Chapter Two
Wooyoung was awoken by a knock at his bedroom door, turning over in his bed to see Yeosang coming in with a small tray of breakfast for him. He sits up and hums happily as the breakfast tray is sat on his lap by Yeosang, "Thank you, Sang."
Yeosang bows and smiles at Wooyoung, "How are you this morning, my Prince?"
Wooyoung digs into his breakfast, a bagel with cream cheese, "Much better now," he giggles between bites.
Yeosang sits at the side of Wooyoung's bed, admiring how happy his young prince has been recently. Ever since he had met with that courtesan from the Hide, he's been in a much better mood, Yeosang has noticed. Seeing Wooyoung's genuine smile makes Yeosang feel good, having always considered him like his own son.
Being Wooyoung's head maid, Yeosang has always been the main one to take care of him and tend to his needs rather than his mother or father. The King is always busy with political matters anyhow, but the Queen never would pay him much mind ever since Wooyoung was a young boy. Yeosang saw the way she would look at her son with seeming disgust almost. He never understood why she despised Wooyoung so much...
Yeosang just about had it with the Queen the first time Wooyoung came crying to him, holding his face in an attempt to hide the red marking left on his cheek. Yeosang comforted him and they played a few games to help Wooyoung feel better and forget about what happened. Wooyoung was just a boy then, so it was easy for him to forget, but Yeosang, on the other hand... He didn't forgive and forget so easily.
Especially when it continued happening.
More and more, Wooyoung would come to Yeosang's side and as he got older he wouldn't complain about how it was his mother. He wouldn't say anything like that anymore. Instead, he would blame it on himself and how he fell down or say it was an accident, but Yeosang knew better.
Yeosang eventually was heartbroken that Wooyoung kept not admitting that it was really his mother doing these things, so he sat him down and had a talk with him. Of course, Yeosang was unable to actually do anything about the situation, but he could at least try to teach Wooyoung right from wrong so he would be able to grow up with the correct mindset.
So he did.
Yeosang began teaching Wooyoung outside of his classes about the real-life and about people. He taught him about the world outside of the castle and how cruel it can be, but he told him that everyone has to be strong. Yeosang smiles when he thinks back, remembering how Wooyoung would always say how he was the strongest boy just like Yeosang always told him he was.
When Wooyoung hit adolescence, he didn't want any people around anymore. He just stayed in his room and would keep to himself. Yeosang always hoped it wasn't anything he did or anything his mother or father had done or said. That's just how children are sometimes, though.
After that era, Wooyoung would never come to Yeosang about anything the Queen did anymore. Yeosang can't help but wonder what all goes on around the castle that he doesn't know about. He hates that he doesn't know if she still hits or screams at Wooyoung, but he can't bring himself to ask. He trusts that Wooyoung will come to him if something really bad happens.
That's all he's able to do, only being his maid. Yeosang has had to remind himself throughout the years that Wooyoung's isn't actually his child.
Yeosang is brought back out of his thoughts by Wooyoung's voice.
Wooyoung giggles again when he sees Yeosang come back down to Earth, "Is Mingi still on today to teach me about the art of cooking?"
Yeosang sees Wooyoung had long finished his breakfast, so he takes the tray and sets it in his own lap, nodding at the question he's asked, "Yes, he will be ready for you once you get dressed and head down."
Wooyoung nods and scoots himself out of bed, going over to his wardrobe and looking through it for a few moments before turning his head back to look at Yeosang, "I suppose a nice suit wouldn't be proper for cooking, would it?"
Yeosang shakes his head and chuckles as he comes over, pulling out a more comfortable outfit for Wooyoung, "This will be just fine," he says as he brings it back to the bed.
Wooyoung comes back and admires the soft cotton shirt and pants Yeosang had chosen for him. Wooyoung loved when he could dress more comfortably, thinking it suits him better than his normal formal suits do. He finds himself wondering what San would think of him dressed more casually like this.
Yeosang helps Wooyoung out of his nightgown and takes it while Wooyoung dresses into his day outfit.
"You always look handsome, Prince Wooyoung, but there's something about you dressed like this," Yeosang hums happily and ruffles Wooyoung's hair, "Whomever you pick will be a very lucky lad or lady."
Wooyoung's cheeks turn rosy at Yeosang's mention of picking his lifelong partner. He's thought a lot about love and relationships as he grew up but never acted on any of his crushes he's had. He's always admired them from afar. He's not even sure if he could call them crushes, they're just people he found intriguing and wanted to know more about.
Wooyoung smiles to himself, thinking about seeing San outside from his window that day and when he asked for Yeosang to see the strange man up to Wooyoung's room. It was the first time he's ever acted upon one of his intrigues.
"Come on, Prince, let's get you to your lesson," Yeosang says, taking Wooyoung out of his thoughts with the gentle hand that was placed on his shoulder.
Wooyoung hums and follows Yeosang out of his room, down the long staircase, and into the large dining area that has the kitchen connected to it.
"Are you ready to begin your lesson, my Prince?" Wooyoung hears his instructor Mingi say to him and he nods with a cheerful look on his face, knowing he will try his very best.
The next week comes faster than Wooyoung would ever imagine, finding himself sitting across from the young man he had met just last week. San is dressed in a similar outfit to what he was wearing last week, Wooyoung observed. The same white shirt hanging loosely on his body, one side wanting to fall off his shoulder and expose the skin, but it doesn't. He's in slightly darker brown trousers than last time, too... Wooyoung can't help but study every piece of San it seems.
"It's nice to see you like this, my Prince," San says, smiling as he lets his eyes scan over the casual outfit Wooyoung is dressed in. He's seen the prince only at special events, never really having seen him around town or anything before, so he's always been dressed in formal attire. It's a welcoming change.
Wooyoung smiles and lies back on the couch, holding onto one of the pillows that adorned it, "I thought I told you to call me by my name, San..."
San smirks, letting his head rest on his hand that's propping him up, "My bad, Wooyoung, my oh high and mighty one. My beloved prince whom I would lay down my life for, how could I ever forget to call you informally," he teases.
Wooyoung scoffs and throws the pillow across the room at San's face, "Oh shut up you."
San gasps when the pillow hits him, a short laugh leaving his mouth, "I can't believe our beloved prince just threw a pillow at his subject's face! Very unprincely of you, I must say."
Wooyoung's smile can't seem to go down, it stays so long it almost makes his cheeks hurt, "Just tell me about your week, San."
San puts the pillow Wooyoung threw behind his head and lets himself lay back as well, "My week? Oh my, where do I start? Would you like to hear about the two ladies that requested me for the same booking and when we informed them of the double booking, they said that was exactly right and what they had wanted... Or would you like to hear about the lord that came in from the next city over just for me because he knows I won't turn down a single request?"
San's sudden talk of just a few things that occurred at the Hide this week shocked Wooyoung, even though he should know that this type of thing is normal for San. He's not sure if he will ever get used to hearing about these types of stories, but he can't help but be intrigued by them.
Having always stayed in the castle all of his life, Wooyoung has never truly known what goes on outside the safety of the castle aside from what Yeosang has taught him over the years.
San is his first link to the outside world.
Wooyoung sometimes finds it funny how little he actually knows of his kingdom since he's supposed to be their prince and all, but it hardly seems it if anyone were to ever ask him about the political matters taking place in their small kingdom of Aurelia. However small Aurelia is, though, will never stop the inflow of people coming from all over the lands to visit their castle and have a discussion with Wooyoung's father.
Everyone seems to want to have a word with King Hongjoong, whether to befriend him or otherwise.
Wooyoung is unsure what to say to San, but he settles on this, "Do you enjoy your work, San?" He knows it's a stupid question, but it's a question he's had on his mind all week.
San takes a deep breath, knowing he must calm his tongue around Wooyoung. He's surprised at the question he asks, though. Does he enjoy what he does?
"No is the simple answer."
"Then what is the complicated answer?"
San takes a glance over at Wooyoung before beginning his reply, a soft smile coming across his lips, "Some days it's not so bad, like when I only have a few regulars. They've come to know me well and it's kind of similar to being friends, but we both know that we would never talk to each other or even glance ways if we were to see one another in town. I know what they come to me for and they come for what they want and leave. It's not the most complicated job for the most part when they're willing to drink the moon tea, that is. Some customers, however, would rather me actually give them children in hopes it'll bring them some kind of joy in their otherwise dull life. Their words, not mine, of course... I don't know, Wooyoung... Do you ever get lonely and think just anything or anyone will be able to fill that void?" He stops and looks at him, knowing the answer already is likely no, but he's taken aback when the prince's voice replies to him.
"Sometimes..." Wooyoung says quietly, "Sometimes I feel so lonely locked away here, San... I suppose that might be able to be solved by finally choosing a man or woman to be in my life like my father and mother want me to, but I just know it won't be so easy. I want to be happy, too. Having someone there physically doesn't automatically make your loneliness go away... Sometimes I feel like it makes me feel even lonelier if that makes any sense. I think I'm rambling, I apologize..." Wooyoung slowly stops talking, his intrusive thoughts taking over his mind from the heavy topic at hand.
"You shouldn't apologize for laying out your inner thoughts, Wooyoung. I know what you mean... You would think laying with so many people and having people around me all the time would make me not feel as lonely as I actually feel. Even though I have all those people around, I know they don't really care about me... At least, not in the way I wish for someone to," San sighs, taking his gaze away from Wooyoung so he can rest it back on the pillow like he was, "I remember you talking about wanting to find someone you truly love. A love for someone that you won't have to fake in front of all of the kingdom... I wish to find someone to love as well," his voice falls to a whisper, "As hard as that may be..."
Wooyoung stares up at the ceiling as he listens to San speak, it taking all of his power not to turn his head to watch him as he does. He hears how San speaks of love and it makes his heart ache, knowing they're both in a similar, yet oh so different boat.
"I care about you, San."
San feels a fulfilling warmth go all throughout his body, a smile coming across his face, "Thank you, Wooyoung... I think you were right, talking with someone is really therapeutic. I would go as far as to say that you might be the first person other than Seonghwa that has gotten me to talk about my deep thoughts like this. So, again, thank you."
Wooyoung smiles as he hears San, letting himself get up from his spot on the couch and he goes over and sits next to San, "It's nice to have someone to talk to that I can call my friend..." Wooyoung hums quietly, his hands trembling a little bit as he goes to wrap his arms around San, hesitating slightly before he takes him into his own embrace.
San doesn't say anything further when he feels unfamiliar arms touching him and wrapping around his torso, but he's never felt more comfortable in this newfound touch. He wants to hold him back, but his senses tell him to stop. The prince may be a sort of friend of his now, but he's still unsure about laying his hands on royalty. Especially his... San knows how tainted his touch is and it causes him to wince, gently squeezing his fists to hold himself back from falling into this comforting embrace he's found himself in.
Wooyoung doesn't mind when San doesn't hug him back, he only hopes he hasn't made the man uncomfortable with his actions. When he pulls away and sits back on his knees, darkness starts creeping into the bedroom from the window.
The sign that San needs to be heading back to the Hide.
Wooyoung lets out a sigh when he looks towards the window, keeping his hands safely in his lap. His heart hasn't calmed down ever since wrapping his arms around San like he had done. He's hugged Yeosang before, but it's been a while. It's been a while since Wooyoung has received any sort of physical contact at all, actually. He's missed it...
"I suppose it's time for me to go," San says as he stands up, his eyes full of worry about how that hug had made him feel. He doesn't know what to think. He just knows it's a good thing he has to leave.
Wooyoung nods, staying seated on the couch, "I'll see you next week, San."
San smiles and nods once, "I'll see you soon, my Prince."
Wooyoung watches longingly as he leaves the room through the secret door, letting out a breath and falling back on the couch when the small door closes. His mind is flooded from thoughts he doesn't know what to do with. All of those thoughts, of course, being about San. He stares back up at the ceiling, remembering the talk they had about loneliness.
Wooyoung soon realizes he doesn't feel as lonely whenever San is around.
But what does that mean...?
Wooyoung stays up well past the dead of night pondering that very question.
End of Chapter Two
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