Coco of the Four Heavenly Kings!/Puffer Whale!

Now there are two reasons why Toriko goes to get ingredients. Either because it's a request from a private party of the IGO, or for himself. 

Najimi: In this case, it's the latter. 

Team (Y/N) was on a train  heading through the mountains and you were trying some platinum lemons with a mix of tequila. 

(Y/N): WOW! That has a good kick to it! 

Toriko: Yes, what do you guys think? 

Komatsu: Uh ... you drank a .750 ml bottle of Tequila like it was a shot. 

Blake: And that's the 10th one! 

Ruby: So, what are we in for? 

Toriko: We might get to see the Puffer Whale soon! 


Weiss: Oh boy, he has that look. 

Komatsu: Ever city's gourmet-related stocks stopped high in consecutive days, all of the stock enterprises who hired Gourmet Hunters to capture the Puffer Whale have skyrocketed! 

(Y/N): Wow, it must be super good if it can send things high in the market. 

You munched a burger down, and continued to speak. 

(Y/N): Man, I can't wait to get a taste of that! 

Blake: (mouth drooling) Y-Yeah. 

Toriko: There is one problem though, it contains poison. 

(Y/N): Eh, I'm immune to poison, so it's no big deal. 

Komatsu: And I have a license to remove puffer fish poison. 

Toriko: Even so, it's not that easy. The thing is, the number of cooks who can remove the prison sack is said to be less than 10 in the whole world. 

Blake: And you know one of those? 

Toriko: Of course, that's why Komatsu is here. 

Komatsu: M-ME?! Well, I wouldn't exactly say I- 

Yang: DUDE! You made the Rainbow Fruit into a delicious gelation! Imagine what you could do with a poisonous whale like that! 


You guys spotted some muscular guy! 

Zonge (Another Gourmet Hunter!) 


He took notice of all the alcohol you guys had. 

Zonge: Hey hey, I thought the selection of booze was pretty shitty here. So, it's because you guys bought it all? People like you piss me off! 

(Y/N): Who's this guy? 


He showed you his Full Course Menu. Zonge had everything filled up for the Appetizer, Soup, Fish Dish, Meat Dish, Main Course, Salad, Dessert, and Drink. 

Zonge: My main dish is the Galala Croc! 

Yang: Peh. 

Zonge: WHAT?! 

(Y/N): We already ate one of those. 

Toriko: Plus, picking a fight with us is more like- 

You and Toriko intimidated ZOnge. 

He felt fear course through his entire body. 

Toriko: Well Zombie, that's a pretty great Full Course you got there! 

(Y/N): Yeah, if you want booze, you can have it! 

Zonge: S-Sure ... and it's ... Zonge. 

Zonge took the alcohol away quietly. 

Ruby: Wow, this train must have a lot of Gourmet Hunters. 

Toriko: Yep, they all got their eyes on the Puffer Whale. 

Weiss: If guys like that are our competition, then we don't have to worry. He was all talk. 

Komatsu: So, why would you give him the alcohol? 

Toriko: Just as it is reassuring to have a companion when traveling, it's important to be sympathetic as we pas through this world, they say. If there's going to be times when we compete, then there'll be times when we need help. 

(Y/N): Yeah. It's true. 

???: Uh ... excuse me. 

An old man came up. 

Old Man: Do you think you could share some of that booze with me as well? I'm not good with high places and when I look out the windows, I get scared and my legs shake. 

Yang: Sheesh old timer, are you trying to pass off your drunken state as fear? You clearly ran out. Eh whatever. have some. 

(Y/N): Yeah, it looks like we're making out next stop. 


You guys arrived in the city of Gourmet Fortune. It has prospered since long ago and is a result of divination. 

Old Man: Thank you very much, young ones! I'll pay you back for the booze someday! 

Toriko: It's no problem, don't drink too much, old man! 

(Y/N), Team RWBY, and Komatsu: You're one to talk. 

You all saw that the town was completely deserted! 

Weiss: Huh? Where's everybody? Why would no one show up already? 

(Y/N): Maybe the monsters come out at this time. 

Komatsu: AGH! 

Komatsu saw a sign that said, "Caution Wild Beasts!" 

Toriko: Apparently they show up once in a while. The divination masters in this town predict what time dangerous animals approach. That's why the residents hide themselves in houses made out of poison walls. Apparently that there hasn't been a single resident attacked by a wild beast in this town in decades. That's one of the reasons people trust the fortune tellers here. 

Komatsu: Now that you mention it, there's a rumor that the information about the Puffe rWhale originally came from a fortune told in this town. 

Blake noticed someone nearby. 

Blake: Who's that? 

Coco appeared nearby as well as- 


But then the monster got scared of Coco and started to turn around. 

Toriko: So, have you finished your Full Course yet Coco? Gentleman of the Four Heavenly Kings? 

Coco: I've only got three left. How about you Toriko, Glutton of the Four Heavenly Kings? 


Ruby: He's a Gourmet Hunter? 

Komatsu: Wait, of course! He's Coco! 

Toriko: Komatsu, can't you be more refined in your reactions? 

Komatsu: S-Sorry ... my bad. 

Coco: It's nothing to worry over. Clear water breeds no fish. They say that having some idiosyncrasies can actually make some one more likable. That astounding forwardness you have doesn't give off a lick of character; it actually gives an air of approachability to those around you. 

(Y/N): This guy just oozes with grace and refineness. 

Weiss: That and the women. 

Weiss pointed to a bunch of beautiful women. 


They all started to swarm him! 



Girl 2: It's me! It's me that Coco is going to be together with from now on! 

They then started fighting over him! 

(Y/N): Oh brother! 

You dove in and grabbed Coco out of it. 


You grabbed a stick and started to shoo them off. 


The women blushed as they awed at you. 

Ruby: Who saw that coming? 

Komatsu: Wow, (Y/N) is also popular with women. 

Coco: Thank you very much. And you are?

(Y/N): I'm (Y/N), and those are Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang, we're buddies of your buddy, Toriko. 

Weiss: Who were those women? 

Coco: My divination customers. Please excuse them. 

Komatsu: You're a fortune teller, Coco? 

Coco: Yes, this town specializes in them. 

Toriko: The Old Man has got to be grieving over that. Hey, how's Zebra doing these days? 

Coco: He got arrested and is in Gourmet Prison right now. 

Toriko: HAHAHAHAHA! So they finally got him! He's such a problem child. 

Coco: The Bureau Direction probably also felt it was a costly sacrifice done in the name of justice. It seems nothing can be done. 

Toriko: Must take you back, the four of us fighting for our lives. Those days when we trained in the Gardens. 

Coco: That was all quite some time ago. Now, we're almost at my house. 

You all arrived at Coco's house! 

Ruby: You live there? 

Komatsu: How are we supposed to- 

Suddenly a big crow appeared! 


Coco: It's alright. Come down, Kiss. 

Toriko: An Emperor Crow, huh? That species is practically extinct. 

Coco: Do you think you can carry us over there? 

Kiss the Crow let everyone one as you all arrived at Coco's House. 

Coco: So, you picked the Rainbow Fruit for your dessert? So my prediction was correct. The seven-stage taste change is interesting. It should be a fun-to-eat dessert. 

Ruby: Oh once you try it, you'll know it! 

Yang: You even taste it when it goes down your throat! It's an array! Eh? 

Ruby: (facepalm) YANG! 

Coco: On the other hand, for the Meat Dish and such, I think composed, weighty Orthodox ingredients are better, wouldn't you agree? 

Toriko: Yeah, sure. 

Coco: He's not listening. 

(Y/N): Yeah, pretty much. 

Toriko: Wow, Coco, this is eliciosu! Fluff Boar! Do you think we came here just toe tell you about that? 

Coco: It's a job request for the Puffer Whale, right? 

Yang: Wait, can you even remove poison, Coco? 

Coco's face began to turn slightly purple. 

Coco: E-Excuse me. Komatsu, you are a chef at Hotel Gourmet, right? 

Weiss: Not just any chef, Komatsu is the Head Chef. 

Komatsu: (sweatdrop) Really making me sound more important than I actually am, Weiss. I've only handled regular puffer fish. 

Coco: The Puffer Whale has a body size so small it's near that of a puffer fish. Because of that, there are many chefs who try their hand at it using the techniques one would use on a puffer fish. And once a decade when the Puffer Whale appears on the market, 100,000 people will die of poison within a year. 

Weiss: (spitting her coffee out) 100 THOUSAND?! 

Coco: The poison of a Puffer Whale is a nerve poison. It's an eminent deadly poison across the whole natural world. And what's more, once the prison sack is ruptured, the entire Puffer WHale becomes toxic and then no part of it can be eaten anymore. Even for me, the probability of being able to capture a Puffer Whale without becoming toxic is 50%. So 1 in 2 fish will fail and become toxic. And then once they're captured, the probability of removing the sack without it rupturing is 20% of that first number. 

(Y/N): W-Wow ... those are ... interesting odds. 

Coco: You're sure you want me for this Toriko? 

Toriko: It's plenty. If I did it, there would be no chance. I don't have the skills to handle something that delicate. 

(Y/N): Uh ... Coco ... anything else we should know? 

Coco: Wll, in recent years, what has become the Puffer Whale's spawning ground has been the Sandy Beach of the Cave. With a length of several dozens of kilomets in total and a depth reaching 800 meters, the probability of escaping that maze-like cave and reaching the Sandy Beach is roughly 0.1%. Supposedly only 1 in 1000 Pro Gourmet Hunters have made it alive. 

(Y/N): Eh, nothing to worry about. 

Coco: There's more though. 

Ruby: MORE?! 

Coco: There's also the Devil Orochi. IT's been said to be on par with the Beast that was sung of as the strongest creature in ancient times, the Battle Wolf. It lurks inside the cave. 

Toriko: HA! Come on Coco, you're more dangerous compared to them! Now can you see the shadow of death on us? 

Coco paused for a bit, and- 

Coco: Alright, I'm coming along. 

Toriko: YES! I knew you would come through Coco! 

(Y/N): Heh, then we get to see what he can do in battle. And after this, we party hard at Hotel Gourmet! 


Zonge and his companions were fighting off giant centipedes! 


He used his axe to sever them. 


Zonge Companion: There's still about 1000 of them left! 

Zonge: FOR REAL?! In that case- WE'RE GOING HOME! 

Back with you guys... 

You all arrived at the cave. 

Coco: So, we left after you ate all of the food at my house? 

(Y/N): Uh ... sorry. 

Yang: That's what happens when you invite a bunch of Big Eaters! 

Toriko: Besides, there's no time like the present! Any time after that is the wrong time. 

Coco: In the world of fortune telling, things like choosing the right moment to act and having the right timing are important. 

Toriko: And what if the best timing was 1000 years in the future? Do you give up? You live for 100 years at most. For us humans, the perfecting timing is always the present! 

Then you guys saw Zonge running out. 

(Y/N): Oh look it's him again ... Zonke! 


Ruby: So, did you find the Sandy Beach of the Cave? 

Zonge: Y-Yeah ... I made it so close it was right in front of my eyes. It would be kind of dull if we caught the Puffer Whale too quickly. I'm the type of guy who even when I'm playing RPGS and stuff, will get up to the last boss and quit playing because it feels like it's a shame to clear the whole game. 

Weiss: Rotten liar. 

Blake then noticed more guys around. 

Blake: Hey Coco, do you see them? 

Coco: Yes, thieves. Hit men as well. They're probably planing to attack the Gourmet Hunters who take the Puffer Whale on their way out. But I can see the Shadow of Death on them. 

(Y/N): Well, in we go! 

You all walked inside. 

Ruby: Hey, it's much bigger than I thought! ECHO! 

Ruby's voice echoed. 

(Y/N): Okay, we should be careful with the light. It might get dark. Komatsu- 

Komatsu: Yeah, I know, I'll stay close. 

(Y/N): That's a good boy. 

Coco: Hmm ... pitch black might be favorable ... humans get most of their information from sight. In the pure darkness with little information, even Komatsu would use discretion and move with cuation as he gets deeper. 

Komatsu: HEY! There are Snap Mushrooms growing in here! 

Toriko: SERIOUSLY!? 

Toriko ran over to Komatsu in excitement!


(Y/N): HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Relax Coco, it's alright. Just enjoy the moment! 

Coco: It's not that I'm concerned about (Y/N), it's the danger ahead. 

Blake: Like that? 

Blake noticed that there were two paths. 

(Y/N): Let's see ... there's a strong scent of dead bodies from both tunnels. 

Toriko: And the right path has the Millipede scent. It must be a giant Millipede Nest. 

(Y/N): Then let's take the one on the left. 

You all went left. 

Coco took the lead ahead. 

Coco: It's slippery, watch your step. 

Ruby: Wow, Coco sure is moving good in the dark. And he doesn't have fire magic or a flashlight. 

Toriko: Coco has very good eyes. But by that I don't mean his regular eyesight. You see, his eyes capture electromagnetic wave with wavelength that exceed the visible light that normal humans can see. Because of the type of Cone Cells he has, and his large number of Photoreceptor Cells, he can see from infrared rays all the way into weaker ultraviolet waves. 

Komatsu: Wow! That's amazing! 

Coco suddenly stopped. 

Coco: Everyone, stop. 

Yang: What's up? 

Yang looked down to see- 

(Y/N): HOLY CRAP! SCORPIONS! Or ... are they roaches? Scorpion Roaches! 

A Gourmet Hunter fell down into the nest as they swarmed him! 


Suddenly there was nothing left but his skeleton. 


(Y/N): Okay, hang on. I can deal with th- 

Coco: Wait, (Y/N), I'll handle it. 

Coco took off his hat and jumped in. 

And then his skin turned purple. 

(Y/N): So, he has the power of poison huh? 

The roaches split apart, allowing you all to go forward. 

Toriko: Come on! Let's go! 

Weiss: So, Toriko has monstrous strength, and Coco has the ability to use poison. If two of the Four Heavenly Kings are this strong, then how would the other two be? 

(Y/N): I so can't wait for that! 

Tina and Kenny the Camerman were nearby. 

Tina: Come on Kenny! We're making good progress! 

Kenny: Is the only reason you came here because you want to see that guy again? 

Tina: (blushing) N-NO! Imagine the news we'll get out of the Puffer Whale! I mean barely any Gourmet Hunter has made it out alive! 

Kenny: Or, you really want to see that (Y/N) guy.

Tina kept blushing harder. 

Tina: ... M-Maybe. 

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