This Is Where We Separate.
"Not that many graves you said?"
Jace said, his sarcasm showing.
The grave yard had end up being giant, you couldn't even see the other end. The graves, uncountable and places all around, the letters of the owners barely showing and it was quite difficult to walk at the tall grass that was hiding either probably a snake or rocks to trip over.
"This is going to be a nightmare."
Clary groaned.
"Then let's get over with it."
Izzy said and started heading towards the graves and look at the names, soon joined by the others.
After a while of searching and failings Simon spoke, "What if we separate? The process will be a lot quicker."
"Heck no! Have you never seen a scary movie?!" Jace argued in disbelief, "I had you for smarter!"
Simon just rolled his eyes and not commented further. "I think he is right." Izzy said, "We cant actually spend two whole days looking at graves, what if we don't found it by the end of those days? Then what?
We all know we don't have the kind of parents that will just let us stay again somewhere at the weekend. They are already suspicious." She added.
Everyone turned thoughtful, she had a point.
" Okey, but we will separate at the teams of two people. " Jace said.
" But someone is left out. "
Clary protested.
" It's Okey biscuit, after all, in my situation, I can not get harmed. "
Magnus said lightly.
"You sure?"
Jace asked with a soft frown.
"So sure that I bet you are not naturally blond." Magnus said with a smirk and playful raised eyebrows.
"Hey! I am naturally blond!"
Jace argued and everyone started walking separately while either giggling or chuckling.
"It's true!"
It's been hours and still, non of them have found anything. But this won't stop them for fulfilling the reason the come here for.
"Any news?"
Clary said, her phone on speaker.
Simon said with a sigh.
Izzy screamed.
"Is she Okey!?"
Clary asked, getting her phone closer to her face. Jace seemed to be as concerned as with one jump he was back beside his girlfriend.
"Oh, it's nothing she just ruined a pair of boots by stepping on some... What is that?" Simon said getting closer to izzy.
"Just a pair of boots!?"
Izzy and Magnus half yelled as they threw a disbelief glare at Simon.
"What the hell Simon?! Do you think they came out easy to get? How would you feel if someone destroyed one of your t-shirts?!" Jace yelled from the phone.
"I didn't know you had a thing for boots blonde." Magnus asked amused.
"Well, I do when we just bought them a day ago for the event. They are combat boots and are the easiest to train with, and so to run in case someone go after us.... But I was the one to pay for them Okey!?"
Jace said and received an eyeroll from both Magnus and Izzy.
"Please tell me you have something to wipe them with!" Izzy begged as she took a seat at a big rock.
"I think I have something,..."
Simon said as he started searching though his backpack. Soon, he gave out to her a big bottle of water and some tissues.
"Don't we need the water?"
Izzy asked.
"Not really, we have plenty at the van." Simon dismissed her with his hand as he started putting everything he had taken out back in his backpack. However, in doing so, he caught a glimpse of Magnus throwing him silent signals.
He frowned at his direction and Magnus started again doing the same thing, repeatedly.
Showing him, Simon , then making a movement of his hand, which was his four in the row finger going up and down along with his thumb. And lastly, pointing his mouth and then at Izzy.
Simon just stared at him dumbfounded. What on earth was he saying?
Magnus after some good minutes come to realize that Simon was not getting it, so he tried again.
Just by pointing at him and then at Izzy. But that made him more confused apparently.
He then, already kinda irritated, pointing at his mouth that he closed and open as a way to explain the word speak.
"I thought you couldn't eat....? How can you be hungry...?" Simon asked out loud. Making Izzy turned at him with a deep frown, "What?"
Simon glanced at Magnus who made the shape X with his hands while moving his head from the left to the right hysterically, "N-nothing..."
Simon blurred out and Izzy continued cleaning now her other boot.
'What are you saying!?'
Simon mouthed at Magnus who had made a vain on his forehead to pop.
'SPEAK . TO . HER!' Magnus mouthed back.
".....I think Magnus is hungry." Simon said, looking at Izzy.
Magnus groaned out loud as his face palmed himself. "You know what?!..." Magnus yelled, receiving concerned looks from both Izzy and Simon. "I will go that way, you two SPEAK." He made sure to look at Simon when he said the word speak.
Simon stayed dumbfounded, but realization soon hit him. "OH!"
Izzy, having already figured out what was going on couldn't stop the giggle from escaping. "You are so cute Simon."
Simon thought he broke his neck to how quickly he turned at her. "W-w-w-wha-t-t?!"
"Simon, it's not the first time I have complimented you." Izzy said with a small smile, she loved making Simon embarrassed with just a compliment.
"Ye-a b-but... I can't get used to them Okey?" Simon said as he played nervously with his fingers.
Damn... Izzy wanted to jump on him so much right now. But she shouldn't... Not now anyways.
She knew why Magnus had left.
She had said to him that she would make the first move the next week but now... More than three months have passed... Or three months exactly? She isn't sure.
So, he wanted to give them a chance of speaking to each other and finally to admit they like each other.... But... Right now... With all that was and is going on...Should she go straight up and ask Simon on a date. She really liked him sure, more than anyone before... But... She is also hiding things from him... He knows her family's situation but he doesn't know she is a shadow hunter... And he sure will freak out.
"Hey izzy.... Are you Okey?"
Simon asked, looking straight at her.
"Yes... Why?"
Izzy asked, she knew why but.... She didn't want to make herself look weak in front of him.
"There has been... Something odd about you lately." Simon said, now looking down.
Izzy frowned, why does he sound as if he is referring to something else?
"Yes.... But it can be just my imagination... Anyways... The drawing is still there? Does it mean something or is it just a big doodle?" Simon said, changing the topic.
What was that right now?
"Oh yea, I accidentally did it with a permanent market. It will go away in some weeks." Izzy said, putting her confusion aside and accepting the sudden shange of topic.
"It doesn't smell like it."
Simon rather mumbled.
"I didn't know permanent markets smells so long... I don't smell anything." Izzy said with a chuckle but fallen as she noticed how kind of serious Simon was. He may just look at the ground but... Why is this so odd?
"What about the one behind your neck?" Simon said, something was very odd in his voice. It wasn't the usual happy and dorky, more like sad and angry...
Izzy had it for so long, she had thought that she did it when she was drunk but apparently no. She had been hiding for that exact reason but she didn't really tried to I front of her friends. But, being asked now of all times about it... It's quite odd.
"Do you want to say something Simon?"
Simon and cleared his throat.
"You, Jace and Clary have been hiding things for me.... Why?" Simon said, looking at Izzy with a sad betrayed look which izzy couldn't understand why...
"What are you talking about? You had always been a part of the group Simon, we share and say everything to each other." Izzy said with a small frown. What was all that about?
Simon stayed dead quite for a while, something he is not known for.
"The question is if you are okey Simon." Izzy said, now getting a little angry at all this. Just, what was going on here!?
"W-what do you mean?"
Simon seemed to be taken aback and go back to his senses.
"Why all this questioning about the drawings Simon? Maybe you want to tell me something."Izzy said, crossing her arms.
"......I know what you are... "
Simon said, his tone a mixture of fear and anger.
"You know.... What... Do you know?"
How can Simon possibly know?
This make no sense...
"It is as Magnus said it. Shadow hunters have tattoos or as what they call them, runes, that get activated by a metalick stick, stele, they are the ones that suppose to kill demons and protect the downworld. But, they haven't done their job that good have they? "Simon said, anger showing more than fear, if there was any.
Izzy was dumbfounded, did he just.... He actually knows.... But, how!?
" And don't even try to deny it! How can it be that your drawings are the same as the immortality and speed rune!" Simon said and Izzy felt even more shocked. But soon was shaken off by her non-stop thoughts once she noticed Simon walking away mumbling.
"Okey! I am a shadow hunter... But I learned that yesterday! I didn't know how to talk it out to you guys!... It's just.... You said damn it! I am immortal! How can I say that when you guys will grow old and die!? I can't bare it just in the thought...."
Izzy said loudly. She didn't want Simon to leave, not him. Not right now that she needs him.
"I understand. "
Simon said softly and went closer to Izzy who said right afterwards "No you can't!".
Simon gently placed his hands on her cheeks and rubbed them, taking away the tears she had let down yet doesn't seem to have noticed.
It was the first time for him to see Izzy cry.
She is just so strong and independent with such a lovable yet dangerous character, it was truly out of ordinary to see her crying... Or so he would think because even since he started hanging out with her he just knew there was a soft side. He knew that izzy was even stronger than she seemed and he admired her for that. But he knew, deep down, Izzy was and is a person that also needs support. Just because she seemed fine all the time didn't mean she was not suffering.
Most would date her because of her beauty, even if it is one of a kind Simon saw so much more. She is so smart and intelligent. He didn't know what was most charming about her, her fearless spirit, her loyalty or her sharp mind. She was simply perfect for him. And that's why he fell for her.
But he knew, she would never date him. She was too perfect to be with someone so low. Thats why he didn't confess for years, he didn't want to destroy the relationship they had built so far. She would flirt with him some times and that would be more than enough to send him in heaven but, it was just her nice character... And now, she needs him, she needs to be comforted and he has made a goal of his to make her smile and laugh for the rest of her immortal life. "I understand because I am immortal too!"Simon said and Izzy's eyes widen.
"I have faced what you are facing from the right begging. I was terrified at first, because I really come to like you guys. I can't imagine my life without you either.... So, I know I am being selfish.... But... I am happy you are immortal... Because I will not be alone anymore. "Simon said and continued a lot more quicker.
" Sorry, I shouldnt have said that. But it's true. Izzy, for the moment I met you I have been wishing for something to happen and all of us to become immortal or the opposite. I know selfies! But I can't lie! Not to you! Because you are special... To me. So please when you find out what I am, know that I actually like you, a lot, I have feelings for you for the past years and haven't made a single step forward because of my situation... But now knowing what you are, I am almost one hundred present sure that you will take out a sword and kill me at the spot. Which I am Okey with as long as you let me do one thing first." Simon said and slowly leaning in.
Izzy was processing so much but once she saw Simon bend down closer and closer she decided a break would be great and placed her hands on his cheeks, pulling him closer in a quicker pace and smashing both their lips together.
"Simon, how terrible is your eyesight really?" Izzy breathed out as she continued to deepen the kiss.
"Wait... What?!...Izzy....wait.... For... A minute!" Simon was speaking between kissed that hungrily Izzy made on him.
"You aren't... Scared!?... I haven't even... Told you.... What I... Am..."
Simon said, still trying to speak and keep his balance.
"Simon, whatever you are, we have been friends for so long, you wouldn't harm me.... But that was not what I want.... For years now.... I want to be with you...." Izzy said, breaking the kiss but not separating from him.
"But.... How?"
Simon said, he just couldnt believe what he was hearing.
" are dorky, funny, smart, caring, nice, loyal, and a lot more than I can tell. So, why are you so shocked? Every girl should be all over you."
Izzy said with a giggle.
"wait....did...did we just confess to each other?" Simon Said in disbelief.
"Yea actually."
Izzy said with a glowing smile,her hand tangled with Simon's one.
"But Izzy... You are a shadow hunter and.... I... A vampire." Simon said and Izzy has to say, she was surprised.
"But, you walk at daytime...."
Izzy recalled her memory.
"True, because I am a day lighter, a vampire that can walk even under the sunlight." Simon explained.
"Then, I don't see a problem..."
Izzy said, wrapping her hands around Simon's waist.
"Wait-Izzy, you are a shadow hunter... I... Am a downworlder." Simon said, trying to move away but Izzy's hold was too strong .
Izzy said, not seeing whats the problem.
"Shadow hunters have killed many downworlders in the past...The same way too but my point is, there was a war Izzy." Simon said and made an attempt to escape but failed.
"But it was in the past, now it's now and future is the future. Simon, I didn't had you for such guy."
Izzy said with a deep frown.
"B-but.... You won't kill me? Oh no what if your brother kills me!? He had so many more runes so he must be a trained one too!" Simon said and gulped.
"Alec is a trained shadow hunter sure but he also will soon have a downworlder boyfriend." Izzy said, trying to calm down Simon.
"..... What?! Wow.... Who? Never mind, theres no way I could know-"
"Magnus Bane."
Izzy cut in.
"See? Whatever happened at the past has nothing to do with the today. Sooo, lets date." Izzy said and leaned for another kiss.
"Magnus!? But how?!"
Simon questioned shocked, he must have not even heard what izzy said a minute ago.
Izzy grabbed his cheeks and forced him to look at her in the eyes.
"Whatever you have thought about us being unable to date forget it! Please focus on what I will say Okey?" Izzy question and Simon nodded.
"I like you, incredibly a lot, you like me too, so... Let's be together."
"But... You are not disgusted that I drink blood to survive?" Simon asked with a soft look full of fear. This was definitely a dream.
"I mean... You are not disgusted by my cooking. Am I really the one to talk?"
Izzy said and giggled.
"But izzy, blood and awful food are two completely different things!"
Simon said, he just couldn't believe Izzy, the one he loved for so long, accepted him so easily.
"Simon Simon Simon,"
Izzy said with a sigh,
"You are making things too complicated when they are not."
"And that's why you should date me."
Simon said and turned to leave but Izzy still had a hold of him.
"No, that will only make me want to be with you more. Because I want to be the one to show you the situation with different eyes. I want to be the one that you can relay on and just... I want to be with you Simon so, why are you rejecting me?" Izzy sounded now hurt, making Simon to stay put and try to calm her down by telling her the truth." That shouldn't be like that. You are the one supposed to reject me! Like, look at you and then at me! I just can't understand how can you accept me when I am what I am."
"Simon, you are a wonderful person, I told you before. And about your vampire side... I am rather excited to learn more about it." Izzy said with a smirk as she played with his shirt.
"There are no buts. I love you with all and there is nothing that can change that. So, I am going to ask again for the last time. Do you, Simon Lewis, want to be my boyfriend?" Izzy asked and smiled when she saw the deep red blush that covered his face.
"I-I l-love you too Izzy..... I do want you to be my g-girlfriend." Simon said and then chuckled. "This is like a dream...."
"Hmm? Then let's test it."
Izzy said and once again made their lips met.
After the long hot kiss Simon said breathlessly, "What was that about Magnus and Alec?"
"Ohhh, let me start because it's quite long." Izzy said as she peck Simon cheek.
"Okey, but let's keep an eye to the graves too." Simon said with a smile, holding Izzy's hand made him feel just so comfortable and strong.
He still couldn't believe that they are. together
Magnus had been walking around and looking at the graves. Non was his.
What if his was not even here?
No no, he shouldnt think like that.
He had thought so many times what he would do when he would gain his body back but was always hesitant about it. He didn't want to give himself more hope that he already had. He didn't want to get crushed again.
He just hope that this time will be the last, that this time, he will be alive again.
He should change subject, he thought to himself feeling already down about all. His mind drifted then to Simon and Izzy, they better be together in a relationship when he goes back.
Although, what if Izzy thought it will be better to ask him out later?
After all, she did had went through a mess since yesterday.
Whatever is her choice he will not interfere more than he already had, it's not his relationship in the first place.
.... Thinking about relationships... The last time he saw Alec and talked to him was yesterday, he saw him today but from afar. He wonders how his angel is doing....It has been only one day and he already misses him.... Is that normal? He hadn't felt that with Camille so how should he know?!
He just wished Caterina was here to help him, Ragnor wouldn't be much of help as his suggestions will be poor and careless, Raphael wouldn't be much help either now that he thinks about it. He would probably say something like go for him and stop whining but that can't just happen... Not now at this state anyways.
Tesha from the other hand will be very kind but would not come to a final decision as she can't decide easily when it comes to love. Proof being her last relationship, if he remembers correctly, was two men.
He wonders if he stayed with them... But then again love is an uncertain thing.
He sigh, he really missed his friends.... He even missed Ragnor's and Raphael's complaining.... How low are you going to fall Magnus Bane? He asked himself.
The rustle that sounded from afar, close to the trees that surrounded the grave yard, made him flinch. What was that? He had been here for so long but it didn't seem for any living being to be here...
He walked slowly closer towards the beginning of the dark forest, where the sound came from, with narrowed eyes. For some reason... Even when no one can see him at the moment nor hurt him, he felt odd.
He stood there, a step back from entering the forest, the rustle had stopped for a while bad he just had an odd feeling... Like if someone was there...
"Oi! Magnus! Izzy and Simon found it! Where are you?!" Jace's voice was far but loud enough for him to hear. He looked back at the forest and just stared at it for some seconds before walking off.
"You dumb ass! He almost saw you!"
"So? Aren't we here to get him in the first place?"
"To be more exact, to send him back where he belongs."
"Well, duh. But-"
"We need first to understand their motivation..."
"Isn't it clear enough?"
"Yea, but let's just keep an eye on them... For now."
"So this is it?"
Magnus asked, he felt a feeling he hadn't felt in a long time. He felt... Happy. Well, actually, Alec was the one to bring that feeling to him first, then it was Izzy, Clary, Simon and Jace but still. He felt hope and actually at easy, like he breathed under the water that was slowly drowning him.
He stood there, in front of his grave.
The grass had faded and the hard dry dirt had surrounded the rocky sighn that had his name on it. It looked like the rest of the graves but for him it meant so much more. That was finally the fist step towards what he desperately wanted. It was one of the steps that had lasted and were separating him from what he wanted...
To be alive again.
To be able to feel the hot and cold breeze,
To be able to touch the surface of everything and everyone,
To be able to be seen and talk to everyone he chose.
To feel like a human being and not an isolated ghost.
To finally be real.
A cold breeze pashed and he could say just by the sound. He still couldn't believe he will soon be able to feel it too.
"Yep, now, let's start digging."
Jace said, being the first to dig his shovel in the hard ground.
Soon, followed by the rest.
Magnus had just been staring at the ground, it was a big moment for him and they could tell. That's why no one dared to speak. Because Magnus needed a moment to realize and take in what's going on.
And he was grateful for that...
"I think I hit something!"
Clary said with a big smile.
Izzy gasped and started digging more but carefully. Jace started pulling away the already pulled out soft dirt and Simon had kneeled down and was clearing the wooden casket from the fallen dirt.
Everyone went quiet.
Thats it.... After that there were only two more objects... And then Magnus would have his body back.
Izzy couldn't stop the smile forming but she was not the only one. Even Magnus had a smile on his face, but who could blame him?
"Quickly guys! Let's get it and then get the hell out of here." Jace said as he opened the casket.
".....There is nothing there.... "
Everyone felt their chest throb, how is that even possible!? It should have been there!
But the worst who had it was Magnus.
He froze as he felt every bit of everything inside him crush. Every bit of happiness or hope had way too quickly be gone.
"Magnus... I know you are in a state of break down... But, w-we will find a solution! We won't stop with the first problem we face." Izzy tried to comfort him but it was in vain. He was on his own world on his own.
He broke.
And when they thought things couldn't get worse...
" What are you brats doing here!? "
Everyone was dead quiet at the police station. They were scared, nervous, sad, all the bad emotions they could feel. But one thing they did was to stay close with each other. Support each other silently.
They all were counting down the minutes that pashed until the storm would come. That was what scared them the most...
Their parents' reaction to all this. They couldn't say the truth simply because they wouldn't believe them. And they didn't want to either, because they wouldn't allow them to continue, and that was not happening.
Even in that situation they weren't mad at Magnus, in opposite, they were sad about him.
"Magnus, don't look at us with such guilt. It is not your fault." Izzy said softly from the waiting area.
Magnus didn't speak. He was terribly sad, not only because there was no body but because of him his friends got in serious trouble.
"Magnus, even if you had said to not continue anymore we wouldn't listen. We consider you as a friend and friends are worth the sacrifice."
Jace said with a soft smile on his lips.
Magnus couldn't just accept all that.
"No buts! I know that my mom will scold and punish me. But how far can she go?" Clary said, trying to find the bright side.
"I don't know about your mom but I totally know about my mom. She will surely forbid me from being friends with you." Simon said sadly, Izzy's heart hurt seeing him like this. So she took his hands on hers and said, "Even if she do that... We still have school. So, no need to worry."
Simon just let out a weak smile, he wanted to believe her, desperately, but something in him said it won't happen.
"I am sorry... I shouldn't have-"
"What did we say a minute ago Magnus?! Even now, we will continue! And not even you can stop us."
Clary said and Magnus looked at Simon with soft eyes. He knew Simon was the most scared one of all.
"Damn, dad you gotta stop worrying so much." Simon teased, making Magnus chuckle weakly.
"They are here."
One police officer said as he opened the doors.
All four teens tighten their grip with each other, they will face the consequences together.
It was as if time stopped as they heard several footsteps, they could feel their hearts beat fast and cold sweat forming on their body. They were terrified.
"I am sorry."
Magnus whispered as he walked over to a corner, they all wanted to protest but they couldn't as the seen of their mad parents made them froze.
Magnus watched as Simon's mother walked over to him with such angry look, he wanted right there to throw her out of the room and hug the poor boy but he couldn't... Because he had not his body. The only thing he could do was effect the ones that had joined the "game", which was the four young adults.
Simon's mom started screaming at him and Magnus did the only thing he could do to make it just a little better.
He blocked her sound to Simon, in other words, Simon couldn't hear her.
Simon glanced at Magnus as he must has got already the idea of what he did and silently thanked him.
However when the yelling did stop, Simon nodded at Magnus, saying to threw down his magic. Magnus did as Simon wished...
"-I just can't believe you.... I told you I didn't like those guys and you did whatever the hell you wanted.... Leading to digging a fucking grave!"
Simon opened his mouth to say something but his mother wouldn't let it happen. "And don't you dare deny it!
You know something... Thats it..... From now on.... You are going to be homeschooled."
Simon mouth fall to the ground,
"Mom! No! Just listen to me!"
"You are not allowed to go out of my house either!" His mom yelled back at him.
"I am not a dog to force me lock myself!" Simon yelled back but ended with a gasp of pain on his right cheek. His mother had slapped him.
Magnus literally started storming towards the mother but Simon whisper mad whim stop dead in his tracks, "No, stay there. It's Okey...."
"Let's go to the car."
His mom said, not even bothering with what her son said.
Magnus watched as Simon left the room but his eyes soon turned at the sound of another slap.
Jace had gotten slapped by Clary's mother.
Clary cried out.
"This bastard ruined my little girl!"
The mother yelled and was about to slap him again but Jace stopped her,
"She is not a little girl! Stop traiting her like one!"
"Don't touch me!"
Joslin yelled and slapped Jace with her other hand.
It had two police officers to separate them and take Jace to a different room.
When Jace was out of the picture Joslin glared at her daughter.
"What's wrong with you?!"
"There is nothing wrong with her!"
Izzy yelled, a police officer stopping her from going towards her friend. Maryse had still to arrive so a police officer was keeping her company, the one that stopped her from going to Clary.
"Shut up you slut!"
The mother yelled and grabbed Clary by the hair, at that point Clary was screaming to let go as she was dragged out of the room slowly and painfully.
"You are a police officer are you not!? Do something!" Izzy yelled and tried to go to Clary but couldn't.
Magnus was now all ready to go after the mother but someone else had the chance. "I know what happened is questioning and unbelievable. But that is no way to trait your daughter. So, I will suggest you act like a human being and not a bitch with angry issues... Before I bring you on court."
It was his Alexander!
He sigh in relief once Joslin finally let go. However, she did grabbed Clary by her hand and pulled her out of the police station, her yelling still echoing through the hallways until she stepped out of the exit.
Magnus looked at Izzy with sadness, it was her turn and he couldn't do anything.
"Alec? Are you alone?"
Izzy said, her voice almost trembling.
Alec looked at the fllor as he moved at the left. From behind him come to the seen Maryse, she didn't yell nor said anything. She didn't need to... After all, her face showed it all.
It was so much worse...
After all she and her mother did just yesterday, forgiving each other and finally act like a true mother with her daughter, it was on waist.
"Mom.... Won't you yell at me?"
Izzy asked, taking a step closer.
".... Is there a point to?"
Maryse said, her voice cold making Izzy tear up.
Not when they had been doing so well! Not when they finally got along!
"From now on, you will be going to another school and will be living with me. So... Say goodbye to Alec and let's go to the car." Maryse said and left, not even taking the time to hear a respond.
Silence.... She hated it so much.
She couldn't look at her brother.... She just couldn't see the disappointment on his face too.... That would break her.
" Izzy look at me..."
Alec said and slowly Izzy did as she was told.
"What happened?"
Alec asked, his tone calm but held seriousness. It was clear, her brother was not happy about all that.
Izzy however didn't want to say, she couldn't. Because even if he does know Magnus he would come to hate him if he found out he was the reason of their trouble.
".... Fine...."
Alec said with a sigh.
"Goodbye Izabelle."
Was all he said before leaving the room, not even bothered to spare a last glance at his sister.
Izzy fell silent, she just stared at where Alec last stood with sad eyes.
"........ Magnus, let's go."
Magnus just nodded and started following her. He really hated himself right now...
He messed up four lifes... Four lifes he cared about.... He is a terrible person.
"Stop..... I know what you are thinking.... Things will turn to be good soon.... I promise." Izzy said, her voice low but steady.
Magnus shaked his head,
"You are really strong Izabelle.... Strong and the best friend I could ever get.... Thank you." Magnus's voice was low and deep, clearly serious about the situation.
Izzy just smiled weakly at him,
"As long as I still have you, then I am more than happy....."
"I am going to change that.... I will make things go back to where they used to be, I promise you Izabelle."
Magnus said, his eyes locked with hers.
She let out a stronger smile and continued walking, "I believe you."
It's been a week already an everyday seems to be worse than the other one.
Clary had been home schooling and if it wasn't for her drawning then she would have completely lost it. Every day she would wake up, study, eat, draw, sleep and all over again. She didn't talk with her mother, she refused to.
Simon was no different, he would wake up, study, read some comics, look at his ceiling and speak only with his sister who had still yet to understand why he did what he did.
Izzy was living with her mother and was not allowed to go anywhere else except from her new school and her new home. She apologized to Maryse, several times, but she plainly stared at her before giving her the silent treatment. Izzy tried to just talk to her but nothing, it hurt deeply because just yesterday they were hugging and talking like best friends. Max doesn't understand what's going on and Maryse had made it clear to him to not get involved, so he didn't. But he kept talking to Izzy when he wasn't studing etc. At least, she had Magnus. He will always comfort her and talk to her which she was more than thankful for. At night though, Magnus would leave and see the others. Izzy will always feel bad about her friends but the most that got it worse was Jace.
No one came to take him out. Once his grandma learned what he did she just refused him as her grandson. Jace must had broke as she was the only family he had left.... They weren't close but it was his only alive family member. Magnus had asked her to start leave from the evenings to go and spend more time with Jace which she agreed on. Magnus would also say messages from one another to the other, like, he was the one to say the news about Simon and Izzy getting together to Clary and Jace. Along with other things he also was very supportive for then. He tried to make them stop the research and everything but they had made it clear that soon, they will start again.
Magnus, as mentioned before, can't use a great amount of power on other people, having already used it on the guy at the information store or whatever it was called made him loose quite the energy. That's why he didn't simply erase the memory of the parents and make everything alright.
Because he couldn't.... He just used the left magic on the police guards, the least he could do was to make Jace's stay just a little bit better by making the people there show more hospitality to the young adult.
He just hopes he gets his strength just a little higher so to take the poor boy out of that place.
The metallic heavy bars made a loud sound as they opened to reveal a blond mascular teenager sitting on the bed.
"You are free, someone came to take you out." The officer said with a smile.
Jace had to say, before Magnus made that spell on the stuff he was mostly ignored and glared at, a trash of society they would call him. But, now with the spell,... Its kinda odd to see all the people that used to glare at him now smiling warmly at him and even offer him traits. But he didn't complain.
Jace asked with a deep frown, getting up too. He had already an idea of who could it be but.... Was that even possible?
Magnus couldn't have gained enough energy in just a week.... Right?
But, how can he possibly know? It's not like he knows how this work.
Finally stepping out of the grey cold room had been stuck for over a week he felt free again, yet, he didn't know how to meet the others. Magnus had told him their situation and it didn't seem easy to do anything really.
He took his stuff that was given back to him and was informed that the person was waiting for him outside at a black old car. He frown at that, Magnus wouldnt exaggerate... Right?
But then again... It's Magnus Bane he is talking about.
He walked out of the police station and soon enough spotted the car. It wasn't that hard as it was the only car there, apart from some police cars.
He walked over, he couldn't see who it was as the windows where too dark for someone to see. The door opened on its one which made him a little hesitant, what if it's not Magnus?
"Will you just stand there or come in?" A grumpy voice said. Yep, definitely not Magnus.
Jace started considering if he should make a ran for it or not but then the voice spoke again. "Come in with your own will or be teleported straight to my house."
"..... Who are you?"
Jace was confused and worried at that point. The man he had yet to see had come to take him somewhere, he also said something about portals so it really made him think if the man was a wizard or a worlock as Magnus would correct him all the time.
" What do you want?!"
He asked right afterwards, aware that the man's intentions were not clear.
The man sigh, "Calm down,...young people... Always freaking out for the smallest things."
"Well, you do realize you are asking me to come with you when I don't even know you.... And how did you get me out in the first place?!"
ace said, moving some steps backwards.
The man let out another sigh as he clapped once his hands. Jace was now in a blink of an eye beside the man at a moving and locked car. " One word.... Magic.... That idiot Magnus should have showed you right? "
"You know Magnus?"
Jace asked lost, what the hell just happened!?
Tha man responded but Jace could tell the man was talking with sarcasm.
"Where are you taking me? Just, who are you!?" Jace said, having enough of all this mystery game.
"I am taking you at a house Jace, in that house there are some more people that will help you and your friend group's goal." The man explained now a lot more normal....? He didn't use his so far only sarcastic and obvious annoying tone. So, that was a start.
"How can you possibly know what me and my friends are after?! And you didn't say your name..." Jace spoke with confidence but faded once he received a glare, the man sure didn't like loud noises.
"Been tracking the ones that summoned him before we could. He is our friend and we were suppose to be the ones to summon him but we couldn't, we didn't know how. When the news of how to do it had come to the spotlight for everyone to see, we will always be too late as we didn't know when or who or where he was summoned by. After some research we discovered that a bunch of kids were searching information about him and then we found you. "
The man explained.
" Wait... You Magnus's friend.... So.... I may actually know who you are. "
Jace said making for the first time the man beside him to frown." He talked about his friends with you? "
" Well, we kinda have become friends... "Jace said, now feeling more comfortable with all after been explained.
"Now thats something I want to hear. But before that, I want to hear your guess of who I may be." The man said with a small smirk on his face.
"You are..... Based on your grumpy and sarcastic character, Ragnor Fell."
Jace said totally sure of his response.
"Of course he could describe me like that..." The man said with another sigh as he also shaked his head.
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