excuse me, can I... can I use your bathroom?." You asked a guard before the doors opened, and two People walked in...along with A-Train.

"Just to be clear, A-Train's apology isn't an admission of any sort of culpability whatsoever." A man glared at you as he set a paper in front of you. "Do you understand?."

You looked over at A-Train, who was still covered in blood...

"I'm sorry about what happened to your girlfriend, all right?." A-Train groaned, he looked...like he didn't want to admit it...like he couldn't even care less that he killed your girlfriend.

"Yeah." You put on a fake-smile. "I appreciate the apology...accidents happen, right?."

You smiled at him and shook his hand.

"After all, I mean, you were saving the world." You shrugged.

"Okay, great." A-Train nodded and walked away. "Thank you so much."

"As you know, a crimefighter's work is never done." A woman smiled at you. "Douglas here will handle the rest of the paperwork for you, okay?."

"Thank you." You nodded as A-Train and the woman walked away.

"I told you, you have to be better." She glared at A-Train as the two of them walked away.

"Can I use your bathroom?." You asked Dougless who nodded.

You walked inside the bathroom...looked around, making sure nobody was there...and did as Butcher instructed...however, as you walked out...someone revealed themselves.

"What the fuck?." Translucent glared at you as you signed the NDA and stuck the bug under the table.


You and Butcher were driving back to another place, discussing your job.

"And I look him right in the eye and smile." You finished telling the story. "And that was awesome, man, just getting to stare that asshole down...I get why you dig this job."

"Yeah, you know, it has its moments, doesn't it?." Butcher smirked.

"You were right." You nodded. "Fuck A-Train...fuck A-Train... fuck the Seven."

You then looked out the window and Butcher had stopped the car...you were now back at work.

"What are we...?." You looked at him. "What are we doing here?."

"Well, you got to go to work, don't you?." Butcher asked.

"Yeah, but I don't..." You started to speak.

"That's all I need you for right now, Hughie." Butcher shrugged.

"Yeah, I mean, but I can..." You tried to think of something else to say. "I can help with other stuff, you know? I could... I could be, like, your tech guy, you know, like, I could be in the van with the thing and, like, you know, "He's down the hall to the left." like, I can..."

"Yeah, look, son, I..." Butcher paused. "I think it's best that I take it from here. You know what I mean?."

"Yeah, but I can... I can really help." You frowned.

"I know you can help, but I got it." Butcher smiled and you sighed, getting out of the car.

"Oh, w... Oh, hey, wait." You took out the check Vought had given you.

"You ever see an asshole tear up $45K?." You smiled then ripped apart the check.

"Y/n..." Butcher smiled at you. "You're a good lad."


"Ms. Stillwell, I wasn't sure you'd call." The mayor of Baltimore picked up his phone as he was being driven somewhere.

"This fucking chafes, but..." Madelyn sighed. "I'm willing to come down to $230 million for Nubian Prince."

"That's very reasonable, Maddie." The mayor smirked. "Thank you."

"And, Steve, this Compound V... any rumors you may have heard about my heroes... libelous and completely untrue." Madelyn sighed. "But we all know how rumors spread, so... I'd appreciate your discretion."

"Of course." Steve nodded. "You have my word."

"Thank you." Madelyn said. "Have a safe flight home..."

When she hung up the phone, something quickly flew past her window, it wasn't a bird or a plane...it was Homelander...he looked like he was in a hurry...


You were back at your office, bored, you had the rush of a lifetime, and now you are back to your boring old job.

"Good night, Y/n." Gary walked over to you. "You'll lock up?."

"Yeah." You sighed "Thanks, Gary."

Gary left the store but you heard the bell ring again.

"Sorry, we're closing up." You said, nobody answered....you saw nobody at the door...

"Hello?." You heard footsteps approaching, but nobody was around.

"Who are you?." A voice spoke up, making you jump.

"The fuck?." Your eyes widened.

"Right in front of you, prick." The voice spoke up again and held something up to you...it was the bug you had planted. "You think I wouldn't find this thing?."

You were scared shitless as he tossed it in front of you and gripped your name tag.

"Y/n." He said your name, almost with disgust before he grabbed your head and slammed it onto the table case, shattering it, and cutting you up.

"You pussy, I followed you from the fucking Tower." He dragged you off the case and lifted you up into the air.

"No, no, no!." You shouted before he tossed you into one of the walls.

"Who's that guy you were with, in the car?." He demanded. "Who was he?."

"I don't..." You tried to speak before he spoke over you.

"He put you up to this?."

"I don't know!." You began panicking. "He was just some Uber driver, okay?-"

"Don't give me some bullshit Uber driver!." He shouted then walked over to one of the giant tvs on the wall. "Do you think I'm a fucking idiot?."

He then ripped the large tv out of the wall. 

"Why'd you plant the bug?."

"Please."You begged as he came towards you holding the TV. "Please, please, please. No, please."

"We're the Seven, Earth's most mighty, champions of the innocent, motherfucker!." Translucent was about to crush you with the TV before out of nowhere a car plowed in through the window and sent him flying into several shelves.

"Sorry about the mess." Butcher got out of the car. "You should fuck off, Y/n."

He then took a crowbar out from his jacket and walked to where he thought the invisible supe was.

"Y/n, run!." Butcher shouted at you again, you slowly got up and went to make your way to the back exit.

"Well, well, well, if it ain't the invisible cunt." Butcher smiled and swung his crowbar, missing Translucent who then started swinging on the brit, giving him several good jabs and strikes, Butcher spat blood on him, revealing the invisible supe, and then started getting a few hits of his own in before the super threw him against a wall.

"So who are you?." Translucent asked. "Fucking spy-For who?."

He then picked up Butcher's crowbar.

"You're gonna fucking tell me, or I'm gonna smash your fucking scalp off!."

You saw Butcher on the ground and then remember what he said with Jimmy Fallon, his skin was carbon...you saw the electrical cord from the tv he ripped out, you crept up behind Translucent and gripped a hold of the wire.

"Who the fuck are you?!." Transculent screamed at Butcher.

"I'll tell you who you are." Butcher smiled.  "A fucking moron..."Translucent" doesn't even mean "invisible."...It means "semi-transparent."

He then looked at you and you shoved the electrical cord on his ass, making him scream in pain as he dropped the crowbar, you saw smoke coming out of him and you and Butcher looked away before the invisible supe collapsed on the floor.

"Is he... is he dead?." You looked at his body then at Butcher who kicked it.

"Well, he ain't moving." Butcher shrugged. "How'd you know the electric would do the job?."

"Skin's carbon." You got up. "Highly conductive, Saw it on Jimmy Fallon."

"Would've taken me forever to work that one out." Butcher nodded. "Good job...Let's get him in the boot."

"Wait, wait, what?." You looked confused. "Wait, what?."

"The trunk." Butcher started moving Transulcent's body to his car.

"No, no, I mean, what are we...?." You stuttered. "What are we doing with him?-"

"Well, Y/n, you just offed one of the Seven, mate." Butcher responded.

"Me?." Your eyes widened. "I...You... You hit him with a fucking car!."

"Look, potato, fucking po-tah-to." Butcher looked back at you. "We're both in a shitload of trouble."

"No, no, no, we're not!." You shouted, trying to think of excuses. "It's... It... He... He attacked us, and you're a federal officer, you know?."

You looked back at Butcher, hoping he could get you both of this mess.

"J-Just call the fucking FBI."

Butcher paused, slowly nodded, then clicked his tongue.

"Yeah." He sighed. "Okay, so, look, technically, I'm not a fed."

"What?!." Your eyes widened. "T-T-Then who the fuck are you?!."


The Mayor's plane was heading back to Baltimore and it was experiencing a little turbulence due to a storm.

"It's just a little turbulence kiddo." The Mayor smiled at his son, the kid looked out the window and saw his childhood hero, Homelander, flying next to them.

"Hey, it's Homelander!." The kid smiled.

"Really?." The Mayor looked out the window...then saw the supe's eye glow red. "Oh my god!-"

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