New Jersey
Green Lantern created a jet for him and Batman to travel around the city faster as they reach a fire, and the plane disappears. Bruce pulled out a device with a blimp on it that's coming from ahead of them, which was next to a photo he kept on the ship taken from his wedding day and another of a newborn girl.
"The signals coming from just up ahead." Bruce said. "It seems to be on the move."
They then heard an explosion and turned to see a fight has gone off near the signal.
"You're kidding me. Someone beat us to it?" Hal asks as they flew off towards the sight.
At the sight, the Parademon was sent packing by two people who were chasing after it.
"I told you it was a bad idea to go in charging." Clint Barton, S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent, Codenamed Hawkeye, stated as he and his partner Natalia "Natasha" Romanov, who raced across the rooftops to catch up with the Parademon.
"My plan was to take it out quietly, but you decided to go in arrows blazing." Natasha reminded him. "If you can't take this mission seriously, why are you here?"
"Touchy." Clint commented. "I can take a mission un-seriously and still ace it." He stated as he shot an arrow to grapple across a gap but was met with Natasha stealing it.
"Thanks." Natasha said as she swung across, followed by Hawkeye as they entered the warehouse after the Parademon.
Hal and Bruce flew over to the same warehouse and hear explosions and gunfire coming from the inside.
"Wait here." Hal said as he caused a box to form around the Batman. "I've got this. No offense, but you'd get in the way. Here's the plan; Green Lantern's going to kick this demons backside and whoever else is in there."
Hal then flew inside, and Batman just watched as explosions and beams of green came just as the Green Lantern was sent flying out and into a gas truck which exploded on impact.
Batman then dropped free from the box as it vanished and quickly picked up the box from the Parademon just as he had to dodge several arrows flying at him.
"So what can you do?" Clint asks as he has an arrow aimed at the Dark Knight's head.
Bruce worked fast and reached onto his utility belt and threw smoke bombs, masking his escape.
But he didn't really got far as Natasha quickly tackled him, wrapping his head around her legs, and tackling him to the ground.
"Looks like we didn't need to go far to find ourselves the answers." Natasha said snarky. "What are these boxes for?"
"I'd talk while you still can." Clint warned Batman.
"I'm...trying to..." Bruce confessed, but the grip Natasha has on him is choking him.
Just then, Green Lantern comes flying back over and angry that he was beaten by these two.
"Round two, Robin Hood!" Hal cried as he used the ring to create chains and sent them at the agents, but Natasha ditched the Batman and dodged every attempt to get her, whilst Hawkeye was shooting arrows to take him down.
"You serious? Chains?" Clint asked with a complete look of confusion before turning to a smug smile. "You're funny."
"Lantern, stop!" Batman cried out. "We need to talk."
"Talk?" Green Lantern asked in shock.
Clint keeps an arrow on the ready while Natasha raised her hand, telling him to hold fire. "Looks like you didn't forget your roots...Bruce Wayne."
Hal looked to Batman in confusion. "Who the hell's Bruce Wayne?"
Bruce then picked the box back up and showed it to the two of them and look it over. "We think it's alien."
"Nothing like we've come across at S.H.I.E.L.D." Natasha informed him.
"Wait, so are we not fighting anymore?" Clint asks, confused by the sudden change.
"My question exactly." Hal agreed with him.
They then froze as they looked to see helicopters approach them and knew they needed to make their escape now.
Hawkeye then took his arrow and shot at the ground and caused an explosion to reach the sewers and a smoke screen so they can escape.
"Man, what is it with you and sewers?" Hal asks as they run through the said sewers.
"Someone is strategically placing these boxes. We have to find out who and why before it's too late." Bruce told them as they searched for a way out.
New York
That night, Ben and May Parker were watching over the kids while their parents were out for whatever reason.
"I just got the kids to bed." May said as she strolled outside to her husband who was looking through the telescope. "Everything all right with the universe?" She asks as she strolled over to him.
"Uh...we'll, I guess." Ben shrugged as he searched for where he was. "I seemed to have lost myself in the galaxy."
"Hmm, you stare at those stars long enough that I'm surprised that you haven't mapped it out by now." May joked as she wrapped her arms around him. "Why don't you come in for a little while and keep me company, Officer Parker?"
"Happily, Nurse Parker." Ben says as he takes her hand, and she leads Ben inside.
Meanwhile, on the roof, Kara sneaked out her bedroom window and was slowly followed by Peter.
"I...I don't know about this, Kara." Peter said.
"It'll be fine." Kara promised.
"You know you're not supposed to do this." Peter said sheepishly.
"Come on, Peter." Kara said as she started to float off the roof and raised her hand. "Just for a little bit? You trust me, right?"
Peter felt his heart race as he knows he trusts Kara, but he doesn't really trust gravity to keep him alive. Hesitantly, he reached out and grabbed her hand as she took to the sky.
"This is amazing!" Peter cheered.
"I know, right?" Kara said as they flew over the water. "Let's see how close we can get." She then skidded across the water and caused splashes.
STAR labs
Bruce and Betty were working on their box and working their energy to maximum power.
"Dr. Ross." One of the scientists walk in as the two workers turned to face him. "Your fathers here."
Betty sighed and groaned in anger, not wanting to see her father. "Tell him I'm busy. Because I am."
"Well, you better become free." General Talbot Ross interrupted, and Bruce became very fearful about him being here.
"Dad, I'm in the middle of something important." Betty told her dad and turned back to the box as it began to him within the machine.
"Well, you haven't returned any of my calls, so how else was I supposed to get into contact with you?" Ross asks as Bruce kept his distance.
"Try getting the hint I don't want to talk to you." Betty stated.
"Why not?" Ross asked his daughter.
Bruce then looked at the data as alarms start blaring on his tablet. "Oh, god..."
New Jersey
The four soldiers all reached a S.H.I.E.L.D. Safe house where Clint and Natasha were currently staying.
"So what are you doing so far outside your turf?" Natasha asks Bruce. "The last we spoke, you said you'd be sticking to Gotham."
"How do you know each other?" Clint asks Natasha.
"Bruce used to be a certified S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent back in the days." Natasha explains to him.
"There have been reports of mysterious kidnappings across the country." Bruce answers Natasha's question.
"Yeah, it's been getting S.H.I.E.L.D.'s attention." Clint confirmed as he fixed one of his arrowheads. "You think these disappearances and box things are connected?"
"They're connected." Bruce stated as a matter of fact.
"So these monsters, they're..." Hal was waiting for someone to finish his train of thought as he looked at the box he's been carrying.
"Soldiers. Expendable soldiers at that, planting these devises at all costs." Bruce finished. "That's a military tactic. We might be staring down the barrel of a full scale invasion."
"World's greatest detective." Natasha said smugly.
"You're paranoid." Hal stated as he created a giant hammer to smash it. "Let's just crack it open and see what happens."
Before he could do that however, he was struck in the back by a widow bite from Natasha, causing him to cry in pain and drop to his knees.
"Without knowing what's inside it?" Natasha asks. "That's idiotic. Where'd you pick this guy up?" She questioned Bruce with a scold.
"I didn't. He's just been following me since Gotham." Bruce explains who he is.
Just suddenly, the box began to glow and blink, causing them all to back away from it.
"I didn't touch it!" Clint promised as he raised an arrow to it.
"Yeah, like that's gonna do anything." Hal scoffed at him.
"They took you down, didn't they?" Clint replied with a smug smile.
STAR labs
While the Ross' were arguing, Bruce was watching as the box began to glow.
"It's activated." Bruce informed them and saw as the box began to bleep.
Safe house
Hal quickly took the box and tossed it across the room.
"It's gonna blow!" Hal cried as everyone shielded for cover as the box did indeed explode.
But what they weren't expecting was more of the Parademons coming through and already to attack, but they were quicker as the four of them jump into action.
Stark Tower
Tony Stark was in his workshop when his alerts went off and looked at the results.
"JARVIS, what's happening?" Tony asks as he saw the alert was coming from downstairs and STAR Labs.
STAR labs
The box they were keeping also explodes and sent the three people inside flying just as Parademons come flying out of the portal that was formed.
"No..." Bruce whimpered as he saw the Parademons fly at Betty and Ross. "NO!" His voice became more monstrous as his eyes began to turn green.
Bruce then started to cry as his entire skin changed into green and followed swiftly by him growing muscles.
A Parademon was about to grab Betty just as a gigantic green hand grabbed it and easily tossed the Parademon across the room into several other Parademons coming from the portal and roars at them.
Betty was shocked as she looked up and saw a gigantic creature that resembles a highly muscular man with green skin, dark olive greenish black hair, and green eyes.
"Bruce?" Betty asks in shock as the creature began to calm down a little, but then became enraged again as more monsters came out of the portal.
"Hulk...SMASH!" The creature known as Hulk declared as he raced towards the Parademons with a roar.
Safe House
Hawkeye shot an arrow that splits into two and embedded themselves into the shoulders of the Parademons before exploding and killed surrounding Parademons.
Green Lantern flew up and punched one with a giant fist. Natasha used her grapple to get out of the way for her to gain some height and used her guns on the Parademons.
Just as one flew up to her from before Batman tackled her and got her to safety.
"Thanks." Natasha thanked as she went back to trying to get out alive.
Meanwhile, Lantern has had enough of this and created a giant mech before unleashing missiles onto them as Batman landed on his shoulder.
"Still think I'm paranoid?" Batman asks.
"Meh, maybe a little less now." Hal shrugged.
White House
Diana was walking across the street from the White House and found a young girl on her own with an ice cream in her hand.
"Cool." She said as she looked at Wonder Woman. "You're Wonder Woman."
"My names Diana." Diana greeted her.
"My names Hannah."
"Thank you for speaking with me, Hannah." Diana said happily. "You're not afraid of me?"
"Nah. I wanna be you when I'm older." Hannah told her.
"I would welcome your sisterhood, Hannah." Diana said and looked down at the diary delight she's carrying. "What are you eating?"
"Ice cream." Hannah answered.
"Is it good?" Diana wonders.
"It's the greatest food in the world." Hannah confirmed.
Diana then looked and saw the ice cream stand out and went for her own.
Steve and Fury left the building and searching for the Amazon Princess.
"Diana?" Steve called just as they looked and noticed her at the stand. "Oh, I found her."
"Steve, have you ever had ice cream?" Diana asks as she takes a lick of it.
"We need to get back to the White House." Steve told her. "The President only has a few minutes to speak with us."
Just then, they heard screams coming from the White House and turned to see the Parademons have invaded it and are attacking everyone as they run.
Fury was quick and pulled his blaster and opened fire on the creatures. "Rodgers! Prince!" He cried out to the two as he started evacuating the area. "Take care of these things while I get these people to safety!"
"There is my true responsibility." Diana said happily as Steve retrieved his shield. "Combat. Leave them to me." She then leaped into action as her sword sliced right through the Parademons.
Steve looked shocked as she took three of them down swiftly with her sword before using her lasso to yank one of them at one another. She then leaped into the sky and started taking them on from the skies.
"She's good." Steve complimented the Warrior Princess.
"Rodgers, get to the airstrip! Air Force One is about to take off!" Fury cried out he kept shooting the Parademons down.
"Copy!" Steve said and fought through to growing crowd of Parademons with his shield and towards the President's plane.
Baxter Building
Sue was looking over Kara's spaceship for anything to help Kara, but she suddenly stopped when she saw her brother Johnny Storm racing in.
"Johnny, what are you doing?" Sue asks.
"Aliens are attacking!" Johnny cried as Reed joined in.
"Johnny, we don't have time for this." Reed sighed just as a Parademon came leaping from the floor, causing the three to scream in fear. Just then, the Parademon is attacked by their friend Ben Grimm who smacked it with a chair.
That only seemed to anger the Parademon as it goes to attack him, missing as Ben dodged it and it hits the spaceship. The ship then begins to hum and explode, incinerating the Parademon, but sending the four people in the room flying across the labs.
Sue was hit by a wave of energy from the Phantom Drive, releasing cosmic radiation that messing with her genetic code and the background of the labs.
Reed was tossed and sent skidding across the floor and his head smacked against the wall.
Johnny was crashed into the wall where a fire has started, and it began spreading towards him.
Ben was sent flying and crashing into the doors and was followed by debris falling on top of him.
The Hulk has shown no signs of stopping as he kept on tearing through each and every one of the Parademons that came on his direction.
Hulk roared in anger as he grabbed one of the Parademons, digging his hands into its skin before grabbing a second one with his other hand.
As more started to take down the raging monster, missiles came flooding in and they were surprised as they looked to see it came from the one and only Tony Stark.
"Hey, Dr. Banner I believe?" Tony asks as he flew down wearing his Mark IX Iron suit. "Big fan of your work."
"No, no Banner. Only Hulk!" Hulk declared as he turned to face the Iron Man with a roar.
"Noted." Tony promised as another Parademon came past and he quickly used a lease to cut through its skin. "Now where did these guys come from?"
Tony then flew off towards where they were coming from as Hulk followed.
Safe house
Green Lantern comes flying out as he's battling a dozen Parademons a second with a giant hammer. Whilst inside, Batman is dodging punches and sending Parademons flying across the room.
Hawkeye is currently with Natasha, fighting back to back, trying to stay alive when they noticed they all have something flossing on their chests.
Several of them are sent exploding and they all escape the building before it goes up in flames.
"Lantern, plug that hole!" Batman demanded as Hal plugged the building up and using his powers to make a machine gun to shoot the rest down.
They all keep on trying to get away, but the more they fight, the more Parademons keep coming at them.
"Come on! Is that all you've got?!" Clint cried as he shot an explosive arrow at a gas tank, causing it to explode and killing tons of them.
New York
Peter and Kara opened the door and sneaked back inside but were stopped by the lights turning on and looking to see Mary and Richard were home. Seems after they came home, Ben and May left still thinking they were in bed.
"And where were you two tonight?" Richard asked smugly as Mary looked a little bit upset.
"Uh..." Peter didn't know what to say and knew they were busted.
They were then brought to the table and being told off by Mary as Richard was actually expecting something like this to happen once.
"Do either of you know how lucky you are?" Mary asks the two. "Anyone could've seen you. Kara, the rules about using your powers is for your safety."
"Your mother is just saying you're still learning to blend into Earth, we don't need any unwanted attention." Richard explains to them a bit calmer. "We're not always going to be around with our jobs, so Peter, you're going to have to be the big brother here."
"He's only a few months older." Kara muttered. "On Earth at least."
"So that means that it's your job to make sure Kara doesn't put herself in danger." Richard ignores Kara's comment and looks to Peter with a more pleading look. "Can you do that?"
Peter looks to Kara and sighs. "Yeah, I can try."
"That's all we ask." Richard said with a sigh of relief.
But before the conversation could continue, they heard a knock coming from the door.
The family then break into a panic and don't know who it could possibly be.
"Peter, take Kara and go to your room." Richard demanded and the siblings quickly raced up the stairs. "And no super hearing!"
"Okay." Kara cried as she and Peter went into the bedroom.
Mary looked to Richard with a scared look as they walk over towards the door and hold hands, not wanting to know who's behind the door.
Richard went and opened the door, and they were not expecting who was waiting for them.
One of them was a beautiful young woman who has Caucasian skin, red shoulder-length hair, green eyes, and broad shoulders. She wears a green sleeved top, brown pants with a belt.
Then there was the man next to her who was in a wheelchair and wearing black pants and sweater and a brown jacket.
"Dr. and Dr. Parker." The man in the wheelchair greeted them in a soothing tone. "My name is Charles Xavier. And this is my associate Jean Grey." He gestured to the redhead with him. "May we have a moment of your time?"
Richard and Mary looked at one another, no idea what to think about what's happening, but are just glad they don't seem like government so they suppose they could see what they have to say.
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