Chapter 6: I, Brobot
(Episode starts with Phineas and Ferb under a tree in the Backyard of the Flynn-Fletcher house.)
Phineas: And the candidates for what awesome thing we will do today are: our blueprint for completely food-based water park, your schematic for the tunnel to the center of the Earth, this model for the chamber of invisibility, your other schematic for a microscopic zoo that rests on the head of a pin. Gee. We sure have a lot of blueprints, models, and schematics. ("Morning Mood" by Edvard Grieg as Phineas notices a falling leaf) Hey, Ferb. Summer doesn't last forever, and we've got too many plans for just the two of us. We either need more days of summer, or more of us. You think Y/n might have anything?
(Ferb shrugs)
Phineas: Let's go ask.
(Phineas and Ferb make their way down the basements stairs to see Y/n's door open.)
Phineas: Huh, that's weird, he almost never leaves the door open.
(The two enter the room and see only a single light on with Y/n working underneath it.)
Y/n: Come on, I've almost got it. Almost there....
Phineas: Bro?
(Y/n doesn't even turn around)
Y/n: Phineas if that's you and Ferb, I've already left you guys a pair of blueprints for today. Shelf 4, Bay 6. Have fun.
(Ferb walks over to the shelf and pulls out the blueprints and hands them to Phineas, who looks at them)
Phineas: Are these robot blueprints of ourselves? Incredible Y/n, you sure you don't want to help us build these?
(Y/n doesn't answer as he returns to work)
Phineas: Okay then... Well Ferb, thanks to our genius brother we can make android versions of ourselves! We can make Phinedroids and Ferbots! Hey, where's Perry?
(On the roof, Perry puts on his fedora and goes into the chimney elevator)
(Song: "Gitchee Gitchee Goo" elevator music)
(Elevator bell)
Santa Claus: Ho-ho-hold that elevator!
(Elevator bell)
Major Monogram: Agent P, Dr. Doofenshmirtz is up to his old tricks. He's made 57 phone calls in the past hour. We don't know to whom, or why. (Perry points toward the chimney vator) No, not to Santa. Agent P, your mission is to find out what Dr. Doofenshmirtz is up to and stop him. See, Carl, that's why I don't like using the chimney-vator. Besides, that guy totally owes me a pony from when I was five.
[In the garage of the house]
Phineas: Okay, Ferb. The robot building device is almost ready to be activated. Just a couple more commands. (Computer beeping) Okay, pictures please.
Computer: Phineas. Ferb. Phineas and Ferb.
Phineas: Here we go.
Computer: Robot building sequence activated.
(Computer beeping, Bell dings)
Phineas: Wow, it worked! I'm so glad we tried out our new android building device instead of using that old dinosaur. (Beep; The door on the unit opens up, several Phineas and Ferb-like robots march out; on bullhorn) Phinedroids and Ferbots, we thank you for being here with us today. Please-- (To Ferb) Uh, Ferb, your bullhorn's not on. (Ferb turns on his bullhorn; on bullhorn) Please take a blueprint and report to the backyard immediately! (To Ferb) Ferb, would you do the honors? (Ferb presses the "DANCE" button on a remote)
♪ Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. ♪
Doofenshmirtz: Pick up the phone! Pick up, pick up! Pick up, pick up! Oh, why won't you pick up? (sees Perry) Oh, hi, Perry the Platypus. Thank you for using the key I gave you. It's much more civilized than crashing through my ceiling, don't you think? Yes, eh. Anyway, I-I don't know why you're here, but you can tell Monogram that I'm not, eh, you know, "up to anything." Anyways, all I've been doing here is calling my new girlfriend. (Laughs) We're having, what I call, a relationship bump. And now, she won't pick up the phone, and I'm tired of leaving messages. I'm tired! I've—I left, like, 57 messages and, I won't leave anymore. It starts to look a little desperate. (Perry glares) Hmm? Oh, no, that's-that's not an evil scheme. That's just a giant magnet. I'm going to wave it over my girlfriend's house and erase all the messages I left. (Laughs) Because, some of them were really long and rambly. I mean, I know there's an ordinance against it, but- What? Oh, come on, Perry the Platypus! (Growls) Oh well, too bad for you! (traps Perry) Too bad you don't believe in love! (Door slams, Truck engine revving) Too bad!
[In the basement of the Flynn-Flethcer home, Y/n holds a USB Stick and walks up to a console and inserts the USB stick into a port, a voice then speaks from the console.]
???: Ah Master! What did you just insert into me?
Y/n: Okay... phrasing. Also, it's time for the Projekt to come to light.
???: You mean?
Y/n: Yes, you are getting a physical body.
???: Yay! I'll get to work right away!
Y/n: Have fun.
[Y/n walks back to his desk and pulls out a device and a key-like device]
Y/n: Now for you, let's finish you.
[In the living room of the house, Candace is talking to Stacy on her cellphone on the chair]
Candace: I'd love to come over to watch you get your ears pierced, Stacy, but my Mom went to Zippy Pics and left me in charge of my brothers since Y/n has been coooped up in the basement more than usual.(Sees a Phinedroid out the door) Oh, here they come now. (smirks, another Phinedroid walks by) Phineas and Ferrrruh, Phineas? (Gasps) I have to call you back! (she goes outside) Oh, wait till Mom finds out about Phineas and Ferb, and...Phineas and Ferb and Phineas? And Ferb? And Phineas and Ferb? Phineas and Ferb? Ferbias, Phiniferb? (Gasps) They're my brothers and they're robots! THEY'RE BRO-BOTS! (Candace screams and runs into the panic room, finally, she calls Linda.)
[Linda is answering her phone in Zippy Pics]
Linda: What is it, Candace?
Candace: Mom, I'm in the panic room... Phineas and Ferb...and—And then Phineas and Ferb...and—And robots! (voice becomes squeaky) Invisibility chamber! Elephants!
Linda: That's nice, honey. Well, the pictures should be ready soon, and then I'll see the robots when I get home. Bye. (Phone beeps)
Candace: But everything will be gone by the time Mom gets home. Isn't that right, Mr. Miggins? Unless... (Candace grabs a sack, an oil can, and a football helmet which she puts on, and lays a trap for a Brobot; a Ferbot walks near the oil can and drinks from it; Candace leaps from the cellar and traps the Ferbot)
Candace: Aha!
(She carries the sack with the Ferbot in it to the front yard and calls Stacy)
Candace: Stacy? Oh my gosh! Guess what? Ugh, Stacy, I can't understand you. Why are you crying? Yeah. Crying, crying, it hurts, right. Got that. Uh-huh, Oh, hi, Mrs. Hirano! What? Stacy got her ears pierced? Gee, what a terrible thing that I had completely no idea about! Anyway, gotta run, Mrs. Hirano. Give Stacy my best!
(Throughout this, a garbage truck arrives. A man takes the bag with the Ferbot in it and tosses it into the dump area. It drives away, and a Fred's Fertilizer truck pulls up. A man drops off a bag of fertilizer and the truck drives off. Candace barely notices; she walks back to the bag and kicks it)
Candace: Poor, mixed-up Stacy.
[Back at D.E.I., Perry pulls out a canister of cheese spray from his fedora. He then shakes the canister and sprays the rope with the cheese spray. A mouse comes out of a mouse hole, climbs up the rope, and then gnaws on it.]
[Back at the backyard of the house]
Phineas: Hey, bros. How's the old Chamber of Invisibility coming along? (Robot whirring, Chamber of Invisibility zapping) Wow, it works! Well done. (To Ferb) Hey, normally I'd be saying that to you, Ferb. Just kinda weird saying that to a Ferbot. Come on. Let's see how the Microscopic zoo is doing. (To Robots) Hey, guys. Mind if we see how things are coming along? (To Ferb) Hold her steady, Ferb. Wow! That's amazing! And according to this microscopic newspaper machine, the zoo's really packing them in! Well, I guess we can categorize this project as a success. Hey, that is the best tunnel to the center of the Earth I've ever seen. Boy, I bet that was fun to build. You know, Ferb, even though these robots were a success and completely on model, I kind of miss working on stuff. You know, just you and me. Hey, what's this? Thanks. Hovercraft lounge chair? We were gonna build that next week! Oh, no! The Phinedroids and Ferbots have run out of projects, so they're designing their own! Have we learned nothing from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein? Look! They've started their own overpriced coffee franchise! That's so '90s. (Cut back to Candace sitting on the sidewalk in front of the house) This is terrible! (cut back to Phineas and Ferb) We have an entirely new problem! (Camera pans across the robots getting out of controls) The coffee's making them go haywire! And that one's having trouble falling asleep. (Camera shows a Phinedroid trying to sleep, looking to an alarm clock every 2 seconds) Poor little guy. (Robot whirring) That's it! You guys are drinking way too much coffee! I'm shutting her down! (He slams the metal curtain of the coffee shop shut, The robots turn towards he and Ferb evilly and their eyes glow) Well, that's no good. Time to show these robots who's in charge. (Presses the laptop button repeatedly) Uh, Ferb? I think they're in charge.
[The robots then begin to create something.]
Phineas: Are they building something... without blueprints?!
[The robots then finish their creation which is another boto that looks like a bug of somekind]
Phineas: Is that a robot based on a Kujiberotha teruyukii?
[The robot then begins to walk towards Phineas and Ferb who begin to back away in fear]
Phineas: Well... Ferb, this might be the end...
????: HEY UGLY!
[Meanwhile at DEI]
Doofenshmirtz: (Singing along) ♪ Bow, chicka bow-wow, that's what my baby says... ♪ Oh, there it is. (Turns off radio) My new girlfriend's house. Now I can erase all those embarrassing messages. And then I can start leaving new ones. What? (stops car, sees Perry with a spy badge and gasps) Perry the Platypus! How did you escape my net? It was the mouse, wasn't it? Get out of the way, Perry the Platypus! Don't make me drop this giant magnet on you! Well, then, as a lazy tailor would say, "Suit yourself." (Flips the switch making the magnet fall on Perry, but Santa Claus picks up the magnet) But that doesn't make sense! It's the middle of July!
Santa Claus: Ho, ho, ho! I'm on a summer run! Farewell, Perry the Platypus!
Doofenshmirtz: Bah, humbug.
(Cut back to Phineas and Ferb being cornered by the bug robot as it closes in on them.)
???: HEY UGLY!
[The bug robot turns around to see Y/n standing with someone new next to him. She is a girl with purple/blue hair and she is holding a suitcase]
Y/n: Step away from my brothers and fight someone your own size. Melody, the Driver and Progrise Key please.
Melody: Of course, Master.
[The now named Melody hands Y/n a device and what looks to be a key with a grasshopper on it]
[The robot then fires an attack from it's arms at Y/n who doesn't even looked fazed. He then puts on the driver.]
Y/n then presses a button on the key.
Y/n then proceeds to scan the key on the waist device.
In space, a green satellite shoots down a green beam, back at the backyard, the attack attempts to hit Y/n only for a machinal grasshopper to get in the way shocking the robot, the Grasshopper begins to bounce around Y/n as the flips open the key.
Y/n then inserts the key into the Zero-One Driver.
A black suit then appears on Y/n as the grasshopper splits into several parts and forms armor onto Y/n.
ZOD: TO-BIA GA RISE! RISING HOPPER! A jump to the sky turns to a Rider Kick!
Phineas: Y/n?
Y/n: Yes and No! I am Y/n Flynn-Fletcher but I am now also now Kamen Rider Zero-One, that's my name! Now let your big brother handle this!
[Y/n charges towards the robot and blocks its punch and hits in the gut before then kicking it away]
Melody: Go Master!
[Phineas then walks up to Melody]
Phineas: Who are you?
Melody: My name is Projekt Melody! I am your brothers personal AI Companion. It's a pleasure to meet you!
Phineas: Huh, Y/n made an AI and didn't even tell us. Impressive.
[Y/n then looks at the robot and who keeps firing at him and he keeps using his speed and jumping height too dodge it, he then delivers a massive punch too its chest.]
Y/n: It's time to finish this!
Y/n then proceeds to press the Progrise key on the Zero-One Driver.
[Y/n then charges at the robot and delivers an upward kick sending it into the air. Y/n jumps into the air after it and kicks it downward. As the robot falls towards the ground Y/n charges a final kick which resembles a grasshopper leg, he kicks through the robot which in turn causes the Phineadroids and Ferbots to be destroyed as well.]
Phineas: Y/n! That was awesome!
Y/n: Thank you, thank you. Now would you like me to explain what just happened?
Phineas: Please do.
(Scene shifts to the front yard; Candace is still waiting.)
Candace: (Scoffs) '80s music is so 2002. (Car door opens; Linda comes over.) Mom, mom, mom!
Linda: Oh, hi, honey. I got some very nice shots here.
Candace: Yeah, that's great, Mom. Check this out! (opens fertilizer bag with eyes closed) Ta-da!
Linda: That's a very nice bag of manure, Candace.
Candace: (opens her eyes, looks in bag) What?! AAAAH!
Linda: (drops her pictures while she was screaming) Candace! You made me drop my pictures!
Candace: Maybe it's not too late!
(Cut to the backyard where robots are no longer there but she sees Y/n in the Rising Hopper Foorm, Candace smiles.)
Candace: Those robots might be gone, but there's two strange people in the backyard! Mom, mom, mom! You've gotta see this!
(While she's running to Mom, Santa flies over the backyard and his magnet takes all the robot parts away. Y/n then de-transforms)
Phineas: So you are saying that the satellite you launched last year was actually for this Zero-One System you created?
Y/n: Yes and No, I was given the blueprints about two years when I got my Engineering PHD, I never got the mans name but he told me that this system would be better in my hands.
Phineas: Did he say anything to you else?
Y/n: Just that he was a passing through Kamen Rider. So here we are, I'm now Kamen Rider Zero-One.
Phineas: You think we are going to have to deal with more of those evil robots?
Y/n: It's possible, but don't worry. I've got tons of tricks up my sleeve for this summer.
Melody: Yeah! Master is so strong! He will beat anyone who dares challenge him.
(Close up of the gate)
Candace: I know. I've done this nineteen other times. (with her eyes closed) But this time, I can say with the utmost confidence that there are Phineas and Ferb robots in our backyard!
(Candace opens the gate to reveal nothing but the real Phineas and Ferb and now Y/n and the new Melody, and she looks on, deadpanned.)
Linda: Yes, Candace. I see the robots.
Y/n: Oh Hi Mom.
Linda: Oh hello Y/n, nice to see you finally out of the basement.
(Linda then notices Melody)
Linda: Oh and who's this?
Y/n: Mom, this is Melody, the result of that Artificial Intelligence project I've been working on for two years.
Linda: Well it's a pleasure to meet you Melody.
Melody: A pleasure to meet you as well.
Linda: Well who wants snacks?
Phineas: I could eat, what about you Ferb? (Ferb nods)
Y/n: I'm good.
(Everyone goes inside while Y/n turns to Melody)
Y/n: Now.... how am I going to introduce you to Bronya, Sam, and Topaz?
Melody: Oh you mean, The Tsundere Gamer, The Cutie Patootie, and The Sugar Mommy?
Y/n: (sighs) We really need to make your more subtle...
Melody: I'll try my best Master! Feel free to punish me if it helps ingrain the lesson!
[End of Chapter]
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