See You Sooner Or Later... Or Never

"Do you believe in angels Izabelle?"

"What have angels to do with what I asked?" Izzy asked with a soft frown that went a lot deeper when Maryse said "A lot."

"Do you believe in Seelies? Vampires? Werewolves?-"

Izzy flinched at the mention of Demons, immediately remembering how she and her friends had summoned a demon around some weeks or so..... And how they had short of become friends...

"Well, if yes you may take it in easier, if no then -"
"Mom, what do you want to say?"
Izzy said inpatiently.

"Izzy... I know it will be hard to take it all in... Alec had pinned himself down over this, he knew form the beginning but he really didn't know how to approach you with such topic..."
Maryse started slowly.

"Why would Alec of all people-"
"Because he is the one that has been looking after you. I have been just standing by taking the credit he owned. One of the many things I regret in life....He wanted to be the one to tell you, thinking that you will take it in easier by him and would not hate me and Robert more than you already do. "

" But mom.... I don't hate you. Dad... I dont know what to think of him anymore..." Izzy said softly.

"I know honey....But hiding for so long such big secret.... I can't be sure what your reaction will be..."
Maryse admitted, lowering her head a little.

"We will see about that..."
Izzy said with a small smile, ensuring her mother that it will be Okey.

"As you wish... But are you sure? You already learned something horrible today... Will you be able to take in more?" Maryse said with worry.

"I am sure... If I wait any longer then it will be that time I will die from frustration." Izzy tried to joke but Maryse shook it off.

"Izabelle, what you are going to learn is truly shocking...Robert and everything is nothing compared to that." Maryse warned and received a serious nod from her daughter.

Maryse went quite, but only for a minute. Because soon she had reached over to her bag and had took out three objects.

A small sword made out of crystal, it's handle dark leather, comfortable in hand for a battle.

A silver stick with a small pointy crystal at the end and several small symbols then and there.

And lastly, a small round mirror.

"Let's get started then..."


Hearing the door close he curled up and closed his eyes trying to fall asleep yet failing. He felt better now that Maryse came but it still wasn't enough. He still needed something... Something that will take him away, to a place where no trouble and pain ahold of him... At a place where he can be surrounded by the warmth of-

He flinched when he suddenly felt a warmth, and odd and relaxing one. One that he desperately needed right now... But didn't expect to find it here, in reality and not a dream....

He whispered, looking around, not moving from his spot.

The warmth stayed still but nothing else happened.... Alec thought about it but eventually said ".... Thank you."
Before drifting off to sleep.

Magnus smiled softly, his Alexander somehow knew it was him. It made him happy, that and that he was actually able to comfort him.
Soon, he closed his eyes too, opening them to the sight of a dark calm foster with colorful flowers at the corners and the beginnings of the trees. The flowers were giving a low light of their color, so, with the light of the big moon and starts it gave a low light atmosphere that gave off a calm and safe vibe.


Alec was once again laying on the comfortable and oddly warm grass, resting his head right beside Magnus's who had laid at the same position but facing the opposite direction.

There was silence, a comfortable one, just comforting each other with their presence and warmth.

"How did you know?"
Was what Alec all said after quite a bit.

"I told you before didn't I? I will always be there for you."

"That was not what I asked... How could you have possible know what I needed without heaving told you... Are you even in my head? A ghost? How could you give me warmth when you are not real in the first place?"
Alec said softly, which had caught Magnus off guard as he expected him to comfort him but Alec seemed to not be in the mood for it or... Not need it.

" I never said I was not real. I said it's complicated. " Magnus said calmly, because with all honesty he was kinda freaking out. He and Alec have been meeting with each other every single night and talk for hours, some people would have thought, if they could see them, that they were dating or something like that.

So, he really didn't want to destroy everything by telling him the truth. That he had ghost his sister with the rest of her group and practically has been forcing them do research so in main goal to regain his body back.
That would throw all the honesty and trust he had built with Alec straight out of the window.

"Then start explaining."
Alec said, still softly.

"I am a... Ghost."
Magnus wanted to mentally punch himself right now.... Well,.. He didn't lie.... He does have the form and everything a ghost has... With a bit of magic of course.

".... I see...."

What kind of response is that!?
Magnus thought but didn't say anything. He was not in the place to anyways.

"...And there I thought you were Magnus Bane the high worlock of Brooklyn who disappeared in plain sight centuries ago." Alec huffed sarcastically and sat up.

Magnus didn't even sat, he straight up jumped on his legs and looked at him with wide eyes.

He hadn't told him he was a worlock and especially not the high worlock of all positions... How did he find out? He was sure shadow hunter had to hold data about what's up in the downworld but when he mentioned his infamous name he didn't seem to recognize it one bit.

"So I am not mistaken after all."
Alec commented not the slightest amused.

"How did you-"
"Before coming that way I stopped by my mother's house. You see, my little brother has lots of hobbies. The most new one was to collect information about old important and mysterious personalities. My eye took a glimpse of one of your pictures and Max had me sitting and him talking for hours. "

Magnus felt heavy, Alec didn't seem happy or anything like that. He looked disappointed and.... Betrayed? He couldn't say clearly what it was.

"He told me everything you had, with less details of course, but similar non the less.... Why did you lie to me?"
Alec said the last question looking straight up into Magnus's eyes.

"I didn't lie, I told you who I am."

"Did you now?"

"... Alexander -"
"-Dont Alexander me! I had told you and showed you everything about me for the past months but you hadn't even told me who you really are, or at least a big part of who you are. I had so many questions from the right beginning but you always shaked them off if they are nothing. But for me they are everything.

You Magnus Bane is the first person to have open up so quickly... It was terrifying at first but you maid it all too quickly to disappear. All the doubts and suspicions were gone by a snap of your fingers....

I had told you things I have not told anyone.... I told you what I am, my fears, my dreams, everything! And you had the power the hide such thing!

You entered my world out of the blue and turned it upside down. I was already happy to sleep and relax after a hard day but now, hard or nice, I just couldn't wait to fall asleep and meet up with you again!

You have done something to me... You have made a flame to appear right where my chest is...and I have come realize very well what that is... You probably don't know or don't feel it maybe because that how you are, flirty with no hesitation of your actions. But what has been done has been done. And nothing can happen because of our situation....."
Alec said all that and looked at the ground, he has still sitting on the grass  and had his gaze stack at his hands, his sight was becoming a little blurry as the tears were threatening to fall down at any minute now.

It really hurt... All would feel the same, falling for someone you can't meet in person and do everything a normal couple would do like dates, meeting the parents, going together to parties or even later on get married.... But for Alec what really hurt him was the fact that Magnus of all people, the one he came too quickly to trust with his life, to hide his real identity.

It made his chest throb and his heart each in pain, his mind coming out to be numb and heavy as his shoulders.
But the pain in his soul was the one that torture him the most.

Magnus stayed still before letting out a breath and kneeling in front of the blue eyes nephiln.

"It's true, I hide it from you... But I had my reasons." Magnus said, feeling his heart raising from pure worry and fear.

He couldn't say to Alec what he had done. Threatening his little sister and her friends to find his body, a stupid necklace and a book who has no idea where is.... He would came to hate him.... He couldn't.... He wouldn't let it happen.... And that with no lies. Just plain rejection of telling.

"And what are these reasons?"
Alec asked, looking up at Magnus.

Magnus gulped down.... He may not be with him for a while but when he does gets his body he will be back... And stay by Alec's side for real.

"I can't say...."


"Because you coming to hate me is something I can't bare."

"How could you know that?"

"I know more things than you think I do, Alexander."

"Secrecy won't lead to anything"

"I know."



Magnus watched Alec sleep, the angel's cheeks stained from left tears and his hands hugging a pillow tightly. It was a heartbreaking sight. Magnus gently wiped them and kissed his Alexander's for head.

"I love you too angel

, soon,

you will came to realize it...

As soon actually,

That I will have gotten my body back.

And then....

We will be together as an immortal couple....

I promise you..."

After that, Magnus walked out, going through the door and not looking back at his sleeping angel. The next time he will see Alexander will be the one that will remain and that's final.




"His body?"


Magnus walked down the stairs only to face the sight of Izzy crying and Maryse hugging her tightly, some objects laying on the kitchen counter which he remembers seeing in one of the many dreams Alec had. If he recalls correctly one of them is called stele and the other obviously a shord. The mirror went uncommented.

So she finally told her...

Magnus still remembers how overworked Alec had been over this when it was clearly the parent's responsibility to do so. Even so, he was just a little bit happy that his angel has a weight off his shoulder, despite being told to leave by him, he was happy Alec's life was coming to a somewhat less stressful.

They didn't seem to need him... Not that he could help anyways.

So, as Izzy hadn't even noticed him, he walked out. He stepped out of the house and started walking in the middle of the empty road.
No car was pashing nor a single soul.
That could be because it's late but Magnus wasn't complaining.

He needed some time alone.
He just wished he could feel the cool breeze against his tanned skin and black hair, he wished he could feel the hard rock floor he was walking on and the fancy fabric of his clothing against his soft skin. He wished he could smell the city's air and every single smell that every tree at the
sidewalk gave off.....

He wished he could feel alive once again.


The young adult half screamed at the sight of the person in front of his front door.

"Hello seldom."

"What are you doing here!? In my house!? I thought you were living with Izzy!" Simon asked somewhat worried as he closed the door behind him, leaving him and Magnus outside.

"Change of plans."

"Does Izzy know about this?"
Simon asked more calm than before.

"No, but I think it is for the best. After all, she need some family time."

"Right... Is she Okey?"
Simon asked, regaining his worry.

"It's just the beginning but I am sure she will came to be okey soon enough. She is a strong woman."

"Yea but even rocks break."
Simon said and took out his phone ready to text her.

"I didn't say she won't need support and comforting. I just said she needs some time."

Simon looked at his phone... Magnus was right. He closed it and shoved it in his pocket. "You are right. So... You will be staying with me from now on?"

"That is what it seems."

"Okey then, but before we walk in, I need to tell you something important." Simon whispered.

"I am all ears."

"Me and Izzy found your body!"
Simon said happily.


As Simon opened the door and was making his way to his room, Magnus followed and couldn't stop the smirk from appearing.

''Soon my dear angel,

We will cross paths again,

and I will give you what you are asking for,

An explanation


My love.

Even when you already have it,

I hadnt had the chance to show it to you. ,,

Author note...

I have no idea why on earth did it took me so long. It's one of the smallest chapters I have written and it triggers me.

So, if I haven't done a good job by not adding too much detail, because with all honesty I didn't know where or how to put more detail and make it Okey, I am sorry. Also I apologize for the long wait for something so small.

I was literally working on the Angel Of The Shadows when I thought,... What about Summon Magnus Bane?
And then saw how little of work the new chapter needs..... I AM SORRY!

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