America vs Russia

I think I've resolved everything with Ludwig and Gilbert now. I talked to them both when I went to go and see Germany (Prussia came back later on) and they were ok. Well, they were probably both still annoyed with me, which is fair enough. I was kind of being a shit.

It's the first of December, and we've got a world meeting. Germany has already informed me that he's going to grill Russia about the gas situation, which should be quite awkward. I've told myself that nothing is going on between me and Russia, but I'm having trouble believing myself, if that makes sense. In a way, there is nothing going on between us, because he certainly hasn't given me any impression of particular interest in me, and I haven't said anything.

So as I make my way to what will probably be a very eventful world meeting, I turn the events of the last week or so over in my head. It seems like ever since I attended the G8, my relationship with my brothers has slowly started to go downhill. I can't let that happen; they're all I have.

I open the door and do a double take. Ok, I am early and everything, but the meeting room is like a wasteland. It's virtually empty, except for...

"Deitich! You know dat you are very early, da?" I close my eyes as Russia comes over to me, smiling.

"Ja.... I didn't realise it'd be this quiet. I thought more people would be here. How come you're so early?"

"Apparently, your brother is going to grill me about gas crisis. It isn't my fault, but dey don't know dat yet. The weather in my country recently has been very cold, I think it froze some of pipes." I have no idea how this would work, but he probably knows more about pipes than I do. After all, he likes hitting people with them.

"That makes sense," I say, even though it doesn't really. He hasn't answered my question, either.

"I'm glad you dink so. Anyway, your brother isn't very happy."

"You've spoken to him?"

"No, but I managed to get some things out of Lithuania, and he told me." I shudder slightly. God knows what he did to poor Lithuania.

Russia takes out a bottle of clear liquid and takes a sip. It's vodka. I can tell because one, it's Russia, and two, I can smell it from here.

I yawn behind my hand. I'm not entirely sure why I'm so tired, but I haven't really been sleeping very well lately. I haven't really wanted to.

"You haven't been experiencing any gas problems, da?" Russia asks. I shake my head.

"Nein, I didn't even know about it until Germany mentioned it to me." He nods.

"So your brother is delusional?" Did he literally just say that? He's probably the most insane person I've ever met.

"Nein, I just think he cares," I snap.

"Dat's great! Anyway, I need to prepare now, so I will see you later!"

Well, that was weird. Then again, every conversation I have with Russia is usually quite odd, so there's no change there.

I sit down in my chair and wait for everyone else to arrive. I don't think anyone will arrive for a while, but I can hope. So I take out my notebook and start doodling. I do this a lot, mainly because I'm quite good at drawing unflattering caricatures of people I don't like. I do a little sketch of Germany when he's angry, mainly because it's funny and I'm still slightly annoyed at him.

"Deitich!" somebody yells behind me. I shut my notebook and look up just in time to a see a blur of brown hair and blue uniform before I'm almost aggressively hugged by Italy, who is, as always, delighted to see me. I hug him back. God, Italy's so cute, I want to squish him and kind of just keep him forever, but I think Germany would kill me for that one. It's adorable how much he cares for him.

"Hey," I say, smiling at him. He beams back.

"Are you looking-a forward to seeing everyone? It's gonna be-a so fun!" Italy is basically the only person who finds meetings fun; I think he has a thing for Ludwig, although I've never told either of my brothers that.

"Ja, it'll be nice," I agree.

"By the way, Doitsu isn't going-a to be here for a while, he had-a to talk to France about something. So it's just-a us for a bit!"

I nod. "That's ok with me."

"Good! I ran into Russia on the way-a here, he's scary! He told me that he wanted to talk-a to you after." Italy looks slightly concerned. "Are you ok?"

"Ja, ja, I'm fine. Russia wanted to talk to me?"


I nod. "Um, Italy, I know it's a lot to ask, but could you not tell Germany about this? I don't want him to worry."

Italy looks confused. "Ok...."

"It's probably not a big deal, I just think it'd be better if Germany didn't worry about me and Russia. He's got a lot on his plate at the moment, I don't want him to be worrying about me as well."

Italy smiles and nods. "Sure!"

Th other countries soon start to come in, and Italy goes to his seat. Hungary comes and sits beside me.

"Are you all right?" she asks. "You look a bit stressed."

"Ja, I'm ok." She doesn't look like she believes me, but she doesn't say anything.

Germany comes and sits on my other side. "Are you ready, Deitich?"

"Of course!" I say. "So, you're going to ask Russia about the gas pipes?"

"Ja. By zhe vay, Prussia's going to come and pick you up, I have some business to attend to, so you'll have to vait around a bit. Probably only for an hour or so."

I nod. "That's ok. What do you have to do?"

Germany squirms slightly in his seat. "I just need to run over some business vith Italy, zhat's all." I can tell that he's not being entirely honest, but then again I'm not being entirely honest with the Russia thing, so I can't really talk. Oh well.

Pretty soon, everyone's sitting down in their seats. The European lot seem to all be glaring at Russia, who's blissfully basking in ignorance of this. I think the EU must've told some of the other countries about the gas thing, actually, because America and China don't seem very happy, either. Germany, as always, takes control.

"All right. So, today ve are here to discuss a major crisis in Europe at zhe moment. Many countries are supplied vith gas and other useful resources by Russia. But at zhe moment, many of zhese countries are not receiving zheir full quotas, vich has lead much of Europe to believe zhat zhere is something going on at zhe supplier's end." Here, he breaks off and glares at Russia, who beams back. "Vot do you have to say about zhis, Russia?"

Russia stands up and nods to him. "Well, I'm sorry dat dis is such problem. It's been very cold in my country so far, which may have resulted in some of de pipes freezing. Dis problem should be fixed by late December." He sits down again, and for a moment, his violet eyes meet mine. Then I bite my lip and look at my lap instead.

Now, although probably none of the countries here actually believe him, this statement usually would've been left unchallenged. However, America's here.

"You don't really expect us to believe that, do you?" he asks. It's hard to understand what he's actually saying (as usual, he's eating) but we all get what he means.

Russia nods. "Yes! Why you dink I lie?"

"A lot of the countries that have received less gas have been countries that your boss has been recently disagreeing with. Doesn't anyone here find that suspicious?"

"Well, of course!" exclaims England. "Not that I agree with America, obviously, I came to that conclusion on my own."

"And you really zhink we'll believe zhat?" France chimes in. Jesus. Why did those two have to make themselves heard? Although, this is becoming quite entertaining.

"Enough!" yells Germany. "Let's keep to zhe issue on hand."

"Right!" says America. "So what do you have to say for yourself, commie bastard?" Well. That was uncalled for.

Russia smiles at him and stands up again. "How about I smash your teeth in, da? It would be improvement."

"No thanks!" America stands up too. "I don't think you'd be able to get near, do you?"

"Actually, you'd be surprised what I can do." The fact that Russia's saying all of this with a smile on his face is probably the scariest thing of all.

"What, you want my missiles up your ass?" Everyone looks shocked. We all have nuclear weapons, everyone knows it, but no one dares mention them at meetings, not unless we really have to. Then again, these two started the Cold War.

"You wouldn't do dat. Do you know why?"

America scoffs. "Why?"

"I would use magic metal pipe of pain on you!" Suddenly, Russia's brandishing his pipe at America, who blocks him with his fist and pushes him away.

"ALL RIGHT, ENOUGH!!!" thunders Germany, standing up and slamming a fist on the table. "ZHIS MEETING IS OVER."

And so that's the end of that.

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