The Man With The Cat Eyes
It's been three days in a row that this keeps happening. Go to school, attend some classes, skip the last three and escape from the back.
Everything has been going smoothly, teachers have not asked them about it nor warned them to not continue which was a relief, but this is probably due to the fact that they are teenagers that are at their last year. And everyone skips that year quit more often than the past ones.
About their progress though.... It is not as good as they wished.
They will have to start take information to home too.
But the question is, how?
The guy behind the desk may not see them but he will notice if books are missing. They don't want to have to face the police, because they know it will not end well for them.
Their relationship with Magnus has gotten better but there still the threatening side. Magnus though has been thinking about it more than the four teenagers, their just kids at school but then again he can not be more patient than he already is. But that doesn't mean that things between the crew is bad.
Today was another day as the others but with the difference that Magnus is not with them. The principal wanted all the students to go to a class that is built for that specific reason (student-teacher-principal meetings)
To discuss about their trip.
And Magnus was not in the mood to hear about a trip that he is not even going to.... Or will he?
At the moment he was laying on the grey comfortable couch in Alec's living room. His morning hasn't been so bad... Izzy had kept him company until she had left with Alec.
Magnus wouldn't have been that bored if it was wasn't for Alec's job.
When Alec left Izzy at school he didn't come back because he was on duty.
So Magnus was left alone.
Izzy wouldn't be back soon because much later, after the principal meeting she had to do a project with Clary at Clary's house. Magnus could have also gone, but as it was mentioned before he was not willing to wait.
He would rather be alone for some hours than be somewhere with people and still be bored.... Or so he thougt.
He had switched the TV on and had watched for almost an hour and had already get bored.
There was nothing there!
With a sigh he switched off the TV, disappointed that he took 17 minutes of his immortal life to actually find how you switch on and off a TV, and in the end just to snap his fingers to do so.
He had been so bored that he walked all over the house more than ten times, observing everything.
Now he could walk with closed eyes all over the house and not bump into nothing.
But in the end he ended up on the couch, sighing again loudly.
It must have been fifth hundred time he does until he heard the door unlock.
He literally jumped off the couch to see who it was. And in his good luck, there was standing no other than Alexander Lightwood with his security guard suit.
He watched as Alec tiredly threw his phone on the kitchen counter along with his keys and later when he walked up the stairs to change, propably Magnus wasn't sure.
Magnus wanted to ask him how was his day at work because he hasn't that many hours there, almost three hours and that is far less than the amount of time he usually works. So it was weard to see him so tired.... Maybe something else happened?
He was about to go up after five minutes to check if Alec was going to stay up or go down but as he approached the stairs he saw Alec walking down.
Alec was now wearing his gym/comfy clothes that were a back hoody with black work out pants. Magnus didn't miss that Alec's hair were slightly wet which meant he had just took a shower..... That quickly........ Which was surprising for Magnus, how can a person take just five minutes to shower?
Magnus would love to talk to Alec (again) but didn't... He couldn't.
And that was for the best because what would he say?
Hey I am Magnus and I have been hunting your little sister down the past days, you look extremely hot and gorgeous by the way.
That was not how Magnus talked but more like his friend Stephen would.... Stephen, a young vampire that would always be with Ragnor drinking....
Ragnor, Magnus's closest friend along with Caterina and Raphael.....
I wonder how have they been.... Are they even still alive?
As Magnus thought that he clenched his jaw, he can't think about that now....not with the situation he is currently in, later yes but not now.
Magnus looked at Alec, hoping he would distract him and well, wasn't really that hard after all.
It wasn't that Alec was doing anything special but his beauty was enough to take Magnus's breath away.
Alec had switched the TV on and had laid on the couch. The couch was pretty big but somehow Alec had manage to take all of it.
Alec had a blanket over him that covered him from the chest and down. He had took out his phone and was texting someone.
Magnus sat on the armchair opposite and just looked at Alec.... He knew it was kinda creepy but first, he didn't had anything else to do and second and most importantly.... How can you not stare at the seen?
He wanted to see to who was Alec texting, hopping it was not that Raj guy, but he had to respect the privacy of others........ Magnus got up to see who it was not even a minute later.
But the phone was faster because it started ringing making Magnus to stop dead in his tracks and just sit back down.
Alec rolled his eyes as he answered the phone.
"The button on left is a recorder Raphael. I can't literally hear you swearing in Spanish as you search the letter p... Which is under the 0, that is in the first line."
Alec said with a playful tone.
Magnus hadn't the time to think much about it because he heard one thing that made him go blank.
It can't be him.... There are over a million people with that name.
It can't be the Raphael he knows... Right?
Alec's laugh brought Magnus back, making push the thought aside for now.
"So... What did you call me about?"
Alec said with a small smile, it was clear to Magnus that this Raphael was nothing more than a friend.
You see, Magnus has lived for centuries and has kinda figured out the love thing.... The smile you give to the one you like as friend and the smile you gave to someone as a crush are completely different.
But because it is an emotion you can never be sure. Magnus though like to think he does so he shuts out everything else.
"What do you mean you saw him?"
Alec said his voice dropping and so his face.
Magnus frown conserned.
What did Raphael said that made Alexander to mood change?
"I-i thought he was in California..."
Alec said feeling he was getting colder.
"Well he is not."
Raphael said from the other line.
"Want me to sent a Pic?"
He then added.
Alec said monotonous.
He really wasn't happy with the news.
Not even a minute later his phone ping with the new information.
Alec looked at pictures and sure he knew.... His father had stopped by NY.
"That's just great."
Alec said, getting the phone on his ear again.
Magnus really wanted to know what's up but he just couldn't, which was by far more annoying than the monolog he had heard Lorenzo Rei say about his "unique" toilets.... Nevermind there is no worse than that.
Alec with a sigh said
"It's Okey Raphael, I will see what I am going to do..... Thank you."
After a paused Alec smiled just a little.
"Yea sure, let's meet later for tacos..... And no I am not letting you put more hot sauce than I want to..... I don't care if it was funny for you......"
Alec was smiling completely at that point.
"You know something I already know what I am going to buy you for Christmas........ It will be accompanied by nachos Okey?"
Alec laughed out loud, propably for something Raphael said.
Magnus was in complete shock and confusion when Alec turned his phone off. His face from laughing had now turned as before when he learned the bad news that Magnus still does not know about.
He watched as Alec drifted of to sleep, curled up to the blanket. Magnus looked at the phone.... Who was Raphael that Alec knew.... It couldn't be his Raphael now could it?
He went close to the phone and opened it with a snap of his fingers.
The background was Alec's sister, little brother that he still has not met yet and their beautiful mother which he still has not met yet.
But Alec was nowhere.... Well propably behind the camera but still.
Magnus shaked his head as he looked at Alec's contacts. There were not many, Magnus was shown right about his guess that Alec has a small group of friends but loyal which he didn't expect any less, it was hard nowadays to find true friends.
His contacts though were pretty simple, no nicknames nor emogis.
Mom's house
Max's school
Magbus sigh, he hadn't wrote any of the last names.... But there was a contact that was odd. It's just wrote.
Don't pick it up.
Who can that be?
Magnus didn't dare of course to press the call button and just closed the phone. It was not right to do more than needed.
He looked back at Alec who had now curled up into a ball. It was truly an adorable sight to witness, Magnus thought, not even realizing the small smile that had made its way.
However that smile soon disappeared when Alec started trembling.
He was having a nightmare again.
Magnus had noticed that Alec had quite often nightmares, how often exactly he did not know but they were not that little to be called normal.
Magnus has been curious for day one what could possibly scare Alec that much.... Probably witness the death of the ones he loves? That is the most used nightmare to have. But Magnus didn't think it was that...... And he had enough of guessing. So... He decided to do something crazy.
Magnus sat beside Alec and took a better look at Alec's face.
You could describe his expression with one word....
Magnus felt compassion for the young man. Whatever he was seeing it truly horrified him. Magnus was having doubts about his decision to do what he was planning on doing.... But then he saw a drop of tear.
He touched gently Alec's forhead and closed his eyes....mumbling words that no mundane can understand.
He kept talking until he felt was true that when you dream travel you tempature falls.
He didn't know what to expect....
But one thing was for sure, it would be horrible...
When his temperature become normal again and the voices were no longer a buzz, he opened his eyes.
Magnus gasped at the sight.
He felt his blood turning cold and the time to stop, making him see the seen with much more detail.
Magnus expected something like a nightmare..... Sometimes bad but not real, something sad but not real.....something opposite of this.
"Calm down Alec....
It's just a nightmare....
a bad memory..."
Alec's words that night were running all over Magnus's head. This was not nightmare.... It was a memory of the past..... A bad one.... A terrible one.
Right some feet in front of him, he was witnessing a crime. A kid around the age of 17 was there, at the floor curled up in a ball making him look even more younger and smaller, getting beaten up by an older man that Magnus had surely seen before.
And he could easily recall the man but all his focus was on the teenager that was on the floor...... Who was silently crying as he eccepted the beating.... Accepting his fate.
The teenager was sobbing silently and every time the man would hit him, either by kicking him hard or just throwing stuff on him, he would close his eyes even tighter.
It was like he was wishing for everything to stop or even worse....... to be taken away.... To be gone and end his suffering.... To be set free.
Magnus knew that feeling.
Magnus himself did not had any better childhood but that didn't meant he didn't felt for the boy, just because he had gotten it worse didn't mean they boy didn't hurt as much.
Pain is effecting every person differently, either physical or emotional.
When the young boy let out a hiss of pain Magnus had enough. Magnus knew the moment he laid eyes on the boy who he is.
It was Alec, years ago.
It wasn't that hard to tell, the blue hazel eyes were truly unique.... Especially Alec's.
So it really hurt more knowing that Alec was the young made his heart ache and feel things.
One of them being worry and anger..... But not the usual anger you ought to feel.... It was more protective which was making Magnus confused...
As he heard another hiss of pain, this time louder he snapped
his fingers.
Alec felt warm all of a sudden.
It was true that every time he closed his eyes to drift of to sleep he would always wake up with cold sweat covering his body and panic attacks.... All that because of a memory.... An experience he would rather not had live or just get over it.
It had been truly tiring by the time.
Being afraid of sleeping?
That's just so helpful to survive!
Alec really had considered going to a therapy or something but he would always in the end back out....
I mean how could he?
He found it extremely hard to open up for this metter to his sister, how would he talk about it with a complete stranger?!
Alec sigh, getting away from his thoughts and just enjoying the warmth...... An odd one as it had never happened before....
So Alec quickly sat up and looked around at his surroundings a little panicked.
The only thing he saw was a big empty scenery. Tall trees were all over the pace but pretty far from were he was, they were cycling him making him to not be able to see what is further. Then he noticed that there were no rocks, flowers or animals which was making the seen empty and a lot more queiter than it looked.
Lastly, the grass was very short like it had been cut making it a little pointy.
But the one thing that was able to take your attention and make you look at it was the sky. Full of clouds with different shape and length that were hiding the light of the sun but not his warmth.
He almost gasped when he felt two arms on his shoulder pulling him down.
"Shhhhh....It's okey.... He is gone."
Alec frown who is that?
He almost missed the warmth the man's hands were giving to his body.
Alec looked up and saw the most beautiful man he has ever seen.
He didn't see all of him but so far he was pure gorgeous.
He was speechless... But he had so many questions that could not be left without notice.
Magnus seems to have catch up and decided to say something.
"Tell me Alexander, do you want to talk about it?"
Alec paused for a moment before answering
"..... How.... How do you know my name?"
"I know a lot more than just your name Alexander."
Magnus said with a small smile which Alec couldnt really tell if it was bad or not....
"Like what?"
Alec said lowly.
The whole scenery was already making him calm, so having his head rest on the beautiful man's lap while having him raining his warm fingers through his black messy hair was driving him to sleep even on his sleep.... If that was even possible.
"Like, the man before is your father, isn't it?"
Magnus said finally having fulfilled the puzzle.
Alec flinched and Magnus already regretted his choice.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"There is nothing much to talk about."
Alec said, his voice calm but deep.
"Then why is this memory still
hunting you?"
Magnus said.
"How can you possibly know-"
"-I told you Alexander, I know a lot more than you think I do."
Magnus interrupted him.
"Just who are you?"
Alec asked.
"You can call me Magnus."
Magnus said with a wink.
He felt such relief and excitement to have finally interact with Alec, he really did not like the one sided thing.
"And what are you?"
Alec said frowning slightly.
"It's complicated."
Magnus replied with a small shrug, almost unnoticeable.
"Did my mind made you up....?"
Alec said more than asked, he didn't even wait for Magnus to respond and added "I am so pathetic."
It was low but Magnus heard it.
"You are not, Alexander do not ever say that." Magnus said as he stopped petting Alec.
Alec said getting up and sitting right in front of Magnus.
It was then when he saw them, those beautiful like cat eyes orbs, they were truly breathtaking, there was green emerald with bits of gold all over, almost hiding the green. They were so distractive that Alec couldnt even hear Magnus anymore.
"Alexander, how dare you call yourself pathetic!? I have seen how you are with Izzy and it was enough to show me what kind of person you are. I have to tell I have never seen such a good and lovable brother in all my years and they are pretty long.
You have been working many hours and not once complained about it and
you take care Izzy even when you have your own problems to work with. And yet.....Are you even listening to me?" Magnus asked as he noticed Alec, he was looking at him straight in the eyes but.... His mind was not there.
" They are beautiful... "
Alec mumbled so lowly that Magnus
almost didn't hear him.
Magnus opened his mouth to say something, he didn't know what exactly but he would say something, it always worked this way for Magnus.
When he doesn't know what to say he just opens his mouths and let it louse, most of the time everything would come out good but there are some moments that it did not work out as planned. But he trusted himself with Alec... The whole thing just gave him a safe vibe.
But he has to admit, he was really surprised and even shocked to hear Alec say that..... Someone to compliment him for his eyes.... His cat eyes.
Magnus has been hiding his Worlock mark for over a century now, bored and hurt to have been avoided, feared and even hunted due to those pairs of cat eyes.
Always being called bad names because of them... Like, the most used one, Demon or monster.
But there he was, sitting in front of a mundane and had been told right in his face that his eyes, his real eyes, are beautiful.
That made something in Magnus click.... Something to unlock in him.... And that was because of the young boy in front of him.
Alec however talked first "Wait! No I didn't! I - I I didn't meant, not that its.... I-"
"-Thank you Alexander, many people would disagree with you though."
Alec said and crossed his arms.
Magnus raised his eyebrows surprised by the sudden confidence Alec received and Chuckled softly. Magnus shook his head lightly and then said "Anyways, I just want to tell you that you are not pathetic..... Far from it. You are actually caring, loyal and smart."
"How can you tell?"
Alec asked with a frown.
"For the third time my dear Alexander. I know more than you think I do."
Magnus said and winked.
Alec frown in confusion making Magnus to hold an Aaawwww because Alec was being adorable right now.... Again.
"eh... Okey....."
Alec began, trying to come back from his thoughts.
"What are you doing here though?"
He then asked.
"I mean..... You know what I mean."
Magnus nodded.
"I just wanted to know what were all these nightmares about."
Alec let out a sigh
"I have so many questions...."
"They will be answered. Just be patient."
Magnus confirmed him.
"Will they? Or the next time I go to sleep you won't even be there."
Alec said and looked at Magnus.
His gaze intense, making Magnus's breath to stuck in the back of his throat. But Magnus would never let anyone that he liked to know the effects they had on him.
" I will be there...."
Magbus said with a promising tone.
To be honest Magnus didn't know if he will be able to go back to Alec's dream world because let's not forget that he may even be out with Izzy and the others at the time Alec will go to sleep. But he just had the feeling that he would make it... So he trusted his gut.
"I promise you Alexander to always come back and save you from those awful nightmares, but only if the next time I come you tell me about it."
Magnus said and got up, throwing a wink at Alec in the process.
"Wait... You are leaving?"
Alec asked, his disappointment could be seen from meters away.
"Ooh, Alexander.... Already can't be separated from me, hm?"
Magnus said, his tone playful.
Alec rolled his eyes in response.
"Fine... Then it's a promise."
He then added.
Magnus smiled satisfied
"Then see you later Alexander."
Magnus said snapping his fingers in the end, holding a warm smile in the process, and dissappearing.
Alec kept his look were Magnus last stranded.
What was that just right now?
Alec would have drowned in thoughts if it wasn't for the phone ringing and waking him up.
Alec lifted his head, all lazy and blinded like, and soon got up.
He walked and picked up the phone.
"Can you come to Clary's and pick me up?" Izzy said from the other line.
"Yea sure I will be there in five."
Alec said and finished the call, walking to his room to get properly dressed.
Magnus's eyes followed Alec until he was no longer in sight.
He sigh satisfied as he mumbled.
"Things are finally going as they were ought to."
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