Magical Items
Time passed and so did their chances, failure was no longer an option.
They didn't have the strength or the time to fall once again in a dead-end... Where the circumstances will be even harder to get used to and move within the new lines.
The music lessons kept on going while their parents kept on being clueless about what was going on... The plan moved smoothly.
However, there were some changes...
Maryse had come to be more gentle with Izzy, as time passed and even started considering letting her live with Alec once again. What was confusing her however is how Izzy had improved, she no longer looked miserable. Was the music that helpful? She had made a note to herself to thank personally Izzy's teacher.
Such luck did not meet Simon and Clary whose parents did anything in their power to restrain them even more. Like Cinderella, they made sure to keep their children busy until their bedtime if they were handling small children and not soon to be adults teenagers. Of course, such gadgets as phones or computers weren't a thing, so the only of communication was through telepathy that Ragnor had set.
Jace on the other hand could be said was the luckiest out of all. Living with Ragnor he woke up anytime he wanted and ate whatever he wanted... That before Ragnor decided with Caterina that the blond needed to start training. They did not have the time to lazy around.
After weeks of "music lessons," they had finally come with a plan. As Raphael said, it's impossible for him and his fellow downworlders to go and encounter Camille, the one that has a hold to the necklace, and Lorenzo who has the book under the roof of his vila. However, that's why they had decided to cooperate with the new members, Izabelle, Jace, Clary a, and Simon.
They all wanted the same thing, to revive Magnus.
Their past failures had made them question it was even possible to bring their friend back. But once they heard the news about summoning Magnus Bane then something within them woke up after a long time, hope.
The new crew came to be quite handy as the supposedly "villains" weren't aware of their existence and their intentions.
So yes, there was still a chance to bring Magnus back. With a well-organized plan and by making the right moves and choices there shouldn't be a problem.
Simon and Izzy were team Sizzy assigned to bring back the necklace while Jace and Clary, team Clace, were assigned for the book.
Both required a lot of skill and diplomacy or so as Simon said acting skills he does not have. Everyone had some des that would be best to avoid during that meeting. Simon the most dangerous of all, his stress levels may be the cause of failure when meeting Camille as her well-known manipulative skills may get the best of him. That's why he was pared up with Izzy, the one that knows to handle herself under stressful and dangerous circumstances unlike Jace who gets the better of him, lacking in anger management and patience Clary who pointed by Raphael could bear Simon's annoying rumbling about anything re satisfying enough to make things work through teamwork.
All in all, the night will be a big one.
Simon was driving his van with Izzy beside him and Magnus at the back. It was night time, just a little later than midnight, knowing that they could sneak out without getting caught by their parents who were deeply asleep, they thought the time was perfect. But apart from that, they couldn't settle down the knot of nervousness that had built up their throats, they were heading for the first boss, Camille Belcourt and they were far from relaxed. "So... Is there something we need to know about her? Anything that could help us out like..."
Simon spoke out first breaking the tension that had filled the room.
Izzy nodded agreeing with Simon. Yes t, they have been told about her... Beautiful and kind character but there should be something of a detail that would allow them to trigger her if things come to it.
"I will need another class wine if I'm going to dirty my mouth..." Magnus pointed out but kept ongoing" Camille thinks immortality is a gift, so she spends her immortal days causing chaos and laughs at the people she destroys, I think that enough of a hint do you think?"
Simon sighed at Magnus' words. Where were they that doomed? Is there no other way?!
Izzy didn't expect anything else at that point. Magnus' feelings of hatred towards Camille was something she was afraid will block his path to happiness, being so stuck up with her and how she ruined him after he showed her love and appreciation was something Magnus would rumble about everything time her name would pop up.
Being fed up with all that Izzy spoke without thinking."What about Alec?"
Immediately cursing herself afterward, she wished she had kept it shut for once.
She knew things between her brother and Magnus were not... Pleasant. They had distanced themselves from each other even if it pained them. She didn't know much about Alec but for Magnus... She couldn't miss how often he will wander around Maryse's house staring at family photos. He missed Alec and it was showing, the worst part was that they couldn't do anything about it... yet.
"The last time a checked he didn't want to see me again..." Magnus said quiet sharply. Alec was a sensitive topic he would rather avoid thinking about at the moment.
"I am sorry Magnus I didn't -"
"Let's focus on getting this necklace on our hands and focus on other matters later on." Magnus interrupted her, pointing out that it was not the time for that kind of discussion.
" That's just great! "
Simon finally spoke.
"We can't be more screwed over! "
It seemed that the nerve-racking teen had been overthinking how they would defeat the final boss instead of focusing on his comrades and what they were rumbling about.
"To not worry."
Izzy said with a promising smile.
She knew they were heading right into the wolf's mouth. But, she is not just any woman, she is freaking Izabelle Lightwood, the badass bitch you can't mess with. So, even if the other woman is a vampire and very experienced on top of that, she isn't going to back down.
Ever since she was young she felt a fire deep inside her, where her heart is. It was where her feelings of courage and determination came from.
The power to protect the ones she loves and the strength to face any fear and enemy.
The spirit of a warrior and a soul so fierce that no demon could eat.
In other words, the soul of a Shadow hunter.
With a sigh Magnus leaned back in his seat, he hadn't seen Alec for so long...
He missed Alec's soft voice
he cold hands that Magnus would always share his warmth with ...
His angel's blue eyes...
The smile that resembled his angelic looks ...
But mostly the time they had to spend talking, sharing opinions, flirting, picking on each other...
And the moments they didn't say a word, simply standing beside each other, comforting each other, cuddling each other.
They did so little...
He just wished he could open his eyes and just be there for his angel, soul, and body.
"Think it as a night that will pass in a matter of some hours," Izzy advised Simon who nodded. He was taking breaths wanting to shake off his stress and anxiety.
"Think it as a living nightmare is what you mean?" Magnus pointed out from where he shat.
Izzy glared at him," could you tone it down a bit."
"You are right. A apologize."
Magnus knew he was taking it too far but this was how it is for him. Having to face the woman that did that to him, the cause of his misery. He just couldn't overlook it.
"I think we are being a little too much. Let's keep in mind we still got this!"
Izzy said as she pulled out of her back a cup, it was made of glass and silver, decorated with red rubies and chains. It is an ancient object, very elegant and unique for Vampires as it was once used by the first-ever vampire. That's why it's called "The cup made of blood".
"A-and we are sure... That, this will be enough?" Simon said still unsure about all this. He is truly worried. But not because of meeting a vampire lady, he is a vampire too, after all, he is nervous that Maryse will wake up and see Izzy's empty bed. He was scared that if they get caught, it will truly be the last time he sees his fearless girlfriend. A life without Izzy, or his friends, is just empty.
"Come on Simon, -"
"-She is greedy..."
Magnus cut off Izzy, making her glare at him. Magnus lifted his hand in surrender, he just told the truth.
"I am just saying that if you want to get her interest, which would be better to avoid, you shall as well target her weak spots. Her greed for power for example."
Simon let out a sigh, "Let's hope Clary and Jace have it better than us."
"Like, come on, you should be happy that we got a warlock! Imagine getting a vampire lord like Camille that Magnus had been bragging about!" Jace said trying to calm down the spirits.
"You don't need to worry Clary, everything will be fine," Caterina said through telepathy ink. As Magnus had gone with Izzy and Simon there wasn't much to worry about. But Clary and Jace didn't have anything to grab for help.
"Oh, no no, Jace was talking to himself." Clary thought and received a sound of oh from the other line.
Currently, clary and Jace were walking towards Lorenzo's mansion, rather hiding in the shadows for the time being could also be said.
"Lorenzo is a very powerful warlock guy. That's why we will cut the telepathy connection once you walk in because he will sense it and then -"
"-You are doomed. He is probably going to make you a statue for his collection."
Ragnor cut off Tessa.
"Where is Raphael? He hasn't spoken ever since the beginning." Jace asked out loud. The fact that Jace and Ragnor would get along so well was surprising, but Jace being in a love-hate relationship with Raphael... that was and still is something of a wonder.
"Well, he had work to attend to."
Ragnor said but added, "He will be coming later though."
"Why is he even working? He doesn't need to so watch the point?" Clary asked out of curiosity, she wasn't that close with Raphael in the first place.
"As of a mean person he is... Most of the time. He still desires friendship. Who would have thought two Shadow hunters would befriend him?"
"Alec and Lydia? I want to hear how..." Jace said as he waited for the right time to head into the mansion.
"That's a story I can not say. Only Raphael can." Caterina pointed out.
"I think it's time."
Clary said and received a nod from Jace. Lorenzo had arrived at his home more than an hour ago but it would be suspicious if they go straight away, so instead, they agreed on waiting for a short while.
"Okey, be careful!"
Caterina said and Tessa added, "Good luck!"
"Thank you."
Clary said and Jace but added right afterward, "We will need it."
And with that, the communication was over. Clary headed to the door as there was no security, oddly, as Jace went to the back of the house.
With a sigh Clary pressed the ring button, "I hope the others are doing fine."
Simon could feel his anxiety rise even more as he stood outside the club. The music was so loud his stomach started to tremble along with his fingers. The lights are annoying as they made him easy to lose focus and even more worry about his surrenderings.
They climbed through the back window which was left unguarded, giving them the easy access they needed.
At first, they couldn't figure out where Camille would be as it was like they had set a date for the exchange. However the necklace was certainly around her neck, such a treasure, there was no way she wouldn't have her eyes on it.
Magnus having noticed the club and its offering or as Simon recalled "menu" it didn't suit her taste which for Isabel and Simon was nothing but odd. Magnus agreed so too but immediately figured she wasn't here for the club but the young people and their fresh blood.
Simon couldn't help but gulp.
"Are you serious?"
"Dear, everything about the chairs even to the color of the walls... Doesn't fit her taste."
"Maybe she ... Changed her preferences?"
Izzy guessed. Of course, it might be as Magnus said, she isn't here for the club but her next prey... But she needed to light up the vibe for her boyfriend.
"As I said, for the food."
Magnus pointed out the VIP room where the vampire glowed in her glory. Camille was already looking, staring at her new prey, Simon Lewis.
Izzy stepped forward, there were too many people and especially mundanes for Camille to try anything tricky, so they should be safe for now.
As soon as they reached up to her she spoke, "My my my, a vampire and a shadow hunter? How adorable! Though... I thought they had gone extinct like a rare animal."
"Funny isn't it? What's funnier is even though demons no longer invade the mundane world, shadow hunters are still needed to keep the order and peace between the two worlds." Izzy pointed out not pleased to be picked on by someone like her.
Magnus on the other hand cursed under his breath. With Camille, there is only one way to finish up quickly, follow her way and keep it low but they hadn't taken in mind that Izzy even if calm under pressure she is quite responsive.
The two women held their ground strong and would defend it under any circumstance. They both have a strong spirit and a stubborn head, there is no easy way for them to communicate without pressing each other.
"I want to make a negotiation with you," Izzy said sharply, she wanted to keep this short and quick.
"Hmm~ straight to the point I see."
Camille said and moved her hand, as a sign for the other vampires to leave.
And as expected they followed the order without further questions.
The vampires that were surrounding her were almost unnoticeable as all had their backs turned and minding their own business. However, Camille ordering them to take a leave might be good. Not only had they taken a chance to speak to her but now there wouldn't be any interfering.
Izzy and Simon didn't sit whatsoever, this needed to be short as time wasn't in their side. "The silver necklace with the red ruby in exchange for this." Izzy had decided to be the spokesman as Simon was still nervous to do the talking. However, she had to say that Simon had an arcade of calm on his face that had even her almost fooled.
Camille's eyes glowed once she saw the cup, it was pretty clear that she knew exactly what that is and is carving for it. "Take a seat, so to discuss," Camille said once again, not taking her eyes off the cup.
Izzy glanced at Magnus and Simon, she knew she couldn't deny for a second time, that would make them suspicious. So, she sat opposite of her but when Simon tried to follow Camille pulled him to sit close beside her. Izzy bit her tongue to not speak and drag her man back with her.
"So..." Camille started while she moved her hands aimlessly and innocently, teasing Simon's neck, needless to say, Simon was beyond uncomfortable, trying to swoop further from the un contr vampire lady only be dragged right into her by the extraordinary power her vampire strength held. "Are you by any chance... sent by Magnus and his silly friends or...from an interest in jewelry?"
"Jewelry is what I am here for, and I want to get over it a soon as possible. Today was not a great day and it doesn't seem it will get better. So, can we hurry?" Izzy said sounding nal. But in reality, she was nervous, she kept her hand on top of her shadow hunter weapon just to make herself feel safer. A metallic snake bracelet was given to her by her mother that she had also been training with. Maryse had made it clear to Izzy that now that she knows about the shadow world she will need to protect herself in case something went wrong. Izzy still said and tried to make her mother call Alec and let him be her trainer but she refused, saying that Alec has quite the stuff going on.
"But of course...But are you sure you never have heard of the name before?"
Camille smirked at her next words, "Are you sure he is not right next to you?"
Izzy frown concerned, showing her confusion and not how bad she wanted to freeze at that moment. She wanted to look or at least glance at Magnus to save her but from his silence,t was clear that he had been taken aback himself.
"Am I wrong? Do you not know anyone by the name Magnus Bane?"
Camille said with her eyebrows raised, her smirk hurting Izzy's pride and firing her anger.
"Are we talking about the actor?"
Simon asked seemingly confused himself.
He followed Izzy's lead making a little bit of the weight that had built up her chest leave her body and allow her to take a breath.
"There is no actor with such name!" Camille said irritated forssomemeee reason, angry even.
"... Then I must have confused him for someone else... Did you mean Magnus Bale?" Simon's acting was good, good enough to make Camille frown and make a vein pop on her forehead.
Her frustration and suspicion were easy to read, she looked troubled. Though rightful so, anyone in her place after hearing about the return of the person who she destroyed his life, would have one eye open while they sleep.
Izzy wanted to laugh and Magnus' muffled chuckles, he was making it worse for her, but she kept her mind where it should be, on getting that beautiful necklace. "I do not know what you are referring to but the reason I want this necklace is simply that it glows when a demon approaches or is near, pretty useful for a shadow hunter," Izzy explained as Cammile didn't seem to let go of the necklace without knowing their purpose.
"If I remember correctly, demons no longer exist?" Camille asked with a raised eyebrow and her usual devious smirk. She thought she got her.
"It's true. Demons don'tseem to roam the roads of the mundane world anymore But, their value doesn't lessen. After the fall of JonathanMorningstarr, all doors to hell closed... It doesn't mean that there won't another Jonathan. We need to be ready for everything and everyone that may arise. Satisfied?" Izzy now showing her smirk of victory.
Camille, irritated by the shadow hunter's attitude and the reasonable response with no lacking reliability couldn't go against the agreement. Yet she refused to make it easy. "I see... It's a fair deal. But I will ask again, have you not heard about the summonings of Magnus Bane?"
Just something about the whole thing still kept her on guard... Something didn't to the situation.
"... Don't tell me you believe in such things... I had you from a sensible wowoman," Simon said in a tone of disapproval, having become overconfident.
A mistake.
Simon thought that if he aimed at her ego then the situation would be a win to their side... But Camille did not take it that way.
"I like it when men think they have the upper hand...But you see...They do not... Not with me." Camille had taken a hold of Simon's neck and had pushed him closer to her, letting her whispers get to him. Camille having lived for decades had increased her strength and power over other vampires. She became annoyed however when Simon's response to her seduction was to cringe, displeased with her and wanting nothing more to leave.
Just who does he think he is?!
Izzy immediately stood her ground,
"What do you think you are doing?!"
Magnus knew Camille liked to play around but he did not expect things to turn out like that! Yes, he did know Camille placed herself and her deeds first under any circumstance and anyone. But getting out of everyone's way just to satisfy her anger by causing more chaos was something he hoped she would fix.
Magnus couldn't do anything else but watch, feeling useless, unable to help out the people that had stood for him. Something within him burned, his anger made his hands shake and it wasn'tuntil he noticed in the corner of his eye the blue flakes that had started took all of Izzy's power not to attack Camille right there, "... We don't have the entire night, can we make the exchange and get this over with?"
Magnus clenched his jaw, Izzy had done a big mistake, she had shown her annoyance to Camille. And now that she knew she would make their stay longer and unbearable as she was quite known for messing with people.
Now, only an angel could save them Magnus thought.
"Someone needs to calm down their nerves... We are at a... dazzling place we shall as well enjoy it, you agree?" Camille turned to Simon who could not look more uncomfortable but it wasn't as she cares for such a thing.
Camille had her eyes stuck on Simon trying her best to capture him, Simon however kept throwing nervous glances between his girlfriend and Magnus.
"I think it's time to give us the necklace and for our leave," Izzy said getting up for the second or third time now. Simon attempted to do as so too only get dragged down by the woman that has been nothing but a pain in the ass.
"Just before you leave hun, "
Camille said with an insidious smirk, And what happened next had made Izzy lose it Snake bitch forced herself on him by kissing him while he tried to push her away but you see... Both were vampires, and as Camille is older she is more powerful, meaning Simon did his best in this state of shock to get himself free of her grip.
Izzy's eyes widen and it was then when she decided that she wanted to stab someone. She stormed over and dragged Camille away from Simon by her hair making her hiss in pain.
"Back off !" And with that the two ladies were on the floor fighting, giving Simon the chance to take the necklace, or so he thought.
Because bodyguards came and had already settled a tight grip on all three, stopping the fight and taking the objects that were for the trade. Soon they were dragged at the back where was more quietness and light. Everything was done in a blink of an eye really, after all in a club full of teens such things as fights must be quite common.
Izzy felt her senses coming back but her anger still had not worn off. If she had more time she would have followed some tactic but after seeing her boyfriend being attacked in such a disturbing way the only thing that came automatically was to grab her whip and lle within se distance.
Her shadow hunter training paid off in some way, of course, she in no way would be able to take down a vampire, she recently had started after all.
She could hear Simon whisper calmly at her as the three of them plus Magnus were waiting for someone while being stared at by another security guard. Simon was trying to soothe her which made her feel warm by his care and concern, eventually, Simon managed to calm down his warrior.
Magnus once again felt his heart heavy, what if Izzy and Simon got once again in trouble with their parents? The thought made his anxiety level up and started walking back and forth.
Only when he noticed Camille looking straight at him did he stop. Her stare was cold but at times playful.
Magnus wanted to rip off that permanent smirk of her's so much...
Glancing at the two teens he felt his heartbreakeakuching foreheads while holding hands they both had closed their eyes as they comforted each other with their presence and touch.
Something so beautiful that he kept on destroying... If it was not for the ones who cursed him...
Oh if it wasn't for them... He clenched his feasts tightly, those people need to asterion
Campoisonas was prwas was pretty annoyed with the whole situation, she couldn't even play with the new laws. Seriously, this was too mumuchidity for her to handle, those crybabies will make her the bad guy again and she is not in the mood to deal with such an overdramatic response.
She kept on tapping her finger up and down in frustration, this is something that in no way someone like her should go through, where is the respect she deserves?
She stopped...
Something was not right...
She flinched as she felt another shiver crawl up her spine.
Her instincts were screaming danger and to start running, but where is even the threat?
Camille moved her gaze in the deep corners, having one of her hands hidden behind her, her nails ready to rip off someone's head.
Tsk, where were those clingy bastards she had? Sure she cues them away but they should have kept an eye on her!
Then, she felt it.
A glare she had felt on her skin once and only once.
When he was still alive and well, as she with the help of one of her ex send him off.
Magnus Bane.
She could feel the fierce magic of his cat eyes fall upon her, her skin became tight and cold as her eyes did not dare to blink, scared that he will appear in front of her and get to her as she did centuries ago.
"I will send your soulless body to Edom."
That husk or whisper made her tremble, what was that? Even Magnus was not that cruel... His glare as he stared at her when he was cursed was and is something that felt different. She was so used to receiving Magnus'love...
Who would knew, it was time to face the walls of hatred.
Cammile huffed in disbelief, he was here ... He is right here!
Only when she glanced at the side did she froze, Magnus was standing there a second ago she could swear on it. Magnus was standing within the shadow only his yellow-amber eyes making him stand out from the darkness.
"What'saning of this?"
Magnus felt his deadadartbeatIt felt like centuries since he last saw him...
How can something be so beautiful and warmhearted but at the same time so so painful and just...
He was right there, Alec was standing some feet away from him... Yet he couldn't see or touch or talk to him...
This wall, this curse made things between them feel distant...
The only thing Magnus wanted to do is break that damn wall and fell for the first real-time Alec.
Yet, the only thing he could do, for centuries now, stands and views.
Watch the people around you age and die... Watch as the world kept on changing without him. It was as if he kept on watching an endless movie... That he wanted to be so much a part of...
But couldn't.
"I repeat, what's the meaning of this?"
Alec had crossed his arms, glaring at each and impatiently waiting for an answer no one seemed to be giving him.
Simon and Izzy exchanged terrified looks between them, having a silent conversation of who how, and what to say and try to explain all that... Whatever was even freaking going for his point of view.
"Well... Officer..."
Camille smirked as she fluttered her eyelashes at him, being all playful and flirty like she was not in a hand-to-hand fight with a Shadow hunter some minutes ago.
Magnus couldn't help but let his jaw drop. Was she for real? Was she?
His mind just couldn't bear the picture.
"You have the right to remain silent," Alec said quite aggressively, really mad at Camille for some reason that she was taken aback by.
Alec kept on looking at Izzy and Simon, waiting for a response from them but the only thing they did was look dumbfounded.
"What do you mean...?"
Camille had now a frown fitting her face.
"What IS the meaning of THAT?" Cammile was the one that started to get aggressive, having the courage to step forward and lean on Alec's face.
"That? Are you serious?!" Alec stepped up even more roughly, his words being clear and loud enough yet not explaining damn, serious! What is the problem now?!" Camille just couldn't let that man yell at her, she was the one who had control over the situation, she was the one to choose what is going to happen and who will get punished. If it wasn't that forbids any interfering with the mundane world she would have him on his knees begging her for mercy.
Alec rolled his eyes as he pushed her gently away with his finger, having his gloves worn made it look as if he was disgusted to even touch her.
Camille trembled in anger and frustration, she wanted to kill him for treating her like that, who does he think he is? Nobody! She is that close to breaking character and making him choke in his blood.
"Camille Belcourt, you are dragged out here and banned from the club for two reasons. Do you want to start from the mundane law or -"
"- Let me hear it and maybe discuss it later." Camille tried once again to charm him but nothing. He was rested in any way, which was impossible everyone fell for her beauty and charms... Maybe it's because he not heading that way? There is no other explanation.
Alec sigh deeply clearly annoyed that he can even talk, " Stop trying iitwon'twork... Your vampire hypnosis thing. Now-"
"You are not mundane are you?"
Things got even more interesting...
Izzy and Simon held hands, terrified of what might follows. They were also very confusaboabout about what was going on, it seems they are on the winning side but Camille just won'tive up. The fact that Alec is not done is already known but what soiso interesting output it? To intrigue Camille's interest.
"No no, we are not getting there. Stop changing the subject by the angel!" Alec had a long time since he had to deal with such... A personality.
".... A shadow hunter maybe?"
Camille laughed, this was something she could step her foot on.
"And again, do you know why you are dragged out here?" Alec crossed his arms, this was going to be a disaster.
"Hmmm, let's see. Because those two don't know how to handle themselves. Seriously, I don't understand why I am being treated that way."
Izzy couldn't help but glare at the vampire and her full mouth of lies. They couldn't handle themselves? Even if she was the one who forced herself into Simon, she cant be seriously playing the victim.
Magnus rolled his eyes, of course, what else should he have expected?
Alec stared at her for a moment... Was she serious?
"First of all, we have captured you in camera forcing yourself into an underage teen... That's illegal."
"Underage or not her still went in this club. This fault! I can't believe I'm accused of something like this!"
Alec raised his eyebrows as he looked at the three faces. Camille had a glim of satisfaction, believing she is going to come out clean while the other two teensttrembled at what may come... They just didn't know how the situation could get any worse.
Alec cleared his throat as he pointed out something on n his finger, a sign
"Cocktails and drinks for the youth with only 5% alcohol."
"-Which makes your point nothing close to valid, adding the fact that he did try to push you away..."
Camille stood there in disbelief, her moth hangsgsin shock as her feasts shook in anger... That is not happening.
"Iftthat'sss all I suggest you leave and any further notice about the lawsuit you will be in contact with the manager of the club," Alec said before turning his gaze on the teens that so dreaded that exact moment.
"No no, we are not done yet!"
Camille hissed at him, revealing her sharp fangs that threatened the Nephilim who did not seem to budge.
"Attacking will only make things worse for you," Without any hesitation, Alec reached behind him only to bring forward a glowing seraph blade.
"I hope you realize that."
Things have come to bit tense
Simon closed his eyes and pray this won't aa timeimeenethat he will get involved. Izzy took deep breaths as she stared at the floor, this has turned out way too dangerous... And she can do nothing about it.
Magnus gazed as things kept on happening, once again as he always did. However this time it felt different...
It was as if ... He could reach his hand and just... Interfere.
He, without realizing or simply not caring enough, reached Alec's neck.
A rune was decorating the pale skin he so missed to touch. There are so many things going on and truly keep up. He got tired and just let himself free to his senses.
Softly brushing the Shadow hunter's skin he could feel his angel relax under his touch. Did he felt his warmth?
He huffed, such a thing is impossible.
After all Alec, last time he checked, was questioning a lot ofoofingsHe knew Magnus as a person was real... He wasn't sure if he was him or his mind had messed with him.
He just wished, even if greedy, to hear Alec's voice... To get Alec's attention he had missed so much...
It made his ad as if Alec was part of him and his life but not for the other way around. After all, Magnus is-
"Not now... Magnus."
...real for Alec?
I have been apologizing so much and breaking my promises endlessly that I'm surprised you are still here.
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