'There's no way I'd let anyone get away with wasting a girl's precious time!'
'I bet even a cuckoo in a cuckoo clock is angry!'
'We are the sailor senshi, and in the name of the earth, sun, and moon, we'll punish you!'
'Hi! I'm Hokuro Tsukino, and I'm a fourteen-year-old middle school student'
'I'm a Virgo with a blood type O. My birthstone is a sapphire, and I'm kinda dramatic and quite impulsive at times...'
'This is my little sister, Usagi Tsukino, and she's also a fourteen-year-old middle school'
'But unlike me...she's a bit of a klutz. And tends to cry a lot...'
'One day, these two strange cats named Luna and Flora appeared and turned us into some guardians in a sailor uniform and told us we had to fight bad guys!'
'Along the way, we met a French girl who is like us. Her name is Lucille Abuert, and she is the one and only Sailor Sun!'
'Boy, things had started to get crazy! I'm sure my sister was pretty nervous after that.'
'But, I'm sure it'll all work out because together, we're a team.'
Hokuro giggled with a smile.
We go into Queen Beryl's lair, where Jadeite is giving her the report about his recent failure at gathering energy and about Sailor Mercury. Needless to say, she was not happy.
"What? You're telling me that a fourth guardian has appeared now?!" she asked scowling.
"Yes, my queen," replied Jadeite.
"I see. Then that's all the more reason for you to gather energy as quickly as possible for our great ruler," said Queen Beryl.
"Of course, my queen. I already have an ingenious plan in mind to do just that if not more," said Jadeite. "Human energy can be amplified if they're under the feelings of anxiety, like being pressed for time for example. Therefore, by making it seem that they're being rushed and are running out of time, we can magnify their energy and collect it all more efficiently."
Queen Beryl smiled pleased with this plan. "Interesting. I like it. Make it so and proceed at once," she said.
"Yes ma'am," said Jadeite as he once more set off to put his plan into action.
At Harajuku Station, Ami, Usagi, Hokuro, and Lucille had met up to go out on their window-shopping trip. Usagi was wearing a pink dress, Hokuro was wearing a green dress, Ami was wearing a blue one with a bright yellow jacket, and Lucille was wearing grey jeans with a yellow button-down shirt. There were lots of people bustling around to and from going about their daily routine. Ami looked around amazed.
"This is amazing!" she said with wonder. "There's so many people here!"
"Guess everyone around here had the same idea we did," said Lucille.
"Is this your first time being in a place like this Ami?" asked Usagi.
"Yes, I have," said Ami. "Although I've read about them in books while I've been studying."
"Seriously? You even read about Harajuku Station in books?" asked Hokuro. "You must be kidding."
"That's no good Ami," said Usagi winking. "There's more to life than studying you know. You need to learn to have fun once in and while. Especially since we're so young!"
"Oh, I didn't know that," said Ami sheepishly. "I'm sorry."
"There's no need to apologize," said Usagi. "Today, we're gonna not only gonna make up for what you missed out on, but we have some fun window shopping till we drop! Come on, girls! Let's go!"
"Okay!" said Hokuro, Ami, and Lucille.
Then the three of them began their window shopping trip. They went from store to store checking out what all the stores had to offer. They tried on various clothes, accessories, and many other things. They even went to perfume shops, knick-knack shops, and even some other stores. They even went to a book store which was by far Ami's favorite stop so far.
"Hey Ami," said Usagi as she walked up to her carrying a manga book. "Did you find anything interesting?"
"I sure did," said Ami happily. "If not more! I found lots of things here."
"That's great," said Usagi. "So what kinds of books do you read Ami?"
"I'll show you my book if you show me yours," said Ami.
"Um... I'm not so sure that's a good idea you two," said Lucille.
But the two girls did it anyway. As soon as they opened the books they traded, Usagi's eyes were practically swirling while Ami's were wide with shock.
"This book has no pictures!" groaned Usagi. "I don't understand a single word of this!"
"This book is practically pictures!" yelped Ami. "Usagi's going to rot her brains out on this manga!"
Hokuro, snickered, while Lucille burst into a fit of laughter seeing their reactions, and the latter soon joined in.
After a while, the four decided to take a break and stopped by a crepe store and bought some crepes to snack on.
"Whew. I'm tired," said Usagi. "We sure did a lot of shopping today, didn't we?"
"Yeah. I agree," said Ami. "But I had a lot of fun."
"Same here," added Hokuro.
"Glad you are," said Lucille. "To be honest, I had a lot of fun too and I'm not even quite a mall trawler myself."
Then the four noticed something. A large crowd of people was standing just outside of the store in front of them. The sign above it read: "Clock Look. Big Spring Sale Week."
"Wow. There's a lot of people over there," said Hokuro.
"There sure are," said Ami. "I wonder what's going on?"
Usagi squinted and saw a sign below the name on a window that made her excited.
"Hey! Check it out you guys!" she said. "It's a grand opening sale of clocks and watches! Everything is between fifty and seventy percent off! That's a great deal! I say we go over there and check it out!"
"I don't know..." said Ami thoughtfully. "I don't need a watch or clock. I got one from my mom as a gift."
"And I don't need one because I kinda have a built-in clock in me," said Lucille. "Not to mention I got one in my room."
"Well, I think it's a good idea," said Hokuro. "Me and Usagi do need an alarm clock to wake up for school or when I stay up so late whenever I do homework."
"Sis is right! Come you two! Where's your adventurous spirit?!" said Usagi. "Shopping isn't just about buying. It's about having fun! Not to mention looking around won't cost us a thing, so we should take advantage of it!"
And before Ami and Lucille could say anything more, Usagi had taken them both by the hand and dragged them into the store, along with Hokuro. Inside, they were greeted by the manager who was a young woman wearing a red dress and had brown hair in a fancy bun.
"Welcome to our store," she greeted bowing politely. "Please feel free to look around."
The girls first looked at the watches that were on display. They all looked very fancy and expensive; however, they were all on sale for very cheap prices.
"Whoa! Look at all of these prices!" said Usagi. "All the other stores can't even compete with this!"
"Are watches usually this inexpensive?" asked Ami.
"Not sure," said Lucille. "Back in France, the watches were really expensive."
"Really?" asked Hokuro, curiously. "How much were they there?"
"Some were about ₣920.00 while the rest are about ₣7,650," she said casually.
"₣920.00 and ₣7,650!?" the rest of the girls yelled in deep shock at this revelation.
"That's so expensive!" exclaimed Usagi.
"How can people afford that!?" added Hokuro.
Lucille could only shrug. "I don't know. We're just rich I guess."
"Wow...." said Ami, a bit flabbergasted by this information.
"Well, it's says here they are having a special!" said Usagi. "It makes this place unbelievable!"
"Look at this weird one!" Lucille exclaimed, spotting a clock that looked like a cross between a mushroom and a bug.
Then they looked at a castle-styled cuckoo clock, "It's so cute!" Hokuro cooed.
Finally, they got to a black cat clock, "No way! This one looks just like Luna!" Usagi pointed out.
"We have to buy this one! Maybe it can help us get to school on time!" Hokuro suggested to the others.
Suddenly, the manager appeared behind them, "Ah! The cat clock! Good eye, it's quite a bargain." she said.
"Yeah, it sure is!" Usagi agreed, she and her sister brought out their wallets. "Your prices are so low!" she said.
Unfortunately, they both had 1000 yen each (6.52 USD).
Hokuro angrily clenched her fist as an irk mark appeared on her head. Usagi's eyes began to well up. The manager sweatdropped at both of them.
"Grrrr! They're practically giving these clocks away and we're still not able to get them?!" Hokuro said angrily.
"But if we're late to class again, we'll set new school records!" Usagi said, tears threatening to overflow.
"Girls, me or Lucille can come to your house in the morning to make sure you wake up on time," Ami suggested.
"Yeah! No need to get so bent out of shape." Lucille said.
Both Tsukino sisters hugged them.
"Thanks, girls, you're the best! I love you!" Usagi said, hugging Lucille and crying happy tears.
"You both are the most reliable friends girls could ask for!" Hokuro exclaimed, hugging Ami, relieved.
Both Lucille and Ami blushed at the hugs.
After that, Hokuro and Usagi dropped off Ami at her place, while Lucille went on her way home and then the two sisters set off for home. Soon enough, they made it home just as it was getting close to night.
"We're home!" the two called out as they walked inside.
Inside the kitchen, Kenji hammered a nail in the wall while Ikuko was busy unwrapping some things she had just bought from her trip to the store.
"Welcome back you two," said Ikuko. "I was busy shopping today with Umino's and Naru's moms and I saw something nice and I bought it just for the both of you."
"Really?! What is it?!" asked Usagi excitedly.
Ikuko then handed them a box wrapped in pink. "Here. See for yourself," she grinned.
Hokuro took the box and opened it. There inside the box was the cat clock as well as another cat clock that looked like Flora
"Hey! It's the cat clock from that clock store today! Oh! And another one! We can both have a clock." said Hokuro. "That's awesome!"
"So, you and the other moms went shopping over there too Mom?" asked Usagi.
"Yes, I did," said Ikuko. "They were having a sale and we just couldn't pass up those deals. Umino's mom even bought seven of them. To be honest, I want to go back and buy more myself. Anyway, with those clocks, you both won't oversleep, and you'll be able to get out of bed in the morning, so make sure you use it!"
"We will! Thank you, Mom," said Usagi.
That night in Usagi's room, Luna having seen the clock was the opposite of what Usagi was expecting her to be.
"Give me a break," she said. "That clock doesn't look anything like me. Take a good look. I'm way better looking than that thing."
"Whatever you say, Luna," said Usagi as she winded up the clock. "Ami and Lucille are coming to pick us up, so I'm just hoping that it'll keep us from oversleeping."
She then set the clock on her desk, turned off the light, and climbed into her bed. Luna then hopped on the bed next to her.
"And what's more," continued Luna. "I don't like the look of it. It's got a sinister feeling to me."
"Yeah, yeah. Good night Luna," said Usagi pulled up the covers closed her eyes, and went to sleep.
Luna looked at Usagi a little annoyed at her for being so carefree. Then she looked at the clock worriedly.
"Do I look as sinister as that clock is?" she wondered.
Meanwhile, in Hokuro's room, Flora had a different reaction to what Luna had when she saw the clock firsthand.
"Wow, that clock does look like me," said Flora.
"I know!" Hokuro chirped. "I'm so glad me and Usagi both get clocks! Maybe we can both finally get to school on time!"
While Hokuro was talking, Flora tapped her paw on the clock as if expecting the clock to move on its own.
"Welp! We won't know unless we don't try it out!" Hokuro said, she set the clock on a lower shelf and shut off the light.
"Are you sure there's nothing wrong with that clock, Hoku?" Flora asked, staring at it.
"There's nothing to worry about. Now good night, Flora." Hokuro said, settling into bed and closing her eyes.
The brunette cat leaped from the shelf onto the bed and cuddled into Hokuro's covers. However, she couldn't help but sneak one more look at the clock.
"I'm the real Flora, you're just a clock!" she whispered before going to sleep for real.
Later that night, everyone in the Tsukino residence was fast asleep. The only sound that could be heard was the clocks ticking away into the night. Then as the clock struck midnight, the clocks began to glow in a strange eerie green light shining down on Usagi, Hokuro, Ikuko, Kenji, and even Shingo. Luna woke up with a start and then saw the green light. Luna climbed up on Usagi's bed to see where it was coming from. She then saw the source of it.
"This can't be good..." she said.
Flora, who also woke up, finds the same source of the green light.
"This isn't good..." she said.
The next morning, Ami and Lucille came by the Tsukino house to meet with Hokuro and Usagi. Ami rang the doorbell.
"Coming!" called Ikuko before she opened the door to see them here. "Oh, Ami. Lucille. Good morning you two."
"Hi, is Usagi and Hokuro ready to go?" asked Ami.
"Well, they already left for school," said Ikuko.
Lucille and Ami looked at Ikuko in surprise.
"Wait what?" said Lucille. "They left already already?"
"But it's only seven o'clock in the morning!" added Ami.
"I know right; she got a late start," said Ikuko worriedly. "Shingo was also already gone before six too! And for that matter, you two had better get going or you'll be late too!"
Then suddenly Kenji came rushing past the two in a frantic state with a piece of toast in his mouth.
"I'm going to be late!" he cried. "See you later!" then he raced away.
"Have a nice day!" Ikuko called back as she waved goodbye to him. "Well, I must get started on the cleaning and laundry... Oh! I also can't forget to make dinner!"
"Wait, make dinner!? In the morning!?" exclaimed Lucille. "But that's too-"
Before Lucille could say anything and ask Ikuko why she along with everyone else was in such a rush, Ikuko shut the door on them with a bang. Lucille and Ami stared at the door and then at each feeling incredibly confused.
"What in the world was that all about?" wondered Ami.
"I have no idea," said Lucille. "But this is completely weird. Everyone's in a rush when it's the crack of dawn."
At the Juban Middle School, things were just as insane. Every one of the students was rushing about stressing that they were late for some unknown reason. Inside the classroom, Ms. Haruna along with Hokuro, Usagi, Naru, and all the students that were in there were waiting impatiently for the rest of the students to come.
"Why is everyone so late?" she grumbled.
Naru impatiently stood up, "That's it! I can't just wait all day! I'm gonna go call everyone and get them over here!" she said.
"Me too!" said Usagi who was holding an empty bento in her hands. "I can't just sit around waiting all day!"
"Yeah! I agree!" added Hokuro. "I have no time to be waiting for this long!"
"Same here!" complained Umino. "I'm starting to get restless over here! I'm gonna run some laps around the school!"
"Enough!" snapped Ms. Haruna slamming her hand on her desk. "You'll just have to self-study today. I can't start a class with so many people absent at 8 a.m.! After all, I can't hang around with you slowpokes all day. I have four days lined up to get ready! Class dismissed!"
"Then I'm going home too!" huffed Usagi as she packed her things. "There's nothing left to do now that I've finished my lunch!"
"Me too!" said Hokuro. "I have a lot of studying to do if I want to pass the upcoming test!"
"That's a great idea!" said Umino. "You know the old saying: Life is short. So, find your love while you can! Especially a love that's a guy with glasses and blue school uniform!"
Usagi, Hokuro, and Naru looked at each other and then at Umino.
"No one ever said that but you," they all said.
"In any case, we can't waste any more precious time!" said Naru.
"Right! Let's go home!" agreed Usagi and Hokuro.
Then they and the other students packed their things and got ready to leave for home.
Meanwhile, Lucille and Ami were walking along on their way to their respective schools. As they walked by, everything seemed to be in a state of chaos. The street was filled with traffic, people were rushing about, and stores were even opening early even though it wasn't time for them to open.
"But it's only eight something. Why are all these shops opening up now?" Lucille asked, confused.
"LUCILLE! AMI!" Luna yelled. Flora and Sol follow close behind. The black and bronze cats had clocks on their backs.
"Thank goodness, we found you two. Of all the days, the girls decided to move early, they may have picked the worst one." Luna said.
"What's the matter? What's the big rush?" Ami asked.
"And how did you get those clocks on your back without any thumbs?" Lucille asked.
"No time to explain that. But it's these clocks! I saw a shiny light come from Hokuro's while she was sleeping. I think they're the reason everyone's acting so speedy! Help us?" Flora said.
The quintet sat on a bench. Ami held Usagi's clock while Lucille held Hokuro's.
"Hm. All right, then. Why don't we take a quick look inside?" Ami asked.
"Wait! Hang on!" Flora spoke up. She did a back flip leaving a trail of light. The light swirled around then a small object appeared and landed in Ami's hands. It appeared to be a small rectangular compact laptop that was a bright turquoise blue color and had a gold symbol of Mercury on it.
"What's this thing?" Ami asked.
"Supercomputer! It's super useful for crunching numbers or looking at data." Flora explained. Ami opened the compact and lo and behold, the inside looked like a tiny computer.
"Really? I get to keep this?" Ami asked.
"Yep! I was gonna give to Hokuro, but I feel like you'll know what you're doing." Flora said jokingly.
"Wow, thanks, Flora!" Ami said.
"Now let's check out these clocks!" Sol chimed in.
"Right!" Ami said. She removed the knob off of the Luna clock and a bright light came out. Ami dodged out of the way and the light went into the air.
"You okay?" Luna asked concerned.
"What was that?!" Ami asked, alarmed.
"Not sure, but it was too fast for the computer," Flora said.
"Wait a minute..." Lucille spoke, looking down at the Flora clock. She got up, stood on the side of the bench, placed the clock down, crouched, and finally removed the lid. Another bright light went out and up in the air.
"There it is again," Lucille said, looking up.
"Everyone, look inside here!" Sol said. Both clocks were empty on the inside.
"I knew there was something creepy with those clocks!" Flora exclaimed.
"I think you're right, Flora. Everyone who's been acting strangely probably brought a new clock from that store!" Luna said.
"If that's the case, we have to find Usagi and Hokuro!" Lucille said and Ami nodded.
A spotlight shines on Luna and then Sailor Moon.
'Sailor Moon!'
She turns around.
A spotlight shines on Flora and then Sailor Earth.
'Sailor Earth!'
She turns around.
Back in the Juban district, things had quickly begun to escalate. Because of the people rushing around trying to get to places they needed to be on time, car accidents began to happen. There was even a massive pileup at an intersection. Cars honked, metal crunched, and people began to panic all because they were afraid of being late. And all the while, their energy was being drained at an alarming rate. Jadeite chuckled darkly as a ball of energy began to take shape in his hands.
"Yes... that's it, humans. Keep rushing," he said to himself. "Keep rushing right into your deaths. The faster you scurry around, the more amounts of energy we'll keep taking from you! If I'm able to gather up all this nervous energy, I'm certain that our great ruler and Queen Beryl will be most pleased."
At the clock store, the manager who was in truth another servant of Jadeite, was staring up at the giant grandfather clock wistfully.
"No matter how far away the humans get from this clock," she chuckled evilly. "it will continue to harvest all of their energy."
Then as the whole room became a dark void, Jadeite appeared as the woman transformed into her true form. It was pretty much the same only her skin was pale and she had long purple hair and red marks on her cheeks.
"You do have quite a way of time Ramua," said Jadeite. "Your magic has undermined the humans and their sense of time. You have done very well."
"Thank you for your kind words Master," said Ramua. "I live to serve you and our great ruler."
"Now then... I'll leave the rest to you," said Jadeite. "But be careful. This disturbance may bring those four guardians here, so proceed with caution."
"Yes sir," nodded Ramua. "I won't let you down."
And then Jadeite disappeared vanishing into the air.
In the bus that was stuck in the middle of traffic, Hokuro and Usagi were impatiently running in place wanting the bus to get moving. To make things worse, it wasn't just her who was feeling impatient. The driver as well as all the other passengers were feeling impatient too.
"Hey! Why is this bus going so slow?!" complained a man.
"You be quiet!" snapped the driver. "I'm as impatient as you are to get going, so chill out!"
"Well then do something about it!" said Hokuro. "You're the driver, aren't you?!"
Hokuro would soon regret saying those words. Right then, the driver revved his engine and then drove the bus on the other side of the road. The jerk caused Hokuro and Usagi to fall forward, the latter smacking her head on the fare box.
"Ow! Hey! What are you doing?!" Usagi exclaimed.
"What do you think I'm doing?!" said the driver. "If the left lane's blocked, I'll use the right one! I've driven a bus for ten years, and that makes me a pro!"
The driver now had a crazed look in his eyes and he was now driving against the traffic in the wrong lane. Cars screeched and served out of the way as the bus raced on through. Then an old woman pressed a button wanting to get off the bus, but the driver kept on going laughing maniacally.
"I need to get off! Stop this bus immediately!" she complained.
"Sorry, this just became an express!" the driver said. "We're not going to make any stops until we reach our final destination!"
But the woman responded by strangling him, feeling livid.
"Shut your mouth and stop this bus!" she shrieked.
Hokuro and Usagi could only hold on for dear life that bus continued to drive dangerously along the road praying that they would get out of this alive.
Ami and Lucille were at a phone booth trying to contact Juban Middle School in the hopes of finding Usagi and Hokuro. Ami then came out of the booth.
"Anything yet Ami?" asked Lucille.
Ami shook her head. "It's no use. I can't contact the school," she said. "No one's answering at the school."
"But if Usagi and Hokuro are not there, then where do you think they could have gone?" asked Luna.
"Maybe we could do this without her," suggested Sol.
"I don't know," said Ami. "This might be dangerous with just the two of us."
"Yeah. We have to find Usagi and Hokuro before anything else," said Lucille. "Hope they're both okay."
"Don't you worry Lucille," said Flora. "We'll find them. We just have to keep looking."
Then suddenly there was a loud screeching of tires and a loud crash. The seven of them snapped their heads towards the direction of the sound and saw what had caused it. A public bus had crashed straight into a telephone. Luckily, no one was hurt, but the bus driver was dazed and surprised as all the passengers climbed out. Then two certain someone jumped out from the door of the bus and began scolding the driver.
"Just what were you thinking you lunatic?!" yelled the blonde.
"Yeah! You could've killed all of us!" added Hokuro. "We're very busy and we don't have time for this!"
"Usagi! Hokuro" cried Ami and Lucille.
"Oh! Hi Ami. Hi Lucille," said Usagi. "What are you two doing here?"
A little later, Luna, Flora, Sol, Lucille, and Ami explained the situation to the twins and then went immediately to the clock store where the cat clock originally came from.
"So that's the monster's hideout huh?" asked Usagi as she and Hokuro stood right at the front door. "Doesn't look like much to me."
"Hey! Get back here you two!" snapped Lucille as she yanked the Tsukino sisters to an alley where she along with Ami, Luna, Flora, and Sol were hiding. "And not so loud!"
"Lucille's right! You two can't just stand out here out in the open like that!" chided Luna. "The enemy could spot us!"
"Then what're we waiting for?!" complained Hokuro. "Didn't you guys say that the clock shop was suspicious!? Then let's storm in there and finish this right now!"
"Come on, you two you're not thinking straight," said Flora. "Can't you see that you're both brainwashed by the monster's spell?"
"We don't have time to discuss it right now," said Usagi impatiently. "I've got too much to do! First, I must get home, then eat a pork bun, after that, finish playing my video game, take a bath, and then-" Then Usagi looked at her watch and squealed in shock. "Oh no! Look what time it is already!"
Then, Hokuro looked at her watch and she squealed too. "Time is running out!" she said. "I have so much to do like studying, reading books, eating sweets, and watching a movie!"
"Okay, okay, we get it, you two, calm down," said Sol as he, Luna, and Flora sweatdropped. "Look, why don't you just try and wait for a moment and we'll think of a way to get inside right girls?"
"Well... we can try sneaking in the back," said Lucille thoughtfully.
"I don't know," said Amy. " There's the possibility that the enemy might expect that and be waiting for us."
"Oh, forget about that!" yelled Usagi. "We'll just go straight through the front! The enemy's going to attack us anyway, so let's hurry and transform already!"
"What?! Already?!" exclaimed Luna.
"Right now?!" added Flora, surprised by this as well.
"Yes, right now!" Hokuro cried out. "You wanted us to defeat the enemy, right!? So let's go!"
"Wow. They are brainwashed!" said Lucille, a bit worried. "Usually we have to beg Usagi to try and get her to transform, but here she is insisting on doing it!"
Sol could only watch, sweatdropping. "You know...I think I liked the whiny Usagi better."
Usagi and Hokuro then said the words to transform.
"Moon Prism Power Make Up!"
"Earth Prism Power Make Up!"
Transformation Sequence: Usagi
Usagi was enveloped in a bright light. Her body shone with rainbow colors as she seemed to spin around. Then from her brooch, it shone pink, and pink ribbon shot out wrapping her upper torso and midsection and then became a white leotard with a red bow in the center and a blue collar with white stripes. Usagi crosses her arms and a pink ribbon wraps around her arms turning into a pair of long white gloves. The pink ribbon then wraps around Usagi's legs and turns into a pair of red thigh-high boots. Then a blue skirt appears around Usagi's waist with a red bow in the back. Then a small gem starts glowing in the middle of Usagi's forehead. A gold tiara with a red gem, a pair of dangling crescent moon earrings, and a red choker with a moon on it appear along with a pair of red circular accents in her hair buns. Usagi then strikes her signature pose.
Transformation Sequence: Hokuro
Hokuro was enveloped in a bright light. Her body shone in a green and blue color as she seemed to twirl around. Then from her brooch, it flashed green, and blue and green ribbons shot out, wrapping her upper torso and midsection, and became a white leotard with a light green bow in the center and a collar that was dark teal green with white stripes. Next, Hokuro raised her arms, and more green ribbons wrapped around them, turning into long white gloves. The green ribbon then wraps around Hokoru's legs and turns into a pair of dark teal green thigh-high boots. Then a dark teal green skirt appears around Hokuro's waist with a light green bow in the back. Then a tiny gem starts glowing in the middle of Hokuro's forehead, and a gold tiara with a dark green gem, a pair of dangling earth earrings, and a dark teal green choker with earth on it appear. Hokuro then strikes her signature pose as the earth appears behind her in the background.
"Come on Ami! Come on Lucille! Hurry up and transform already!" said Sailor Moon. "Standing around isn't gonna get you anywhere!"
Ami was hesitant, but then she nodded. "Alright then. Like they always say, "Nothing ventured, nothing gained," right?"
"Looks like we don't have a choice then," said Lucille. "Count me in too!"
"But wait a minute you two!" cried Luna. "This is too sudden!"
"Sun Prism Power Make Up!"
"Mercury Power Make Up!"
Transformation Sequence: Lucille
Lucille was enveloped in a bright light. Her body shone with orange and yellow colors as she spun around repeatedly. Then from her brooch, it flashed orange, and orange ribbons shot out, wrapping her upper torso and midsection and became a white leotard with an orange bow in the center and a collar that was yellow with white stripes. Next, Lucille crosses her arms over her chest, and more orange ribbons wrapped around them, turning into long white gloves. The orange ribbon then wraps around Lucille's legs and turns into a pair of yellow boots with laces on them. Then a yellow skirt appears around Lucille's waist with an orange bow in the back. Then a tiny gem starts glowing in the middle of Lucille's forehead, and a gold tiara with a topaz gem, a pair of dangling sun earrings, and an orange choker with a sun on it appear. Lucille then strikes her pose as the sun shines behind her in the background.
Transformation Sequence: Ami
The symbol on Ami's pen begins to glow in a bright shade of blue as she holds up her transformation pen. It begins to spin around as it shines and envelopes Ami in blue light. Then, she sweeps it over her head while a stream of blue water shoots out, wrapping her body and forming her leotard, boots, and gloves. A sparkling ripple expands over her body, creating a slight mist of water that forms the rest of her uniform the same as Sailor Moon's but the center bow, boots, and rims on the gloves are blue and bright blue. Finally, she turns around and then strikes her signature pose.
"Let's go girls!" said Sailor Earth as they charged to the shop. "We're busting right on through!"
"Hey! Wait for us!" called Flora as she, Luna, and Sol chased after them.
Sailor Earth summoned asteroid-like rocks. "Take this! Rocky Road Summon!" she yelled as she spun around a bit and sent the asteroids that pierced right through the door causing a large hole. The four heroes immediately ran into the hole disappearing into the darkness. The cat trio quickly chased after them in hot pursuit, but just then the hole disappeared and before they could stop themselves, they slammed right into the hard metal door and each other with a clang.
"Owww...." Flora whined in pain.
"Man... this isn't our day..." Luna groaned.
The cat trio straightened themselves up and then looked at the door with worry.
"Well, it looks like they're on their own this time," said Sol.
"Oh, I hope they'll be okay." said the bronze, the sound of concern in her voice.
"Let's wait and pray they defeat the enemy and make it out alive," said Luna.
Inside the clock store, Ramua was still collecting energy from all the victims who were affected by her clocks. Then suddenly the door burst open and then four shadows stood in front of her.
"Who's there?!" she demanded.
"I'm the Pretty Guardian who fights for love and justice! I'm Sailor Moon!"
"I am the Steadfast Guardian, protector of Earth's might! I'm Sailor Earth!"
"I'm the Radiant Guardian, born of the sun's light! I'm Sailor Sun!"
"And I'm Sailor Mercury!"
"And we're here to take you down!" the four of them shouted as they stood ready to fight.
"Well, well," said Ramua. "You four showed up pretty quick. Even quicker than I expected."
"What did you expect? There's no way we'd let anyone get away with wasting a girl's precious time!" said Sailor Earth. "I bet even a cuckoo in a cuckoo clock would be angry! In the name of nature and grace, I'll bring forth your demise!"
"And in the name of the moon, I'll punish you!" added Sailor Moon.
"Is that so?," smirked Ramua. "You four are fools to enter my domain, but now that you're here, this is where you'll die!"
With a wave of her hand, Rowen made the hands of the giant grandfather clock advance until they were both twelve. Then a strange portal opened where the pendulum chamber was. Ramua immediately jumped into the portal.
"Sailor Moon! Sailor Earth" she yelled. "Come and get me if you can!"
"Oh, we will!" said Sailor Moon. "You're not getting away!"
"Get back here you evil creep!" yelled Sailor Earth.
"Sailor Moon! Sailor Earth! Wait!" said Sailor Mercury. "We should think this through!"
"She's right! It could be a trap!" added Sailor Sun.
"We don't care! There's no time! Let's go!" said Sailor Moon and Earth as the guardian sisters ran straight into the portal.
Having no other option, Sailor Sun and Sailor Mercury followed close behind. The four then found themselves in a strange dimension of sorts where everything was distorted and strange clocks were floating around.
The cat trio sat in front of the clock store.
"Ugh, what are we going to do? We can't help them here!" Flora stressed.
"Don't worry, Flora. I'm sure they'll be alright." Sol tried to comfort her. "We've taught them well."
Luna only stared at the front, worried.
In the strange time dimension, Earth opened a clock door, and they entered another space.
"Darn it! Where could she have gone?!" growled Sailor Earth as she and Sailor Moon looked around trying to find Ramua.
"Calm down Sailor Earth," said Sailor Mercury. "That monster has probably set a trap here."
"Yeah. We should stay cautious of our surroundings," said Sailor Sun. "There's no telling what could happen here."
But neither Sailor Earth nor Moon weren't listening. They continued being impatient.
"Grrrr! This is so irritating!" Sailor Moon complained. Then she yelled out to the endless space. "Where are you hiding you coward!? What kind of loser monster hides like that?! Just come out already!"
Then they heard Ramua's voice that echoed throughout the area.
"I'm waiting just a little farther ahead," she said. "Come and get me, you two, if you dare!"
"Fine, then we will!" said Sailor Earth as she and her twin guardian stomped ahead kicked a door open, and walked inside another distorted room.
"Hang on a minute you two!" said Sailor Moon. "You both could be walking into trouble! That's what she wants"
"Sailor Sun is right," said Sailor Mercury. "If we keep running around blindly like this, we're just going to get lost in this place."
"We're not worried," said Sailor Moon. "Because we have you two with us."
"Yeah, but it would help if we even knew where we are and how to find that monster," said Sailor Sun.
"Don't worry," said Sailor Mercury. "Leave this to me."
She touched one of her earrings and then a transparent blue visor appeared over her eyes, she also pulled out her supercomputer and began to type on it.
"Wow. What is that?" asked Sailor Moon.
"It's a supercomputer," explained Sailor Mercury. "Luna gave it to me. I'm going to use it to pinpoint the monster's location."
"Oh...that's awesome," said Sailor Earth.
Then they all heard Ramua's voice again.
"What's the matter? Can't catch up to me?" she mocked.
"Oh! Be quiet! We're going to find you! Just wait!" Sailor Earth yelled back, shooting her arm into the air.
Then something odd started to happen to them.
"Huh?!" Both Mercury and Sun exclaimed.
"We'd already be there! If it weren't for your cheating!" Sailor Moon followed up, her voice growing squeakier.
They seemed to shrink? No, de-age was more like it. They grew smaller and smaller, their fukus staying the same size and beginning to slip off.
"They're getting younger!" Sailor Sun noted.
"Play fair!" the little sailors chorused.
Both Sun and Mercury grabbed one sister and brought them outside the room. Sailor Mercury let out a sigh of relief as the two grew taller and filled out their clothes again.
"Boy! That was scary!" Sailor Moon said, hugging herself.
"I'll say. You two would've returned to Miss Ikuko's womb any second later!" Sailor Sun said bluntly.
Both sisters gasped in horror.
"Or worse, maybe we wouldn't have existed at all!" Earth said.
"It appears that time is very erratic and unstable here." Sailor Mercury said, typing on her supercomputer. "It can speed up, slow down, and even go backward!"
"Wait, if we can get younger, then-" Earth started.
"You mean there are rooms where we could turn into little old ladies?!" Moon finished, catching Sun and Mercury off guard.
"We are the Shriveled Up Guardians!" they imagined Sailor Earth, Moon, and Sun as old ladies with canes.
"AH! We need to wrap this up quickly!" Sailor Earth exclaimed fearfully.
Outside of the dimension where the large grandfather clock was, Tuxedo Mask appeared and jumped into the room through the window landing on the floor. He walked toward the center of the room and looked around. There was no one to be seen.
"That's strange," he said to himself. "There's no one here."
Back inside the dimension, Sailor Mercury began typing away on her supercomputer trying her best to locate Ramua.
"Come on, what's taking so long?" Sailor Earth complained as she and Sailor Moon were trying their best to keep themselves calm.
"Give me one more second," reassured Sailor Mercury. Then with a ping on her computer, she had figured it out. "Just as I thought," she said.
"Did you figure it out?" asked Sailor Moon.
"There's a pattern to this labyrinth and I think I can figure it out," said Mercury.
"Do you know where she is?" asked Sailor Sun.
"According to my calculations, I'm seventy-eight percent sure that she's this way," said Sailor Mercury as she pointed to the direction ahead of them.
"Alright, let's go!" said Sailor Earth. "I'd say it's time we pay Ramua a beating!"
Then the four took off running in the direction that Ami pointed. Soon enough, they could see Ramua in sight carrying a spear in her hand. Ramua smirked when she saw them.
"Well done Sailor Moon and Sailor Earth," she said. "You've done well to make it this far. But now, it's over! You and your friends have reached the end!"
"You couldn't be any more wrong!" rebutted Sailor Moon. "You're the one who's reached the end!"
"Yeah!" added Sailor Earth. "And we'll make sure to punish you!"
They ran forward but quickly fell to their knees.
"Can't...move!" Sailor Earth said, trying to rise but to no avail.
"What's happening to us?" Sailor Moon said, trying to do the same.
Ramua laughed, prompting Sailor Sun to ask, "What did you do to them, you monster?!"
"The effects are finally beginning to show. By now, you two, my clock has drained away all of your energy!" Ramua responded.
Both sisters paled.
"Their energy?" Sailor Mercury asked.
"That's right!" said Sailor Sun. "Sailor Moon and Earth were both under the influence of that clock spell of hers, so it makes sense that it was still draining their energy!"
"Take this!" yelled Ramua as she swung her spear before anyone else could react.
A small thin cut appeared on both Sailor Moon and Earth's cheek dripping with blood.
"Ow!" yelped Sailor Earth in pain
"That hurt!" Sailor Moon wailed.
"Sailor Moon! Sailor Earth!" yelled Sailor Mercury worried for them.
"How dare you do that to them!" yelled Sailor Sun. "You'll pay for that!"
"Stay out of this!" snarled Ramua.
She then unleashed a blast of energy at Sailor Sun and Sailor Mercury. The two felt their bodies stiffen and they were unable to move.
"How's that?" snickered Ramua. "I've stopped time entirely for you two and now you two get to watch in silence as I make Sailor Moon and Sailor Earth suffer!"
She then raised her spear and rapidly stabbed it right at Sailor Moon and Sailor Earth. The two-twin Sailor Guardians both ducked and moved dodging every blow, but at this rate, they wouldn't be able to last much longer.
"No...!" grunted Sailor Sun, as she and Mercury struggled to move even for an inch.
Outside of the dimension, Tuxedo Mask sensed something. Something evil was afoot, and he knew where it was coming from. With one fling of his arm, he threw his signature rose and pierced the face of the clock with it, making it crack and crumble.
Ramua raised her spear and prepared to finish the job, but then she stopped. A large white orb, which was the energy she stole, came out from her body, leaking energy. The energy went immediately to Sailor Moon and Earth, and they felt her strength returning.
"Hey, my energy's coming back!" said Sailor Earth.
"Me too!" added Sailor Moon.
"No! The energy is escaping!" she cried as she tried to contain it, but to no avail.
Sailor Sun and Sailor Mercury then found the stiffness from their body disappearing.
"We can move again!" said Sailor Mercury.
"Quick! Sailor Meycury" yelled Sailor Sun. "Use your Bubble Spray to give us cover!"
Sailor Mercury nodded and created a teal ball of energy. "Bubble Spray!" She yelled as she unleashed a blast of bubbles creating a mist that spread throughout the area.
Ramua tried to see where the four heroes were, but the mist was too thick.
"Damn it?! Where are you?!" she hissed.
"Are you two alright!" asked Sailor Mercury as she and Sun came up to the Guardian sisters.
"We're okay." said Sailor Moon. "Thanks for the save."
"The monster's right there!" said Sailor Mercury pointing through the thick fog. "Finish it!"
Sailor Moon once more took off her tiara and turned it into a white disc, Sailor Earth summoned asteroid-like rocks, and Sailor Sun assembled a bunch of star shape ninja stars.
"Moon Tiara Action!"
"Rocky Road Summon!"
"Star Sharp Needles!"
The three attacks shot through the air the headed right for Ramua. They collided right into Ramua and she was instantly turned into dust.
Outside of the store, the cat trio, Luna Flora, and Sol were still waiting for their four guardians to return. Then the store faded away leaving nothing, but a vacant lot. standing in that lot were Usagi, Hokuro, Lucille, and Ami. The cat trio immediately rushed over to them feeling very relieved.
"They did it!" exclaimed Sol
"Hokuro! Usagi! Lucille! Ami! You're all alright!" Luna cried happily.
"I'm so happy you guys are okay!" added Flora.
A few moments later, the seven of them walked through town heading home.
"Whew. Well that was exhausting," said Usagi. "I think I had just about all the excitement I can take for one day."
"Yeah, having to rush for no reason at all for the whole day had made me feel so tired." said Hokuro.
"I'll agree to that," said Ami.
"Same here," added Lucille.
Just then, Naru came racing up to them.
"Usagi! Hokuro! Big new!" she cried. "The bakery is offering free cakes to whoever can eat them the fastest!"
"Free cakes!?" yelledHokuro.
"No way you're kidding!" Usagi exclaimed hers and her sisters' eyes sparkling with joy. "Then let's go then! I wanna get there quickly!"
"Wait, hang on, you two!" said Lucille. "Don't rush into things!"
Usagi, Hokuro, and Naru then raced off hoping to get to the bakery as quick as they can, but then Usagi tripped and feel to ground. Hokuro stopped to check on her sister.
"Usagi, are you okay!?" asked Hokuro, worriedly.
Usagi's upper lip trembled and then she burst into tears bawling her eyes out. "That hurt!"
Luna, Lucille, and Ami could only sigh and shake their heads, while Flora and Sol sweatdropped by this scenario.
"I tried to warn them," said Lucille.
"Just let them be, Lucille," said Luna. "They're gonna be like this for the rest of their life."
"They sure are," said Ami. "But at least they got one of their friends looking out for them."
Lucille could only smile along with them as Usagi continued to sob while Hokuro tried comforting her.
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