Chapter 7: Ready for Robin

(Welcome to one of the few chapters that's based off an episode but is mostly original dialogue,, so you will notice a change in the writing as I'll be writing in my comfortable form of dialogue)

(Scene opens up showing the Flynn-Fletcher home, then Y/n, Topaz, Bronya, and Sam sitting in Y/n's room. Melody is on a nearby computer screen)

Bronya: So you finally made Melody an actual body?

Y/n: Yep, finished it the other day. Sadly, the battery life still has some kinks to work out.

Melody: It's fine master it doesn't bother me all that much, but I do miss being in the computer sometimes. I get to look at Master's Search History!

Y/n: I thought I blocked you from that!

Melody: Heh~

Y/n: (sighs) Something else I gotta work on then...

Sam: And you finally finished the Zero-One Driver you were raving about?

Y/n: That too, also didn't you base your FIREFLY armor off the designs?

(Sam blushes and rubs the back of her neck)

Sam: I will neither confirm nor deny that.

Topaz: As much as I love teasing Sam as much as the next girl, what's the reason you called us here baby?

Y/n: Okay so we all are big fans of Robin, correct?

Topaz: I know I am.

Bronya: Same here.

Sam: Well you know I am, I'm the only one who contend with you on who owns the most merch.

(Y/n then pinches Sam's cheeks and pats her head)

Y/n: And you will never take first place, ya cutie patootie. But the real reason is because of these.

(Y/n then reveals four gold tickets)

Topaz: That's impossible...

Bronya: How did you-


Y/n: You remember how I told you guys that my brothers became one-hit wonders for a today?

Topaz: Yeah, I'll admit that the song the wrote was kinda...

Bronya: Mid?

Topaz: Yeah, mid.

(A/n: This does not reflect my thoughts on the song)

Y/n: Okay, well there was one more thing I forgot to mention....

(Y/n takes a deep breath)

Y/n: I may or may not have met Robin...

(Y/n then gulps in fear when he sees the three girls glaring at him)

Melody: Master, my sensors are telling me that your girlfriends are quite angry with you.


Topaz: So baby, we are keeping secrets now?

Y/n: Heh, I mean it wasn't really a secret...

Bronya: Please, tell us what it was then.

Sam: And you better answer wisely...

Topaz/Bronya/Sam: Or Else!

Y/n: OKAY! She asked me if I was going to attend her next show and I said I was but I didn't have good seats for me and you girls. So she made me transfer the tickets to her and then she gave me these in return.

Topaz: Wow, that was so nice of her. Did you charm another girl~

(Y/n blushes at the question)

Y/n: Heh...

Bronya: Yep, he did.

Sam: I'm not surprised at this point.


(Bronya then puts a hand on Y/n's shoulder)

Bronya: Babe, you just pull girls by being silly.

Y/n: By being silly? Girls like that?

Bronya/Topaz/Sam: Yes!

Y/n: Huh, I'll have to remember that then. Anyway, there's another thing these tickets get us. We get to ride to the concert with Robin.

Topaz: Are you kidding us?

Y/n: No, I don't think so.

Bronya: Dope.

Sam: I love you so much! 

Y/n: Heh, I know. 

(Y/n's phone then rings)

Y/n: Hello? Oh, you are outside right now? Alright, we'll be right out.

(Y/n then puts his phone away and walks over to his console)

Y/n: Sorry you can't come with us Melody, I promise the second we get back I'll work on finding a way to extend your body's battery life so it doesn't have to recharge as often.

Melody: It's alright master, I plan on actually working on a project of my own.

Y/n: And what would that project be?

Melody: I plan on creating an upgrade form for your Rising Hopper form. You already have the other progrise keys, but you might need one that's more powerful one day. I'm calling it Project: Shining.

Y/n: Huh, well that might actually be a good idea Melody. Nice work.

Melody: Thank you for the praise Master!

Y/n: And you made it weird.... Anyway, let's head outside girls.

(The quartet then made their way outside where they saw the tour bus waiting)

???: Y/n!

(A purple/white blur then emerges from the tour bus and charges towards Y/n who barely manages to stay on his feet as the blur makes impact. The purple/white blur is shown to be Robin wearing a far more casual outfit then her glamorous stage outfit.)

Y/n: Hey Robin, did you miss me that much?

Robin: Of course I missed my number 1 and favorite fan!

(Y/n blushes at the statement)

Y/n: I-I'm your favorite?

Robin: Yep, and also the cutest~

(Y/n's blush then begins to near atomic levels.)

Topaz: Ooo, she knows how to get Y/n to blush. I like her already.

(Robin then notices Topaz, Bronya, and Sam)

Robin: Oh are these the girlfriends you told me about?

Y/n: Ah Yes, these are Topaz, Bronya and-


(Y/n, Topaz, and Bronya all looked on in shock at what had just happened)

Y/n: My god, that was so adorable...

Topaz: Never in my life have I witnessed something so cute.

Bronya: You mean beside Y/n when he is sick.

Y/n: I'm not cute when I'm sick.

Topaz: Baby you are, you act like a four year old and it's adorable.

Y/n: Tsch...

Robin: I am so sorry, I just had to join in with her.

Sam: Please don't apologize, it was my fault. I just got too excited.

???: Robin! We need to hurry up, there might be some paparazzi nearby!

Robin: Sorry brother!

Y/n: Wait a second...

A man who looks like a male version of Robin then appears in the tour bus doorway.

Robin: Sorry Sunday, I just got a little bit too excited.

Sunday: It's alright Sister, but please let us get going.

(Y/n then turns to Robin)

Y/n: You spoke in interviews about your brother but I never expected him to look like a male version of you.

Robin: Well he is my TWIN brother.

Y/n: Huh, neat.

(The group then makes there way to the tour bus entrance where Sunday is)

Sunday: Ah you must be the "famous" Y/n Flynn-Fletcher and his three girlfriends. My name is Sunday Penacony. A pleasure to meet you. (He then takes a bow) Please make your way inside and find a seat

Topaz: Oh my, what a gentlemen.

Bronya: Thanks.

Sam: Thank you.

(Just as Y/n was about to walk into the bus he's stopped by Sunday who is glaring at him and holding him by the shoulder)

Y/n: Something the matter?

Sunday: As a matter of fact there is, you did something to my sister.

Y/n: Excuse me?

Sunday: You heard me, all she has been talking about since she visited that mall is you. Y/n this, Y/n that. It's all I hear about.

Y/n: S-She talks about me?

Sunday: Yes... so listen here. After this concert, you are not to EVER interact with her. I don't even want you to be a fan of hers. You WILL pretend she doesn't exist. I know your type, you act all innocent just to lure her into a trap and hurt her. I refuse to let her get hurt.

(Sunday then feels pressure on his arm and he looks to see Y/n now with a glare.)

Y/n: Listen... I can understand the overprotectiveness, trust me I do. But there's one thing I hate about people and it's when they judge someone they've never met. You just met me today, so don't think you know me. I like Robin yes, but I would NEVER and I mean NEVER use her for anything. (sighs) Listen, neither of us want to hurt her so I won't mention this little discussion if you don't.

(Y/n lets go of Sunday's arm as the man thinks for a moment)

Sunday: Very well... I'll give you one chance to prove yourself. But only one.

Y/n: Good.

(Y/n then walks into the bus but something slips from his bag and hits the ground. Sunday notices them and picks them up)

Sunday: Huh, what are these?

Sunday: Interesting, but I'll give them back to him after the concert.

(Sunday then makes his way back into the bus which departs a few seconds after. Meanwhile,, Y/n walks over to see Robin talking with his girlfriends)

Robin: Oh Y/n, I saw you talking to my brother. Did he give you any trouble?

Y/n: Oh not at all, just some guy talk. Nothing you need to worry about.

(Y/n then takes a seat next to Robin)

Y/n: So what were you girls talking about?

Topaz: Nothing you need to worry about baby, just girl talk.

Y/n: Ah I see... So, what do you guys wanna talk about?

Robin: Well, tell me more about yourself Y/n.

Y/n: Oh well alright, what do you want to know?

Robin: Any funny stories?

Bronya: You could mention the sew-

Y/n: Not that one!

Sam: What about the time we rode the cow stampede through the mall?

(Robin gasps)

Robin: You guys rode a cowboy stampede through the mall?!

Y/n: Oh yeah, I even wore a cowboy outfit and everything.

Bronya: I still have a pic, wanna see?

Robin: Yes, please!

(Bronya then shows Robin a picture of Y/n in a cowboy outfit)

(Topaz, Bronya, and Sam all three noticed the blush that was now appearing on Robin's face, but Y/n was not able to notice as he heard his stomach grumble.)

Y/n: If you ladies will excuse me, I need to use the restroom.

Robin: It's in the back of the bus, second door on the left.

(Y/n nods and walks in that direction and the sound of a door opening and closing can be heard)

Topaz: So Robin, don't think we haven't noticed..

Robin: N-Noticed what?

Bronya: The way you are looking at our boyfriend.


I-I have no idea what you are talking about!

Sam: With all do respect Robin, unlike our boyfriend we are not dense.

Robin: (sighs) Fine, I'll admit it! Even though I just met him two weeks ago, I just feel a connection with him. He's the first boy to actually see me as myself instead of some stupid idol princess that the media makes me out to be! Besides... my time as a superstar is almost up anyway. I haven't told anyone this but this will actually be my last concert tonight.

Topaz: Really why?

Robin: My fanbase has been dwindling. The times are changing and the record label says that my music doesn't hit with today's modern audience. All they want are these boy bands and those girls who dress so awful...

Bronya: This sucks...

Sam: I'm so sorry this is happening to you.

Robin: It's fine, I've had a good run. I don't know how many people I got to inspire but Y/n honestly makes it all worth it. And me and Sunday will NEVER need to worry about money again because of how much money we made during my prime.

Topaz: The media never asked, but how old are you?

Robin: Oh I'm 16. I assume you all are as well?

Topaz: I'm 17 but Bronya and Sam are 16 as well, so is Y/n.

Robin: That's nice...

(Suddenly the bus brakes hard and the girls nearly fall over.)

Bronya: Woah, did we just get brake checked.

(Y/n then comes running in)

Y/n: Is everyone alright?

Topaz: Everyone's fine baby, just wondering why we braked checked so hard.

Y/n: Let's go investigate.

(The quintet makes their way to the front of the bus where they see a robot standing in the middle of the road.)

Y/n: Oh no...

Topaz: Is that one of them?

Y/n: Yeah it's one of those robots I faced when I first turned into Zero-One. I'll deal with this.

(Y/n then exits the bus and stands across from the robot)

Y/n: What are you doing here?

Robot: Sent by... [REDACTED] to kill... Robin...

(Y/n eyes then widen)

Y/n: So you want to kill Robin?

Robot: That is.... mission... will complete...

Y/n: Not if I have anything to say about it. Guess it's time to test out that second driver blueprint I was given.

(Y/n then reaches into his bag and his eyes widen)


???: You mean this?

(Y/n turns around and sees Sunday with the gun and the progrise key he picked up earlier)

Y/n: The Shotriser! Where did you get that? Did you snoop inside my bag, you bird boy?!

(Sunday gains an annoyed expression on his face)

Sunday: First, DON'T CALL ME CHICKEN WING BOY! And Second, Of course not. For a genius you are pretty blind. You dropped this earlier and I picked them up.

Y/n: Great, now you can hand them over.

Sunday: No, I don't think I will.

(Sunday then applies the Shotriser to his waist)

SR: Shotriser!

Y/n: Jokes on you! You can't open the progrise key unless I authorise it.

Sunday: And?

(Sunday then begins to try and force open the progrise key)

Sunday: I heard what this robot said! That he wants to kill my sister! No-one threatens my sister and gets to live!

(Sunday then finally opens the progrise key)


(Sunday then presses a button on the progrise key)


(He then inserts the key into the Shotriser)


(Sunday then grabs the Shotriser)


(He then aims the Shotriser at the robot)

Sunday: Henshin.

(He then pulls the trigger and a bullet emerges from the Shotriser)


(The bullet flies at the monster who dodges as the bullet returns towards Sunday, who proceeds to punch it as a set of armor forms on him)

SR: Shooting Wolf! The elevation increases as the bullet is fired.

(Sunday then charges towards the robot as the girls exit the bus and run up to Y/n.)

Robin: What's going on? What happened to my brother?

Y/n: That Robin, is both Sunday your brother, and now the new Kamen Rider Vulcan.

Topaz: You made ANOTHER Driver?

Y/n: Well yes, but I was saving this one to test myself. And now that it has been used by Sunday. It's basically his now...

(Bronya and Sam both hug Y/n)

Bronya: There, there, it'll be alright.

Sam: Besides, I think the Zero-One driver is better.

Y/n: Aww, thanks you two.

(Meanwhile, Sunday is currently on the offensive against the monster. He delivers a massive kick to it's chest sending it flying. He then presses the button on the Shooting Wolf progrise key)


(Sunday proceeds to aim the Shotriser at the robot and fires at it. The robot attempts to run away but four wolf like constructs chase after it and pin it to the mountainside)

Sunday: This is for trying to kill my sister! YOU ROBOTIC FREAK!

(Sunday then charges a blue ball of energy and fires it at the robot)


(The blue ball of energy collides with the robot causing it to explode. Sunday then dehenshins and walks back to the group.)

Y/n: Not bad bird boy, not bad at all.

Robin: You were incredible brother.

Sunday: Thank you Robin.

Y/n: Welp, since the Shotriser is now bonded to your DNA, I guess you can keep it.

Sunday: Why thank-

Y/n: But I'm not authorizing any future progrise keys you get from me. 

Sunday: Like I need your authorization, I'll just rip it open. Anyway, we should get back to the bus. This little distraction has already made us late to the concert.

(Everyone nodded and made their way back to the bus. A few hours later everyone was at the concert and Robin walked on stage.)

Robin: Thank you everyone for coming. Now, before we begin. I have a very special song I want to sing. I hope you all enjoy.

(Robin then begins to sing)

(After the song, Robin takes a bow)

Robin: That song was dedicated to someone who gave me a new world view recently. Y/n! Can you please come onto the stage?

(Y/n's eyes widen from backstage, he is then given a small shove onto the stage by Bronya, Sam, and Topaz who give him a thumbs up. He nervously waves to the audience who are confused.)

Robin: Now this is a big announcement. But I'm afraid this is my last ever concert.

Y/n: W-What?!

Robin: It's been an amazing ride and spreading my music to the world. But as the times change, I feel as if I've done my part. So after this concert I will go into retirement. But, before I go I need to do one last thing.

Y/n: But why am I her-Mmph!

(Robin then proceeds to kiss Y/n on the lips causing some boos and cheers from the crowd. Robin breaks the kiss leaving a stunned Y/n.)

Robin: You saw me for the real me. The first boy to do so, so I wanted to say thank you. And that I love you.

(Y/n finally recovers from his stunned state)

Y/n: A-Are you sure it's me?

Robin: Yep, you are the man for me. Now... care to sing?

(Y/n looks down at the microphone in Robin's hands)

Y/n: B-But I've never sung in public before....

Robin: Well... you won't find your voice until you try right?

(Y/n then gently takes the microphone and takes a deep breath)

Y/n: I call this one... golden hour.

(After the song, everyone cheered for Y/n. He smiled and handed the microphone back to Robin as he walked off to stage into a group hug from Topaz, Bronya, and Sam)

Topaz: That was amazing!

Bronya: So cool!

Sam: You really are an amazing singer.

Y/n: Thanks guys... also I had NO idea Robin was going to kiss me.

Topaz: It's alright. We knew.

Bronya: It was actually our idea.

Sam: So that makes four girlfriends now?

Y/n: I guess it does.

(Y/n then feels a hand on his shoulder and he looks to see Sunday)

Y/n: Bird Boy?

Sunday: Listen good Y/n Flynn-Flethcer. 

(Sunday then gains a menacing glare)

Sunday: If you DARE hurt my sister in any way! They will NEVER find your body.

(Y/n just smirks)

Y/n: I wouldn't ever dream of hurting her.

(Sunday gives a small smile)

Sunday: Very well. By the way, do you happen to have any houses for sale near yours?

Y/n: Yeah, about 3 houses down. Why?

Sunday: No reason, just curious.

Y/n: Okay then...

(Robin then begins to sing some more songs)

(Little did anyone know, three cloaked figures were watching from high in the rafters of the concert venue)

??? 1: Hmm, so that's Zero-One, the boy with the h/c hair?

??? 2: Yep!

??? 3: And Vulcan is that Chicken Wing boy.

??? 1: Those first two robots caused them both to awaken, now the true plan can begin...

(The three of them then escape into the shadows)

[End of Chapter]

A/n: This chapter was a big one and took a while. The next MAJOR chapter will be released in about 2.5 weeks since for the next week starting Friday I'll be busy with FFXIV: Dawntrail. Sorry but I've been looking forward to this expansion for months and FFXIV is one of my favorite games to play, so it takes priority. I'll make a small bio for Topaz, Robin, and Sunday tomorrow. See you guys in the next chapter.

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