You can tell me.

Later on, when Germany has forced me to eat what seems like platefuls of wurst and potatoes, I go into the living room. Prussia's already there, writing something in a book. He looks up when I come in.

"Hey," he says, putting down his pen and grinning at me. "Is West making you eat more, zhen?"

I roll my eyes and throw myself down on one of the sofas. "This is why I don't live here any more. He's so overprotective, it's ridiculous."

"Nah, he's just.... Ok, he is." I laugh. "But he is for a reason."

"And what's that?"

Prussia pretends to think. "He vants to protect his little sister. Just like me. He's worried that if I act too awesome around you, you'll have an awesome overload or something. I mean, my biggest fear is zhat humanity won't be able to cope with zhe awesome Prussia, so...."

I pout. "Very funny. I've noticed that whenever we talk about, well, anything, we always seem to get onto the subject of the awesome Prussia."

"It's because it's just so true!"

"Right. Anyway, what're you writing?"

Gilbert puts the book down, folding his hands protectively over it. "Diary."

"Aw! How sweet!" I say, mockingly. "You're like a pre-teen girl or something."

"You underestimate zhe powers of record! In zhis diary is everything zhat has ever happened to me! Ever!"

"I find it hard to believe that everything that has ever happened to you is in that book," I say, nodding at it. "It's not that big."

"You think zhis is the entire zhing? Kesesesesesese! I have an entire room in my house dedicated to zhis zhing! It's very important!"

I sigh, knowing when I'm defeated. "I'm sorry I asked."

"You should be! Anyway, so, how's my little sister doing?"

"I... I'm ok..."

He frowns. "West isn't here, you know."

"Ok.... I'm doing all right, I guess. It's just...." I bite my lip. How do I say this without sounding weak?

"Just tell me."

I sigh. "I'm finding it hard, really. I mean, I know I shouldn't, but... It's weird for me to be running my own country. I'm used to England doing it for me, and now that he's not.... I'm making a lot of mistakes."

If I was anyone else, Gilbert would laugh and tell me that I was being a baby. But I'm his sister, and as irritating as he can be sometimes (ok, maybe all the time), I know how much he cares about me. So he comes over and puts a hand on my shoulder. "It's ok, Deitich. I understand zhat. Vell, not really, because I'm too awesome to have trouble, but I get you."

I nod and swallow. "Thanks."

"Anyway, if you're ever stuck, you can ask me! Or Germany. Although, I'm older, so I give better advice! And I'm more awesome!"

I roll my eyes and smile at him. "Thanks. Again."

"No problem! And if anyone gives you any hell, ve'll kill them!"

"Um... I think I'm ok, thanks. But it's nice of you to offer."

"What's zhat?" Ludwig comes into the room and sits down.

"West! Sophy was just...." I shoot Prussia a look. "Vot?" I give him a pointed look. He rolls his eyes. "Anyway, Sophy's getting paranoid."

"Vot about?" asks Germany, looking at me and frowning. I go red.

"Nothing," I mutter.

"Deitich, if you're worried about something..." Germany starts, but then Prussia comes over and whispers something in his ear. Ludwig nods and then looks at me.

"What?" I ask crossly. Germany just puts his arms around me and gives me a hug, and suddenly I'm crying and I'm not entirely sure why. Ludwig pats my back awkwardly (he's never been very good at this).

"Sophy, if you ever need guidance, you've got us. And if anyone's hurting you..."

"N-nein!" I wipe my eyes and pull away. "No one's hurting me. I think I'm just.... Stressed, that's all."

"Vell, as long as you're sure...." Germany starts doubtfully, but Prussia cuts him off.

"Don't worry! Being stressed is fine! It's England's fault for babying you too much. He's an idiot."

"Um, thanks?" I say. Ludwig gives Gilbert an annoyed look.


"You know vot I mean," Germany hisses. Prussia rolls his eyes.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" I ask, confused. Prussia and Germany exchange a look. "Ok, what's going on?"

"It's nothing to worry about, really," mutters Ludwig, looking at the floor.

"West! She needs to know!" Gilbert hisses.

"What do I need to know?"

"Ok... Fine." Germany sighs and turns to me. "Deitich.... I don't want to sound mean, but zhere's a... Belief, lets say, in Europe at the moment zhat you're...."

"That I'm what?" Germany bites his lip.

"You're quite a trusting person naturally, and-"

Prussia interrupts him. "And people vill take advantage of zhat."

"What?!? Who said that?" I go red with embarrassment.

"No one's said it, it's just zhat.... Ve can tell," says Ludwig.

"It's a good trait to have," Prussia adds. "It's just zhat you tend to trust people a lot more than you should. I mean, that's how England-"

"Oh I see," I say angrily. "People think I'm weak?"

"No, not exactly. You see-" Germany starts, but I don't want to hear it. I get up, put on my coat and boots and go to the door. Germany tries to block my exit.

"Vhere are you going?" he asks. He doesn't sound annoyed, he just sounds... Hurt. But I'm too angry to see that at the moment.


He folds his arms. "Deitich, I didn't mean to-"

"Save it, Germany!" I snap, pushing him away. "You think I'm weak? Then I'll prove you wrong." And with that, I open the door and step out into the night.


It's raining heavily. That's the first thing I notice as I step out of the house. It's also very, very cold. I haven't got gloves or a scarf or anything, just my coat, so I grit my teeth and shove my hands in my pockets. It was stupid really, to walk out like that, but I can't go back. They'd only be disappointed in me, and I can't deal with that right now. I know I'll just have to face them later, probably tomorrow, but I don't care.

I can barely see where I'm going because of the rain. This wouldn't usually be a problem; I know this place like the back of hand, but it fills me with a weird sort of dread. It's mid November, but my place is a lot colder than Germany's, and also quite far, at least to walk. I resolve then and there to buy a car as soon as I can. I can't be relying on my brothers all the time.

I silently boil with rage. I still can't believe what Prussia and Germany said. I'm not weak. Am I? I mean, it wasn't my fault I got captured by England. I was in a desperate situation back then. It had been a bad year for me: the crops had all died due to a cold winter, war was going on in Europe and I had no way of defending myself. So I gave in to him, yes, but only because I didn't have a choice. And it was partly Prussia's fault. He was supposed to be protecting me.

Anyway, that was years ago. I thought that ever since I'd become independent and I'd started to run my own affairs, other countries would have a little more respect for me. After all, I've proved already that I have a capable army and a small, but strong, economy. I've attended World Meetings, I'm recognised as a nation all around the world, and I've been invited to the G8! I don't see how I could get any stronger! I sigh. What will I ever be able to do to get them to accept me?

Then it hits me. Everything I've ever done, all the things I've accomplished, have been with the help of my brothers. I thought at the time that it was a good thing, that they were simply helping me out because they thought I had potential, but... And that's why England made me part of his Empire! It wasn't because I was particularly special, it was because I was an easy target. And I still am.

This thought sends a sudden chill down my spine. Now I really wish I hadn't left Germany's house. I'm vulnerable in the dark, on my own. But oh well. At least I'm not....


I look around, feeling slightly panicked. I try to look at my surroundings, to see if any of this is familiar, but I can't see a foot in front of my face, let alone anything else. I curse under my breath and then stumble over a rock or tree root or something. I let out a squeal and fall flat on my face.

I get up gingerly, wiping myself down. God, why have I made such a mess of things? I've upset the two people who care about me most and now I've managed to get lost in the middle of nowhere. I sigh and accept the fact that I'm probably not going to be able to get home tonight. I'll just find a tree to camp out in for tonight. I'll probably find out in the morning that I'm about thirty metres away from my place, knowing my luck. So I grit my teeth and go in search of somewhere to sleep.

I've walked perhaps a few metres on when suddenly I hear a rustling sound in the bushes. I stop dead and look around, although I can't see a thing. I'm about to call out, but then something comes up behind me and the next thing I feel is a rod of metal slamming into the side of my head. I lose consciousness before I even hit the floor.

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