New People New Plan

Things have been like this for the past two weeks, it's awful. Sure they did had Magnus who would make things a little better, especially for Clary and Simon who were in isolation of their house. But, he still had no idea how to fix the situation, he was banging his head about it making the three teenagers worry. Now, you will ask, why three? Where is the other one?

Well, that is because they had lost contact with Jace. Apparently somebody took him out and as everyone is not going to the school they used and neither are allowed any means of communication or the internet in general, Jace was unable to find them and they in return.

They even told Magnus where Jace's apartment is and he stayed there for some days, waiting for Jace to return but it never happened. He has to say one thing though, Jace's roommate is not approved. That may be because of his high personality and all the mess he has made on Jace's side but mainly the fact that he doesn't seem to give a crap as he had already started a research on a new roommate, without even having talked to Jace first. Based at a phone call Magnus may or may had not overhead during his stay.

Something that had made Magnus concerned however was the fact that he couldnt reach him through the "game" bond. He couldn't appear where Jace was nor could he talk to him telepathiclly and get a response back. He could feel his energy, meaning that he was alive, but he still couldn't know where he is! It was is so frustrating that Izzy or Simon or Clary had to calm him down sometimes.

Right now though, he was walking, as he really needed it to clear his head a little bit, to Clary's house from Izabelle's and even before Simon's.
Apparently, Maryse and Simon's mother had a similar thought. They both had decided to distract their children off their misery, that they had putted them in the first place, and send them for some hours to learn a music instrument. As it is needed a lot time and practice from your day to learn it, meaning basically that they will be not so depressed and get over their sad mood, that the parents had created.

Magnus has to say, out of all parents, Maryse acts the most decent one. She was actually they only one that tried to understand why her child did what she did, but Izzy had her lips shield, because she knew that if her mother found out, she would be forbidden to go further. And she was not going to risk it, that much she herself had made it clear to him. Maryse also gave some space between them, as Izzy didn't seem willing to talk about it, she thought it will be for the best until the heat calm down. Magnus had overhead one of her phone calls she did with her friend when Izzy was at her new school. Maryse may seemed calm and cold with all that but in reality she was so hurt and confused and frustrated. She didn't understand why her daughter did what she did when they were talking about all their secrets just a day before. She was questioning why her daughter wouldn't tell her, even from the moment she left the police station the only thing that bothered her was that Izzy wasn't willing to speak about it. Even when they had opened their hearts to each other just a day ago.... Even so, she wouldn't pash her. Alec was the one to calm her down and make her have some sense before walking in the station. After all, it's not small to hear that your child had went early in the morning to dig a grave! But thanks to Alec she had calmed down when she entered and took Izzy back home.

Magnus also knew how guilty she actually is. She didn't want to separate her daughter from her friends, not after all Alec had said about them. Izzy tended from back then to speak about her friendships, and because Maryse didn't really got in touch with her Alec would tell her all of Izzy's stories. Maryse knew they weren't bad kids but that made her question them. In difference with Alec who seemed to be rather thoughtful about the whole thing yet also refusing to share his thoughts. That was the main reason why she changed Izzy's environment. She wanted to fix things between them for real and that would happen only when they actually live under the same roof. She really didn't liked separating Izzy with Alec but for now it needs to be done. Also, that's why she didn't isolated her as the other parents who she actually tried to speak and try figure out why their kids did what they did and maybe let them be as they seemed pretty sad about the whole thing. But once they saw her they would glare, yell and leave. Maryse may had an elegant character but if they dared to say another bad word for her daughter she would stand her ground and go after them even if it meant to lead to court.

Apart from all that, Magnus had taken a liking at Maryse, she actually cared for Izzy even with all that.

An extra point he may add for that.

He still hadn't seen his Alexander but he hoped... Or had the feeling, that he will soon.


Izzy gulped down all the hesitation as she clenched her fists but slowly relaxing the grip. She could feel Maryse's eyes on her as she walked towards the front door, the house her new music teacher lived was rather beautiful but not so common. It's complex was just out of a fairy tail and the garden along with the gate weren't helping at all. She felt as if she was walking in a not so of a small house of a kind fairy. 

With a deep breath she knocked the door, already hearing Maryse's car leaving.

Her mother wanted to distract her with something and that happened to be piano lessons. Even when she was little Maryse would have tried to push her to learn a music instrument, but Izzy was not interested. She would keep nagging until Alec, at the age of ten, had accepted to learn in place of his little sister who was at the time seven. Alec had ended up studying piano for five years, meaning he was around fifteen, just two years before he was thrown out. Izzy shaked her head, that was not the time to get all sad and angry, it's time to suck up three hours learning some instrument and then get the hell back.

The door finally opened, revealing a man around his thirtys. He was just a little taller than the average and was wearing clothing that didn't really suited the century.

Nice, an old man with an old taste.... At everything.

Izzy tried her best to show how much she didn't want to be here. It wasn't the man's fault and she knew it but right now she wanted to be mad and show it to the word.

"Hello to you too lady, please come in and let's talk about the lesson." The man said politely in British accent and moved, making space for Izzy to enter.

Izzy nodded before walking in, if he was being polite there was nothing she could do but return the gesture.

The man that had yet to introduce himself leaded her to the living room, even at the inside of the house there were still plants that had long thin pretty vanes which kept the fantasy vibe going along with all the old furniture and especially all those books with the old fairy-tale cover.

"My name is Ragnor Fell and I am not going to be teaching you piano, let's start with that." He said as he settled at one of the armchairs, his tone becoming something between bored and tired.

Izzy questioned with a frown, what was that mood swing about? And what was he saying? He was being paid so for her to learn piano.... She didn't got stuck with an old crazy man did she?

"I am too tired to explain, Magnus? Care to explain?" Ragnor said with a sigh.

Izzy's frown deepen but soon her eyebrows raised in shock when she saw everyone literally chilling at the far corner. And when she say everyone she means everyone!

Clary, Simon, Magnus, Jace!
And three other people she didn't really know, expect from one that looked familiar...

" What the hell is going on?"
She questioned, looking between them and the man at the armchair who had at some point got himself a glass of red wine.

"Let me explain."
Said a woman with dark skin and long back hair. "My name is Caterina and I am Magnus's friend."


Izzy before she even had the chance to speak or talk with her friends, who were smiling at her happily, had been settled down and was for over half an hour listening at the lady while her mind was flooding with so many questions, " mean to say that... You are the known Caterina? The one that Magnus speaks about all the time?!" Izzy was shocked, it was if she was meeting fictional characters.

"Yep.... Did he actually talked about me so much?" Caterina asked with a teasing tone.

"Okey. I think that is enough and we should get to the main point-"
"-Totally. So, does that mean... That you are... Tesha?! And you.... Raphael?! Oh wait, you said your name is Ragnor right!?" Izzy has to say, she didn't know what was going on but was excited about it nevertheless.

"I can't believe every single one of you had the same reaction." Raphael said with a sigh of annoyance.

Izzy frowned slightly at that but Tesha began explaining before she questioned it herself, "I am suppose to be Simon's violent teacher and Caterina is suppose to be Clary's art teacher. When they come minutes earlier than you they had the same reaction as you."

"What about Jace?"
Izzy asked as she glanced at him.

He looked pretty fine and happy, but that can be specially because he had a hold of his girlfriend once again. Who, Izzy has to point out, was nuzzling at his side.

"I picked him up from the station. , he will be staying here. " Ragnor said, he had moved at the mini bar at some point because he was holding three wine bottles and was standing them, probably trying to figure out which will be best for him. It made Magnus shake his head in disbelief, his friend hadn't changed one bit.

"But....I get you are all Magnus's friends.... But, how or what is actually going on?" Izzy asked the one question that had been the top priority, that was only because her friends seemed fine though.
Jace and Clary being close and happy to see not only each other but also her and Simon, who by the way she wanted to jump on and kiss him right at his lips. She had missed incredible much her dork and had to put all her resistance so to not pin him down and hug him and kiss him and hug him again-

"Yea. Let's start for that. You see Izabelle, we havent explained not to your friends either as we all waited for you but now, please, everyone follow me." Tesha said, turning from kind and calm to serious and elegant.

Everyone started following, Izzy immediately wrapping her arm to Simon's, once they got close enough anyways, making him blush and smile. That was enough for the time being, she thought as she smiled at him back. She still wanted to kiss her boyfriend but now was not the time...

They all soon stopped in front of a room, "The house sure is bigger than the outside, or so it feels like it." Jace said making Tesha giggle and Caterina to turn to him with a smug smile. It was true, they had been walking for over five minutes now and it would be a lie if everyone of the four teens hadn't thought about it.

"As you must have been informed by our lovely Mags, me, Tesha and grumpy alcoholic cat at the living room -"


"Are worlocks. When Raphael is a vampire. So, it is easy to say that we have our tricks." Caterina continued on, ignoring Ragnor who had just finally decided to approach them and live his wine battle at the living room. However Magnus knew, his frimd was here because he was most likely to have finished all three bottles of wine. But as he is a warlock the alcohol didn't hit him easily. 

"Why do you had to say it as if they don't know about it?" Raphael said and rolled his eyes. Caterina just dismissed him with her hand and returned to open the door.

However, Magnus did frown at that. Raphael was not a man of complex words, so, what did he meant by that?
Raphael seemed to have caught the glimpse of confusion in Magnus's face and made a step forward to explain, but the door then opened.

And the sight was enough to take everyone's attention.


"This... Is this...."
Clary was struggling to speak, the situation was unbelievable!

"Yep, it's Magnus. Well, his body to be more specific." Caterina said as she started walking slowly around the king sized bed with the golden silky fabric that covered the perfectly fine body of Magnus.

"But how!?"
Simon asked, his stack at the body they had went in so much trouble to get.

"Well, as mentioned earlier, we were searching for Magnus and found the body quite a while ago. We just could not find how to summon his soul. But soon enough when the way was in plain sight for everyone to see, we just couldn't be quick enough. I think the lack of information must had triggered you. That was because we made sure to buy and take every single peace of information about Magnus Bane, leading to a specific store that only the ones that summoned him would be interested to would go. " Tesha said as she made her soft gaze fall over her dead friend's body. She had cried so much that day, and she wasn't the only one. Everyone was.... Soon she glanced at Raphael and sure enough he had stayed out looking the opposite way. Magnus had been something more than just a friend to Raphael, he had become his family and Raphael was the one out of all to be more broken out of all by their friend's death.

And he was the one who started the operation and researche to bring Magnus back, he wouldnt let him go, he couldn't. He might be the younger out of all four of them but he sure is the most determined, loyal and immature among them. They all were all those things, mostly, but Raphael was a whole another level. Fate made him immortal and he would take his blood back by going against it.

A very brave and fearless man of true words.

"Now, about you guys being here, as we also said earlier, we, without causing any damages or suspicions, made your parents, without realizing it themselves, sign you up here."
Caterina said with out really getting a response but she knew they were listening.

"To go finally to the main point, we want to you to cooperate with us."
Ragnor said and snapped his fingers, making a battle of wine appear, already open.

All teens had, with out realizing it, gather closer, and were silently communicating with each other. They already had made up their mind just a minute later but turned to Magnus for ensurance.... Their hearts sank at the sight.

Magnus was crying...

They all went immediately to him, small gasps escaping when they realized how they had left their friend alone when it was one of the most important moments of his life. They immediately felt guilty but there was also the feeling of happiness, he finally had his body! Well, not completely but it sure was a big step.

"Are Okey Magnus?"
Izzy was the first to speak, later followed Jace and then Clary along with Simon, "I am so happy for you bud, we are getting closer!"
"We are sorry we left you hanging Magnus! We are terrible." She said as she tried to fight her own tears back.
"Yea, Magnus, we are here for you and please smile a little! We have taken the biggest step out of the three!"

Magnus couldn't stop but smile at his friends. He was really lucky wasn't he?

"Magnus, let's go out for a walk."
Raphael said, still not looking inside the room. He just couldn't face the dead body of his beloved friend.

Magnus turned his gaze at Ralphael. He came today with Clary, just some minutes before Izzy's arrival, so he didn't really had the chance to speak to his friends privately. However what needed to be spoken as for the first accouter had already did. The soft eyes of acceptance and comfort, the warm and welcoming smiles, and attempts to hug him and the silent tears everyone was keeping in, all that was enough to let him know that they waited and searched for him. They were not dead as he feared they would and they hadn't forgotten him, they hadn't let his memory pass and turn their backs at everything they had all went through and him.

They all waited for him, because they are his family.

Magnus nodded towards Ralphael and before he left the room he gave his best smile at the four teens that smiled back with pure relief and happiness. Their friend was happy and so were they. They had completely shot out what had happen jsut two weeks ago. All the scolding and the bad times they had was gone, they were finally all together and happy but there was still so much to do...

Once Magnus was out Caterina spoke again, her tone softer and kinder from before, she was clearly amused and over excited to know that her friend was in good hands. "So? What's your answer?"

All four teens exchanged glances with each other, the smile never leaving their faces. "We accept."


Magnus and Raphael walked through the back small garden and eventually settled at a bench. Sitting both down Raphael was surprisingly the one to speak, "Where were you?"

"Traveling from Edom to here."
Magnus said softly, he was calm... After so long he felt calm.... Actually, he was calm but only when he took the time to get lost in his angel's blue eyes.... Damn.... He miss them so much.

"That asshole got you good.... I tried to find him and make him reverse what he had done or at least make him pay but having magic is like having a God's power. I couldn't even reach him Magnus.... I am sorry." Raphael said and let out a chuckle, "... Why am I so useless.... "

However an electric pain on his knee made him jump on his legs and look at Magnus with a deep frown," What was that for!? "

"If you keep talking nonsense then I will do it again, and you should not test me!" Magnus scold him.

"..... I bet you have become their father." Raphael said now turning sarcastic. It was one of Magnus's habits to become a dad figure for every single person that walked the earth, of course if they were worth his attention but he couldn't deny that Magnus was indeed looking out for everyone. That he cared about, he may add.

Magnus as expected changed topic,
"You all are going to cooperate, this will end disastrous but I have high hopes."

Raphael rolled his eyes and took a seat next to the worlock again.
"You already know it why-"
Raphael stopped immediately when he saw Magnus raise his finger close to his knee and decided it would be the best to say something else, "You already know where is the necklace don't you?"

Was all Magnus said with a big sigh.

"And you know where the book is right?" Raphael said and felt Magnus throw a glare at a random direction,

"So you know what will happen..."
Raphael said with crossed arms as he leaned his back deeper in the bench.

"..... They will make the teams of two and send them to their worst to be enemy." Magnus said with another sigh, after spending so much time with those supernatural idiots he could read them like an open book.

"You know they will never give them to us, they know us Magnus....And they also know how we will attack them the first second we see them. So, we can't even get close." Ralphael said and rolled his eyes once again, he didn't like dealing with brats but he has to... And they sure can't be worse than dealing with Camille, the bitch queen, and Lorenzo, the coward king that always talks about his toilets.

"That sure will be stressful."
Magnus said, looking up, it was getting dark and he knew the parents will soon arrive. Though, not all together. That would be a huge wrong start.

"..... Don't worry about it. We will think of a plan.... Now that we are close, is the moment that you should allow yourself to feel hope.... Because, I am here.... And now that I have found you I will never leave you again.... Nor will I let you leave us. "
Raphael spoke, his gaze forward not daring to look at Magnus. He wasn't a person that could speak his feelings up or help people emotionally but.... This time was different.

The memory of Magnus saving him and taking him in felt like yesterday... The moment when he turned and was attacked by everyone. Even from his own family. Magnus was the only one to see him with a different eye. Not a bloodsucking monster but a scared teenager.... He still can feel the warmth and the glowing hope he had back then when Magnus hugged him and said he was his family. And family, is everything for Raphael Santiago.

Magnus's eyes soften and decided to let his emotions flow, "I really missed you Raphael, you and everyone else.... I even feared that you guys were gone and would never be able to meet you again.... I.... Have been so meesed up the pashed century.... I still hardly can believe that I am standing here. Having met again you, Ragnor, Caterina, Tesha..... Meeting new people that I have accepted them as my family, Simon, Clary, Jace and Izabelle...It's crazy how life can mews up your life and make it somehow work in the end."

"About her.... What is her last name?"
Raphael said after a long pause of comfortable silence, he had been suspicious of some certain things and it was time for them to be solved.

"Lightwood.... Why?"
Magnus asked, not even frowning, the moment had him sinking in the calm atmosphere.

"...... So you where the one Alec talked about...." Raphael pointed out his conclusion, which made Magnus almost break his neck with how quickly he turned at him.

"Alec is a security guard, you should know that so far....and I am too, we literally work together." Raphael said and received a gasp of realization from Magnus. He immediately remembered back at the time when he saw Raphael's name on his angel's contacts and that phone call, how did he forget!? Well, a lot things happened.... But still, how could he let it slip out of his mind?

"You know.... He actually sounds if he is in love with you..." Raphael spoke again, taking Magnus' s attention.

But continued on,
"Though he is too shy to admit it.... Especially with Lydia teasing him about it.... But... Lately has said no word about you whatsoever and hasn't admitted that he broke it off with you either.... Alec is my friend Magnus and I actually do care about him.... He is not happy with what his sister did but he isn't angry." Magnus felt relieved to know his Alexander hadn't kept hatred for his sister, although, he doubt he would in the first place. But what also made his heart flatter was the fact that he hadn't denied their relationship, he hadn't denied him.

"He confessed to me the last time we met but.... At the same time he said to leave. I didn't had the chance to confess back but I am not planning to let it go.... I am going after him Raphael, either being it sooner or later or longer, I will go after what's mine.... And I will make sure, rather, I promise you, that I care and love him much more than I have ever done with someone else.... Because that's how he makes me feel. "Magnus said, not even realizing the smile he had unintentionally planned on his face.

Raphael seemed satisfied but shook it off as he knew what he will say next is not a good thing... Neither about him or Magnus."Alec is not dumb Magnus, he is very smart, he will figure things out.... If he hasn't already. "

Magnus seemed genuinely surprised at what Raphael said, no.... His Alexander is smart, a genius he would say but.... "And how would he do that? The grave we were two weeks ago has disappeared, Ragnor himself said so before."

"Ragnor may had taken the grave, making the main lead of clues disappear, but as I said, Alec will find another way.... He is not a man that can be fooled Magnus. Say to Izabelle to be careful, even if they don't live together anymore Maryse is Alec's eyes. "Raphael said but Magnus didn't respond, well, not soon.

"....If he finds out he will come to hate me won't he? After all, his sister went in quite the trouble because of me. "
Magnus asked, yet at the same time not really, it was as if he was answering his own questions.
But Raphael spoke nevertheless.

"He might but you can never be sure. Alec is a person that looks at both ways, a rare thing really. He will consider your side and even try to imagine himself in your shoes but the result is unclear.... If you want to be on Alec's good side you just don't mess with his family, that step will categorize where you belong to his list.... But as I said, he will consider both prospects. " Raphael said calmly, it seemed that he knew Alec pretty well and was actually kin of him.

If it wasn't for the possibility Alec hating him Magnus would let out a wide smile. He was happy Raphael and Alec actually got along.

" Well.... Hope is the only thing I can do.... In general." Magnus said and breathed out the cold air.

It was getting dark...

Magnus new he will be back here and talk a little more with Raphael and the others tomorrow and all the days that may follow but he couldn't stop himself from being sad.... Soon, the parents will come and take Izzy, Clary and Simon with them. Jace would stay here for the time being. Ragnor had also explained that he couldn't communicate with him because he had stopped the bond due to him wanting to surprise him.... Rather shock him to death and laugh at him but he knew he cared for him.... What bastard, making him having a heart attack even though physically he has no heart at the moment!

"Chairman Mew...."

Magnus asked with a frown, did he heared correctly?

Chairman Mew was the cat, his roommate he could say, that he hadn't seen from back when he had a body. When he was placed in that spell he had went through such heartbreak. He knew Chairman Mew has died a long time now but he still felt sad, he missed his fluffiness and sassiness.... And sadly also his saltiness. He cat was pretty weared... But who is he to judge?.... He took it from his owner.

"Chairman Mew.... He is behind you."
Raphael said blantly, making Magnus doubt it. There was simply no way for a cat to live for so long.....


He is weak, that is all he wants to say.

To his shock though, there stood Chairman Mew looking at him and purring in happiness. ".... MY BABY!"

Raphael cringed at the loudness but soon recovered, "Caterina had placed new a spell on him just before you disappeared. It makes a bond of life between a pet and its owner. In other words, he lives as long as you live. He was the clue and only confirmation we needed to know that you are still alive... And the only thing that kept us going. "Raphael admitted and Magnus smiled warmly at his cat. It was clear that the fluffy cat couldn't see him but he sure did feel him.

"Magnus! We are leaving!"
Simon yelled from the door and Magnus got up, "Is there anything urgent I should know?"

"Well.... Do you remember Teshas boyfriends? Jem and Will?" Raphael asked after a moment of thinking.

Magnus said, they were both incredibly. Tesha must had been so heartbroken, she really loved them with her whole heart.

"Yea.... They are both immortal shadow hunters, all three got married and live just at the house opposite the road." Raphael said and Magnus had froze in place, trying to process what of a bomb Raphael had just thrown.

Simon called again.

Magnus exchanged glances to Simon and Raphael, exploding in frustration.
He had to go BUT WHAT ABOUT THAT!?

How dare Tesha not inform him first thing first!

"Also Caterina is engaged to Ragnor."
Raphael added and petted Chairman as he had jumped on the bench.

".... No...."


"....No way!"


".... NO!"

"Magnus, yes."

"But.... When!? How!? How can our lovely Caterina be with that alcoholic donkey!?"

"I heard you!"
Ragnor yelled from the door that leaded to the garden but didn't sound much bothered.

"You are no different Magnus!"
Caterina yelled back with a laugh.

"No.... I am a fabulous alcoholic donkey. There is difference."

Raphael scoffed, he was the youngest but the three worlocks but it was them who acted like five year olds.

Simon yelled.

"I am coming !"
Magnus yelled back and started walking towards him.

"I have a boyfriend."
Raphael called out, loud enough for Magnus to hear.

Magnus stop brutally and shot his head at his direction, his wide in shock..... Raphael.... Was asexual the last time he remembered.... What the hell happened!?

"Just kidding."
Raphael said with a smirk.

"I hate you."
Magnus said with a grumble, obviously not really meaning it.

Simon yelled again.

Magnus said and stormed towards Simon. Both soon leaving.

Raphael sigh and relaxed, things started getting in place for once.
But then his phone started ringing,

Alec Lightwood

He sigh and looked at Chairman beside him, "And that's why you should never think positively."
Chairmen just rolled his eyes at him.

Raphael didn't expect that, he didn't think no one would, "What the.... What did Magnus feed you? Are you even a cat?"

Chairman just raised its eyebrow in response. Now, cats don't have eyebrows... But it looked like it!
Raphael felt a shiver down his spine.
"You are a very freaky cat... You know that right?"

Chairman hissed at him before walking at towards the door, Raphael's eyes following.

But then....When the cat reached right in front of the open door, he stood at his back legs and look directly at Raphael, obviously wanting to freak him out more. Raphael looked at it horrified. What is wrong with this cat!?

But his attention returned to the phone which had stopped but started ringing again, yet his eyes didn't left Chairman as he picked it up and accepted the call.

"... Demon Cat..."
Raphael mumbled as the cat finally moved inside, swinging his butt too in doing so.... Yep, definitely Magnus's cat.

"....... I am concerned."
Alec spoke from the other line and Raphael shake his head, "Just a random cat creeping out people."

"..... Interesting."
Alec said, actually sounding amused.

"Say that after you see it.... Anyways, what did you call me for? We were together just five hours ago."
Raphael said, getting in the main topic.

"Well, where should I even start? Let's meet to my apartment. Can you come over in half?" Alec asked and Raphael responded with an Okey.

"Okey, see you soon then..."
Alec said and Raphael returned the gesture, "See you soon amigo."

And with that they ended the call.
Raphael looked up and let out a big long sigh,




" He knows. "

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