DECEMBER 17, 2015
Chris' POV
Uh! What! It's already 4:00 P. M.! The time of dissmissal! I was waiting to go home. I saw Ms. Ruth laughing. It was because Christmas is near. I love Christmas! After some minutes, we left the classroom.
"Happy New Year!" Tina shouted.
"Merry Christmas!" Rex shouted.
Me,Mitch,Pearce,Ronald,and Joseph was walking. We are going to play at my house.
"Are you guys excited of Christmas?" Joseph asked.
"Of course yes!" We said.
Before we reached my house, We saw a beggar being punched and bullied by Jeremy,Zack, Hilton, David, and Todd.
"Guys! Wait! Do not move!" I said.
I went to our house. I brought Bread,Apples,Bananas, and Grapes, and Water. I went back to the beggar.
"Um... This is for you!" I said.
"Thank you!" The beggar said.
"Hey! Give us that!" Jeremy said.
"Stooooooppppp!!!!!!!!!!!! Go away! Go away you stupid Gangsters! Go away! Go away!" I shouted.
"You want a fight!" Jeremy said.
"I'm here for Peace!" I said.
"No! Let's just fight!" Jeremy said.
Gizmo saw us.
"Chris! Thank God you are already here! We are going to play with Uri!" Gizmo said.
"Guys! Let's go! Go away freaks!" I said.
"No we wont!" Jeremy said.
Gizmo threw pie at their faces.
"See you next time byeee!!!" Gizmo said.
We entered my house. I saw Uri playing my old action figures.
"That's good Uri!" I said.
Uri was now Grade 6. Of course, He is not silly anymore.
"Just play Uri!" I said.
"Can i join you and your friends?" Uri asked.
"Hmmm... Guys what do you think?" I said.
"Uri is good! It's alright!" Mitch said.
"Uri! You are one of us now!" I said.
"Yeeeeeesssss!!!!!" Uri said jumping in joy.
"Guys! Gizmo! Let's go to my Room!" I said.
We went to my room.
"Guys! Sit at the floor!" I said.
We sat at the floor. I was thinking what should we do.
"Guys! What do you want to do?" I asked.
"Hmmmmm..... Play Guitars?" Ronald and Joseph said.
"How about Hoverboarding?" Pearce said.
"How about... Playing with Gizmo?" Mitch said.
"I know! How about if we help Mom and Dad to decorate the house?" I said.
"That's a great idea!" We all said.
"Guys! Let's go to the basement! There is the decorations!" I said.
We went to the Basement.
"It's too dark in here..." Ronald said.
"Gizmo! Open the lights!" I said.
Gizmo opened the lights.
"Guys! There is the Christmas Tree!" Uri said.
"Umm... Gizmo and Uri carry the Christmas lights. Me, Mitch, Pearce, and Dad will carry the Christmas tree. Ronald and Joseph will help Mom to put the Lanterns and decorate the whole house. Let's start!" I said.
Before we start, Joy saw us.
"Oh! Joy! What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Can i help you decorate?" Joy said.
"Hmmm... Oh! Help Mom to put the Lanterns and decorte the whole house!" I said.
"Is there much easier?" Joy said.
"That's the only Job!" I said.
"Fine!" Joy said.
I called Dad to carry the Christmas tree. Gizmo and Uri started to carry the christmas lights. Meanwhile, We carried the Christmas Tree. Joy called Mom to put the Lanterns. They also started.
"Chris! We are finish!" Gizmo and Uri said.
"Help Joy,Mom,Ronald and Joseph!" I said.
"Ok!" Gizmo and Uri said.
They helped Mom,Joy, Ronald and Gizmo to decorate the house. After we carried the Christmas tree, we helped Mom,Joy,Ronald,Joseph,Gizmo, and Uri. Mom and Dad put the two big Christmas lanterns. Meanwhile, Joy,Gizmo,Ronald and Joseph will decorate the outside of the house. Me,Mitch, and Pearce decorated the inside of the house. After Mom and Dad finished putting the Giant lanterns, Mom and Dad Helped us decorating the inside of the house. Joy,Gizmo,Ronald,and Joseph finished decorating the outside, they helped us decorating the inside. At night, Mom put her presents for us. Dad also put presents for us. And finally, Dad and Mom opened the Giant Lanterns. It shone like a beautiful star.
"Merry Christmas!!!!" We all shouted.
Mitch,Pearce,Ronald,and Joseph will have a sleepover, but Joy returned to her house. For me, it was the best Christmas preparation ever!
DECEMBER 18, 2015
5:00 A.M.
Professor Crispin's POV
I was awake at 5:00 A.M.. I was eating breakfast when i looked at the window. I saw paper at the bushes. I went outside and i looked at the Paper. It was clean. When i read it, I was surprised to see this... First time... In my life...
Jolly Old St. Nicholas
Santa Claus' POV
I was awake. I saw my room messy. I found out that the paper i wrote last night was missing.
"Ricky! What happened to my room?" I asked.
"Sir! I do not know. Maybe the elves ruined it." Ricky the elf said.
"Who have done this?" I said.
"Call all the Elves!" I said angrily.
Ricky called all the elves.
"Who have done this?" I said.
"Maybe it's Evil Santa Claus!" Mack said.
"No! There is no Evil me!" I said.
"Santa! We already knew!" Ricky said.
"Then who is it?" I asked.
"It's Klaws!" Ricky said.
"That wannabe!" I said.
"What should we do?" Ricky asked.
"He is now doing evil! We must know first if that's real! Optocam! Show us!" I said.
Optocam, My CCTV Showed us. We saw that's Klaws.
"We must know where the paper i wrote last night went!" I said.
Chris' POV
I was awake and i saw dad holding a paper.
"Dad? What is that?" I asked.
"It's nothing! Go pray!" Dad said.
I prayed first and after praying, i went to the lab and i saw the paper. I took it. I read it. I cannot believe! Santa Claus was real? I heard footsteps. Dad saw me holding the paper.
"Chris! Why did you do that?" Dad asked.
"I just want to see what is that." I said.
"Go back!" Dad said.
"Did you already say this to Mom?" I asked.
"Not yet. Just go back! We will go to South Pole tomorrow!" Dad said.
"Really?" I said.
"Yes. Go back!" Dad said.
I left the lab feeling happy. I went to my room and i saw my friends already awake.
"Guys! Guys!" I said.
"What is that?" Gizmo asked.
"Tomorrow!" I said.
"Tomorrow what?" Uri said.
"Tomorrow, We are going to South Pole!" I said happily.
"Really? Your face looks like lying." Mitch said.
"I'm not joking!" I said.
"Tomorrow you are going to South Pole?" Joy said.
"Oh Joy! What are you doing here?" I said.
"Answer my question Chris! Are you going to South Pole?" Joy said.
"Yes! I'm not joking!" I said.
"Then prove us!" Joy said.
"Fine! Follow me!" I said.
We went at the lab, but we saw Dad wasn't there. So, we went at Mom's room. We saw Dad and Mom talking about going to South Pole.
"Now! There is the Proof!" I said.
"What the What?!? Chris! What are you doing here?" Dad said.
"I'm just telling them the truth." I said.
"What Truth?" Dad said.
"The Truth about going to South Pole tomorrow!" I said.
"Go back Chris!" Dad said.
"Guys! Let's go!" I said.
I'm so very excited going there.
DECEMBER 19, 2015
4:00 A.M.
Professor Crispin's POV
We are ready to leave. We are going to South Pole. I prepared the AirCraft 1000. I'm the driver of it. It has 25 people Capacity. I was checking if they are complete. I called their names.
"Bark! Bark! Bark!"
"Mitch,Pearce,Ronald and Joseph"
"All aboard!" I shouted.
We are ready to go to South Pole i drove the AirCraft 1000.
DECEMBER 19, 2015
5:15 A.M.
Santa Claus' POV
I was still studying where the paper i wrote go. It's important. I hope someone return it to me. I saw Ricky.
"Do you have ideas who could done that?"
"We have. His name is Crispin Quantum." Ricky said.
"Familiar to me. Oh! I found him! He is heading to South pole!" I said.
I was hoping that he could be here any minute. After some hours, I saw a rocket ship or something coming to the entrance of the village. I went there and i saw Crispin with his wife and kids, and a talking robot?
"Santa! Santa!" Crispin shouted.
"Crispin Quantum! What are you doing?" I said.
"Santa! I saw this letter... At the bushes... It says that we should go here!" Crispin said.
"You are invited! I have a mission for you!" I said.
"What is that mission?" Crispin asked.
"Klaws! My rival has stolen all the Christmas gifts for the children! We must stop and get all the gifts before Christmas comes!" I said, worrying.
"Do not worry Santa! We will help you!" Crispin said.
"Very well! Before we start, Go inside my house first!" I said.
We went inside my house and we talked about what to do.
"Who is this kids? Can you tell me their names?" I asked Crispin.
"This is Chris my son, Gizmo the robot, Uri my nephew, Joy, Chris' Classmate, Mitch,Pearce,Ronald, and Joseph, Chris' Friends." Crispin said.
"I see. Well, if you accomplish the mission, i will give you kids what you want! Ok?" I said.
"Ok Santa!" The kids said.
We went to the secret room. I showed them my Sled.
"We will use my Sled!" I said.
"Yeeeeessss!!!!! Woohoo!" Chris said.
"So, what are you waiting for? Let's go!" I said.
I lift the Sled to outside, with the Help of Crispin and his wife.
"By the way Crispin! What is the name of your wife?" I asked.
"Her name is Phoebe!" Crispin said.
"Ok I know all of your names! Let's start!" I said.
We rode the Sled. I will drive the sled.
"Rudolph! Reindeers! Get ready!...3...2...1...Go!" I shouted.
We moved fast.
"Woooooaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!" Chris shouted.
"Where shall we go Santa?" Crispin asked.
"I do not know! Who knows?" I said.
"Giz! Show Santa where Klaws is!" Chris said.
Gizmo showed a map to me.
"What is this Gizmo?" I asked.
"That is the map where Klaws is right now!" Gizmo said.
"Very well! We are still far. It maybe took 2-4 days." I said.
"2-4 days!?!?!" They all said.
"Yup!" I said.
"Ow what?!?" Chris said.
"Do not worry! I will make my best to drive fast!" I said.
"Fine Santa!" Crispin said.
"Hehe!" I said.
7:00 P.M.
Chris' POV
It was dark.
"Santa! Are we gonna stop?" I asked.
"Of course. Do you want to eat? I have here donuts!" Santa said.
"Let's stop first and eat and sleep!" Joy said.
"Let's go! Crispin is sleeping as well as Phoebe. Chris, can you wake them up?" Santa said.
"Dad! Mom! Wake up! We are gonna eat!"I said.
Dad and Mom was awaked. We eat donuts. After some minutes, we fell sleepy and we sleep. Before i sleep, i saw Santa guarding and Praying. I also prayed. I woke up all the members and we all prayed together.
"Angel of God, My guardian dear, to whom God's love entrusts me here. Ever this day(Ever this night) Be at my Side to light and Guard, Amen."
We make the sign of the cross. After, we brushed teeth and sleep again.
DECEMBER 20, 2015
3:00 A.M.
Joy's POV
I was awake and Santa was driving the Sled.
"Santa! Aren't you tired?" I asked.
"No i'm not. I must do this! We must do this. I must bring happiness in the world. If i will not make it, Many Children will never forgive me. Now, Joy, understand me! We must get all the gifts ok? Put your trust not at me, but to God!" Santa said.
"Yes! Santa! Yes!" I said.
I found out Gizmo was awake.
"Where are we? Are we still at the woods?" He asked.
"Yup!" I said.
He sleep again.
30 minutes later...
Gizmo's POV
Finally! I was awake! I saw Joy and Chris awake. Dad and Mom was still sleeping.
"Aaahhhhh!!!" Mitch shouted.
"What happened?" Chris asked.
"I saw Klaws! He is killing all the children!" Mitch said.
"Klaws? Killed all the children? He entered the Dream's dimension! Oh no!" Santa Claus said worrying.
"What shall we do Santa?" I asked.
"We must get there!" Santa said.
Santa drove fast but Joy saw Klaws.
"Santa! Santa! There is Klaws! I see him!" Joy said.
"Where?" Santa asked.
"There! Santa! There!" Joy said.
"Finally!" Santa shouted.
Santa chased Klaws.
"What the?!? Claus?" Klaws said angrily.
"Nice to see you!" Santa said while bumping Klaws' Sled.
"Haha! You are no match for me!" Klaws said happily.
Klaws threw a net at Mom and Dad. They were caught. Pearce,Ronald and Joseph was also caught.
"Noooooooo!!!! Mom! Dad! Pearce! Ronald! Joseph! Noooooooo!!!!!!!!" Chris said.
"Haha! Let me take you too!" Klaws said.
Klaws caught Mitch.
"Help me!" Mitch shouted.
"Shut up!" Klaws said.
"Bye! Bye Losers!" Klaws said.
"I will never forgive you!" Chris said.
"Santa! What should we do!" I asked.
"Do not worry! We will chase him!" Santa said.
After 3 hours, we reached Klaw's castle.
"I tought it would be 2-4 days?" Joy asked.
"I'm just kidding!" Santa said.
We saw Klaws entering his castle.
"Guards! Do not let anyone enter ok?" Klaws said.
"Yes boss!" The guards said.
The doors were closed. Santa told me, Joy, and Chris:
"We will Trick the guards so that we can enter Klaws' Castle. There is no more choice ok?"
"Yes Santa!" We said.
Santa brought out a chest from his bag.
"Hey guards! Want a Chess game?" Santa asked.
"Do not move!" The guards said.
"Let's just play ok?" Santa said.
"Fine!" The guards said.
The guards played With Santa at Chess. Me, Joy, and Chris went inside Klaws' castle. There was no guard. We saw Klaws putting our family and friends to Prison.
"I will never let you escape!" Klaws shouted.
"Hey ugly face! Chase us!" Chris shouted.
"Who the?!? Guards!" Klaws shouted.
"I think i hear something?" The guard outside said.
"Nah! Let's continue!" Santa said.
Klaws chased Chris. Me and Joy saw the key but a raven stole it from us.
"Give us that Key!" Joy shouted.
I flew so that i can chase the raven. We went outside. The raven threw the key to the sea.
"Noooooo!!!!" I shouted.
I swam so that i can get the key. And i did. I wenr back inside and i saw Klaws chasing Chris and Joy. I called Rudolph and the reindeers.
"Rudolph!" I shouted.
Rudolph and the Reindeers went inside and chased Klaws.
"What?!? Robo-reindeers! Attack!" Klaws shouted.
The robo-reindeers attacked Rudolph and the reindeers.
"That's enough!" Santa said.
Santa went inside and grabbed his Sword.
"Let's end this Klaws!" Santa shouted.
"Let's do this!" Klaws said.
They both battled with their swords. We were about to free our family and friends when the guards chased us.
"Do not move!" The guards said.
"Never!" I said.
I passed the key to Chris. He freed our family and friends.
"Are you gonna fight?" Dad said.
"Let's fight!" The guards said.
We fought the Guards and the guards were defeated. Meanwhile, Santa and Klaws were still battling.
"You will lose Santa! Hahah!" Klaws shouted.
"Never!" Santa said.
"Arggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!" Klaws said.
"Haha! You'll die now!" Santa shouted.
"Nooooooo!!!!" Klaws said.
"Fine! I will not kill you but i do not want you to see again!" Santa said.
"Thanks Santa! Here is Your gifts! I'm sorry!" Klaws said.
"Fine!" Santa said.
Klaws gave Santa the gifts.
"Thank you. Now, go away!" Santa said.
Klaws went away with his robo-reindeers.
"Thank you. You also helped me. I have a favor for you." Santa said.
"What is that Santa?" Chris asked.
"Can you help me Distribute the gifts?" Santa said.
"Of course Santa!" We said.
"I invite you at Christmas Eve at 8:00A. M.!" Santa said.
"Ok Santa! We'll be there!" Chris said.
"See you again! God bless! Goodbye!" Santa said. We returned home.
8:00 A.M.
Phoebe's POV
We were there at South pole to distribute gifts. We distribute gifts around the world. We reached home, 11:57 P.M. The kids are ready to open gifts.
Chris' POV
It was 12:00 A.M. Of Christmas. We are ready to open gifts.
"Are you ready for opening gifts?" Dad asked.
"Of course dad!" I said.
Here is Dad's gifts to us:
Me-Guitar 5000 (Red)
Joy-Large Volleyball ball
Gizmo-Robo guns
Mitch-Guitar 5000 (Blue)
Pearce-Guitar 5000 (Yellow)
Ronald-Guitar 5000 (Green)
Joseph-Guitar 5000 (Orange)
Jay-Guitar 5000 (Violet)
Here is Mom's gift to us:
Me-LEGO Star Wars Death Star plus Small Prayer book
Joy-Perfume plus flowers and Small Prayer book
Gizmo-LEGO Ninjago Overborg Attack plus Small Prayer book
Mitch-LEGO Movie Getaway glider plus Small Prayer book
Pearce-LEGO Chima Sparratus' Spider stalker plus Small Prayer book
Ronald-LEGO City Advent calendar 2015 plus Small Prayer book
Joseph-LEGO Star Wars Battle on Saleucami plus Small Prayer book
Jay-LEGO DC comics super heroes Jokerland plus Small Prayer book
Here is Santa's gift for us:
Joy-Play doh
But the most important gift to us from God is Jesus. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year anyone! Hope you like this special chapter.
A/N: This Chapter have 2986 words.
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