3: Awkwardness, Flooding, and Wine

About HUNDREDS of seconds later, everyone had been introduced. "What kind of name is Mario?" asked Ezra with a smirk. Kanan just gave him that shut-up look.
It hadn't been long before all the gang had invaded the Ghost. Peach went to Sabine's room and laid in her bed. Luigi and Mario pushed an extra bunk (who knows where they got it from) into Ezra and Zeb's room. They were going to sleep on the top bunks. Blue Toad wanted to sleep with Luigi and Yellow Toad with Mario. All the rest of the unimportant Toads goofed around in the common room. Kanan and Hera's rooms were the only ones untouched. Hera took off after everyone was on board. All she did was sail over the endless plains of Lothal. She was most likely pretending to fly to avoid the Toads.
Luigi and Mario observed the ship's interior. In the common room, there was a chess-looking table with two tiny seats and a bench with orange cushioning. Next to the table was a wooden-fancy chair. Weird light fixtures dangled from the roof. All the Toads laid all over the bench and the chairs and the table, which was called a Dejarik table. They even got ahold of Kanan Blitz, which was Kanan's homemade card game (very well made, too). Kanan ripped it away from them and put it in his secret compartment. Sabine went into the cockpit, sat in the passenger seat, draped a blanket over herself, and went to sleep. Kanan walked into the cockpit a few minutes later, as well. "Hera, I can't stand these Toads. I could barely stand them before they even came aboard, as a matter of fact," he said.
"Don't worry," Hera replied, "Zeb is here."
"How will that help us?" asked Kanan.
"Oh, he'll scare them!" Hera said. "That's not like you to say," Kanan replied. "Oh, alright!" said Hera. She ripped open and Ezra stepped out of the suit. Kanan just stood there, frowning. "Ezra, you should be ashamed of yourself. Where's Hera?" Ezra looked down. "In the bathroom," he said with a hidden grin. Kanan did that 'whatever' sigh and left.
Ezra went to pick on Toads, but he ended up getting his comlink picked. "Oh, great," Ezra said. A little bit later he realized his comlink had been returned. A big group of Toads was wedged behind Zeb's wooden chair laughing and giggling to themselves. Ezra just looked at them. He grabbed his comlink. It was covered in grease. One of the Toads came out and told Ezra, "I dipped your comlink in grease!" Then the Toads scattered like Loth-cats after being hit on the head with a milk bottle. One Toad tripped and was lying there. Ezra kicked him in the bottom and he flew all the way into the next room. "Heh," Ezra said. Suddenly Hera appeared in the doorway. "Ezra, what did you just do?" she asked. "I, uh, fried some waffles." Ezra replied. Hera raised a warning eyebrow. "Alright, alright, I kicked a Toad," he said.
"Where?" Hera asked.
"In the hand."
Hera sighed. "Ezra, stop lying."
"O-KAY! I kicked him in the butt." Saying that made Ezra laugh a little. Hera wasn't flattered, though. "Don't use that word. Say 'posterior' or 'bottom.'" Then she strode past him into the cockpit, where she found a suit that looked like herself crumpled up in the flyer's seat. She grabbed it, shook her head, and then tossed it out the window down to Lothal. Kanan walked into the cockpit. He sat down in the chair behind Sabine. He pulled out a box of his favorite multigrain crackers and started eating them. Hera looked at him, then resumed flying. "You know, Hera," Kanan said, "you could totally put the ship on cruise control." He kept eating his crackers. "No thanks. I'd rather fly," she replied. "But you never know what trouble Ezra and Zeb are getting into!" Kanan said. "It's okay. If you're so worried, you can check on them," Hera replied. "No," Kanan said. "Whatever," Hera replied.
Back in the common room, Toads were definitely having their way. They were crawling and squirming everywhere, and the room looked as if a giant Toad, bigger than the Ghost, had dropped all of it's spores into the common room.
"Oh, hey!" yelled Kanan, suddenly. "Hera, we should go to the Go-Lothal Hotel! Wouldn't that be cool?" he said. "I don't know," Hera replied, thinking that they needed to focus on getting them home. "We have to keep them safe, but this isn't a vacation," she said in her usual calm way. "Gosh, why do you have to be so calm all the time? I mean, you do yell and punch a lot, and that's good, but..." Kanan drifted off in thought. Hera rolled her eyes and hit the gas pedal. The ship lurched forward. All the Toads flew across the room. One flew all the way into the cockpit, grabbed Hera's headtail, and stretched it in front of her face. "Hello," The Toad said, before Hera's headtail launched him back into the common room. "What's with the speed?" asked Kanan, who was sprawled out on the floor. "Um, nothing," Hera replied. "Ugh," Kanan said, getting up. He pulled out a Star Warsy tissue and blew his nose. Then he tossed his tissue behind him. Hera was about to protest when Ezra walked in. The tissue landed on his face. Ezra stood there for a moment. Then he removed the tissue, leaving...uh...nose stuff...all over his face. Kanan covered his mouth. Hera couldn't look very long and drifted her eyes back to the windshield. "Um, heh," said Kanan and dashed out of the room past Ezra. Hera tried not to look weirded out behind the controls. Ezra stood there for, like, EVER, then went to the bathroom and washed his face, which he hadn't done in like a hundred years. Kanan walked into the bathroom just when Ezra was leaving. "Sup," he said. "Uh, sup," Ezra replied crossly, and went into the common room. Kanan saw that the second he did, he was overwhelmed by Toads and soon was covered head to toe in them.
Kanan smiled happily and went into the bathroom to find that a little water fountain was spewing out of the toilet. "EZRA! WHAT THE DEWBACK DID YOU DO IN HERE!" he yelled. There was a spitting noise. Ezra spat a Toad off his face. "I didn't do anything! Maybe you should blame my new Toad suit!" he said, annoyed. Kanan turned back to the toilet. Toilet water was flowing across the floor toward his shoes. They were really the only Jedi clothes he still wore, so he didn't want them all poopy. He sat down on the floor, and crossed his legs. Soon he started to levitate. All the water flowed underneath him. He levitated out of the room and landed in the common room. A giant, agonizing wave of Toads came shooting towards him. He Forced them all away. Then he set them up on Super Smash Crew on a special 20-thousand-player mode. Then he left. He went to the cockpit. "Hera, uh...the toilet is leaking onto the floor." Then he covered his ears. "WHAT! FIX IT NOW! THIS ALL YOUR FAULT! EVEN IF IT'S THE TOADS' FAULT, IT'S STILL YOURS!" She finished, panting. Kanan uncovered his ears. "I'll go get..." he was interrupted by something. Water was flowing underneath the cockpit door. "What?" asked Hera. "We have a problem, but you probably shouldn't know what it is..." Kanan replied. "Just fix it," Hera said. "How do I get out of the room without dirtying my boots?" he asked. Hera shrugged her shoulders and made that I-don't-know noise without speaking. "Wait, what are you talking about?" she asked. She looked back at Kanan and saw the water. Then she covered her eyes. She felt like exploding, but didn't because it was Kanan. If it had been Ezra, for example, she probably would've. But it was Kanan, so she didn't, back to the story. Kanan levitated over to the door and opened it. The water flowed in more. Kanan levitated everywhere, but ALL of the Ghost was covered with toilet water on the floor. Toads were running everywhere in the water yelling, "We're all gonna die!" Just then Ezra plodded in. He saw Kanan levitating and all the Toads shrieking. "Kanan, what happened?" he asked, toilet water gurgling up by his ankles. "I don't know! Probably the Toads! We could really use a plumber around now!" he said.
Back in the cockpit, Hera felt something around her shoes. She looked down and saw water. "OMG!" she shrieked. She got up and splashed through the water to the common room. The water flowed up over her boots. Luckily none got in them, though. She saw Kanan levitating and Ezra standing there. The Toads were so short that they were swimming now, blowing bubbles in the toilet water.
Just then Sabine came in. She had tall boots, and the water had practically covered them all. "Where did all this water come from?" she asked. "It's toilet water," Ezra replied. Sabine nearly fainted, but didn't because then her whole body would get soaked. "Oh, my, gosh! Oh no! This is not happening!" she started saying. "You see what happens when you let Ezra go to the bathroom?!"
Then Zeb walked in. "When did the place get flooded?" he asked. "It's toilet water," Ezra replied, happy to break some horrid news to Zeb. "Great. I don't even have shoes on. Oh, well," said Zeb and dove into the toilet water. Everyone winced. "He was already stinky enough," said Kanan, still levitating. The water was shooting up now, almost past Hera's knees. Sabine was shrieking and squealing everywhere. "Ezra used that toilet!!"
"Kanan! You have to do something!" yelled Hera. It seemed like the toilet water was drowning her out. "No way, bub! I'm the only one still dry!" he replied. The water suddenly shot up about a foot. Sabine shrieked. Zeb swam around more. The surface of the water was barely visible because Toads were still clogging it up. The water level was at Hera's waist. It was also almost touching Kanan. Kanan concentrated and levitated higher. Sabine was wading around everywhere, yelling. Just then, Mario and Luigi came swishing into the room holding bunches of towels that they took from the cargo hold (which had toilet water leaking through the cracks). They plunged them into the water, then pulled them out. "Yeah, like that'll really work!" yelled Hera. Luigi and Mario looked at each other as the water rose to their necks. Sabine shrieked louder than ever. Kanan levitated higher, but he was almost at the roof. Zeb was swimming around happily. Some of the Toads drowned. At last, Luigi and Mario dove underwater. They swam through the flooded corridor to the bathroom. They looked at the plumbing. There was a little, tiny hole in the pipe. Luigi put a piece of tape over it. The toilet stopped. But the Ghost was still flooded. They swam back into the corridor to find that it had already flooded to the roof. When they got to the common room, there was about two feet of space at the roof. They could see everyone's legs swishing around in the water. Luckily, this water was clean, so it was technically clear. They stuck their heads at the surface. They had to kinda fight to do so, because Toads were all floating around. Kanan was glued to the roof by the Force, so he STILL wasn't wet. Zeb was flapping everywhere under the water, because by now he had a paradise. Occasionally he hit somebody's legs and they almost totally fell into the water.
Only everyone's heads were visible, and some of their neck. Hera was sad because her headtails had gotton wet, but she couldn't avoid that. Sabine was now just pouting, miserable because her hands were underwater and she couldn't put her face into them. Ezra had decided he couldn't take this any longer, so he started swimming along the surface on his back, breaking apart the blanket of Toads.
Suddenly Zeb blew a tiny spring from underwater that came up right underneath Kanan. Kanan couldn't say anything, because he was breathless partly because he was concentrating and also because he might get wet because of Zeb's spring and he was breathless about that because this whole time he been avoiding the water because of his boots. As the spring bubbled toward Kanan, a tiny, high-pitched squeal started rising in his throat. Then he let it out. Practically everyone had to cover their ears. A Toad, who was drinking wine somehow out of a wineglass, lost all of his wine because his glass shattered. The wine poofed into the water and colored it ALL red.
About this time, the spring was just about to touch Kanan, but luckily, Zeb was shocked at the sudden color-change and stopped blowing the spring. He came up on the surface. Red water dripped down his face. He rotated around, looking at them all, then dove back underwine. Some Toads came with him and swam around happily, drinking the toilet-water-wine mix. The Toad who had spilled his wine was especially happy because he caused it. But, as you all probably know, it was really Kanan who did it. But nobody thanked him. Nobody really thanked anybody. Sabine started shrieking again, because her clothes were now getting stained. By now, Hera was getting mad. Mario and Luigi were bobbing there, speechless. Kanan was trembling, because he was probably REALLY tired of sticking himself to the roof with the Force. But he kept doing it. Ezra finally just dove underwine.
While he was under there, he noticed the drain that had always been on the floor. "Oh yeah, this drain! I kinda forgot about that," he said, which came out bubbly, so no one really understood what he said. He pulled it, and wine-water flooded out to Lothal below.
Back at the surface, Kanan was trembling from sticking there so long. "I don't think I can hold on much longer!" he said. It was then that Hera realized the water level was shrinking. "Kanan! Kanan!" she said. "Not now, Hera! I'm concentrating!" replied Kanan. "But Kanan! It's urgent! And good!" she said. "AAAHHH!" yelled Kanan and fell. He expecting to land in toilet water, but instead he hit a slippery floor. He got up. "What in the galaxy?" he said. Hera and Sabine had landed on the floor. "That's what I was trying to say!" said Hera. "Oh. Great," said Kanan and rushed out of the room. He had to clean off his boots. They had touched the slippery floor.
Zeb and Ezra were laying face-first there, because they had been swimming. The floor was soaked in red. Toads were now frolicking everywhere, finding all the fresh water they could and dumping it on themselves. Sabine went to the shower. When she pulled back the curtain, twenty Toads were standing on each other's heads, with the shower handle spewing. One Toad reached out and grabbed it, and sprayed himself and all the other Toads. Then he sprayed Sabine. Sabine sighed, but didn't really care as long as she got her fair share of clean water. She stood there while the Toad distributed the water on everybody. Eventually, Kanan, Hera, Zeb, and Ezra walked into the bathroom. Oh yeah, Mario and Luigi and even Peach did too (who had stayed floating in Sabine's room the whole time). They just told her there had been a leak and never mentioned that it was toilet water. Zeb saw what was happening and left. The Toad rained water down on everybody, who accepted it gladly. No one really took off their clothes, because absolutely NO ONE wanted the girls to see them naked. Anyway, everybody was showering. Once everyone had been soaked, everyone went and got multitudes of towels and spent hours drying themselves off. This included stuffing towels into their shirts, pants, and wrapping them around their heads. Then everyone got to work drying off the Ghost.
While everyone was drying, Kanan walked into the common room with a tiny towel scrap wrapped around his ponytail. "How's work?" he asked. Hera snorted. "Fine," she said. Sabine was rather happy now. Hundreds of Toads were drying off the TV and blooping buttons and asking people if it still worked. Finally, every single one of the Toads gathered and played Super Smash Crew. Kanan went to bed. Hera did too. So did Sabine. Ezra crashed as well. And Zeb played with the Toads, because he had never-ending energy. And when he went to bed, he had never-ending tiredness. (Oh, yeah, just in case you wonder what Chopper was doing this whole time, he sealed himself in a bongo ball until this whole thing had blown over.)

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