in the middle of the night, jade woke up to the sound of her telephone ringing.
who would be calling at...
jade looked at the clock, seeing the time was a quarter past two.
jade rolled her eyes, and got up.
she reached her hand out and picked up the phone.
"hello". jade said monotoned.
"um is ralph frankin there"? a female voice answered.
she wants dad? jade thought. why?
"sure, i'll get him, one moment please".
jade set the phone on the counter and walked across the floor.
jade tip-toed into her dad's room and shook her dad.
"jade..what's the matter"?
jade gulped. "there's someone on the phone wanting to talk to you".
her father sat up eagerly, and bolted into the hallway where the telephone is located.
her father said to jade, "go back to bed jade".
jade nodded and walked to her bedroom. she closed the door but left just a tad open so she could see and hear her father.
"chastity, what's the matter"?
chastity? who the heck is that.
"wait you want me to pick you up at frogmen's"?
frogmens is the town's diner.
jade decided to take a risk. she wanted to follow her father but first she had to change clothes.
after she changed, she turned off her light and opened the window. thankfully her bedroom was on the first floor.
once she was on the grass, she got her red bicycle out(it was in the shed, close to the front of her house) and began riding it.
during jade's trip, she wondered what joey was doing.
probably writing a new song for new kids on the block.
jade shook her head.
he's a famous singer. and i'm just jade.
jade was a little hurt. why didn't joe tell her? but deep down she had a clue.
he's always to use to people knowing who he is. he just wanted to be joe mcintyre; a guy with a passion of art.
then she halted her bicycle. jade saw the frogmens neon sign.
jade rode her bike on the outskirts of the diner.
then she saw a sliver volvo parked in the back with a familiar voice in it.
jade stopped. her father was making out with a girl who is not her mother.
she heard things, she didn't want to hear.
jade felt sick.
jade peddled her bike as fast as she could home.
she jumped off her bike and pushed it to the ground on the driveway.
leaving it so when her father came home, he'll know, jade knew.
jade walked into the house, using the front door.
jade cried. cried so hard.
all she wanted is to talk to someone. talk to someone who's very similar to her.
omg so close to 500 views!! ilysmm❤️️ soon i'll write a jade+joe moment!
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