Eirika's Group arrived in Port Kiris in Carcino. Carcino is a young nation ruled by a council of merchants, and it is an ally of Frelia. Carcino council leader Klimt, a staunch opponent of Grado's imperialistic actions, has pledged Carcino's support to Frelia in this conflict. Prince Innes also intends to pass through Carcino on his way to Jehanna. Eirika believes there is nothing to fear in Carcino, but she is wrong.
At Port Kiris...
Seth: Your Highness, we've reached Port Kiris. If we can find passage across the North Sea, we will reach Rausten in 10 days.
Ruby: Wow, this place looks bustling!
There were a lot of people roaming the place.
Seth: It's a trade center. People of all nations pass through here.
Weiss: So, all we have to do is find a ship to use.
Blake then saw a few people nearby.
L'Arachel: Oh, these dainty sugar pastries! They're delightfully scrumptious! Flavorful without being overwhelming, refined without being banal...
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! Right you are, Lady L'Arachel!
Eirika: Uh ... excuse me.
L'Arachel: Oh, aren't you-
Eirika: I think we've met before ... somewhere.
L'Arachel: I believe so, Princess of Renais. I am L'Arachel. It is prvodeicne that we shall meet again.
Yang: So, we're actually trying to get to Rausten. And we need a ship.
L'Arachel: Oh, dear. I'm afraid you'll find none to assist you. No ships are leaving port.
Eirika: Pardon?
L'Arachel: You see, I find myself heading home once more to my beloved Rausten as well! And actually, I'm quite well known with the powers-that-be here in Port Kiris. So I ordered them to ready the finest passenger vessel for me. But both merchants and passenger ships alike are too frightened to set sail. It seems a giant ghost ship has been sinking every ship it finds... Would that I could confront it, I could stop its foul villainy in a moment. Alas. It's such a shame.
Ruby: But we have to get to Rausten! It's urgent!
L'Arachel: You needn't worry too much. After all, if the sea is closed to you, simply follow the overland route!Eirika: The overland route? I've heard that's a terribly roundabout path to travel.
L'Arachel: Oh, it is, but don't you see? The hardships of the road, they are truly blessings! They will toughen you and strengthen your resolve when you need to face great evil. For example, I have been tasked with a great trial in order to better me. I understand my path, O unknowable forces of providence! I, your faithful servant L'Arachel, shall overcome! With faith and divine strength!
Rennac: Now, listen, L'Arachel! You might be thrilled about going the long way, but--
L'Arachel: Come now, we're leaving. Dozla? Rennac? Don't fall behind!
Dozla: Gwah ha ha! Wait for us, Lady L'Arachel! Come on, Rennac! We run 'til we drop! The first one to collapse from exhaustion is the winner!
Rennac: Help... Why is this happening to me?
The trio then depart.
Blake: Well great, now what do we do?
Just then a warrior appeared.
???: Hey, you're Eirika, right?
Seth: What is the meaning of this? We have no need for you to be pestering us.
Warrior: No need to get personal! You know, there's a pretty price on your pretty head. Sorry, but I need that gold.
He tried to attack Eirika, but then Ruby knocked his sword away with Crescent Rose.
Ruby: Don't even think about it Jerk!
Warrior: Damn you! I-
Yang uppercutted him into the sky.
Yang: Geez, what was up with him?
Seth: Judging by his crude attitude, I would say he's a mercenary.
The guy then landed in the water.
Weiss: Hang on.
Weiss froze him in a black of ice, with only his head free.
Weiss: Okay, who hired you?
Warrior: I may be nothing but a hired blade, but I have my honor. I won't say a word.
Seth: I admire your professionalism.
Weiss: Yeah, guess you do have some decency in you, but we're in a hurry and we have people to save so-
Weiss freed his crotch area and kicked it!
Warrior: AAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! Okay! I'm sorry! I'll talk! It was Pablo of the Carcino Council of Elders!
Seth: Councilman Pablo?
Eirika: That doesn't make sense! Carcino and Frelia are allies. Why would they target me?
Warrior: Beats me. Could be they've decided Grado's going to win. They want to be on the winning side. Some of the others opposed Pablo, but I heard he had 'em all silenced but quick. That's all I know, I swear it.
Seth: Alright.
Weiss: You're free to go.
Weiss freed him.
Seth: We were careless. We should have seen this coming. Carcino's a young and ambitious nation ruled by power-hungry merchants. And Grado grows more powerful with every passing day. So it's no surprise Carcino's merchant lords would throw in with Grado now.
Eirika: Wait! Prince Innes... Prince Innes was to pass through Carcino on his way to Jehanna... If Carcino has betrayed us, then he ran headlong into enemy territory...
A Pegasus Knight rides in.
Messenger: Princess Eirika! I bring dire tidings!
Eirika: I know you... You were a messenger riding with Prince Innes.
Messenger: Yes, and I have news of him. Prince Innes is in danger! Carcino's merchant army struck and cut through half our men. The prince is trapped in a siege. He has no means of escape, and--
Eirika: No more! I understand. Return to Frelia and deliver your message!
Messenger: What of Prince Innes?
Eirika: Leave him to us. The prince's troubles should burden you no more. We will see him to safety.
Things were getting even more complicated than before.
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