36: What Do I Do When I Am So In Love With You?
"You almost look cute like that." I let out a happy little sigh, brushing Gerard's hair behind his ear as he snuggled into my side, his eyelids flickering shut, and I guessed he was just about asleep by now, or perhaps even fully so.
"Almost?" He asked, raising one eyebrow and proving me wrong. "Why only almost? I'm offended." He added, a smirk slithering across his lips as he stretched his legs out a little, continuing in his use of the whole backseat as a bed and rather unfortunately for me, my lap as a pillow.
"Whatever, just go back to sleep." I let out a sigh, wondering how the hell I was supposed to even get a wink of sleep myself when my boyfriend was practically nuzzling his face against my crotch, and knowing Gerard, I wouldn't be all that surprised if I woke up to find him blowing me or something... in the back seat of a car that definitely should belong to a single mother, and with his brother sat barely a metre in front of us, curled up suspiciously close to a certain Pete Wentz.
This was really getting rather suspicious by now. Obviously things could have just turned sour with Alicia and Pete, unlike myself, was being a good friend and comforting Mikey and not dating his brother, but really when they were curled up that close, it was well past the comforting stage by now.
I wondered if Gerard had noticed this - I doubted he had, because although I'm in love with him, there's no way around the fact that he's a prick sometimes, and if he'd had noticed the tension between the two on the level that I had, he would be up and screaming all about it at the top of his lungs.
So I guess he was ignorance was put to some sort of use right here. And even if things had gone sour with Alicia, he really wasn't doing anything to help that situation by basically just rubbing it in Mikey's face, and even though Mikey himself was a bit of a heartless ass, he cared about Alicia more than for her just to be a casual fuck, and this had to be hurting him.
Even fucking Pete Wentz had recognised that.
And really Pete wasn't the brightest crayon is the box, and in fact I reckoned that comparing him to a crayon was kind of fitting... of course in the least offensive way possible, because the reality of the situation was that I wasn't exactly exceeding all expectations in the friendship department with an asshole that used to and probably still does but on a lesser extent, hate me, a really kind of annoying dumb gay kid, the asshole's brother who is my boyfriend and even more of an asshole than his brother sometimes, and my music teacher... who heard me fucking my boyfriend last night, which is just great.
And of course, there was the fact that Pete was gay, which of course lead to even further suspicion as to what was going on between the two of them.
I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for Pete, though, because there was a horribly brutal reality to this situation and that was that Pete was gay and Mikey was kind of a homophobe, and the two of those things didn't really fit together, especially not in the long term. I was just worried that Pete would end up falling for Mikey and getting hurt when his feelings weren't returned, or I suspected they wouldn't be.
But there was really no telling with Mikey. He could just be upset and looking for someone to care about him before he recharged his asshole powers, but who knows, perhaps it could be something more.
I would of course never really know unless I asked him, and with Mikey as defensive as he was, there was no telling just how little of a response I would receive, or if I did, just how painfully sarcastic it would be, and how much he would absolutely despite my guts for even suspecting that there could possibly be anything going on there.
And I'd just hate for him to take that out on Pete.
Because as annoying as Pete was he meant well, and he was an alright guy, he seemed to be a better friend than I was too, actually comforting Mikey instead of standing around and looking embarrassed as Gerard hurled insult after insult in his brother's direction. I wouldn't be all that surprised if Mikey wanted to shoot me just about now.
The relationship the Way brothers shared was really not a conventional one. That was to say the least of course. It seemed almost as if some days they could hate one another's guts and then the next they were a team, and really there was no telling, except the rather obvious that there was always an elephant in the room, and elephant that insisted on standing right between the two brothers, tearing them apart, and unintentionally myself as well.
Because I couldn't stay neutral all that much longer really, there was going to be a day when I'd have to pick a side, unless I wanted to investigate that elephant myself, which after hearing what Pete had told me a few weeks ago, was perhaps not the best idea I could have had, but things were really going down to desperate measures now.
Perhaps it'd all be fine - perhaps today was just an off day - I mean, we all had them, and perhaps the elephant would shrink down a little tomorrow and the brothers would stand a little closer and Gerard could carry on being ignorant to just how close Pete stood to Mikey on his side of the elephant.
Part of me reckoned that Pete knew what the elephant was, or at least had the slightest inkling as to what it was that had fucked the Ways up so much, and yet he insisted on the fact that I remained clueless, and if he knew and still insisted I remained clueless, that left the harsh reality that the elephant could be nothing but absolutely disastrous to me.
"Frank?" I shuddered at the mention of my name, breaking out of the security of my daydream, having nearly drifted of to sleep in the process, however with the nature of my thoughts, I doubted that the contents of my dreams could be anything but horrific, and not even the horror story wake up shaking kind of horrific, but the believable, the real people kind of horrific, the type you really just couldn't forget anywhere nearly as easily in the morning.
"I know you're awake." The voice, Pete, added. He craned his neck around the seat to glance at me, and I noticed how Mikey barely even shuffled as Pete pulled away from him, the younger Way brother filling the empty space with the blanket and his own body without a conscious thought.
"Yeah." I let out a sigh, glancing down at Gerard who, like his brother had nodded off sound asleep, his head, as I had expected, making himself comfortable unfortunately close to my crotch. "I'm awake." I answered, glancing forward, past Pete and to the driver's seat.
Bob had fallen asleep across the front two seats and was snoring like a pig, which really wasn't the most pleasant of things to look at, so I diverted my attention back to Pete within a few seconds. It appeared Lindsey was elsewhere, having gone for a walk or something - perhaps she'd had trouble sleeping also.
"Let's go outside, huh?" Pete suggested, pulling himself up and opening the door as quietly as he could. "I need some fresh air and an opinion on something." I had an awful feeling I knew just what that opinion might be on. "It's alright - they're both fast asleep." He added, noticing as I glanced back at Gerard before continuing.
"Okay." I sighed, pulling myself up from under Gerard and replacing the space where my crotch had been with an actual pillow, hoping he'd barely notice the difference like this, and thankfully he didn't, snuggling up to the pillow just as easily.
"So, do you actually know where we're going, because we've been driving good few hours now, is this place really worth all of this?" I asked as Pete closed the door behind us and we made our way to sit down on a fallen tree log.
"According to Gerard it is." Pete added as his only explanation, sitting down just a few centimetres away from myself. "I don't want to ruin the surprise, though, mainly because Gerard will kill me, but I think you'll really like it."
"Goddamn Gerard and these stupid fucking ideas of his." I let out a sigh, gazing up at the night sky, hoping I could have seen some stars tonight, but the foul weather ensured that we were sheltered with a miserable cloud layer, which of course added to the darkness, and I was really quite glad that Pete had remembered to bring a torch.
"He's just doing it to make you happy, anyway, it's not far now." Pete added.
"It better not be, I'm getting tired of putting up with Gerard and Mikey's constant feuding it's like world war three for god's sake!" I exclaimed, gaining agreeing laughter from Pete.
"Gerard's just not being exactly sensible with what he says though." Pete watched me warily as if I might take offensive to his painfully true statement regarding my boyfriend.
"I know." I agreed, nodding in Pete's direction. "Something's happened with Mikey and Alicia hasn't it? And that's why he's been so 'weird' today. You as well - you're looking after him though, I'm glad of that: you're a better friend than me."
"Yeah, is it noticeable?" Pete asked, blushing just a little and I tried my best not to raise my eyebrows in almost a programmed response.
"Not really. Not to Gerard at least. I think he's rather ignorant to the whole thing, because if he knew that Mikey was so upset, I think he may at least have the decency to shut his mouth for a little while, but with Gerard you never really know." I admitted.
"I don't think you're a bad friend though." Pete continued, smiling up at me and I really couldn't see what his point was here. "It's hard to be his best friend and his brother's boyfriend at the same time, especially with the kind of relationship they have. And especially with the kind of relationship you and Gerard have."
"What do you mean by that?" I asked, one eyebrow raised and perhaps now slightly offended.
"No offensive, it's just the fact that the two of you are very close, sometimes even dangerously co-dependent. Gerard's that kind of person though, I can tell that. He needs people and his relationships with them to work in certain ways. He needs the dynamic he and Mikey have because in no way is their relationship simple - think of it like a tower, there a loads of missing bricks and faulty brickwork where things have happened in their past and they've only hastily covered over it and they need to hold themselves exactly as they are to keep the tower standing."
"Either that or fix the holes properly." I added, Pete's analogy linking back to my earlier idea regarding the elephant in the room.
"I doubt that's quite as easily done as it is said. They're not just petty arguments, well Mikey hasn't told me all that much, but I know it's some pretty serious shit." He explained.
"Yeah, I gathered that too. I just think they should at least try because they can't always just hold on like this, it'll collapse eventually, something as fucked up like that could never work out long term." Pete raised one eyebrow at that.
"You really think that?" He asked. "Because I could apply that tower theory to you and Gerard's relationship too. Perhaps not with the same intensity - a smaller tower and fewer holes, but I'd think about that again, you know."
"What do you mean?" I asked, just a little offended by now. "Are you talking about the age gap here?"
"No, I'm talking about all the dodgy things at the start when you barely knew him, how you seem to have forgotten about them now everything seems perfect, but you two are holding on in the same way Mikey and Gerard are, you just can't see it." I had to stop at that, thinking for a moment and hating that somehow Pete felt so right in what he was saying.
"Mikey's ranted a lot to you about Gerard and I then?" I let it off with a light-hearted chuckle.
"He's worried about you, he's worried about Gerard too. It's not just ranting - he cares, but perhaps he just isn't the best at showing it."
"Okay." I let out a mildly disbelieving sigh. "I'm guessing it's somewhat the same with you and Mikey as well then."
"What?" Pete's eyes widened immediately at this.
"There's something going on between you - I can see that. Of what nature it is, I'm not sure yet, but judging by your blush, I'm guessing there are complicated feelings here." I let out a sigh, winking at him and watching as he exhaled slowly, perhaps even finding it hard to accept the truth to himself.
"It's not quite that simple, Frank." Pete let out a sigh, biting his lip as his eyes trailed down to the floor.
"Nothing's ever quite that simple, but you've got plenty of time to explain." I added, grinning in his direction - this was however a grin he did not return.
"Nothing's ever simple with Mikey Way who can't fucking keep an opinion or to his words for more than five minutes." Pete snapped out of nowhere and I couldn't help but feel my eyes widen a little, as I really wasn't expecting all that much of a response at this point.
"The Ways are not the easiest people to be around - I get that, we all do." I added, attempting to comfort him in someway, anyway, whatsoever.
"The most stupid fucking thing about Mikey though is that he can fucking be deadset on one thing for a few hours and then everything's all great because you're happy and you think he is too and then I don't know how but he just gets this stupid fucking idea in his head that I don't know everyone's bored or something because he's clearly not causing anyone nearly enough fucking trouble. And then he's fucked and you're fucked, everything's fucking fucked." Clearly, right now, keeping language to a minimum was not on Pete's agenda at all.
"You like him, don't you?" I let my words slip quietly at first, almost terrified of his response.
"Something like that... yeah," He glanced up at me. "Yeah, I do, I fucking do and it's ruining my life. It's not even fucking Alicia, it's just him and I don't understand, it's like my heart and my head are running on two entirely different schedules, because every shred of common sense in me is telling me that he's a fucking asshole, a straight asshole, but my heart just can't see that at all. My heart can only see how cute he looks when he finally lets himself smile, which he never really does and I don't understand why because I love it. And I hate him, but I don't, I can't, I-"
"Something happened between you two didn't it? And I don't mean just feelings, something physical happened..." I trailed off, wondering if I had gone, or was at least on the path to going too far.
"For a straight guy, Mikey Way's a very gay drunk." I had to laugh at that, and really the mental image intrigued me, perhaps even confused me. "I don't very many straight guys that make out with their male friend and then let him suck them off."
"You sucked Mikey Way's dick?" I exclaimed, Pete's eyes widening as he threw his hand over my mouth.
"I'm trusting you with this as a secret, Frank. Key tip: the word secret means don't scream it at the top of your lungs." He rolled his eyes, continuing in his explanation. "And at first it was fine, we just cleared it up, saying yeah we were drunk and whatever and then later he kissed me, sober, and then he denied that anything ever happened and was still pretty fucking happy to cuddle up next to me in the car."
"I think he likes you, but I think he just can't admit it to himself, like he's homophobic, we know, but he's just a little bit gay, perhaps bi or something and he can't fit the two together in his head." I offered my best attempt at an explanation, for Pete's sake really, because I really could never even fathom having the slightest clue as to what the hell was going on in Mikey Way's head.
"He's an asshole, that's what he is." Pete snapped, letting out a tremendous sigh - the guy had some lungs on him.
"An asshole who won't admit that he likes it in the asshole." I added with a grin, and thankfully Pete burst out into a fit of laughter at that.
"Yeah, you know what I'm going to try and talk to him tomorrow, tell him that's he's being an ass, and he's such a narcissistic fuck he'll do anything to get me to like him again. Even sucking me off, which I look forward to."
"Yeah, good luck with that - I'm going to try get some sleep now." I waved at Pete as I headed back off to the car.
"I noticed you were gone, you know." A sleepy voice mumbled against my skin as I laid down next to Gerard. "Was beginning to get worried actually." He added, pulling me in closer to him. "You're really cold - I think you need warming up, Frankie."
"I'm really tired - I need to go to sleep." I corrected him, hoping my boyfriend could remember that his brother was sleeping literally less than a metre away from us and now would really not be the best time to give me a blowjob.
"Don't be such a cockblock, Frankie." He mumbled, burying his face against my neck and I couldn't help but squirm as it tickled a little.
"Go to sleep, you ass."
"I'll go to sleep if you let me in your ass."
Hey guys:) I hope you enjoyed this chapter aha and if you did, I always really appreciate your votes and comments, so you know what to do;) I love you guys<3
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