You and Senshi had just made the gang some eggs benedict!
(Y/N): Eggs Benedict for Breakfast!
Weiss: Ah ... this is ... this is real cuisine!
Laios: How do we eat this?
Senshi: Just use your knife and fork, mop up the yolk and sauce with the bread as you eat.
Eveyrone was enjoying themselves, until Izutsumi thought she heard something.
Blake: Something wrong Izutsumi?
Izutsumi: N-Not ... really ... I just thought I felt a presence.
(Y/N): Huh? Hmm ... Im picking up something myself. But what could it be?
A ghost then appeared
(Y/N): Oh hello Mr. Gh- WHAT THE HELL?!
Suddenly everyone was pulled somewhere!
And so...
(Y/N): Holy crap.
You saw a kingdom in the distance.
(Y/N): Guys ... look at this.
Laios: This ... is-
A unicorn came by dragging a cart with a farmboy on it.
Farmboy: Hm ... now where did you folks come from? Are you from the outside?
(Y/N): We're from the dungeon.
Ruby: What's wro-
He gave you all disguises.
Farmboy: Put these on and come with me!
You all rode on the cart where it went into a village with a bunch of people acting docile with monsters you've seen so far!
Yang: Hey, the monsters seem friendly here.
Farmboy: That's because they've been ordered not to harm us. That won't hold true for outsiders though. That stuff I gave you is ours, keep it with you.
Laios: Is that the Golden Castle in the distance?
Farmboy: Yeah, you came through there.
Weiss: And the ghosts?
Farmboy: Yep. You can get the full story from the one you're about to meet.
The carriage stopped as the farmboy whispered to his friend.
You guys met a young lad.
Lad: Hello. I am Yaad, I believe you know of Delgal.
(Y/N): The King?!
Yaad: Yes, he was my Grandfather. We can talk at our leisure, please have a seat.
You all were given seats where soon you all were served food!
Marcille: WHat is this meat?
Servant: It's Minotaur meat!
Ruby: OOH! MINOTAUR! We haven't tried that yet!
Yang: Well they are part bull so that means it's going to be delicious!
Blake: Wait, does that mean your people eat monsters too?
Yaad: Some do, but as a rule, we don't eat all fo them. Our sense of taste has been dulled. That's part of it, but we also don't feel hunger. It's the spell of immortality that the Mad Mage cast on us.
(Y/N): WHOA! Why did he do that?
Yaad: I couldn't say. Mad has been an apt descriptor. Ever since I can recall, and we've never been able to converse properly. Don't mind me though. Please eat your fill!
You guys were eating and talking with Yaad.
Yaad: My grandfather spent ages agonizing over the fact that he had turned the mad Magician's focus to black magic. Then he set off for the world above to find help. What do the people of the surface say of my grandfather?
Marcille: From what I hear, he appeared from the village's underground graveyard. He said he was the king of a ruined kingdom and that it would all belong to whoever defeated the Mad Mage, and then he turned to dust.
Yaad: Did he? Then he has been freed from pain. Tht's one consolation. Many have tried to escape the spell by leaving the village. However, none have succeeded. They merely lose their physical bodies. Without bodies, they gradually lose all sense of self and become ghosts. They aren't able to return to this place.
(Y/N): We've met a couple of them. But, why did you bring us?
Yaad: There is a prophecy of a boy who travels with a man who carries a winged sword. This boy will defeat the Mad Mage and save us.
(Y/N): So, that's me. And the other would be Laios. His sword has wings.
Laios: Yes, but- AGH!
Laios saw a lion face on Kensuke.
Laios: When did this lion face get here?
Yaad: That's the Winged Lion, our tutelary deity.
Yang: What about this guy?
Yaad: The Mad Mage is holding it captive at the bottom of the dungeon, but it prophesizes the future through dreams and it continues to guide us. Please, I ask of you Hero.
He looked to you.
Yaad: Set us all free!
(Y/N): I will!
Chilchuck: Wait, are we g-
(Y/N): Of course we are! I wouldn't call myself a hero if I let people who were cursed with immortality remain like this! What's the point of a kingdom that goes on forever? Eventually, time runs its course.
Ruby: That's right!
Yang: But who is the Mad Mage? Just what does this bastard want?
Yaad: His name is Thistle.
(Y/N): Oh, he has a name. That's good to know.
Yaad: Thistle was always by my Grandfather's side. My Great-Grandfather took him into the castle as a jester. They say he and my grandfather were raised as brothers. And when my grandfather took he throne, he encouraged Thistle to study magic and he proved to have a rare gift for it.
Weiss: Is that how he learned-
Yaad: Yes, Dark Magic. Thistle began to go insane as his lust for power increased and in the end, he cast a spell of immortality over the kingdom.
Laios: Do you know where we can meet him to talk with him?
Yaad: TALK?! That's out of the question. He can't be reasoned with! We had a hard time helping my grandfather steal away. Some were executed on suspicion of assisting. Just meeting him is simple. His eyes ar gathering. They've caught wind of the change in the village. Thistle well be here before long.
(Y/N): Is there anything you can tell us? Please?
Yaad: If you must know, get help from the Winged Lion trapped in the depths of the dungeon. It should be possible to curb the magician's power then.
He leads you to a gate.
Before leaving, you all also got a lot of ingredients.
Ruby: Thanks Yaad!
(Y/N): Don't worry, you and your pals will all be freed!
You all go to leave, and suddenly-
???: YAAD!
Thistle appeared!
Just then ...
You all were brought directly to a house.
(Y/N): Uh ...
Blake: I think this must be the house of the Mad Mage.
(Y/N): Thistle's House.
Marcille: So this is where the Winged Lion is imprisoned?
Laios: Most likely.
Senshi: Is he home?
Laios: Who knows?
(Y/N): Let's be careful on- HEY! IZUTSUMI!
She was nibbling on a mushroom.
Izutsumi: I want the damn mushroom!
Blake: Drop it.
She dropped it and shamefully went to Blake to try to influence her to-
Blake: NO!
Izutsumi: Traitor.
Ruby: Uh ... guys. I think Thistle might have some company for us.
Ruby pointed over to a bird nearby.
(Y/N): It's just a bird. What's it going to do? Hey Chilchuck, this one's yours.
Chilchuck: Me? Okay.
He shot it down with an arrow and it collapsed, dead.
Yang: That was easy! Ha!
Laios knocked on the door, but then it opened up.
Laios: It's not locked?
He peeked inside and-
Everyone: WHAT?! WHAT?!
You looked to see a bunch of broken mirrors.
Marcille: W-Wow.
Laios: That would startle anybody.
You all start looking around.
Izutsumi: What exactly are we supposed to see in this nutcase's place?
Weiss: Probably mad ramblings or- HOLY CRAP!
Weiss saw-
(Y/N): Are those ... dolls?
You then noticed one of them was-
(Y/N): YAAD!
You ran to Yaad's body and tried to wake him up.
(Y/N): Come on Yaad! Wake up!
But he wasn't responding.
You then noticed there was no Chi inside of him.
(Y/N): Thistle! You bastard!
Ruby: What?
(Y/N): These people ... their souls have been taken!
Laios: He is insane.
You all kept looking around for the Winged Lion, only for Izutsumi to freak at pictures looking at her.
Izutsumi: (growling) They're watching us.
Ruby: Just don't touch them.
Then something came out of the fireplace!
Weiss: What the?!
Chilchuck: That's the bird that I killed outside!
It was on fire.
Phoenix: SKREEEEE!
You then ate the flames from the bird and then-
Using Forblaze along with your fire breath, you cooked the Phoenix!
Marcille: Uh ... how long would it take to get revived again?
Laios: Three hours.
(Y/N): Senshi! Do we have enough time to-
Senshi: Do you have to ask?
He looked pleased to work.
Senshi: Let's cook this legendary bird!
You and Senshi got to work and-
(Y/N): TADA!
Phoenix Confit
(Y/N): Now let's eat up and continue our search!
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