‡ Chapter 14 ‡

Just watched Tomb Raider and let me say, Angelina Jolie is my role model.  Inspired me to write this chapter ;) Go girl’s who can kick ass!

Dedication to someone who can name five movies Angelina Jolie is (excluding Tomb Raider)!! :) Because she’s so focking awesome.


‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Casper’s directions proved there was such thing as a floor lower than the ‘underground floor’.  Descending flights of hidden chambers, the lights began to get dimmer and the tunnels were narrower.  Soon I was squished between two walls, Casper leading and Levi behind.

His hot breath across my neck caused a set of jitters to go off.  His presence kept reminding me if Capser hadn’t interrupted, would I have allowed Levi to kiss me? 

Casper halted and my nose banged into him.  “You could have said something,” I grumbled. 

He knocked on the dwarf sized door, revealing two dark eyes.  The person on the other side had a gruff masculine voice, “What do you wish?”

“The Council wishes to see Levi and Project09,” Casper informed. 

The slit closed and a loud click followed after.  The door creaked open and Casper bent, guiding us into the twilight.  Once the three of us were in, the door flung shut.

Complete darkness swallowed our vision.  Hairs stood on ends at the erratic silence.  “I have fulfilled your requests, masters,” Casper said in a sheer whisper. 

For a moment it looked like he was talking to himself before one small light turned on, beaming at a podium where a figure stood.  The individual was hooded with a long black cloak that draped to the floor, the cloth dangling past their hands. 

Then a spotlight hit another figure.  And another, and another until nine cloaked bodies on podiums created a half circle.  Except for an empty podium at the end.

This was a damn cult.  They were gonna sacrifice me and throw me over a fire and and feed me to some thirsty mother fucker.  I was gonna die.   

“Very well, Casper.  You may be dismissed,” a female voice spoke.

Wrinkles of confusion sprouted on my forehead when I couldn’t tell who was speaking.  Casper nodded and walked back into the darkness.  The sound of the door locking making me more restless.  Although Levi was here, I still had the case of the jitters.  Nervous, I was tempted to entwine our hands, but disposed the thought.  Fear could not be shown.  These were people who had power over Levi.  Power over the entire continent of Asia.  They could impose a terrorist attack or bomb millions of people with a simple vote.  The power to light up World War III. 

I instantly never felt so exposed.  Staring into their covered faces, it was as if they were looking into my eyes; seeing into the windows of my soul. 

My mouth was dry.  I barely caught what one of them said.  “Levi.”

“Yes?” he asked.

“Has the subject reached the end of its training?” a man questioned.

“It has not reached the end of its training, but it is getting—” 

“You have disappointed us, Levi,” another feminine voice stated. 

I sensed his face harden.  “You don’t understand.  This has taken longer than we anticipated.  If you could give us a few more days—”

“No more days,” the male voice boomed again.  Their voices carried a solid force that froze you in place.  I heard a gulp of worry slid down Levi’s throat.  

“The first test will start,” a female icily announced. 

“She isn’t ready!” Levi burst.  I flinched.  His voice shook the room, each echo slowly piecing its way to my comprehension.  They were talking about me.  I was ‘it’.  I was ‘she’.  They called me it.  Was I some monster?

“I suggest you lower yourself, Levi before we vote you out of position,” a man said. 

That fastened his mouth quite fast.  I could tell thousands of foul words were playing in his head and if it weren’t for this democratic system, he’d be letting them splurge.  It however boiled me to believe I was considered an ‘it’. 

A soothing voice said, “We don’t have much time, Levi.  You still have to understand that.”

“I do understand!” he snapped. 

“They are catching onto us!  There are moles in this facility.  How else do you think the whip man got in here and left without a trace?  We need people we trust.”  Then the speaker tilted their head, staring straight at me.  My toes curled.  The lights were against their back, face consumed by blackness—not that it mattered since these people were frightening enough.  “And we need to know if the subject, Project09 is trustworthy.” 

“I am trustworthy!” I shot.  Levi broke his stern gaze and gunned a threatening glare.  Confidence was pumping through my blood.  I continued, “And I prefer not to be called ‘it’ since ‘it’ has a name.”  He placed a hand on my arm, but I flicked him off. 

I wasn’t sure what the Council was going to do and tried not to be frightened by that.  And so one of them finally said, “Levi.  Control the subject before we have to.” 

Something sharp cut into my heart, seizing my lungs.  Commanding to grasp control—alright, but not even saying that to my face and demanding Levi to order me around—was an insult. 

I advanced a furious step.  “Excuse—”

He placed an arm over my chest.  “I apologize for having the subject act this way.  I promise it won’t happen again.” 

“Good,” one spoke. 

“If not we will vote on ending OperationX.”

“No,” Levi quickly responded. 

“Very well.  Then the subject will be ready or not for the Seducer test, are we correct?”

His tone was hushed, almost as if he were…cowering.  “Yes.”  My stomach twisted.  Wait a minute.  Seducer test?  I was starting to have regrets on telling Levi I was ready.  “When will the subject perform the test?” he asked. 

The knot weaved through my ribs, twisting and pulling until I couldn’t breathe.

“The subject will perform tonight.


I stroked the red pendant on my torso.  My eyes fell to the sparkling V-neck dress, the slit at the bottom exposing my right leg.  It caught onto my narrow waist that in my opinion wasn’t narrow at all since this dress had a built in corset.  The common eye couldn’t tell, but you can bet I felt it.  The thin fabric dipped enough to reveal cleavage yet left the rest to imagination.  Fatal scarlet heels were strapped to my manicured feet along with a silver anklet.  My hands delicately tucked a little curl into my tousled raven hair.  Smoky eyes, as Snapback quoted ‘vampire red’ lipstick and diamond earrings, those other disguises used for an identity I didn’t want to portray. 

“Voila,” finished Snapback, her fake nails digging into my hair one last time.  Dressed in a huge fur coat, when she first entered my room I was tempted to holler, “Hey, Macklemore! Can we go thrift shopping?  What, what, what, what…” Although this wasn’t a time to joke around so I didn’t. She stepped beside Vamp.  “How do you think she looks?”

A scowl was pierced on her cherry lips ever since she entered.  “She’s not ready.  She’s not ready.” 

“Ready or not, she’s going to have to do the test,” Levi said, coming through the door.  Brown hair dishevelled and dressed in a white collar, I bit my lip from announcing the sudden attraction. 

Snapback nudged his arm.  “What do you think?  I did good, huh?” 

He studied my figure, and I had never felt so conscious.  I awkwardly shifted in front of the mirror.  I lifted my eyes, failing to read his response once again.  “Wonderful,” he answered.  “She looks wonderful.” 

I didn’t get a chance to react because Cray joined us in the room.  He was simple looking with his jeans and navy tee, and burst into laughter at the sight of my dolled up self.  “She looks like a gold digger!”

I tore a button off Snapback’s coat and hurled it at Cray.  He squealed and ducked.  He saw the button on the floor.  “You missed, dumbass!”

“Of course I did,” I laughed. 

Vamp crossed her arms, leaning on the wall.  “I still think she isn’t ready.  I’ve seen her practice.  She isn’t.  She hasn’t even learned how to control her drug.”

“The Council ordered her to do it tonight,” Levi sighed. 

Snapback who didn’t get into the field much, started throwing questions at me, “Do you know what you’re gonna do?  Don’t you have a plan?”

I tossed my arm across her big furry coat.  “Nah, I’ll just walk up to the club like, ‘What up? I got a big cock!’”  I couldn’t help it.  I had to. 

Cray’s smiled twitched, catching onto the lyrics.  “Maybe I should go with her.” 

Snapback, who sadly hadn’t caught onto the joke, asked sarcastically, “And oh, what are you gonna wear?”

Cray and I exchanged looks.  He gladly answered, “I’ll just strut in, ‘dressed in all pink, ‘cept my gator shoes, those are green.  Draped in a leopard mink, girls standin’ next to me.  Probably shoula washed this, smells like R.Kelly’s sheets.”

“Piiissssssss,” we crooned. 

“But shit, it was ninety-nine cents!” Cray hollered.

“Or maybe he could take some Pro Wings, make them cool, sell those,” I joined.

“The sneaker heads would be like ‘Aw, he got the Velcros.’”

“I don’t get this stupid game you both are playing!” Snapback snarled, wagering an adult like scolding finger.  Vamp and Levi didn’t seem amused either but Cray and I were in our own little worlds now.

Cray patted her arm, giving a dopey smile.  “It’s okay.  You wear your granddad’s clothes.”

I poked her chest.  “You look incredible.”

“You’re in this big ass coat.”

“From that thrift shop down the road.”

She slapped us away.  “Shut up.  This is vintage—”

“We are not having this discussion,” Levi interrupted, stepping in.  I tapped his shoulder.  He peered down with an annoying glare.  “What?”

I tugged on his striped jacket.  “Is that your grandma’s coat?”

I caught Cray snicker as the gang leader pushed the small of my back, shoving me towards the door.  “That’s it.  We’re leaving.” 

Laughter escaped my mouth, his growing grimace flaring my amusement.  Vamp sashayed behind, and even after her usual eye roll, I knew she was fighting a smile.


My fingers drummed against the leather armrest.  Blurs whizzed past outside the car window, my vision hazy and I gripped harder.  I trained for this moment.  Weeks of seducing, mastering manipulation and shifting identities.  At one point I was a beginner prostitute who was far from home and another I was a whore in search of a good bang.  A young man even believed me when I told him I was thirteen: no makeup, barrettes and a ponytail.  Sometimes Cray or Casper tagged with Vamp and I, killing the victims we lure.  It was strange to have Levi join us this time. 

Feeling uncomfortable if I had to perform a stripper routine in his presence, I switched to a less awkward topic. 

I averted from the window and twisted to Levi beside.  I noted Vamp, who was on the other side of Levi, lean closer, keeping an open ear. 

“Mind explaining OperationX?” I asked him.

My gaze followed his unshaven jaw to his straight gaze ahead, honey eyes solid without revealing emotion.  Ironic how he told me eyes were the windows to the soul and yet he revealed nothing in his eyes.   “There’s nothing to explain,” he responded smoothly.  

“Project09?”  I moved my hand over his thigh.  “Levi.  What am I?”

My touch left no difference, his shoulders motionless.  “You are who you choose to be.” 

Unsatisfied, I flopped back in my seat and continued to stare outside.  Seconds passed before I mumbled, “When are you ever going to tell me anything?”

The long silence didn’t help on the way.  It was hard not to be stressful.  I couldn’t afford rashes tonight.  This mission tonight had my life on the line.  And I wasn’t going to let the anxiety spike up.  Especially knowing how anything could happen, the side effects more constant now that my drug was adapting faster. 

I felt the wheels underneath roll to a halt.  Lowering my arm, I discreetly traced the 212 gun strapped to my thigh, hidden behind the red sheathe.  Vamp hadn’t informed me what type of mission this was but I expected it to be more difficult than before.  I only killed two of my victims, and incompetent as a trained Dynamo, I risked my life each time I went for the kill.  Luckily I hadn’t mourned since the second kill was when my drug suddenly kicked in—the emotion not there.  I wasn’t sure how I’d react if I killed someone in my normal state.     

 Someone opened the door and I grasped the first helpful hand.  Standing tall, and not focusing on one exact point, I waited for my partners to exit the limo. 

The pavement shook from the club stereos, people in line swaying to the music.  Levi led the group, Vamp and I not acknowledging the stares from the waiting line.  Just like we were taught.  Snipers are never the ones to look people in the eye.   We respected and followed our hierarchy.  The guard had a glimpse at Levi and immediately unhooked the rope, allowing us in. 

Here we go…

The techno beats and piercing disk scratches filled the thick air.  Each sharp breathe tightened my lungs.  The cloud of musty sex, cheap cigars and sweat were intoxicating. 

I remained the train formation after Vamp, snaking through the crowd.  Neon lights were blinding, my head now remaining low.  Elbows and arms were flying while passing the glowing dance floor.  Filing up a staircase, we took a table with the bird’s eye view.  Every nook and cranny of the club laid before us, the dance floor, the bar, the stereo system and other entertainments.  About to take a seat, Levi pulled back my chair and gave a hand. 

Arching my brows, I gladly took his hand and allowed him to tuck me in.  Vamp did another eye roll and scavenged her own seat, flipping her blonde curls.  “Alright, Jess.  You remember everything I taught you?” she said, eyeing me. 

I buried the nervousness and gave her a knowing smirk she made me perfect.  “Of course I am.”  Four words delivered a burst of confidence, tingling my body with excitement.  I could do this—I’ve practiced for this night.  I could do—

“Don’t fuck up,” she cut. 

I was stricken, and then cleared my throat, smoothing my dress.  “Right.  Don’t fuck up,” I murmured.  She signalled a sleazy waiter.

Luckily I had adapted to this unclean environment and was instead anxious to know my assignment.  Twirling the straw in my fingers, I surveyed the crowd below, not noticing anything unusual.  Raving DJs, grinding bodies, horny men, throwing money, beelines to private rooms whether it be two or three troublemakers; a normal days work. 


Vamp flicked her chin, gesturing nine o’clock.  “Open red button down, rolled sleeves, blonde shaggy hair.”  She flickered away, not wanting to stir attention.  The thing with Snipers was that they had superior eyesight.    

I raised my glass as if inspecting the liquid, twisted it and glanced into the reflection.  She proceeded, “Get him into private room five.  Levi and I will end it there.” 

Just downstairs was the back of a blond haired man, chatting amongst his colleagues.  “No kill?” I asked, inspecting the Armani pants.  Perhaps I could play the rich business woman who was ditched by her supposed friends. 

“Keep it clean,” she said while reapplying her lipstick.

I felt my lower leg skim the 212 as I crossed legs.  “No harm?”

“Do not harm him.  Touch but no punch.”

Ha. Never heard that one before.

“Any background?”

“That’s for you to find out, dumbass,” she said, tossing yet another eye roll.  I swear one day her eyes were going to roll off her face.  

A flicker passed the reflection.  Curious, I did a slight turn in the glass and caught Levi grinning like an idiot.  I placed down the drink and scowled.  “Problem?”

“Nope.”  The end of his curled lips held a tug, it turning into a smirk.  “It’s interesting to watch you ladies work.  I haven’t been in the Seducer field in a while.” 

It was my turn to smirk.  “Then you should come out some time.  I’ll give you a crash course of how the professionals do it.”  I stood up, carrying the drink with me.    

Laughter boomed in his chest and he tipped his drink.  “Sounds like a date.” 

I’d be damned if my hair wasn’t covering my ears, they’d be on fire.  “Promise to not to get too tipsy, eh?” I winked. 

His eyes crinkled in happiness.  “A promise for you?  Of course I’ll keep it.” 

Thrill skittered in my heart, and I quickly turned away before my grin exploded.  However a tiny grin snuck its way onto my mouth as I sashayed along the stairs.  Pride boasted, hips swaying, I strutted across the club, absorbing confidence like a sponge from each step.  Dusting off the glares and stares, I locked my gaze on the target.  His friends catching my approach, stopped chatting and dragged their attention across my dress.  I pulled up a bar stool beside my victim, the champagne shaking in my tall glass.  Pausing to let his eyes roam, seconds passed with no response. 

Noting the odd result, my mind went blank for what to do next.  Usually rich men like him had an eye for sparkling diamonds.  Gnawing on the insides of my cheek, I felt my anxiety flare up.  I sipped at the champagne.  A relaxing buzz zipped down my throat.  This is what you’ve been waiting for Jess.  This is your moment. 

I took in a deep breath and loosened my fingers around the drink.  Rubbing my lips together, I craned to the side and asked, “Have any drinking recommendations for a rough day at work?”

My heart dropped to my toes.  His grin was a smack to the face. 

Those big hands grasped around the flask, the golden rings clinking against the metal. 

“No,” I spoke in a coarse whisper.   

“With that reaction wildcat, it almost seems as if you’re the one getting sniped.  Didn’t see this one coming did you?”


You just got whipped

This took me a while… because my laptop charger died and that means I can’t get onto my laptop and write because it’s DEAD.

R.I.P. Fresh’s Laptop. May you forever be in the Tech God’s Arms.

So I’m using my mom’s dinosaur one that’s the next thing to a typewriter. I swear if I blow on it it’ll turn into dust.  Gotta carry an ash bottle when I’m using it. 

//end ramble of my Canadian life//

Thank you so much for #3 on Action and #8 on Sci Fi!? Mind blown.

What do you think of the chapter? The Council? Levessie? Thrift shop? (Did anyone get those references? :P hehe… Ice on the fringe, it's so damn frosty
That people like, "Damn! That's a cold ass honkey."

One click would make my day!! Please vote and comment!


Keep’in it #Fresh


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