Let's Start

Magnus woke up at the the sound of yelling. He quickly got up, what time is it?
He thought at first.
But the theme quickly changed as the yelling didn't stop.
What is happening?
Magnus then thought.

He made some steps closer to the sound, which was coming from upstairs, and tryed to listen better.

"What the hell izzy!?"

It was Alec and apparently Izabele was in trouble. Magnus quickly went to izzy's room as it was there when the argument was taking place.

"Why did you took my phone!?"
Alec said lower than before.
"And especially without my permission."
He added.

"Alec... I...."
Izzy had just woke up and wasnt sure what was going on... Until she saw Alec's phone on her hand and remembered everything.

"I was concerned about you! You were avoiding your phone all evening and night yesterday..... I thought you were in trouble."
Izzy confessed.

Alec rolled his eyes.
"I am an adult Izzy. I know how to deal with problems."

"Do you? Because based on the message exchange you had with that Raj guy you were just avoiding him."
Izzy said and crossed her arms.

Magnus didnt know if he must leave or no... Izzy hadn't notice him come in and Alec can't see him but he still felt like the third will..... But he stayed anyways.

" You think i havent tryed!? This guy is a stalker. "
Alec yelled at first.

"Then why aren't you going to the police?"
Izzy said with a raised eyebrow.

"He is the police."
Alec responded.

".... What does that mean?"
Izzy asked, now with a frown.

"He is a police officer."

"Okey.... And?... There are plenty of other police officers to help you."

"He is the son of the boss."

"... Well... I am sure someone will be able to help you."
Izzy said not really knowing what else to say.

"Even if I go they aren't going to do anything."
Alec said, tired of explaining.

"I don't think that is true, Alec.
They are police officers. It's they duty to help people. There will surely be someone to help with this."
Izzy said and got up, looking up to her tall brother with crossed arms.

"Izzy, he hasn't threatened me nor touch me. So I can't really call him off to the police just because he texts me.
And I am sure the police officers wouldn't like to loose their jobs."
Alec said and crossed her arms as well.

"...But...he still is bothering you and-"
"-You know something... Let's say that never happen."
Said Alec interrupting Izzy.
He then took his phone and left the room.

Izzy looked at Magnus.
" Why did you sale me out like that!?"
Magnus looked at her with a frown.

"Why didn't you wake me up?"
Izzy cleared up.

"You were too tired and you had school tomorrow... So I decided not to wake you up."
Magnus said and izzy nodded.
She understood Magnus's point.
Which was very nice of him but still she would have preferred to have woken up and later not been yelled at.

After that Magnus went downstairs to see Alec as Izzy was getting ready for school.

Alec was making breakfast for izzy and Magnus sat on one of the stools while looking at Alec.
Recalling the last night event.
Alec had a very bad nightmare yesterday night and Magnus couldn't stop thinking about it.
What was that that made Alec to go in that panic state?
Alec seemed a person with a normal life.
Has his own work, friends, family, house.... Car..... And a crazy ex which is not that much normal.
But despite that Alec has a normal life. So what is that that scares this man?

His thoughts were interrupted by izzy who sat beside him.
Alec gave her her food and sat opposite of her going through his phone.

It was awkward silence.

"You must apologize to him."
Magnus said softly to Izzy as he has been looking back and forth between them.

Izzy gave a small nodd and cleared her throat.
" I... I am sorry big brother."
Izzy said and looked at Alec.

Alec looked at her emotionless at first but then he sigh.
"How can I not forgive you? You are my baby sister."
Alec said and broke a smile.
Izzy smiled back and went to him to hug him. 

"So? Are you ready for school?"
Alec said breaking the hug.

Izzy answered and took her bag.

"Let's go then."
Said Alec and headed outside followed by Izzy who was followed by Magnus.

On the way to school Magnus was asking izzy questions about the school and izzy was tapping on her phone the answers.

"How is school going?"
Alec asked out of the blue making both Izzy and Magnus to jolt.

"Emmm.... It's okey."
Izzy said .
It was true that she wasn't the best student at school. She was more like a medium, which made Robert and Maryse very annoyed and it was one of the many causes of their fights.
But it wasn't because she wasn't smart no no no she was incredibly smart, she was just not interested in the subjects and just didn't care enough to spend time studying them.

"Just be patient.
You will be standing outside the  university you want to go in a year.
It was The Institute Designs, wasnt it?"
Alec said keeping his eyes to the road.

"Y-yes... How do you remember? I don't really mention it much, as mom and dad always get angry about it."
Izzy said.
"Mom is especially the most unbearable one."
Izzy then added.

Magnus rose his eyebrow.
Why would a parent be angry at their children's dreams?
And to be honest Magnus didn't expected any less from izzy.
He had seen her drawing and they were like professional's
But back to the topic.
He really wondered.
What kind of parents does Izzy and Alec have?
Because if so Alec gets another point in the category of problems.

"Mom is not like that."
Alec argued calmly.

"Right. Do you not remember all the fighting?"
Izzy said and rolled her eyes.

"What was the last time she scolded you about that?"
Alec then said and Izzy opened her mouth to speak but stopped.
What was the last time Maryse scold her?
She rememberes that it happen several times but doesn't remember the last one.

"Told you."
Said Alec and parked the car but not turning it off.

"You need to give to mom a chance.
She has really changed."
Alec then added.

Izzy looked skeptical but nodded as she opened the door to leave.
She closed the door once Magnus had also walked out of the car.
"Take care."
Alec said and Izzy said
"You too big brother."
Alec smiled and drove off.

"Okey! Emm... Follow me."
Said Izzy and Magnus nodded, deciding not to talk about it.
He knew it was non of his business but he couldn't stop being curious.
He had figured out one thing for sure though.

The Lightwood family is full of drama, and Magnus loves drama.

Magnus was following Izzy on the way to class and saw so many new things.
The century he was currently in was indeed full of interest.
Yea sure he was summoned some days ago from two other kids but immediately drove them to their own death. So, he didnt had much of a chance to see what was this century all about.

Magnus was in a blink of an eye back to Edom before he could even see outside the window.
He really didn't like it there, even if a lot had changed. Like, now there were houses and actual trees. Yea sure it is still the useal dry hot weather with Demons but things have started to look a lot more civilizated.

He is the king and Edom is his kingdom. He has responsibilities but its okey as Asmodious was there to take the lead. Asmodious is Magnus's father and to be honest his father is the best he could ever get.

After he was born Asmodious was there and took care of him and his mother.
After his mother death they moved to Edom as it was there where they could see and reunite with his mother.
She hadn't done anything bad she just could make the choice and she did.
Magnus still remembers his dad and mom go to earth for walks and stuff like that. All that thanks to a spell Asmodious had done.
It was really magestic.
Asmodious used that spell on his wife and they could be together forever.
And even young!
It was indeed something that Magnus was planning on doing when he meets his special one.

And for some reason the picture of Alec flushed in front of him.
Witch made him stop walking for a second but continued quickly catching up to Izabelle.
What was that?
He thought.
He wanted to think about it but as soon as they walked in the classroom Magnus forgot all about Edom and almost about Alec, the classroom was full and to be honest the decoration if you even can call that, was awful.
He shake his head in disappointment, with a school with such a high budget that was the most they could do?
He looked at Izzy who had took a sit.

"Now what?"
Magnus asked.

"We will go through of most of my classes and the last two we are going to skip."
Izzy said and received some weard looks.

Izzy told to some girls that were staring.

The girls quickly turned to their own business. Izzy was the most popular girl in school and everyone knew to not mess with her, especially after the even with Jessica.

"Is it me or people here are scared of you?"
Magnus asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Hmmm... I think so. Yes pretty much.
Especially after the event with.... I don't really remember her name."
Izzy said honestly.

"What happened to her?"
Magnus asked slowly.

"Well, let's just say that she won't dare to even say my name ever again."
Said Izzy with a charming smile and opened her backpack.

She took her phone out and unlocked it. She texted Clary when she will be there and responded that she is in her way with Jace AND Simon. She said she will explain.

So Izzy went on her first page and stared a little bit to the background with a small smile.

Magnus took a glimpse of what she was looking and it was clear enough that it was no other than Simon and her.

"You like him."
Magnus said more than asked.

Izzy jolt and closed her phone.
She had been caught.
"Oh eh... No I..."
Magnus rose an eyebrow with a face that said 'You can't full nobody.'.

With a sigh she said "Yea, I like him. And so does he but I want him to make the first move."

"How long have you been waiting?"
Magnus asked curious.

"Some years."
Izzy said and received a shocked expression of Magnus.
" What!?"

Izzy said and leaned back.

"To be honest If I were you I'd have done the first move, like....right now."
Magnus said.

Izzy giggle.
"I will give him one last week.
If he does not act, then I will."
Izzy said and passed her hair back.
"Why is Simon so Alec when it comes to those stuff!"
Izzy complained dramatically.

"What do you mean?"
Magnus asked, getting a lot more interested on the topic.

"Alec will never, ever do the first stape."
Izzy said with shrug.

Magnus said and downloaded the information in his mind.



"Izzy! You won't believe what happened to us!"
Clary said as she walked in the classroom.

"This isn't over."
Izzy whispered to Magnus.

"Oh, it much pretty is."
Magnus whispered back with a smirk.

Izzy was about to protest but Clary had already reached her.

"Where is Simon and Jace?"
Izzy then asked, deciding to let go of the topic.

" They have PE first class."
Clary said and took a sit beside Izzy.

"Oh right. So what happened to you?"
Izzy asked.

"Big story short, Jace and Simon waited for me to the usual spot so we will walk all together to school but mom decided to drop me there."

"Oh no."
Izzy said worryingly.

"Thank goodness Simon and Jace saw my mom's car and jumped behind some bush. So she drop me off to the spot and left without noticing them. The thing is that Simon and Jace had fallen in a pile of dirt and had gotten really messy.
So Jace and Simon went to Jace's apartments and got a quick bath and a pair of clothes. "

" Wait wait... You mean that Simon....wears leather? "
Said Izzy shocked and surprised.

" No, Jace wouldn't let him wear them."
Clary said.

"Then what did he wore?"
Izzy asked.

" Some gym clothes."
Clary responded.

It was true that Simon had a.... Unique kind of style.... Which required to have logos of every science fiction book or show.

"I need to see this."
"Me too."
Magnus said after Izzy.

It was then that Clary noticed Magnus.
"Why is he here?!"
Magnus rose an eyebrow offended.

"No no I meant why is here to school?"
Clary said quickly.

"We need him. He is the one who can tell if we are getting close or not."
Izzy said and Clary nodded.

Clary opened her mouth to say something but the teacher walked in.
"All sit down! We have a test."

The room filled with heavy sighs and groans. Except from the nerd.
Her name was Doth.

Magnus raise an eyebrow and looked between the two girls.

Izzy explained
" This teacher is the most annoying one in our entire school. He put test from previous years lessons saying that we ought to know them.
He is such a -"
Mr. Pit yelled.

Izzy said innocently.

Magnus looked at Clary who had written something for him.
He also sends people to detentions and to the principal with no reason.

" Detention Ms Lightwood."
He announced.

Izzy jolt up.

"You heard me."
Mr Pit said.

"But -"
"Two days."
"Three days."
Said the teach with a smirk.

Magnus rolled his eyes. This teach was pain in the ass. He looked at Izzy and smirked, which made her frown.
What was he thinking?

Magnus walked towards the teacher and snapped his fingers.
The teacher opened his mouth to continue but nothing come out.
His voice was gone.

Izzy didn't loose the opportunity and acted quickly.
"Let's make a deal. What if I take.... Higher than 90%?
Will you let me be with no detention?"

Magnus snapped his fingers again making the spell go down.
"Hahaha hahaha"
The teacher literally started laughing.
"You!? Lightwood. The higher grade you have ever took is 40%."

"It was 40,99%"
Izzy corrected him annoyed.

"The same thing.... But I will accept the deal. But if I win, you will have detention for the rest of your school year."
The teacher said.

Izzy was unsure and looked at Magnus who winked at her.
Meaning that she will be good.
"Challenge accepted."
Said Izzy.

The teach smirked and gave everyone the test. Everyone's mouth hang open, even Doth's. They had never seen any of this!

"What is this shit!?"
A guy yelled and of course he got detention.

"W-we haven't done anything of this the past years!"
Doth said.

"Really? Hmm mm."
Everyone was looking at the teacher witch hope which disappeared
"What to do?.... You have five minutes."

Izzy yelled.

"Better start writing."
Said Mr Pit and went right above Izzy's head. To make sure she wouldn't cheat.

Izzy had stuck in a dead end.
There is no way to write as Magnus can't tell her what Doth has written as she herself has no idea what to write.
And let's not forget they have only five minutes!
She was so screwed!
If she get detention she won't be able to skip classes and join the other!
She is just that screwed.

Magnus went beside her and patted her on the shoulder.
Izzy sigh. Letting Magnus know that she ain't gonna write.

But then Magnus started talking.
"This event happened between the 8th and 9th century and bla bla bla bla."
Izzy was writing everything down.
She didn't except things to take such a good turn.

The teacher behind her was even more socked to see that Izzy, an average student, was writing everything in detail and actually correctly.

He knew he was gonna loose and his pride will get painfully hurt, so he snatched her test and said
" Eeeee.... Dismiss! Everyone leave now!"

Everyone happily walked and runned outside. Clary sigh in relief and went to the door waiting for Izzy.
Izzy passed the teacher with a smirk and winked at Magnus who winked back.

Their day had been saved thank to Magnus, and to be honest it will not be the only time...

"How did you know all the answers with such detail?"
Izzy asked Magnus as they were walking to their table at their school cafeteria.

"I am over 400 years old. It is easy to know what happened in the past as you have lived through it."
Magnus said.

"Oh my god. Then have you experienced this and this and thsisbnssns"
Clary was asking him about several events that had happen in the past and was shocked to know that he indeed had went through them.

"Omg! You have met Michaelangelo?!"
Clary squick.

"Yes, and he was great in bed if I may add."
Said Magnus with a smirk.

Izzy Burts out laughing when she saw Clary's face.
And just shocked.

Soon Jace and Simon reached them.
Clary frown when she saw Simon wearing his usual clothes.
" What happened to Jace's clothes?"

"I had some extra at my locked, so after gym I changed."
Simon said, happily to be able to where his fanboy shirts from Starwars.

He really didn't know what he would do if he had to wear Jace's oversized (for him atleast) clothes.
Jace looked at Simon offended.
Not only did he made his clothes dirty with sweat, he had also been happy to wear those thing than his fashionable gym clothes.
Did he actually think that his clothes (Simon's clothes) are better than his?

Which made Clary and Izzy laugh.
"When will we go?"
Simon asked, changing the subject.

" You will skip the last two hours."
Magnus responded and Simon nodded.

After that it was silent.
Until it was finally time.

At the moment Jace was leading the rest outside from the back yard.
Appearently, there was an opening that Jace has been using since he entered this school.

After they head out successfully they started walking towards the "store"
Which wasn't really a store but anyways.

"Is that it?"
Jace asked.

Simon said.

"How are we going to get through the front desk through?"
Clary asked.

"Let it on me."
Izzy said and walked in.

"Don't worry. If she doesn't manage I will."
Said Magnus with a wink and walked in followed slowly by the rest.

They walked to the front desk and they were surprise to see no security cameras and literally no one.
Well, there was one person in the front desk but it seemed to be only him which was not what they had expected.

Izzy smiled and said
"Hello, me and my friends want to access the library."

The man didn't even look up from his phone and just said
" If you are reporters or something like that, show me your IDs and go ahead, if not then get the hell out and don't waist my time."
The man looked around 25, he didn't seem that tall and had brown her cut short.

Izzy rolled her eyes but didn't gave up.
She knew she will have him under her spell once she notice her.
So she cleared her throat and said
" We are actually university students and we are doing a project which in our case need information about someone called Magnus Bane.
We couldn't find any trustworthy information except from here.
So can you please let me and my friends go through?"

The man looked up like grumpy cat and huffed.
" No."

Izzy's smile become a smirk as she passed her long raven hair back.
" I think you can make exceptions. "
Said Izzy with an attractive voice that no male can resist.

He looked at her with a frown
"Are you flirting with me?"

She responded with the same voice.

"Sorry missy but I am gay."
The man said and moved his hands as a sign for them to go.

Clary said and the man lifted his head again with an eye roll.

"He is gay."
She said and pointed at someone.
Jace said.
Jace was everything but gay.
He had no problem with gay or lesbians or with the LGBT community in jeneral but he was not interested to someone that has similar body as he.

The man at the front desk raised an eyebrow.
"Are you being serious? You think because I am gay I will fall for the first gay person I see ? Are you literally being serious right now?"

"What? No no no I didn't mean it like that!"
Clary said a little panicked.

The man opened his mouth to talk again but Magnus snapped his finger and the man started doing some computer work, ignoring the others.

"What did you do?"
Simon asked Magnus.

"I made him not be able to see you nor hear you..... So you are welcome."
Said Magnus like it was too obvious to not understand.

"Why didn't you do this from the beginning?"
Jace said.
"And really Clary!?"
He added and looked at his girlfriend.
"Simon would be a better and more convincing choice!"
Simon rolled his eyes but said nothing. He wasn't in the mood to argue.

"Let's just get things over and Jace."
Izzy said and looked at Jace.
"Friday 15 February of 2018."

"I was drunk!"
Jace explained.

"And so was he."
Izzy said and started walking followed by Magnus who was bugging her to tell him what happened then.

Clary looked at Jace a little bit shocked
"No babe! Let me explain!"
Jace said and Simon started laughing.

"What are you laughing at!?"
Jace said angrily at Simon.

Said Simon not really meaning it.
He and Clary made an eye contact and it was then when they both couldn't keep a straight face.
They both started laughing like crazy and walked together in the 'library'.
Jace groaned in frustration and walked after them.

They went inside and to their bad or good luck it was huge.
And it was not even a joke anymore that they will have to spend so much time here.
Magnus Bane had a great amount of information.... A whole bookcase.
With a sigh they started searching.
It will take them time until they locate Magnus's body.

But they had no other joice.
So they dig in.


Alec didn't had to peek up Izzy from school as she will go to Clary's house after.

So he found the opportunity to pay a visit to Maryse and Max.
Maryse was strict and never satisfied.
She will always act based on the rule and the family picture like Robert.

But Alec knew that she was doing that only because she was scared.
Scared of Robert.
Robert has been abusing her for years, before Alec was even born.
And she would accept the beating and the raping as if it meant nothing to happen to her children.

And everythings was okey until Robert learned about Alec's sexuality.
It was the last drop.
She divorced Robert as soon as see had found a secret job and had been payed enough to stand on her own legs.

She was sending money to Alec and soon enough she divorced Robert and moved away with Max.
Getting Max wasn't difficult as Robert knew if she opened her mouth he would be behind the bars.

After Maryse set up her own store she felt so much stronger and free.
It was then when her real face was shown.

Max and Alec forgave her instantly but Izzy didn't and even refused to meet her.

Izzy really needed to give Maryse a chance and Alec was determined of it.

Alec parked close to Maryse's store

As he entered the smell of sandalwood hit him right at the nose.
Sandalwood was Alec favorite smell since he could remember, it was just gave an overwhelming feeling that Alec couldn't really explain.

Alec smiled as he felt to small arms hugging his leg.
"Hello Maxie."
Said Alec and made Max's hair to get even messier.

A lot say that Max looked like Alec in a kid version. Both having those incredible blue hazel eyes, the raven black massy hair and that pale skin.
Really the only things they didn't had in common is the age, hight and that Max wears glasses.

Alec looked back up and saw Maryse behind the counter with a warm smile looking at them.

"Hello mom."
Said Alec with a smile and lifted Max up high to his chest.

Alec gave a kiss to Max on the chick as he walked towards Maryse.
Max giggling in the way.

"Hello Alec, what a lovely surprise."
Maryse said.

"How you come here Alec?"
Max asked, still lifted.

"What? Can I not visit my mom and my little brother?"
Alec said with a raised eyebrow but also with a smile.

Maryse shook her head with a chuckle.
"Of course not. But you always come on Saturdays."

" Well Izzy went to her friend's house so I had some time to spear before going to work."
Alec said.

"When do you start?"
Maryse then asked.

"At 10."
Alec said and Maryse looked at the clock. It was 3:00.
"Ha ve you eaten?"
Maryse asked.
Alec shook his head, no.

Maryse shaked her head.
"You should eat properly Alec. How are you going to grow up!?"

Max raised his eyebrows and looked at Alec, making him frown.
Max said with a poute.
"If Alec grows up more how will I be able to reach him!?"
Max added and crossed his arms.
Alec looked at Maryse and Maryse Alec.
They burst out laughing and Max frown, why are they laughing?

"Max go bring some toys to play as I go eat because I am hungry."
Alec said and put him down.

"What? no. Max has some study to do."
Maryse said, not really strict.

Max sigh and said

But before he goes Alec said
"Go little baddy and I will come soon to join and help you."
Alec said with a smile which Max returned before going upstairs, were Maryse's apartment was.

Maryse and Alec then walked to the back were a small kitchen was.
Maryse putted in a plate pasta
" hmm my favorite. "
Alec said happily.
Maryse smiled at her son.

Alec took the fork and dig in.
Maryse sat opposite of him and started a conversation
" How is Izabelle?"

"Good. She is really happy to be staying here."
Alec said with a full mouth.

"Don't speak with your mouth full Alec."
Maryse said with a small smile.

"I am sorry."
Alec said once he gulped the food.

".... Does Izabelle know about Robert?"
Maryse said.

"About what? About him doing all those stuff to you and me or about him not knowing where she lives exactly?"
Alec asked serious.

Maryse said with a sigh.

"No mom I haven't told her and I am not planning to."
Alec said.
Maryse nodded, respecting Alec's wishes.

"Anyways let's talk about something more fun."
Maryse siad after a moment with a bright smile.

Alec looked up at her as he took down the last bite of his food.
"And that is?"
Alec added as he started gulping down the glass with water Maryse had for him.

"Your love life of course."
Maryse said.
Alec gugged at the water and started couching.

Maryse rolled her eyes.
"Oh come on Alec. You know you can talk about this kind of stuff with me."

"I - couch- don't think so."
Alec said while cleaning up the mess with the towel.

"....... Are you lonely Alec?"
Maryse said a lot more serious and concerned.

Alec didn't say anything.
Maryse walked up to her son from behind the counter and hugged him.
" You will find him one day, I promise."

"And what if I never met him mom?
I don't want to die alone."
Alec said getting watery.

Maryse clenged her teeth.
"Alec. You are only 23."

"... Still."
Alec said lowly.

Maryse clenged her hands into fists.

Robert has done that to Alec.

Making him think he will never be loved.

Making think he will never find someone to love him heart and soul.

Making Alec, her precious son, feel unwanted and unable to be loved.

It was all his fault!

"Alec do not think like that. I am sure one day someone is going to love you.
Heart and soul."
Maryse said and rubbed Alec's chicks gently, with a promising and warm smile.

Alec returned the smile.... A weak smile.

"Alec what is taking you so long!?"
Max said as he entered.

Alec smiled and got up.
"Let's go little worrior."

Max grabbed Alec's hand and ran upstairs.
Maryse let out a sigh.
A half happy half sad sigh.
Things haven't been good but nor bad either.
There still things that need to be cared of.
Maeyse thought and looked the family picture, directly looking at her beautiful daughter.
Izabelle Lightwood.

That is one thing Maryse wants to fix badly and is determined to do.

Determined to fix her family.
In good ways.

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