Chapter Six
Wooyoung is awoken by being shook gently, opening his sleepy eyes to look up at Yunho, "Yun... Just give me a few more minutes, okay?"
Wooyoung is about to lay back down and snuggle back into the covers when he hears someone clear their voice, announcing their presence. Wooyoung reopens his eyes and nervously turns over, seeing Yeosang standing there with his breakfast tray.
"Prince, I know it's been a while since you've seen Yunho, but don't you remember our rules? Your parents don't want you two sleeping in the same bed, you know this could get me in trouble..." Yeosang says, trying to be stern, but also feeling a bit bad about it.
Wooyoung's eyebrows knit together, his lip puckering out into a pout, "It was just for the first night, okay, Sang? Isn't that right, Yunho?" He looks over to his friend for help and Yunho just nods, his puppy dog face going full force.
Yeosang sighs and sets down the breakfast tray, "Will you be needing my help getting ready this morning, my Prince? I heard Yunho will be joining in on the rest of your lessons for the week."
"I'll be alright. I'm going to wear comfortable clothes like I had done yesterday. I promise we will go down as soon as we're finished breakfast," Wooyoung hums, feeling bad for sending Yeosang away, but he wants his time with Yunho.
"Very well," Yeosang says and bows before leaving Wooyoung's bedroom.
"You know, Yeosang isn't so bad looking either," Yunho giggles and falls back onto the bed, the covers flying up on him.
Wooyoung gives Yunho a disgusted look, never having wanted to think of his head maid in such a way, "Don't ever say that again," He says dismissively as he picks up his bagel and eats it.
"Fine, fine... I'll keep my comments for Mingi," Yunho picks up the other half of the bagel and starts eating.
"Maybe you should keep them for Minho," Wooyoung suggests, widening his eyes to further his point.
"I'm going to shove that bagel into your mouth."
Wooyoung gets up out of the bed quickly and runs to the other side of the room, bagel in hand, "You wouldn't dare."
Yunho smirks after he finishes his, "Not right now. We have to get ready to cook, do we not? I think I'll be fine in this attire, but let's get something for you," He says, going over to Wooyoung's wardrobe and picks out a soft blue shirt and loose beige pants, "How does this look?"
Wooyoung nods and comes over once he swallows his last bite, taking the clothing from Yunho's hands and he begins to strip out of his nightgown, "Turn around," He murmurs, waiting for him to turn.
Yunho nods and turns around to let Wooyoung change without eyes on him, and when he hears the shuffling around stop he turns back to see him in the clothing he chose for him, "You look soft in that outfit," He smiles brightly.
"Soft...?" Wooyoung questions, unsure if he's ever heard someone describe someone as looking soft.
He nods once, "Minho always says that to me. He says it's a good thing, a term of endearment, I think."
Wooyoung smiles back, "I like that... Soft," He giggles and takes Yunho's hand to lead him down to the dining room and into the kitchen where Mingi is waiting for them.
Wooyoung turns to Yunho to introduce him properly since he never really was able to when they were younger due to Yunho's shyness, but when he looks at him, Yunho has the same in-awe look he had when looking at Mingi when he was younger. Wooyoung pats Yunho's back swiftly, trying to get him out of it, "This is Yunho, Mingi. I'm sure you've seen him around with me before, but it has been quite a while..."
Mingi smiles and bows at the two men in the doorway, "Of course I remember him. He would always scurry away like a little forest animal whenever I was around, how could I forget?" His smile turns into a smirk and he chuckles.
Yunho frowns, "I did not 'scurry away'! I clearly had important things to do at the time and that's why I would walk away."
"I'm sure, I'm sure..." Mingi rubs the back of his neck and goes back over to the table, "So with two of you here today, it could either go even better than with just Wooyoung or doubly as worse. Let's see which one it'll turn out to be, shall we?"
The dish Mingi had the two boys make today was a dessert called bread pudding, which happened to be Mingi's favorite. They each made their own and decided they would exchange with each other at the end without knowing who got whose. Mingi always liked to make learning fun and this was definitely one way to do that.
The three men sit around the table with the plates of bread pudding lined up, and they each take one that is not their own.
Wooyoung looks a bit nervously towards Yunho's plate, knowing he got his, but he knows there's nothing in it this time that could cause him food poisoning. He looks down at the plate he got and is amazed by the presentation, knowing it could easily be Mingi's, but when he glances over at the plate in front of Mingi, the two are strikingly similar in appearance.
Wooyoung realizes that the two of them had made it perfectly, at least, looks-wise. Now comes the tasting part.
"These look absolutely incredible! I'm so proud of you two, you've done a wonderful job. This is my favorite dessert, so I'm delighted to taste the one of whomever I picked," Mingi praises the two as he picks up his fork, ready to dig in.
Yunho's cheeks are noticeably redder as he sits there between Wooyoung and Mingi, having to tear his eyes away from the dish sitting in front of his former crush. Of course Mingi got his bread pudding, just of course he did. Yunho knows he made it to the best of his ability, so he's hoping that it tastes as good as it looks.
Wooyoung had already dug into his before Mingi or Yunho even took a bite of theirs, many 'mmm' sounds coming from his end of the table.
"This is the best dessert I've ever had, whoever made this is the one that should be the head cook," Wooyoung announces, a pleased look on his face as he continues eating.
"I suppose it's a good thing I already am, then," Mingi chuckles before taking a bite out of the bread pudding in front of him, Yunho also eating a piece of his.
"Wow, this is almost perfect," Mingi says, his eyes widened with surprise as he looks at the two boys.
"Almost?" Yunho questions. He didn't think he had forgotten anything in the recipe.
"It needs more cinnamon," He smirks at Yunho's sudden question, obviously showing that it's his that's in front of him, "But that's just a picky request. I personally like for my bread pudding to have more cinnamon than the recipe calls for. You two, always remember that you don't have to follow the recipe exactly. You're able to add and take away some ingredients as you please to fit your or the person you're making for's tastes."
Yunho pauses his eating and gets up and goes to the cupboard, taking out the cinnamon and he brings it back to the table, "How much would you add?" He asks as he holds it out towards Mingi.
Mingi smiles and takes the cinnamon, their hands slightly grazing against each other as he takes it, "I'll show you," He says as he opens it and sprinkles quite a lot onto the top of his bread pudding, "This seems to be adequate, thank you, Yunho."
Yunho's fingers where Mingi's brushed him tingle from the touch and he just silently nods.
Wooyoung watches the scene in front of him go down and he can barely keep his smiles and giggles to himself, covering his mouth as he stands up, bringing his dish to the sink.
Yunho finishes his as well and goes with Wooyoung to wash their dishes, "Yours turned out well, Woo."
Wooyoung smiles when Yunho praises his dish, happy that it actually turned out decently in comparison to how his and Mingi's looked, "Thank you," he smirks, "I could feel the tension from across the table."
Yunho gently nudges Wooyoung, shooting him a look to keep his voice down since Mingi is still at the table, "Shh, you felt nothing. Just like I didn't, okay?" Yunho insists, trying to push down the past feelings that had bubbled back up. He wants to glance back to see if Mingi could hear them, but he doesn't dare.
Mingi finishes off his bread pudding that he's figured out Yunho had made and he smiles widely as he turns around and comes over to the two boys, washing his dish, interrupting their conversation unknowingly, "We had a good lesson today, didn't we?"
Wooyoung and Yunho nod, Wooyoung answering for them both, "Very! I'm looking forward to tomorrow, I'm sure we both are..." He mumbles the last part before continuing, "What are we going to be making tomorrow?"
Yunho nudges Wooyoung again, hearing what he said, but he shifts his eyes away from the situation, not wanting to make eye contact with Mingi.
"It'll be a surprise, but I think you'll both enjoy it."
Wooyoung nods excitedly, thinking about how he will be seeing San soon, his mind straying from Yunho still obviously having a thing for Mingi. He can't help it, he's been looking forward to it all week, and now he can tell San more about Yunho and how everything went today. His excitement levels are through the roof as he thinks about telling San how great he's doing in his cooking lessons.
"Wooyoung?" Yunho pops his head in front of Wooyoung, taking him out of his trance, "I'm going to go to the bathing room and ready myself for bed, is that okay?"
Wooyoung's cheeks heat up as he's brought back down to Earth, but he nods curtly, "Of course, of course... I'm going to do the same," He says, knowing it's not a complete lie, but after his bath is when San should be arriving.
Yunho smiles brightly before walking away to his room, leaving Mingi and Wooyoung in the kitchen area.
Wooyoung turns to Mingi on his way out, "You better behave around him..." He warns with a small smirk
Mingi just chuckles and shakes his head as Wooyoung leaves, the prince's tall friend still lingering on his mind.
Wooyoung throws his nightgown over his head after he dries off from his bath, Yeosang waiting outside to fix his hair for San's visit. Wooyoung sits in front of his dresser, looking at himself in the mirror, admiring how he looks in his white nightgown. This one has always been his favorite, and he knew his time with San tonight wouldn't be as long as normal since he had an appointment booked before he came.
Yeosang smiles as he brushes Wooyoung's hair out, "This week is turning out to be quite eventful, isn't it, my Prince?"
Wooyoung smiles, watching as Yeosang brushes through his hair, knowing he will have to get it cut soon, as it's growing too long, "I would say so."
Yeosang's smile begins to fade as something enters the front of his mind, something he had heard around the castle earlier today while Wooyoung was at his lesson with Yunho and Mingi. He knows Wooyoung sees it and he won't be able to keep what he heard from him, so he decides to say something, "Prince, I heard the King and Queen speaking earlier... Next week is when they're going to be bringing in your potential suitors for you to meet," He pauses for a moment, finishing Wooyoung's hair, "It's going to be the day when San comes."
Wooyoung's eyes are full of fear and nervousness as Yeosang tells him what he overheard, "Next week? But my cooking lessons aren't even over yet! A-And on San's day?" He asks frantically, turning around in his seat to look up at Yeosang, "Will I have to cancel him coming?"
Yeosang shakes his head, but he's honestly not sure, "If he comes as soon as your lesson ends, I think you would have a bit of time, but I'm really unsure... I only heard it in passing, but I'm sure they'll inform me when it gets closer to time considering I'll have to fix you up for the occasion."
"Maybe I can talk to father again and ask him for more time. Maybe he will let me finish my lesson before they come..." Wooyoung thinks out loud, knowing he's likely not going to extend it any longer due to the public and his Queen's opinion. It's time for Wooyoung to get married and he's going to have to face it sooner or later.
And based on what Yeosang just told him... It's going to be sooner.
He's far from ready. He has so much going on in his head right now and the last thing he wishes to worry about is whom he should choose to marry.
"Wooyoung..." Yeosang says sadly.
Wooyoung looks back at Yeosang, knowing he only says his name on rare occasions.
"I don't think he's going to push it back any more than he already has... It's been years, dear. It's going to be okay," Yeosang says, trying to be hopeful in this seemingly hopeless situation, "You could learn to love them," He tries.
Wooyoung shies away from Yeosang's gaze once again, "I don't know, Yeosang..."
"What if one of them is the one for you? I know you're afraid, my Prince, but please try to have a hopeful outlook. Don't think of it right now, just focus on Yunho being here. San is about to arrive too, is he not? He always cheers you up," Yeosang gently rubs Wooyoung's shoulder.
"He does..." Wooyoung says quietly.
"I'm going to head to bed now, my Prince. Please call me if you need anything," Yeosang says, walking out of his bedroom to let him have some time alone before San arrives.
Wooyoung just nods and gets up, going to the couch to lay down while he waits for San to get to him.
He doesn't have to wait long because almost as soon as Wooyoung lays back, there's a small creaking coming from the hidden door and San comes into the room with a wide smile on his face.
Wooyoung lifts his head to see San's bright smile shining down on him and it makes his eyes sparkle as he sees San's dimples appearing, "You're finally here," He hums, getting up quickly and going to hug him, wrapping his arms around San tightly, "I missed you..."
End of Chapter Six
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