The Return Of An Old Lover (Pt. 1): Old Moon x Glam Luna (SAMS Oneshot)
~ Important Author's Note (Pls Read) ~
Ok so, I don't know how long this oneshot will be however I had to write something in celebration of Old Moon's return even if it's late. Basically from that you can probably take a guess that this oneshot is based on the video "The Original Moon's Return" from SAMS. However for a little bit more background this takes place after New Moon who is now Nexus left and teamed up with Dark Sun. This is where Old Moon was completed by Monty and Henry then brought back. It takes place after Sun lore dumped everything on Old Moon about what has happened in the past year he was dead. After that whole conversation Sun says something along the lines of "There's someone back at the house who's been really missing you. Your death hit her the most after me and she just lost her "New" lover to insanity and essentially villainy at this point". That's when Old Moon heads home to meet up with Luna who is in the master bedroom laying on her side still in tears after she just had a good cry about what happened. When she sees Moon again she leaps up and breaks down completely. So with that being said I hope you guys enjoy this oneshot ;3
~ Moon's POV ~
It's been, I don't know how long but it's felt like hours. Either way I was finally caught up to speed with what happened over the year I was dead.
I honestly didn't even understand half the stuff Sun just told me as I would space out here and there. However, I did get a decent amount of what Sun said and understand the basics of what happened.
All I know is that I now absolutely despise the other me that was suppose to be "better than me" but only turned out to be worse. I honestly wanted to kill him now with how he treated my family. The "new me" hurt my family mentally and internally far past repair.
The only thing I could hope for now is that I could at least try to right some of the wrongs my "new self" did and repair them. It was now my job to bring the family back together which I hope I'll be able to do.
Once Sun stopped talking to me he said one last thing.
Sun: "Now that I caught you up to speed with what happened during the year you were dead, there is one more thing that I think you should start with."
Moon: "What?"
Sun: "There's someone back at the house who's been really missing you. Your death hit her the hardest after me and she just lost her "new" lover to insanity and quite frankly, villainy at this point. I think that somebody needs you right now."
Moon: "Luna..."
Sun: "Mmhm. This entire arc has been just as hard on her as it has been on me."
Moon: "I can only imagine."
Sun: "Yeah, now let's get back to the house."
Moon: "Alright."
With that we leave the daycare and head to what was considered our home.
~ Glamrock Luna's POV ~
It's been a few days since I found out about New Moon doing what he did. In fact I had just come back yesterday from being with Ruin as a comfort considering he's all I had left as a lover at this point. It was honestly quite pathetic in my opinion.
Ever since I got back from being with Ruin I've just been laying in the master bedroom on my side with my back facing the bedroom's door. I have been crying on and off since I got home.
I was in all honesty really missing Moon and just wanted him back but I knew he was far gone at this point. He lost all morels and care so there was no getting him back anymore.
I had essentially broke up with him when I found out all he did. Which included almost killing Earth and Ruin if it weren't for Puppet stopping the blast of Starpower by taking its hit like a champ or a tank.
Finding all this out just hurt like hell. I felt sad, heartbroken, and honestly in all like I had my boyfriend suddenly ripped away from me once again like I did back in April 2023 when Old Moon died. I mean I guess I did.
What makes this even more sad is that New Moon told me on Old Moon's 1 year death anniversary and I quote "You won't lose me again Starlight. You Never will. I can promise you that." and other things like that. He stated this multiple times throughout that night to comfort me. Yet apparently those were all just lies. Because in the end... I did lose him again. Not to death but something far worse than death. Insanity.
Rethinking the time I had with New Moon and rehearing what he said as memories on the death anniversary of Old Moon only hurt me more. In fact what had me thinking I was done crying only made softly sob again as I tightened the grip of my hands on my own shoulders.
That's when the unexpected happens. I heard the voice of someone I never thought I would hear again.
Moon: "Starlight?"
~ Moon's POV ~
We were now at the house apparently Sun and the "new me" bought and have been living in for the past few months. Sun gave me a quick little tore around the place then we entered back through the front door.
Moon: "Huh, this is a really nice place you and the other me have. Or had since we have no idea where the other me went."
Sun: "Yeah. You paid for it."
Moon: "Heh, I guess even as a new me I still have expensive good taste"
Sun: "Yeah..."
Moon: "Now, where is she?"
Sun: "In the master bedroom. She's been crying in there since she came home yesterday after leaving for a week."
Moon: "Is she ok?"
Sun: "She's been through a lot like everyone else in the family."
Moon: "Right."
Sun: "I think you should go comfort her."
Moon: "Heh, like the time I did when she came to the daycare after the break up of her and Monty."
Sun: "Yeah. Now quit talking with me and go be with Luna." *gives him a little push*
Moon: "Geez, I haven't seen my brother for a year and he's already pushing me away to be with my girlfriend."
Sun: "Moon!" *gives him another only this time the slightest bit rougher so more of a shove than a push*
Moon: "Ok! Ok! I'll go."
Sun: "Thank you."
With that I just roll my eyes with a smile and head over to what Sun said was the master bedroom. I give a little bit of a knock on the door before barging in. However I don't get a response or a "come in" so I just let myself in.
I mean it was apparently my room too anyway so I guess I didn't really need to knock but I still just like being courteous to my partner's privacy. It's a trait I've always had.
Upon entering I see Luna laying on the bed on her side with her back facing the door. Immediately upon entering the room and seeing Luna, I could tell she was hurting. I even heard her soft weeping.
Moon: "Starlight?"
~ Glamrock Luna's POV ~
The voice I heard was none other than Moon himself. When I heard his voice my eyes grew wide only to realize I was probably hallucinating.
Glamrock Luna: "Great. Now I'm the one hallucinating."
Moon: "Hallucinating?"
Glamrock Luna: "You're not real."
Moon: "Not real?"
Glamrock Luna: "A figure of my imagination coming to haunt me."
Moon: "What?"
Glamrock Luna: "Please just go away. Leave me alone. I don't want to deal with you."
Moon: "Starlight, I assure you I'm very much real. Not some hallucination manifested from your imagination here to haunt you."
Glamrock Luna: "No you're not! You're not here! You never were! Moon's gone! Both Moons are! You're dead! The other went insane! He is no where to found! I lost both of you! *hics* I know I did! Both of you were torn, ripped away from me!" *sobs*
Moon: "Starlight..."
Glamrock Luna: "Go away! You're just a hallucination! Stop tormenting me!"
~ Moon's POV ~
As soon as I heard her say that I just sigh then go up to her and lay on the bed next to her. I then wrapped my arms around her midsection from behind while I placed my face plate against the top of her head.
Moon: "I'm very much real Luna. Not some hallucination or figure of your imagination sweet Starlight."
~ Glamrock Luna's POV ~
When I felt the weight of another something lay beside me along with the long skinny arms get wrapped around my midsection revealing to have the blue fade my eyes widened and filled with tears to the brim.
Glamrock Luna: "Moon?"
Moon: "In the flesh Starlight."
Glamrock Luna: "H-How?"
Moon: "What do you mean by how?"
Glamrock Luna: "You went insane. Almost killed Earth. Now you're gone. You disappeared after Puppet left you in space. So how... how are you here?! How are you back?!"
Moon: "I'm not him Starlight."
Glamrock Luna: "What?"
~ Moon's POV ~
As soon as she said that I just give a sigh and explain to her what happened.
Moon: "Long story short. The other me is still gone, missing, no where to be found, whatever. I am a back up of the old version of Moon. A chip that was stored in the "New Moon's" head after I originally died. Monty somehow got the chip or took it out and gave me an entirely new body. Even with a new body the memories I have are of me as the original Moon who shared the body with my original brother and separated from him. The original Moon you fell in love with and somehow got me to return the feelings for you. I remember nothing after April 15th 2023 or more specifically getting trapped in my own head and letting KC take the reins as a 2nd chance. This is why Sun gave me the run down of what happened in the past year up until now. Which if I'm not mistaken is June 20th 2024 if my calculations are correct. I don't know if they actually are though because I have a massive fucking migraine from all the information Sun just dumped on me all at once. I honestly just can't think and am still slowly processing it all."
As soon as I finished saying all of that Luna immediately flipped around quite spontaneously and out of nowhere. Which as a result made me let go of her just as suddenly. When I did that she tightly hugged me and sobbed even harder against my chest.
Luna was now for some reason crying way harder than she was prior to when I found her. In fact she had even started coughing a little from the amount she was crying.
Moon: "Woah! Ok, that's different. What the fuck did I say?"
I didn't get a response but I wasn't expecting one not with how she is right now. That's when I thought for a minute as to what caused this drastic increase of sobbing from her. That's when it clicked as to why she started crying harder than she originally was.
While I was telling her what happened and why I'm back, I brought up that I was the Old Moon without thinking. I'm her original lover she fell in love with after Monty. The one she watched and had physically die in her arms April 15th 2023.
When I realized that everything became clear as to why Luna reacted the way she did to what I said. She hasn't seen me as in this version of me in over year. So that when I just grew softer toned with her. I wrapped my arms around her placing one of my hands on the back of her head pressing her head closer to my chest and my lips against her head
Moon: "Shhh, hush now. It's ok Starlight. It's ok. I know you haven't seen me in so long so I understand how you're feeling. But I'm here now and won't leave you again. Plus on top of that I know you've been through a lot this past year with everyone else in the family. So please, you deserve to let it out. Don't hold back."
I just let her sob like she was which went on for about 30 minutes to an hour. However she does eventually start calming down a bit I could hear it.
Glamrock Luna: *says in a soft shaky voice* "I've missed you. I've so much."
Moon: "I know, I know."
Glamrock Luna: "The new you wasn't the same. He love me and I love him but he wasn't you. He never was you. He was different. So different."
Moon: "So I've heard."
Glamrock Luna: "He went insane Moon. More insane than you did with KillCode. Said such hurtful things to all of us. Tore apart the family. Almost killed Earth, said she was "collateral damage" and so much more."
Moon: "I know."
Glamrock Luna: "He lost all morals and stopped caring about everyone. All he wanted was to kill. He cared about no one but himself. I... I don't understand what happened to him. He use to be so sweet. Now he's... now he's just not. He became the villain."
Moon: "I know. Sun told me everything. I despise my old self for what he did. But before I do anything to him, I'm on a mission to take care of all of you first. Take care of my family. Hopefully I can restore what he destroyed and tore apart."
Glamrock Luna: *sniffs* "Heh, that's the Moon I grew to love so much. The Moon who prioritized family over anything else. The Moon who would protect his family with his life... *tears up slightly and voice cracks a little* ...God I've missed you so much."
Moon: *pushes a part of her blue streak out of her face* "Well I'm once again here and don't plan on going anywhere any time soon. I can promise you that."
Glamrock Luna: "Good. Heh, the "father" to my "mother" when it comes to this family"
When she said that I just let her go and turn to my back.
Moon: "Ugh, I told you not to call me that in the past. I hate it so much"
That's when I just hear her chuckle then see her suddenly appear over me as she now had me in what was essentially a pin.
Glamrock Luna: "Oh, come on. You know I'm not wrong about that. I mean I've said it before, you're like the hard working dad that never gets a break while I'm the stay-at-home mom who's practically always around dealing with the "kids" when it comes to the celestial family."
Moon: "So? Just because I'm often seen as that doesn't mean I like to be called that."
Glamrock Luna: *scoffs* "I've missed you and your jerky sarcasm and snarky remarks so much, you sweet sarcastic yet also kinda adorable and very charming son of a bitch."
When she said that she couldn't help but kiss me of course I couldn't resist. I even gave a soft little moan before we pulled away.
Moon: "Oh shut up. I'm surprised you missed that about me."
Glamrock Luna: "I grew to love it for a reason Moony. It's one of the many things that makes up you as a person. So I've learned to love all your traits negative and positive even if it's honestly mostly negative."
Moon: "I'm not mostly negative."
Glamrock Luna: "Suuure Moon sure. Keep telling yourself that."
Moon: "Whaaat?"
Glamrock Luna: *softly laughs and shakes her head* "Nothing, I've just missed you a lot babe"
Moon: *gags* "Please don't. That still makes me feel gross."
Glamrock Luna: "Right, I forgot you don't like being called that. That words like that gross you out sometimes to the point of even making you nauseated because even if you aren't full Aroace you still have minor traits that can somewhat show that you slightly are."
Moon: "You know I'm not fully that though."
Glamrock Luna: "I know. That's why I said "you slightly are" because you are even if it's barely to not even there."
Moon: "Correct."
Glamrock Luna: "God, that's gonna take me some getting use to again."
Moon: "Why so?"
Glamrock Luna: "Because the "new" you wasn't even Aroace at all. He was an undecided sexuality. So because I had him for a year, he didn't mind me calling him "babe", "baby", or some other cutesy nicknames."
Moon: "Please for the love of god stop saying those."
Glamrock Luna: "Sorry. Again, I'll have to get use to not saying those words. Because I just got use to saying them in regards to what was the "new" you. So if they come out they come out. Just know if they do it's completely unintentional I promise you that."
Moon: *sighs* "Fair enough. I'm sorry for my current attitude. I shouldn't be like this."
Glamrock Luna: "It's fine Moon. But speaking of nicknames... are you still ok with me calling you "Moony" like I did just a bit ago?"
Moon: "I mean I didn't react negatively to it when you did. So that's the only nickname I'll ever let you call me. Just like when you called me that before my death."
Glamrock Luna: "Alright."
Moon: "Other than that, like what I said prior, I still apologize for my behavior. I again know I should be like that. You see, when I woke up today with the so called "second chance at life" I made a promise of trying to be better than I was before my death. So I'm essentially the original me but attempting at continuing to better myself like I was starting to do before dying if you understand what I'm trying to say"
Glamrock Luna: *chuckles* "Yeah, I do. And it's ok. We both have some learning to do it seems."
Moon: "Yeah..."
Glamrock Luna: "Heh."
Moon: "I'm actually trying to better myself mainly because I want to treat all of you better than I did prior. I also want my sister to have good first impressions of me."
Glamrock Luna: "Right. You never met Earth, that was KC who did not you.
Moon: "Exactly. KC was stuck in the drivers seat when she showed up."
Glamrock Luna: "Yeah. Which speaking of KC, if you're the old original Moon, or a back up that was embedded in the head, do you still like... have him? As in have a line of killcode not the actual character just a killing code."
Moon: "No, I don't think I do. When KillCode gained sentience and was taken out of my body I think the entire killcode was torn out of my code with him. I mean I died when it happened for a reason. My baseline of code was entirely ripped apart within seconds. If I still had a code for killing within me I wouldn't have died as far as I'm aware."
Glamrock Luna: "So you're actually just Moon now."
Moon: "As far as I'm aware. Yeah, an original Moon without a killcode. Or so I hope."
Glamrock Luna: "So you were finally successful at getting rid of it."
Moon: "From how it seems... yeah, I finally succeeded my goal of removing the killcode after failing countless times at it."
Glamrock Luna: "I knew you could do it eventually."
Moon: "Yeah, even if it costed my life."
Glamrock Luna: .......
Moon: "Sorry."
Glamrock Luna: "No, it's ok. I'm just happy you're back, alive, and well again..."
She then laid on top of me and wrapped her arms around my neck.
Glamrock Luna: " sweet original Moondrop."
When she said that I give a smile then wrap my arms around her waist.
Moon: "Yeah... your sweet original Moondrop."
Glamrock Luna: "Or... I guess as well as you can be with a migraine."
Moon: "I'll be fine. It will probably be gone tomorrow so I'll just have to suffer with it tonight."
Glamrock Luna: "Man, I wish I could do something to help get rid of it. To bad pain killers don't work on non-biomechanical animatronics."
Moon: "Yeah. I can deal with it though."
Glamrock Luna: "You sure? I could try to find some other way to get rid of it."
Moon: "Luna, I'm fine, really. In fact, I still find it so touchingly sweet that even after a year of not having me around you still worry so much about me and just want to take care of me like I wasn't even gone."
Glamrock Luna: "Of course. What do expect from me as someone who loves you romantically and always will."
Moon: "Heh, it's like nothing changed in the year I was gone when it comes to you."
Glamrock Luna: "Thats how I feel about you."
Moon: "Shut up."
Glamrock Luna: "Are you going anywhere anytime soon? Like as in, leaving the house or something for a little?"
Moon: "That's a change in topic."
Glamrock Luna: "Sorry. I'm just enjoying talk to you I guess. I mean I haven't heard you as in you you not "new moon" in a year. Of course I want to keep the conversation going."
Moon: "Fair enough."
Glamrock Luna: ....
Moon: "But to answer your question. No, I'm not planning on going anywhere or leaving the house anytime soon. I'm meeting Earth tomorrow as she was apparently busy doing something today so Sun and I kinda just left and came home. Why ask?"
Glamrock Luna: "I don't know... I just... kind of want you to stay with me like this for tonight."
Moon: "Well then I will."
Glamrock Luna: "Ok. Could we like... maybe watch something together."
Moon: "Sure. Anything you want Starlight."
Glamrock Luna: *scoffs* "That's the thing, I don't know what to watch. You choose."
Moon: "Hm... Monty, Puppet and Foxy told me that I have a year's worth of anime to watch. So maybe we could start to binging that?"
Glamrock Luna: "I mean, I don't like anime and never have but... sure. I'll watch anything you want because in all honesty I just want to spend time with you."
Moon: "I... aw."
Glamrock Luna: "I mean what do you expect, I just got you back after a year of not having you. Then on top of that all that's happened with the family and the "new you" he kinda just stopped hanging out with me the past few months. So I'm honestly kind of attention starved by you. I hope that doesn't sound selfish."
Moon: "No, not at all. I understand. In fact I couldn't agree more. I haven't seen you in a year either way."
Glamrock Luna: "So binge watching anime?"
Moon: "Yeah. Unless You Want To Do Something Else~"
Glamrock Luna: *smirks* "I Do Still Have My Magic So If You Actually Want To... We Could~"
Moon: "Wait... actually? You'd actually be ok with doing that immediately after I just came back?"
Glamrock Luna: "Mmhm~"
Moon: "Actually?"
Glamrock Luna: "When Have I Ever Said No To Doing That Moony~"
Moon: *smirks* "Fair Enough~"
Glamrock Luna: "However... it's still up to you. You are the one who just came back from being dead for a year. You are the one still processing all that's happened in the year you were gone. You are the one not feeling the best because of having a headache. So already doing that~ with me is completely up to you at this point in time."
Moon: "I was honestly just kidding."
Glamrock Luna: "So you do or don't want to? If you do I could easily turn you fully biomechanical right now and we could have some fun. I mean it has been a year."
Moon: "Maybe later. I just don't think now is the best time at all. I mean you just got me back."
Glamrock Luna: "Exactly. Which is why I'm leaving this decision entirely up to you."
Moon: "Honestly, we'll see how I'm feeling in a little while. For now I don't think it's the best idea."
Glamrock Luna: "So that's a no then."
Moon: "For time being, yes. It's a no on doing that. I'm not at all in the right mood. My head is pounding and I'm still processing everything that happened in the year I was gone."
Glamrock Luna: "Fair."
Moon: "However, I will say, you do look absolutely stunning and I do crave to see and feel your bare body against mine after so long away from you but I know it's not a good time. Yet even if it's a no right now, there's no saying if my mind will change later on tonight."
Glamrock Luna: "So it's not a complete no but also not a complete yes."
Moon: "Correct."
Glamrock Luna: "Fair enough."
Moon: "Yeah. Yet in the meantime like we were originally talking about, let's watch some anime then see how I'm feeling later on."
Glamrock Luna: "Alright."
With that she gets off me, hands me the tv remote and lays next to me resting her head on my shoulder and a hand on my chest. So I decided to just put my arm around her. However before I could turn anything on she continues to speak.
Glamrock Luna: "Before we watch anything, you were informed by Sun that this was your bedroom just as much as it is mine right?"
Moon: "I mean... yeah. Though even before he told me I kinda took a guess that this was my bedroom as well when he said you were on the bed."
Glamrock Luna: "Oh?"
Moon: "Yeah. We shared my bedroom for months no a year in the past when we still lived at the Pizzaplex Starlight. I didn't think dating a new version of me would change anything about that and it didn't."
Glamrock Luna: "Fair point."
Moon: "However, I will say, staying in this house, this bedroom, and honestly just in general this bed alone will get some getting use on my part. Because when I died we were still living in the Pizzaplex."
Glamrock Luna: "Yeah, sorry about that."
Moon: "No, I'm actually perfectly ok with it. It was honestly about time we moved out. I mean we were quite literally the last animatronics to be living in the Pizzaplex. So as much as I despise my "new self" for all he's done to you and my family recently, it was a good move on his part to finally move you, Sun, and myself out of the Daycare and get you three a proper forever home outside of work. Nonetheless a fancy very nice private beach island house."
Glamrock Luna: "Yeah. I guess it was."
Moon: "Now, before we settle in... you should go clean yourself up."
Glamrock Luna: "W-What?"
Moon: "It's nothing bad in fact you look fine. Gorgeous as ever. I just don't like seeing your makeup run in thick black streaks down your cheeks. It hurts me to see that you were crying that much."
When I said that she places a hand on her cheek then takes it off now seeing that her running mascara and some of her glamrock makeup had come off with it.
Glamrock Luna: "O-Oh."
Moon: "Yeah..."
Glamrock Luna: "I'll be right back. I'll get you a damp washcloth too so you can remove what runny makeup I got on you too. God that's still just as embarrassing as ever."
Moon: "Heh, you're cute Starlight. Thank you."
Glamrock Luna: "Mmhm."
With that she gets up from the bed and enters the other door which led to the master bedroom then closed the door behind her.
End A/N:
And I'm ending this oneshot here. However I am planning on writing a part 2 so look out for that. In fact the part 2 is completed I just need to edit it and post it. Other than that I hope you guys enjoyed this oneshot it was approximately 4778 words in all by the end of it. So until next time...
"Stay Awesome, Stay Safe, Have A Great Day Wherever You May Be Amd Remember I Love You All And I Will See You Guys Escalater Peace Out My Pups" ;3
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