Talk It Out
"Not now Magnus..."
Magnus blinked, did he hear correctly?
He stepped back, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly open, how is that even possible...?
Nevertheless, it seemed Alec's voice reached only his ears as the others seemed unfazed and kept on bickering about the whole or deal.
"A missing shadow hunter wont cause much damage, after all, your kind is like flies, annoying, useless and loud. Is it that hard to keep your nose out of my business? Oh, right. I forgot, you don't have a reason to serve, a shadow hunter is history but you are just a mundane pretending to be something special, something you clearly are not." Camille said with a sharp glare and a devious smirk. She was playing with fire and she couldn't be more pleased with how her words effected the woman in front of her, she could see, Izzy was stang by her harsh insult.
Izzy started, scared of what the situation might lead to, of what and how she is going to keep her patience. Izzy knew her brother was trained to be a worrior but... Taking down a vampire? She couldn't, taking some combat lessons does not make her automatically a full trained warrior. But if it came to it, Alec would be the one to fight...Though he was trained to fight demons... But did he really even came across one? She couldn't possibly know, its only been weeks since she was introduced to the shadow world, a world that Alec had approached much earlier.
"We will discuss it later."
Alec said firmly. Camille looked puzzled at first before giggling, "Is this a setup? You two clearly know eachother, is this a trap? Seriously, you people are so desperate!"
Alec frown before glancing at the two teenagers. In all means he did not seem to expect his sister and neither the nerd kid to be freely walking around the city so early in the morning.
Izzy stepped forward, "He doesnt know anything." Her voice was stern, demanding even, making the fire between the two powerful woman even bigger.
The glaring contest was making the atmosphere rather intense between them, both trying to be superior of the situation only to lead at an endless line with no turns to continue but only to be stuck at the same spot. This time however was different, they both wanted to protect something from the troublesome situation. Izzy wanting Alec to not get involved any further while for Camille, of course, to protect her pride, but also her position. If words reached the vampire council she most definitely will get into serious trouble.
Alec couldn't help himself and roll his eyes. Izzy once again refused his help knowing well enough the consequences of her actions. It frustrated him to why Izzy was not trusting him to help and instead lie to him.
Camille hummed, not believing the young nephiln. "The whole situation is not making any sense so... My necklace and the cup." She extended her hand but Alec didnt seem to catch on, making her inpatient. "It was fun trust me. Now give. Them. To me."
"No way in heaven and hell all together!"
Izzy glared, holding tightly Simon's hand. He seemed to have been terrified the entire time, nervous that everything was in vain. That even of how much time and effort they had put on everything will grumble to the floor once again. He didnt believe they were strong enough to get up a second failure.
Alec raised an eyebrow, "...necklace? Cup? What are you blabbering about?"
He immediately went to communicate with another fella through the walkie talkie, informing her about the items the crazy vampire lady was looking for.
Camille was now the one to be taken aback, her mask of superiority breaking, leaving a face that held wrath and the desire to kill."You must be kidding me!"
"My team did not took anything from the table as there wasnt..., nothing of value was left on your table...No wallets, coats." Alec seemed truly clueless as he reached another bodyguard that was just a little further and asked her to double check for any objects that seemed out of place on their table, Camille's table.
"Do you understand what you just did?!"
Camille yelled at Alec as he headed on their way, returning back at the three people who managed to cause him a headache in the minimum of thirty minutes.
"I did nothing more than capture a predator." Alec hissed at her in which she responded with a scream of frustration, clearly not taking well that the two precious items might be stolen.
"Is yelling and screaming your anger out the only method of communication you use?" Alec pointed out in irritation, quite eager even to finish up and move on with the night.
"You have no idea."
Magnus couldn't help his thoughts coming out of his mouth. Yes, he was confused. Alec could sense him, see him even... Probably. His mind slowly was taking in the possibilities however, with no answers to the questions that kept multiplying, it left him in a dark spot.
The confused man just went, tried to go, with the flow.
Izzy and Simon exchanged a look of worry and confusion before looking sadly at Magnus, they are back where they started, empty handed.
Magnus did not catch the words their eyes whispered. He probably hadn't realised how of a failure this mission ended up being.
Then, it snapped.
Alec most likely felt him like other times... That might be, the only explanation for that matter, is that Alec was very close the summoning took place. There is a high possibility he was in the house when they summoned him, but as he was not in the circle and just close by, it did not effect him to that extent.
... He needs a drink.
"Alex... I will remember that name."
Camille mumbled quietly.
Alec's eyes focused on Camille, ready for a surprise attack, however Camille did nothing short of.
Alec watched in horror as she reached for Izzy, pulling her by the arm and slamming her across the the building. His instincts screamed two different orders, go after the vampire and go after his sister. He froze for a moment, not knowing what is the best choice before coming to his senses and run to his sister. The throw was not strong enough, but not weak enough either, just perfect for a distraction.
Because Camille had already disappeared.
Alec searched Izzy with his his eyes for any wounds but only found scratches.
They were alone so Camille was not afraid to act but the question is, why did she not do anything worse because she could. But then it would end with her ashes and Alec's combat boots stepping upon them.
Simon had rushed to his girlfriend before Alec and had supported her up on her feet, he kept looking unsettled and irrational, giving out stress they did not need.
"I am fine." Izzy said making both men to calm down a bit.
Alec took a deep breath with his eyes closed. He opened them up and his features immediately became harder.
"You two are coming to my place and have a big chat about the trouble you keep putting yourselves into."
"We cant Alec, we need to find-"
"That is final!"
Alec spoke coldly, not letting this slide, not again.
However Izzy could not just leave.
"We. Are. NOT leaving. And that's final!"
The siblings stared at one another, Alec in anger and disbelief, she had gotten herself in that mess and still refused his help. Izzy pleaded him with her eyes but still kept her steady look, she is not backing out, making Alec let out another sigh, more of a groan of frustration.
"The cup of blood and the necklace with the red ruby or else heart made by ruby, given heart, call it whatever.... I have them." Alec said opening his jacket to reveal the two items.
"... I'm sorry?"
Simon seemed now puzzled, even going as far as cleaning his glasses and checking if what he saw is really there.
Izzy stared at Alec in shock, her lips parted yet remained speechless.
Even Magnus found himself dumbfounded... What is this?
"...I used that infuriating method that you so love and have displayed the past months... Lying." Alec just couldnt help himself but add a bit of his sarcasm he had being fighting for so long throughout the ridiculous conversations he had with Camille Belcourt. Also he still held a grudge to his sister for not learning her lesson.
Izzy looked at him in disbelief, "But you never lie..."
"... Seriously? Thats all you have to say?"
Alec seemed angry... Izzy took a deep breath but she was not the one to speak, she still needed time to process that Alec, knew the items, calling them by name, he probably knew more than they all together.
"Okay, lets all calm down..."
Simon said trying his best to be reasonable after his long state of panic.
Alec shaked his head as he moved to face elsewhere, he needed a small break from the whole encounter he just went through, from the stubbornness of his little sister who still refused him and her comrade who also does not seem to hear him.
"Alec, I know you are beyond mad at me... But this, all this is for a good reason. Please just trust me this once!"
Izzy pleaded but Alec kept staring where Magnus stood, his direction. "...Can you please turn to look at me?"
But he did not. It was as if he was ignoring her, probably was. Izzy took a deep breath before making her way infront of him, Simon following closely behind. "... Alec?"
Alec's eyes were wide, his lip trembled slightly and his eyes started to built up tears. For Alec, it was if time had stopped.
Izzy and Simon followed his gaze but remained confused.
"Alec are you... okay?"
Izzy and Simon frowned when they did not get a response. In front of Alec was Magnus but it was not like he could see him... Was something else in the shadows that they didnt notice?
Alec slowly, having his knees slightly bent ready to back away immediately If anything meant to happen. So hesitate and scared, as if he had found something so precious but so fragile it could fly away with a whisper. He reached his hand over to the illusion only to get threw it. "...Magnus?" His voice a whisper itself.
Magnus stood there he himself shocked of what was happening. He couldnt stop the feeling of sudden happiness that blew his heart but neither the scream that came from his brain, worried that Alec might hate him even more. They did not left things accordingly, leaving their last words harsh and painful. Yet he found himself in a state of disbelief himself. "... Alexander?"
Izzy and Simon seemed to caught on at this moment, their jaws dropped, how is this even possible?
Alec flinched once he heard his name, was he seriously that pathetic? He told Magnus to leave, he pushed the worlock away! Yet from that moment he couldnt help himself but to miss the unforgettable face and of course Magnus Bane as a person. A person that did not judge but made him comfortable enough to open up, to make his heart flatter with his flirty and cryptic words. To make the bonds between them strong through honesty and trust... For some reason those two ingredients came easy when dealing with the dazzling warlock.
Magnus was in no way possible prepared for this conversation. He dreamed of it, thought of it during the slow nights but never knew how Alec would react seeing him again. He thought at first anger but it did not really suit his shadow hunter...
Sad, disappointed even, yes, surprised and delighted, not so.
"Alec what can you see?"
Izzy and Simon had to make sure their suspicions were correct, if not they may cause even more confusion.
Alec made a step but stopped, instead he looked down at the floor with eyes closed and hands going through his hair. He took three deep breaths before looking back to Magnus with glassy eyes.
"So its true..."
"If... You are talking about... What you said that day... Me being Magnus Bane the high worlock of Brooklyn... At some point... Then yes Alexander it is true."
Magnus was not completely sure to what Alec was referring too. But that didnt stop him on moving closer, the need to stand close to him, to talk to him and see him was something he missed more than it should.
Alec sigh, now looking at his sibling and the nerd boyfriend."I believe I deserve an explanation."
Simon was ready to reply even finding the words he would use but Izzy stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder.
"I want an explanation too."
Alec frown, just when he was having a moment. "Of what?"
Magnus stared at the nephiln, his nephiln that he grew to... Could be love but it was also quite soon for such, nevertheless he did held strong emotions of liking for the man. He kept noticing certain details, ignoring what was happening because that was not his priority at the moment. Alec seemed slightly thinner, having skipped meals and eating lightly. He had dark bags under his eyes, not getting enough sleep, his hands had small cuts, scratches most could be from practicing with the bow.
He did not even notice when he leaned closer to Alec, close enough to touch hands... He did not dare to move any further...
He didn't need too.
Alec could not keep his focus on Izzy, too busy exchanging glances at Magnus' direction. Alec had to talk to Magnus about a lot of things, mostly, about them. For now, seeing Magnus so worried and hesitant, it made something in him stir, the urge to take that fear away.
He leaned in as well.
"How... How do you know about the cup and the necklace... Did you know we will be here?" Izzy had a stern look, she was happy to see her brother after so long but something did not add up. Right now Alec seed odd, like a more professional version of himself, not the big brother she has so used to.
Alec cleared his throat, grabbing from his pocket his steele and running it across a rune... But nothing seemed to change in their eyes. "The truth is, I used this rune... Of illusion." He started off and added "To change my looks under the mundane eye... I dont work here."
"That... explains nothing..."
Simon said, titling his head at the left.
"I did not finish."
The vampire gave an apologetic look upon the boiling glare before walking slightly backwards, seemingly as giving space but Alec knew better.
This guy definitely was hiding behind his girlfriend.
"I did so to get those items without being noticed... I might or may not have followed you through the shadows." Alec finished up making Izzy to frown and look at him in disbelief.
"How?" Was all she asked.
"Well, I used the speed rune an-"
"No. How could you do this?! You knew all along?" Izzy was almost in tears which made Alec confused and offended, he should be the one angry at her not the other way around.
"I found out about Magnus before you moved in with mom... Max showed me a picture of him and all soon after that made kind of sense..."
"...How exactly?"
Magnus finally spoke, to think he of all people had remained silent for so long.
Alec snapped his head to him, obviously not expecting for Magnus to speak. He immediately seemed softer, odd for both Izzy and Simon, and surprisingly delightful for the warlock. "Well, Jace did say about watching a horror movie Summon Magnus? Bane? The title however surely had your first either you last name, also news had a case about two men who overdosed but seemed to have used summoning circles. Also a body, the cup and necklace were drawn amd written all over your notebooks, you did not even tried to hide them." Alec said accusingly at Izzy, judging her terrible hiding skills and shaming himself for not giving it too much attention.
"All that was left is search the use of the items and connect the dots... I mean, you are still eighting, did you thought you handled the whole or deal like a professional without a flaw?"
"Why does that feel like a lecture when you are suppose to be mad at me for even approaching the whole situation-"
"-without asking for my help. Supposedly I am your brother, I am supposedly here for you." Alec spat and turned to his hill, walking away he made the attempt to grab Magnus by the arm and drag him alongside but failed, which made his extremely embarrassed as he walked in shame. Magnus on other hand smiled brightly at the act and followed right after the red shadow hunter without a complaint.
Magnus gulped down a lump that had stuck on his throat ever since their fight, he was worried that if Alec knew he would hate him, after everything he put his sister and her friends through... That was a great fear of his.
But Alec seemed to already have figured out so and not being exceptionally or at all mad about... Which is...odd?
He too needs an explanation.
"Okay, okay... I am sorry Alec. I should have told you but I was scared!" Izzy explained but Alec seed unfazed... Well only Magnus notice how Alec was pinching himself, how his eyes were ready to burst in tears.
Magnus always felt weak for not being able to be there for his Alexander, but now he knows and he is done be the audience, it's time for action.
First he moved close to him grabbing Alec's hand and making his hold steady with magic and said, "Talking out there is quite dangerous." Alec seed relief, wanting to hide himself for a moment before coming back.
And so, the ride home was deadly quite, each gather and organising their thoughts. Simon was the most awkward one, exchanging nervous glance between Izzy and Magnus. Izzy was glaring at the window, deep in thought while Alec seemed more calm, having gotten a grip on himself, having now his emotions in check and his thoughts in control made him clear the fog that had built up.
Reaching Alec's place and walking on the front door, no one dared to speak. But everyone wanted to talk when the bursting question appeared, why is Rafael standing before them, holding the door wide open, letting them see three warlocks peaking from the wall. Amd most of all, were did Ragnor found the audacity to lazily wave at them because this, them being here, was not part of the plan.
Magnus, Izzy and Simon were left with wide eyes and gaping mouths. Magnus recovered fast and walked around, his eyes traveling before stopping beside Rafael."I hope there aren't many surprises left."
"What are you doing hear?!"
Simon asked pointing an judgement finger at Raphael who rolled his eyes, "Always so full of energy."
"Well, apparently, we weren't that secretive about our missions. Sir Alec here has been on our trucks for weeks and eventually called us out..." Tessa explained, fidgeting with her fingers.
"He sniffed us out and called us all here."
Caterina added much calmer.
"Did you brought the things?"
Ragnor asked, getting up from his sitting spot and walking up to the tall shadow hunter, who in return handed him the ruby necklace and the cup.
"What's going on?"
Izzy finally said, having enough of the confusion. Especially when she saw no other than Clary and Jace laughing while walking down the stairs.
"When you fell I thought we totally screwed up! Thank goodness his singing was loud-"
"-and painful."
Simon could not believe it. What the hell had happened while they were gone?!
Alec said sternly at the two, "You think I would not figure out what was happening behind my back?!"
That was directly at Izzy, the others being able to sense the situation, headed to the kitchen... Except from Ragnor who looked invested. He was soon dragged out by the ear, his wife fed up with his childishness.
Magnus followed as well, glancing at his Alexander one more time before leaving complitely. Alec was already looking at him, giving him a nod, they will talk about them later, but this time no hidden messages and secrets being kept, and that included both sides.
After everyone was gone minutes of silence followed.
"Alec, I know you feel... Betrayed after not telling you-"
"Do you?"
The sarcasm was dripping off him, something he did threw arguments, which only infuriated Izzy.
"I DO now... And are you really the one to talk?!" Izzy half yelled making Alec glare deeply at her. "You were kicked out, you and mom were abused! By that man that you both let me be around with... Despite knowing what he could do you let him in our lives! And then! After years... You still had not told me. So, are you really going to talk about secrets when you kept your darkest secret to yourself?"
Izzy held back tears, her lip trempled but she refused to look elsewhere, now she was going to solve this mess, this crack between her and Alec. She is done hurting and so is her brother.
They love one another so much, but this love could hurt so so much.
"I let him in our lives?! I?! let him?! Because last time I checked I was thrown out and did not communicate with him for years! I had told you, warned you, that this man is a monster and you did not listen!" Alec yelled, tears dripping down his cheeks. He was not just accused for letting this man slide when he had to go through panic attacks for years because of him.
Izzy yelled back much harder.
"This man was sweet in front of me, he was a perfect fath..." She could not even say it. "I couldn't imagine what he could have done! How do you expect me to know when you refused to talk about it?!"
"Because I COULDN'T! Years of pure fear lead to more years of defeating that fear... You think it's easy?" He stepped closer. "I had panic attacks, once even a damn seizure! I am constantly hunted by nightmares of him! Of HIM hitting ME! Of HIM yelling and hurting me again amd again amd again!"
Izzy could no longer hide the tears, she was sobbing at that point but refused to look elsewhere.
"You ask me WHY I didn't reach up to you? Because of this! You wouldn't be able to handle it."
Alec breathed heavily, he hates himself for making Izzy cry, pity him, be angry at herself. He let out a sigh and was ready to embrace her when she lifted one arm up. "No. It's my turn. You think I am crying because of that fucker? You think I am so wrecked because of him? Well, No."
"This is how I would react when learning that by big brother, the brother I admire, love and envy had to go threw that, kept being tormented while I was out partying and having fun. This is not how families work Alec." Izzy had calmed down a little bit, tears still kept making her vision blurry, not allowing her to see Alec already crying with her.
"You may think that I cant shit about it but you never let me do anything Alec! You didnt let me embrace you and tell that now everything is going to be okay. To hold you after a nightmare like you always do to me. To stand beside you and fight with you, because I am your sister, your friend, your comrade. I will never stop loving you and I know you too love me, mom and Max more than anything."
Alec was now the one sniffing amd sobbing.
"But please, I beg you, dont assume. Don't be afraid to show what YOU consider weak in front of me... Because I am not any person Alec! I am your little sister." Izzy was smiling softly as she reached Alec's hands connecting them with hers.
"I understand... It must be hard. But please give me a chance, I CAN take it Alec. I can take everything and anything for you."
Alec let out a humourless laugh, the pain visible making Izzy shiver and her heart to ache.
"Why did you not tell me about Magnus? About your mission and plans? Izzy I could help, I could make it so easy, you and your friends wouldn't ended up like this." Alec said calmly, pressing his thumbs gently on Izzy's palms, moving them to comfort himself and Izzy who seemed to relax.
"Because it makes so much sense to tell you we summoned a demon, befriended the same demon and now we search for the only way to bring him back?" Izzy could not help but laugh at how silly it sounded.
"Well, we are shadow hunters..."
Alec laughed which made Izzy playfully her eyes, "Well, I didnt know that either."
Her face slowly turned blunt as she looked at Alec, "I did not know about that either." She repeated staring at Alec hard.
"....I am sorry."
Alec said in defeat, now that, was something he will take the blame of.
"Mom and I thought... Well, it was hard to tell you what we are and that you are immortal, it would... Break you."
Alec avoided Izzy's eyes, he really felt bad about it, for being a coward.
"Hmhm... And how did I handled it?"
Izzy smirked, knowing she is just fine now.
"You had a breakdown."
Alec said, glancing at Izzy who seemed shocked, "Okay, I kind of did... HowEver, now I am fine."
Alec nodded, "I mean, It could be worse if you think about it. But your close ones can accompany you through the trip of immortality. Me, mom, max... Ah, even this vampire boyfriend of yours... And Jace and Clary as well, Magnus, well, now WE can do this."
".... Excuse me?"
"Clary and Jace are mundanes."
"Did Simon not tell you? Well, he probably can't tell the difference because he is not an experienced vampire. Raphael told me Jace and Clary have angel blood in their veins. I did my search too and they do come from strong shadow hunter family that sadly faded through the years."
Izzy stared at her brother, this new founded discovery was something she had no clue if they could handle. Amd Alec seemed to not be joking around either.
"Alec... they dont know."
"Oh... Raphael probably is filling them in."
"Alec do you know what that means?"
Izzy questioned, a smile as wide as the sun.
Alec smiled as well, relieved that she mended with his sister. "What?"
"You are going to be the mom of the group!" Izzy said with a laugh and a clap while Alec seemed mortified of what there is to come.
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