Body Is Not Only What Is Needed

Magnus had stayed at Simon's house and he has to say the mom was kinda overprotective... Too overprotective.

Simon, for example, had closed his door and she came to check if he is Okey.... Because he had simply closed the door. And she even had the thought that he was hiding something from her and asked for his phone.

Simon though seemed to have expected it and gave it to her with ease. Magnus from the other hand was troubled by it.

"Is your mom that much overprotective?" Magnus asked once Simon's mom had returned the phone to Simon and had left.

Simon walked over and closed the door his mother didn't. "Yep, but I love her nevertheless..."

Magnus just humed in response.

"So, as I was saying, I found your body at one of the books...."Simon started and finished with '' And its not that far, it's about.... Four - three hours by car...."

"And what would be far for you?"
Magnus asked with bits of sarcasm.

"I mean... Better be some hours than be to another country." Simon answered, playing nervously with his hands.

"Fair point... So, how is it going to work?" Magnus asked.

"Well, a mini trip sounds perfect for the weekend now doesn't it?" Simon said with a smile.

"Truly but will you be allowed to?"
Magnus said, pointing with his eyes the door, meaning his mother.

"Don't worry about it. I can sneek out for the weekend." Simon waved it off.

"And how are you going to do that?"
Magnus asked with a raised eyebrow.

"it's called cover up... An excuse in other words." Simon said with a small nod to himself.

"As long as it will be harmless I don't see a problem." Magnus said with a sigh.

"You know that we will have to dig out a body right? Harmless is by far not a way to describe it..." Simon commented.

"True.... How is that graveyard?"
Magnus asked.

"It's Okey, not many people have been baried there so it will be easier to find it. And it's very old so there should be anyone guarding it." Simon said, recalling what he had found.

"..... You Okey? Going to a grave yard and digging out a body is not a simple and an easy to take in task. "Magnus asked, actually concerned.

" Magnus... At the beginning you had freaked the fuck out of me, terrified me can also be the word, but soon, after meeting to meeting and talk to talk I have came to understand that you are not the scary demon I thought you were." Simon said with a small smile which turned into a chuckle when he saw Magnus's taken by surprise face.

" You helped us with history lessons and adviced us about other things. You even shared some of your funny adventures with us and were actually interested in our stories too. Come on Magnus! You have been concerned about us more and more as weeks pash..... We literally were on a group chat yesterday and were talking about your dad behavior! "Simon ended with a laugh.

" Wha- don't laugh at me young man!"
Magnus scold.

" Yes dad. "
Simon said jokingly causing Magnus to groan.

" Okey, then my ' son ', what was the last time I acted like a ' dad '?"
Magnus asked, crossing his arms.

" Yesterday, two man called out Izzy and you were giving them THE death glare, the glare only a dad can give. Jace had made a mess all over his face with tomato sauce the other day and you made the attempt to clean it. You praised Clary during her art class and when the teacher said a negative comment you almost attacked her. And yesterday, when two bullies called me out, you made two lockers to open and slam at their faces.... You also give us cute nicknames. "Simon said and Magnus staid still for an entire second, considering Simon's examples.... He did sounded like an overprotective dad.

"..... I am not the dad of the group. "
Magnus said with a shake of his head.

" Let's see what the rest have to say about that tomorrow. "Simon said with a knowing look.


" You are the dad of the group. "
All said in union.

Magnus face palmed himself.
This can't be happening to him.
" Anyways, - for lilith's sake blonde! Use a tissue."

" Yes dad. "
Jace said with a full mouth as he was passed a tissue by Clary who was giggled.

" Don't talk with your mouth- Nevermind." Magnus said and let out another sigh.

"So, did you find anything Simon?"
Izzy asked.

Magnus looked at her with hesitation, as if he wanted to ask her something but was not sure if he should, which was true. He hadn't had the chance to ask her how is she doing. There were lots of trouble yesterday and Jace with Clary doesn't seem to know...

He wonder how did she managed to take all that in... Her father that grew up to love showing his true colors, learning her mother and brother were abused and on top of that, that she belongs to an unknown world for most.... And that she is immortal.

Or was it too much and her mother didn't mentioned it? But he does remember a mirror on top of the table.... So... Did she find out?

What also badged his head was, how are things between her and Alec now?
Did they had the time to speak or has Alec even walked out of his room?
He wished he knew...

"Izzy? Have you been drawing your hands?" Clary asked put of the blue. Magnus looked at her with narrowed eyes, searching for the drawing, he already had a short of an idea what it could be but... Wouldn't she had accept herself by drawing a rune?
Or was it just a confirmation...

"Oh, yes..."
Izzy said, sounding uncomfortable, as she pulled her arm under the table.

Clary and the rest shared a concerned, confused look but didn't had the chance to say anything as Izzy got up and said, "I am going to the bathroom." before storming off.

"I should-"
"No. Let me."
Magnus interrupted Clary and went after Izzy.

He made sure he sound serious enough for them not to come but he did hear as he was leaving them asking Simon what happened.
Knowing how concern can turn into worry Magnus knew that it was most likely that Clary had Simon pinned down and was demanding for answers, even if Jace and Clary weren't informed about yesterday's even, they would be now.

Magnus walked quickly towards the woman's bathroom and soon enough he could hear the small sobbs from one of the stalls. Magnus lifted his hand, making a barrier that made an illusion for the girl or girls that would enter the bathroom, it would be impossible for the to hear or see Izzy and him. That way the situation won't come out to be weard because they weren't careful enough.

Magnus took a deep breath, Simon had confirmed him that he is part of their group but he still felt like an outsider at times... He just wants to help them.... This shouldn't had happen, Magnus had high hopes of getting his body back thanks to those young adults. And now, he has even been enjoying their company and all the research they have been doing, all the jokes and stories, their presence, all that made him feel, after a long time, happier. Like he was real again...

He had started seeing them more than just some teens that summoned him.... He sees them as friends.

Magnus called softly but didn't get response, yet he was confirmed that this is Izzy as the sobs went quiter.
She was trying to hide herself, her emotions... Izzy had always been strong in Magnus's opinion, yet as Simon said,

Even rocks can break.

Not even a minute later the door swang open, revealing a smiling Izzy with red eyes from the crying, she was trying to hide it but it was in vain. "Magnus, what are you doing here?"

Magnus didn't got the chance to respond though as Izzy continued.
"I-I was just.... Fixing my make up.... Yea.... And.... The eyeliner!... Emmm... I couldn't put it as I wanted and..... Cried in annoyance.... And -"

"You don't need to hide how you feel in front of me cupcake." Magnus said softly, he really wanted to comfort Izzy with all he has.

"I don't know what you are talking about..." Izzy said as she maid the attempt to walk around him but Magnus went in front of her, even if she could easily go through him she stopped.

"I have seen you put eyeliner Izabelle... You are master when it cames to make up. So... Because I do know what is going on, please, let me help you." Magnus said at the same caring tone.

"Magnus....Yesterday, when me and my mother were talking, you were not here. So, how can you possibly know."
Izzy said, her voice cracking in the end.

"Yesterday dear Izabelle, you learn lots of terrific things about your family. That alone was a heartbreak.
Now, learning that you are a shadow hunter which belongs to an entire world full of different.... People, that so far you had only hear in myths and stories... It must have been the shock of your life. " Magnus said with soft eyes that Izzy didn't miss, she knew Magnus would comfort her with a hug or something but because she will get through him he puts all the comfort that words can't fill with his eyes. Magnus was truly her best friend, along with Clary, Jace and Simon, and she couldn't be more grateful for having him.

"But how?"
She questioned, letting her tears once again fall.

"A handsome bird told me...."
Magnus said with a small smile which fall just a tiny bit. He really needs to do something about him and Alec... He didn't know what but he will have to do something.

"A handsome bird?... BY THE ANGEL DID YOU AND ALEC-"
"-Yes cupcake, I meant Alexander.
He had revealed your family's secret and had talked about how much he struggles with it... You know... He really wanted to tell you but was afraid that you would hate him...."
Magnus would continue but Izzy cut in," I know, mom told me.... He is truly  the best.... But.... He is not immortal is he? "

Magnus now was surprised, he didnt expected Maryse to take it that far, although he does believe Izabelle had insisted on telling her everything...
"Yes, he is not.... But you never know. He had decided that if you still wanted him in your life he wouldn't hesitate to draw the immortality rune on him."

Izzy soften at the words,
"I still have so much to talk to him about. This morning he had left early for work and hadn't had the chance to speak with him..."

".... Are you Okey?"
Magnus asked, that's was the reason he was here after all.

"... No... How am I suppose to say that I am immortal and a shadow hunter to my friends Magnus? That reaches far into fantasy for them to even consider. But they will soon realize as.... As they will start growing and I will not.... I-I am not ready for an immortal life Magnus...Not without them. " Izzy said and once again broke into tears.

Magnus stepped closer," I know, it's hard... I have went through this so many times.... It hurt but... I met new people. I never forgot about my old friends but... Their memory is enough for me to keep me going. I know thats what they would wanted me to do.

Sometimes it tends to get too much, but, you will always have someone beside you, either be it Alec, Max, Maryse,... Me.... Because even if I don't get my body my cupcake, I will stay by your side and help go through it. Now, about telling them... I think you should wait. You must take it in and then speak about it. It will be even harder for them accept it when you haven't yourself. " Magnus's tone was so soft and caring that Izzy felt almost immediately better.

"Thank you Magnus... Truly."
Izzy said with a smile which Magnus reflected on him.

"Now let's go, I am scared that Seldom may have been cornered and interrogate for far too long."
Magnus said and Izzy let out a small giggle.

As they walked out, both feeling lighter, Izzy said '' You still haven't told me about you and Alec, how did you make it work?"

"That's a long story."
Magnus said with a sad sigh.

"We have time."
Izzy said with a smug look.

Magnus chuckled as he shake his head, "Fine, if that makes you happy."

Izzy peered in excitement as Magnus started explaining how he connected with Alec and later on what happened.


"And what are you going to do now?"
Izzy questioned.

Was all Magnus said.

Izzy just nodded for the time, she would think about a solution later.

"Hey Izzy, Simon told us what happened yesterday. Are you Okey?"
Clary said as she rushed at Izzy the moment she entered the now somewhat empty cafeteria.

"Yes. Now I am."
Izzy said with a smile which became wider once Clary, Jace and Simon made a groop hug.

"What are you standing by for? Came here dad!" Clary called out for Magnus who had been just a little further, looking at them with a small smile.

"It won't work you know that right?"
Magnus asked still in a good mood.

Jace scoffed.

"Come here Mags!"
Izzy said, expanding her arms for him.

Magnus shaked his head amused at the three young adults as he made his way at then.

"Magnus, we promise you, that we will get you into your body. Even if it is the last thing we do!" Clary said with a huge smile which was accompanied by all.

Magnus felt his dead heart warming up, those four.... They were truly amazing.


"Hey mom, I will be going with Izzy this weekend at one of her dad's hotels at California." Clary said with a smile which turned into a roll eye at her mother's expression.

"W-what!? And you tell me now!? Are you even listening to what you are saying?! What about school? Have you don't your homework? Did she paid for your airport ticket? Did you? Where did you find the money? Who is her dad? Will Alec be there to protect you too? He is a security guard isnt he? How much would he take if I paid him to look after you?
Are you going alone? There won't be any boys would there!? - "

" - Mom! "
Clary cut in.

" You need to calm down... Okey? I have done all my homework and I will be back at 9 the day before school, so don't get so overworked about it. And don't worry! There won't be any boys as we will be in a fancy room all day long just the two of us."
Clary said, trying to get to reason with her mother.

" No! "
Her mother though wouldn't take it.

" But why!? "
Clary asked not finding the reason why she is being so negative about it.

" Because I said so! "

" But... We had been planning it for two weeks now..." Clary said, trying to make herself look as miserable as she can.

"........ Call me will you? "

Clary let out a scream of happiness as she rushed and hugged her mother tightly." Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank - "

" - But. "

Clary let out a sigh, of course there will be a but.

"The calls will be video calls, got it?"

"Thanks for the trust."
Clary said and rolled her eyes.

"What was that?"


"Thought so."
Clary's mom said with a glare as she left the kitchen that they have been talking for the past hour.

Clary reached her phone and sended to the group chat "I got the yes."


"Mom, I will be going at the city for the weekend." Simon said to his mom who had been watching calmly TV with her daughter.


"There will be held a convention about all types of authors and I want to check out a comic book." Simon said calmly.

"I see...."

Simon was having panic attacks inside and could feel he hands getting sweaty but he should not, he repeats, should NOT show any tip of suspension.

"And you will be alone?"

Now, Simon isn't stupid. He knows his mother is not very fond of his friends so the best way to not make her come along with him is to say what she wants to hear.


THAT WAS NOT WHAT HE WANTED TO SAY! His mother has been pushing him to be friends, and more, with the neighbor's daughter, a girl who was her nose dag into all kinds of books but she is also a lesbian, so his mother's plan can in no way work... Yet she keeps pushing! Simon wouldn't mind becoming friends with the girl and thats why he thought she would be a good excuse. But no! He had to blure out the first thing that came to his mind.

"Oh, then Rebecca? You will join Simon wouldnt you?"

Simon looked at his sister with pleading eyes, PLEASE SAY NO!

"Ehhhh.... No?"

"What do you mean no?"

"I mean no! He is a grown ass man, he can go alone! And I have plans to do..."

The mother rlet out a sigh.
"Fine... As long as you won't be with those 'friends' of yours I don't see a problem."

At that both Simon and his sister rolled their eyes yet didn't comment. They weren't in the mood for it.

Rebecca had met his group of friends and he much liked it. He considered them very close and very fun to be with. It wasn't too unusual to find her with them some times.

Simon excused himself and went to the toilet, sending a message to the group chat only to see already two.

I got the yes.

I had the yes from the beginning, Izzy? Simon? What about you?

Simon started typing as he let the water running.



Izzy was looking at her phone while waiting at the kitchen for Alec to arrive back from work.

They all had decided to meet outside Jace's apartment and go to their destination with Simon's car... Which was more of a van.

To say she was calm and Okey with everything they would do that night was beyond a lie. She didn't felt that nervous but she knew it's because she hasn't take it in fully, once she stands in front of a grave with a shovel in hand it will be then when realization will hit her.

She let out a sigh and got up, starting pacing back and forth, her thoughts were running all over her head.
She had so many things to discuss with Alec.

So many things that needed time...

She looked at the clock inpatiently,
Where is he?!
He was suppose to be here at 1:00.

She glanced at her phone.
What if something happened to him?
No... Yes?
What if he is just avoiding me?
No, Alec wouldn't ran away from his problem- Am I a problem to him?
By the angel stop thinking nonsense!
He loves you so stop -
The thought never ended as her phone started ringing.

She snatched it at once, not even looking who was calling, and pressed the accept button.

"Uhhhh.... As far as I am concerned my name is Jace."

Izzy let out a sigh.
"What do you want Jace?"

"...Is everything Okey?"

"Yea, everything is fine... Just Alec hasn't come yet..." Izzy said as she started walking around the house.

"Didnt you said he is finishing at 1:00?"

"Well, yea but he isn't here.... I think he is avoiding me."

"Alexander would never do that."

Izzy question and stopped walking but only to continue a minute later.

"Alexander probably is thinking how to approach you and cheer you up. I am betting he will have some take out or something that you like."

"You think so?"
Izzy asked d, bitting her lower lip in frustration.

"Yep, he must feel bad and guilty to have not come to you and support you yesterday... Really what a selfless being, isn't he?" Magnus said in the other line and Izzy just knew there was a small smile accompanying the demon's, worlock's, lips.

"A handsome selfless being."
She corrected him.

"He is a lot more but the list is too long to ever discuss." Magnus said and a small chuckle in the end.

"Good things may I guess?"
Izzy said with a small smirk.


"I ship you so hard!"
Izzy chirped at the other side.

"Well, because this is getting out of hand, I called you because we will be leaving an hour earlier." Jace's voice came again.

"What? Why?"
Izzy asked with a frown.

"Because Clary's supposedly flight is at seven and Simon's supposedly convention is at eight. So, we must live around an hour earlier so... At six we will meet at my apartment."

Izzy looked at the clock again,
She has and hour and some minutes.

"I really have to talk to Alec Jace."
Izzy said, her frustration showing.

"It's Okey cupcake, I am sure he will be coming any time now. If no you can call him later through the phone."
Magnus said, trying to make things brighter.

"What I want to talk to him about can't be spoken through the phone Magnus." Izzy said and let out a frustrating sigh.

"....... We really don't know what to tell you." Jace ended up saying.

"Anyways, see you at your apartment in one hour?" Izzy said as she massage the back of her neck.

"Yea, see you then."

"Bye cupcake."

"Bye guys."
Izzy said and ended the call.

She looked at her clock again,

Where is he!?


The keys bumping into the door as they opened it echoed through the silent house.

Alec let out a quiet sigh as he closed the door with his foot and made his way to the kitchen. As he opened the lights, due to becoming kind of dark, he almost jumped out of his clothes to see Izzy looking straight  at him from the table.

"WHA-W-what are you doing...?"
Alec asked the moment his eyes met hers.

"I have been waiting for you almost an hour Alec...." Izzy said, getting up from the chair in doing so.

"In the dark?"
He asked with a frown.

"That's not the point....Where were you?" Izzy asked, getting serious.

"To buy that."
Alec said, placing two plastic bag on top of the table.

Izzy slowly looked at the bags, they were full with her old yet favorite chocolate bar that had stopped its production for years.
"..... HOW!?"

"Simple,.... Internet.
and a lot of road ahead...."
Alec said awkwardly, he didn't know if he had made the right choice by buying not one but two whole back of them.... And if he should had bought that specific chocolate bar.
"Do you like it...?"

"Duh, I have been craving them for years!" Izzy said, literally her eyes glowing.

Alec felt himself relax then, this chocolate bar was Izzy's favorite back then when he still lived under the Lightwood roof. he is just happy he got it right. "I am sorry Izzy.... I... you must have went through so much yesterday and I... I, like a child, locked myself and didn't comfort and support you... I wasn't there when you needed me. And... I am so sorry... it must had been unbearable yet I kept myself in a room being all selfish."

" Oh my god Magnus is right, you really are a selfless being! Alec! you went through hell yourself yesterday too! and all about it, me not knowing the slightest shit about what was going on is not your fault! We both needed someone to help us, and even then you didn't got - "

" - What did you say?"

Izzy stopped talking and looked at Alec, he seemed to be shocked... paler even." What? "

" Did you said Magnus? "
Alec mumbled out loud enough for both to hear.

" Magnus? who Magnus? I said mom.... who is Magnus, Alec? is he someone that you have yet to introduce me to?" Izzy said with a small smirk.

Alec shakes his head, letting out a breath in doing so." No no... it's no one.... what were you saying?"

Izzy held with all her power not to panic right there, she almost messed up but all seemed to be Okey again.
" Look, we don't have much time to talk. I was invited over the weekend by Clary and I have to be there in less than an hour. " Izzy said sadly. she would have originally half an hour or so but Jace and Magnus said that they will take her from Alec's house so to give her more time.

"I understand." Was all said at first, then he added "How do you feel.... About being a shadow hunter?"

"Well, pretty badass but whats the use when I don't know even the basics?"
Izzy looked disappointed which made Alec want to change that desperately, so he did.

"I can start you with the besics and later on the high level, if you want..."
Alec said and scratched the back of his neck, he really wanted to do that but, it required a lot of time that he didn't know if izzy was willing to give.

"Really!? So, wait... Are you a trained shadow hunter? Like, you are a high lever shadow hunter?" Izzy said getting right in front of him with excitement.

"Yes, I am.... And I will be happy to teach you what i know..." Alec said with a smile which fadded soon enough as he spoke again "What about you being immortal?"

Izzy's excitement fadded too,
"To be honest.... It scares me.... But I friend helped me to take in better."

"You told it someone?!"
Alec seems to be now something between worry and shock.

Izzy felt panic, can't she not for once not tell whats on her mind!?
She tighten her grasp, she will have to lie again.... Why does she have to lie to her brother so much!? Once it's all over she will apologize and tell him everything. "What do you mean why!? They are my friends! Well, it all started with Clary seeing the rune mom draw on me-"

"She saw what?"
Alec cut in again but this time seemed to be more... Confused....? Taken aback was a sure thing but there was also something that izzy couldn't read on his features.

"Yes.... Is there a problem?"
Izzy asked with a frown.

"Did all saw it? Jace, Clary and Simon? Maya?" Alec was the one to take a step forward to her, as if he was pleading for an answer.

"No, Jace, Clary and Simon did saw it, Maya was not even there." Izzy said, confused why Alec acts that way.

"Which was their full name?"
Alec asked now getting too close.

"Ehhh,... Clary Fairchild, Jace Herondail, Simon Lewis... Is everything Okey? You aren't going after then are you?!" Izzy said now having a small galre.

"No no,...I must have been mistaken."
Alec said, having his back at her.
Izzy didn't quite believe him but before she could protest Alec had turned around with a stele on hand.
"What are you going to do?"

"Draw an immortality rune obviously." Alec said, unbuttoning his shirt.

"What!?why!? Alec don't destroy your life because of me being immortal! That will only bring me guilt."
Izzy said getting a hold on Alec's hand that had the stele.

"And pain, you will go through so many agony because you will start losing a person yiu love and care after another! Izzy, I don't do this only for you if that is what concerns you."
Alec said, moving the stele to his other hand.

"Then it's for who eh?! Alec you will go through that pain too if you do that!" Izzy said, getting a hold to Alec's other arm.

"No Izzy! The pain I want to avoid is knowing that when I will leave I will cause pain for you, mom and Max!"
Alec now half yelled making izzy flinch and loose the strength of her holds.

"What about your fiends Alec!? I don't have a choice but you do! Don't waist it because of your selfishness! For the angel's sake be selfish for once will you!?" Izzy said trying to take a hold of Alec's arms again but by the time Alec had moved to the other side of the table.

" Well, that is not much of a problem as Alain and Lydia, along with her husband, are immortal shadow hunters! And Raphael - "
" - Okey!"
Izzy yelled and both went quiet.

"Look... If you can promise me that actually want this, this immortality, while looking at my eyes then... I will no interfere further." Izzy said and moved her hands higher as a way to show defeat.

Alec stayed in place for a minute but soon moved to his sister and looked at her eyes." I, Alexander Gideon Lightwood, want to draw on my body the immortality rune. I want to live on along with my beloved ones and support them when they face pain and difficulties. I want to stand beside you, Max and mom during this endless adventure and be with you, spend time with you and just live with you. I want to be there for you and everyone I care for. Is it that difficult to understand? "Alec said, his tone something between, except from promising, stern and serious.

Izzy stared back at Alec's eyes for a good minute with a stern face herself before she spoke." Fine, go ahead. But know that you will be supported too. When times get tough then I will be there, along with all, to support and hold you. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am."
Alec said, a small smile accompaning his lips.

Izzy couldn't help but smile at her brother, he really wanted to do this... And that's why she won't stand on his way, she will stick by him though and not even the angels can change that.

"We can start the training after you get back." Alec said, changing the subject as he couldn't bare the, yet comfortable, silence.

"That will be truly wonderful...."
Izzy said with a warm smile, everything seemed to be taking a good turn for once.

"So, what did mom told you yesterday? If it's not difficult to ask."
Alec said, getting back at the deep.

But izzy didn't mind. She knew her brother had over a million questions floading his head from yesterday and she had finally took it all in, well not completely but in a way yes.
" Everything I suppose. She told me about me dieing and having the immortality rune drawn at me. How Max went through a similar situation. Yours and Mom's hell at home..... I still sure can't believe that... Robert will do such things.... Why didn't you told me? That he through you out of the house. Mom said on her prospective but she couldn't say for sure for yours." Izzy asked, her gaze soft as her tone.

" That's easy, because I was terrified. In difference with you, Robert had never showned me a kind face. He trained me a lot with other shadow hunters too but he was the one that tended to get too far all the time. During years of training he hadnt send me not even once at a hospital. Broken ribs, blood loss, open wounds, scars, broken bones, be it. He never moved a finger to help me. I was the one that will grab the stele and use the irazhe rune all the time. So many, that my skin would burn for hours due to overdose. Mom wasn't helping either because she knew if she interfered she would make things worse. But, as she must have mentioned, me being thrown out of the house was the last straw."

Izzy shaked her head in disappointment." I am so angry to myself... How could I have been so blind.... I even brought him here! "

" It's not your fault izzy. You didn't know, I made sure you didn't know. If you want to blame someone for your clueless that should be me." Alec said with closed eyes, why did he even thought it was a good idea hiding all this?

"Alec, we talked about this. It's not your fault." Izzy said with a small glare.

"Then let's both agree that it's no one's fault." Alec said, opening his eyes and looking right into his sister's ones.

"And know that I am low key grateful for bringing him here." Alec added, grabbing two chocolate bars from one of the bags.

"Why on earth would you be grateful about it?" Izzy asked with a deep frown.

Alec threw her one of the chocolate bars, which she grabbed, before responding, "It's easy, I got over it. Over him and the fears he created, all that that kept me in the dark, his hard words and everything he had ever done to me... I am over it. I have finally set myself free from him. And that wouldn't happen if I hadn't had faced him. So thank you. ".

"If you put it like that.... But still..."
Izzy was still not sure how to feel about it.

"It's fine. Really."
Alec said and went to hug his sister.
She gladly returned the hug.

They stayed like that for some minutes, filling what was not with words, supporting each other and covering up what they both had missed all those years away from each other, all that they had not been spoken were at the moment revealed with the warmth of the soft embrace.

"I love you big brother."

"I love you too Izzy."


"Just call me at some time Okey?"
Alec said from the door.

"Sure thing big bro."
Izzy said with a geniu smile tagged on her lips.

"And if anything happens-"
"-I can handle it. If not then you will be the first to call." Izzy said and hugged Alec tightly, Alec returned the hug and waved his sister off.

He entered the house, knowing that his sister is and will be safe at Clary's.
Closing the door behind him he let his smile fall and walked over his bathroom.

Taking out his stele he looked at the mirror,

"This is going to hurt like no other rune Alec."

"If you do it, know that there is no turning back."

"Be ready for the pain that will make every single nerve on your body pop."

"The most painful area to do that rune is above the heart."

His mother's words where running all over his head.

He lifted slowly the stele close to his half unbuttoned shirt. He moved the soft fabric away from his chest that was raising steadily up and down, his breathing was deep and slow and his  body muscles were relaxed. With a deep breath his draw the rune.

His eyes shot wide and every single part of his body tensed, the pain was almost unbearable. He felt his blood turn boiling hot and every single of his bones along with his insides to move. If it hadn't been for his hand grabbing and leaning his weight on the wall close to the sink, he would have lost his balance and would have fallen to the hard floor.

His breathing had become quick and sharp as he felt his spine being shot with hundreds painful niddles in every second that passed, his mind had become fuzzy, he couldn't think logically nor straight due to all the pain coming from everywhere.

Most would regret the choice of place he made but for Alec it was something more meaningful... Something like a promise to himself.

With that pain running all over his body, he made a promise. That he won't let anyone make him feel pain, no one would have that power over him, no one will make him feel either physically or mentally pain. He will be the one to decide that. He will be the owner and the leader of his body.

He will be the one to make himself feel pain and only him, that by not allowing to be effected by others.

He had enough of it. He had enough of letting Robert beat the crap out of him and do absolutely nothing. He was more than sick to hear all the things he had been called... And he was more ready than ever to let all that go.

Either being a beat or a word, he will be the one to decide if it will hurt or not.

He will be the warrior he is ought to be.


"How did it go? With Alec I mean."
Jace spoke from one of the back seats.

"Couldn't have gotten better."
Izzy said, the smile still on her lips.

"Are you guys ready? Digging a body is not an easy task nor an easy thing to take in...." Clary asked from beside Jace.

"To be more specific, it's a crime."
Simon said as he took a turn.

"Well, if you consider that the owner of the body does allow us to... Do what we are going to do... I wouldn't consider it much of a crime." Jace shrugged.

"Well, Mr smartass, the cops don't know that." Simon called from the driver's seat.

"..... True."
Jace said rather skeptical, gaining an eye roll from most.

"Guys. Let's not think about it, let's think about.... More positive things."
Clary said, making the attempt to brighten up the situation.

"Like what?"
Simon asked.

"What about... A game?"
Izzy suggested.

"What game? Because let's be honest here we will be stuck on the road for about four to five hours and there isn't much we can do." Simon spoke again.

"What about would you rather?"
Clary said and received an excited clap from izzy.

"What's that?"
Magnus asked for the first time.

To be real, Magnus had spaced out for quite a bit. He was looking outside the window when Izzy was coming their way and didn't miss the sight of his Alexander. Its been some hours, close to a day, but he had been so used to meet Alec every day from the past four months that it was truly new for him to see him from afar... Even so his angel looked stunning.

"You are asked two question or are given two choices or maybe even three and you have to decide between the options." Clary from beside him explained.

Magnus just nodded in response.

"Okey! I go first!"
Izzy asked as she moved her posture to be able to see the people on the back.

"Magnus, how many times have you met my brother? You weren't clear enough back then." Her smirk made Magnus feel competitive for some reason, "Far to many to count, now my turn. Izabelle, what is the longest crush you had."

Izzy gave him a betrayed look yet she held defeat. "Touche."

"That is not even would you rather..."
Jace said with a small frown.

"I will start, Simon, would you rather marry Izzy or one of the females from Star Wars?" Clary said, quickly getting back to the main topic.

Simon stayed quiet. By accepting that he would marry Izzy is like accepting he has a crush on her, and a pretty bad one too. They all know how much of a fanboy he is when it comes to shows such as them, especially Star Wars. "..... Izzy."

"Thats what I thought."
Izzy said proudly making Clary to giggle.

"Clary, would you rather read books for the rest of your life and not be able to watch a movie or the opposite?" Simon asked, already knowing what she will say but asked anyways.

"That's an easy one. Books for life!"
Clary said and gained a gasp from Jace. "But movies are so much easier!"

"I like working on my fantasy thank you very much." Clary said, not taking any of it.

"I guess it my turn."
Magnus said rather thoughtful.
"If you were one mythical creature what would you like to be?"

Izzy was surprised at first but soon understood what the worlock was planning. He was making a good start for them to slowly get into the fantasy world. Not revealing that she is truly one of the creatures but just a start to get them into the topic for the future.

"What are the options?"
Jace asked.

"Vampire, Werewolve, Seelie, Worlock and shadow hunter." Magnus said and everyone went quiet.

".... What is a shadow hunter?"
Clary was the first to ask.

"Well biscuit, I am happy you asked.
Its a person that has half human half angel blood. They have been built to be warriors and have several powers that are activated by a.... Crystalic stick.... That goes over some tattoos and can draw them too either be on skin or a different surface.... They also have some weapons that are created especially for them. " Magnus explained, he really appreciated the lessons Alec had given him about Nephiln cloture and history.

"Sounds pretty badass if you ask me. Definitely a shadow hunter." Jace was the first to respond.

"Me too."
Clary said with a smile.

"Yea, me too."
Izzy said, giving a small smile at Magnus who nodded in acknowledgement.

"I would be a vampire."
Simon said.

"Ew why? They can't even stand on the sun!" Jace said in disagreement.

Simon just shrugged his shoulders in response.

"Magnus, may I ask something?"
Clary asked, getting everyone's attention.

"Go ahead biscuit."
Magnus said, leaning back in doing so.

"Are... Are all these real? Like, vampires, werewolves, shadow hunters etc? Because... You seem very much real to me."

The entire van had become quiet.

"They never stop existing, people just tended to not see them."


"We are here."
Simon said once he parked a little further away from the old graveyard.
It really looked abandoned.

"Okey, do you all have flashlights? Shovels? Gloves?" Clary said as she opened her door.

All either just said a yes or just nodded in agreement.

"Before we do this."
Izzy asked once they all stood in front of the van, making everyone stop.

"Is something the matter?"
Magnus asked as he stepped closer ro her, his features showing concern.

"I want to say that... I do this because I am your friend Magnus. I know I have said it before but I truly mean it. I have come to really like you and I want you in my life, so, after all this is over... Let's not turn our backs at each other..." Izzy said, a smile on his lips.

"I agree, let's keep hanging out..."
Jace said, taking Magnus by surprise.

"You too blonde?"

"Hey! What is that suppose to mean!?"

ace said offended.

"I agree with Izzy too. Let's stick together even after this."
Simon said, making a step forward.

"Then let's make a promise."
Clary said, taking all the eyes on her.

"Let's promise that whatever may or may not happen, we will still be friends and stay by everyone's side. Let's be more than just a team. Let's be friends for life." Clary said with a smile that was copied by all, even if some, Jace, tried to hide it they all knew that the promise had already been made.

" I promise. "

And with that, they all headed to the graveyard. Walking by side to side and looking forward.

The body was the first step, but also the hardest.

They all accepted it and were ready to face it.

But, they all didn't know the chaos that would follow.

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