Chapter 5: S'Winter

(Scene opens up showing the sun, the pans down to the Flynn-Fletcher house.)

Lawrence: (Humming) So, what are you four thinking of doing today?

(Camera shows Phineas and Ferb literally standing on their heads while Y/n is laying down on Sam's lap as the two two try and cool off with mini-fans.)

Y/n: It's too hot to even think... Sam, make it not so hot.

Sam: I would if I could darling, I would if I could.

Lawrence: Hmm, your mom and I are getting rid of a few old things at the antique store, but I think I've got just what you need. A snow cone machine just like when I was a kid!

Phineas: How does it work?

Lawrence: Well, you pour the ice in here, you give it a crank, add some syrup, and Bob's your uncle; ♪ Snow cones for everyone ♪

Linda: Honey? We need to go. The antique show closes in just 12 hours.

Lawrence: Okay, kids. I'll leave you in charge of the machine and be easy on your sister. She's been a bit on edge lately.

Y/n: Great.... more stuff I gotta put up with besides this heat...

(The car pulls out of the driveway while Candace looks on in suspicion.)

Phineas: Wow. Snow in July. (Angelic chorus) That's it! I know what we're going to do today! We're gonna need a lot more ice.

Y/n: Whatever you've got planned in that head of yours, I'm in. Anything to beat this heat.

Sam: I agree, I'll do anything to get rid of this heat...

Candace: What is all this?

Y/n: Snow Cones... what else would it be?

Candace: You mean crushed ice covered with blue carbs? Lame.

Phineas: Maybe Perry wants some. Hey, where's Perry?

(Cut to Perry, who puts on his fedora and goes down the secret entrance to his lair)

Major Monogram: Good morning, Agent P. I'll get right to it. This time, we're worried about Doofenshmirtz buying laser pointers. I mean, 2 or 3 of them would be fine, but he just put in an order for 18,000 of them?! Only a crazed, evil and diabolical mind would do that. I'm sure you'll know what to do, Agent P.

(In the backyard; Ferb is adding more ice cubes complete with fans blowing)

Isabella: Hey, Phineas.

Phineas: Hi, Isabella.

Isabella: Whatcha doin'?

Phineas: We're making S'Winter!

Isabella: S'Winter?

Y/n: Basically we are combining Winter and Summer. If people can combine Breakfast and Lunch, then we can combine seasons.

Sam: Also in fact, why have snow in the winter, when it's possibly and usually way too cold to enjoy it.

Isabella: You guys are gonna need some help. (Whistles; the Fireside Girls appear to help)

(Cut to Candace on her phone in her room; snow is falling outside.)

Candace: I think cheerleaders are overrated anyway. I mean, being gorgeous and popular? Does that matter in the real world--? (Her room goes dark due to the snow blocking her window.) What is going on out there?!

(Cut to the backyard)

Phineas: Woah! This looks great!

(Y/n walks up with Sam and the two are now in Ski outfits)



Y/n: Can't even see the join. Blends in perfectly.

Phineas: Where did you two get those outfits?

Sam: I had these prepared just in-case we ever decided to go Skiing, I've made one for Bronya and Topaz as well.

Y/n: And that's why I love you so much, you're prepared for anything.

(Y/n kisses Sam on the cheek and she blushes)

(In Candace's room, Candace struggles to open the window and manages to do so while letting in the overflowing snow.)

Candace: (Grunting, Pants) Phineas! Y/n! What's going on here?!

Y/n: We have made both the coolest and hottest season of them all!

Candace: And what is that supposed to mean?!

Phineas: He means we combined summer and winter together. It's S'Winter!

Phineas: Some people call it "Wummer"!

Y/n: I will fight anyone who calls it Wummer! It is S'Winter!

(Sam then smacks Y/n upside the head)


Sam: You won't be fighting anyone.

Y/n: Tch... Fine...

Candace: I'm calling Mom, you know. (dials phone but stops when she sees Jeremy) Jeremy?

Jeremy: Hey, Candace. You want to go skiing?

(Y/n appears and smirks)

Y/n: You know she would love to, but sadly she's terrified of heights.

Candace: Y/n!

Y/n: Hey, I ain't lying. It ain't my fear, it's yours.

Jeremy: Bummer. Well, see you later, then. Dee Dee, wait up!

Candace: What the heck Y/n?!

(But Y/n has already left and is sitting next to Sam on a Ski-lift.)

Y/n: If you want to catch me, then conqueror your fear!

Candace: Oh you- Hey, wait for me! Let me through! Let me through! Oh, out of my way! (climbs on a ski lift Vanessa is riding on; grumbling) My brothers are just driving me crazy!

Vanessa: (Scoffs) You should try spending an hour with my dad sometime. At least my adopted sister is cool to hang out with. But she does spend a lot of time with her boyfriend.

Candace: Who's her boyfriend?

Vanessa: Someone named Y/n. I haven't met him yet.

Candace: Huh, what a coincidence, I have a brother name Y/n. (Screams) Oh, I had no idea this thing was so high! (Gasps, ties her seatbelt up) There. Great. Here I go. (tries to get off the ski lift but couldn't) Wait! Wait, wait, wait! No, no, no, no-o-o-o-o-o-o! 

♪ Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.! ♪

Doofenshmirtz: As soon as he walks through that front door, no more Perry the Platypus. (Piano playing) It's genius, right? (sees Agent P) Oh—Oh, I told Nancy to keep the back door locked! (Clears throat; At tape recorder) Note to self; My evil deed for tomorrow. Fire the maid. (At Perry) What are you looking at? Not so fast, Perry the Platypus. Don't worry, it's not what you think. It's my special recipe for quick-hardening chocolate! Between you and me, my popularity has plummeted to an all-time low. But everybody loves chocolate! What if I could recreate chocolate in my own image? Behold! The Melt-inator 6500! Powered by thousands of laser pointers! It has a melting capacity...of 7. That's on a scale of 1–5, so that's a big number. Here. Watch this. Collect my harvest through the city streets, where it will be processed with my secret ingredients to produce the most irresistible confection in the Tri-State Area. Now do you understand what you are up against? Come on, you didn't get any of that? You didn't get any of that? (Sighs) Okay, I will start again. First of all, my popularity is an all-time low. You got that, right? Okay. Then--

(In the backyard)

Candace: (wearing tennis rackets on her feet as if they were snowshoes) Alright. That should do it. I'll just walk all the way up to the top. Nothing will stand in my way. (falls deep in the snow) Why is it so dark out here? (A horse and sleigh ram her head) Ow! Oh, that hurts! Wait a minute. I got it! (has Buford ride her up the mountain; snickering mischievously).

(Y/n is watching the scene sipping on some Hot Chocolate, Sam walks up to him)

Y/n: Huh, I'll admit shes getting real creative with these. She must really want to kill me this time.

Sam: So why exactly are you taunting her?

Y/n: She's been afraid of heights since we were kids. So I decided to instill some brotherly wisdom and force her to conqueror her fears.

Sam: But did you have to expose her fear to her crush?

Y/n: I mean, wouldn't you do the same thing to Vanessa to get her over a fear?

(Sam thinks for a second)

Sam: Huh, you make a point.

Y/n: Exactly.

(Cut back to Doofenshmirtz and Agent P)

Doofenshmirtz: ...With my Melt-inator 6500. There. Did you get it that time? Well- (Sighs) Well, I'm not going over it again. Time to get started. At this very moment, the world's largest chocolate bar is passing through town on the way to The Smithsonian, but it will never arrive! In 5, 4, 3-- (Sighs) 2 1/2, 2 1/4. Is that it? Is that—you're not going to do anything? You're just going to stand there like a dead fish? I'm giving you a chance to do something here! Oh, this used to be more fun. 1 1/2, 1 1/4! You know, in some cultures, it's considered rude not to particip-- (Agent P kicks Doofenshmirtz) Ugh! Perry the Platypus? But how did you-- (Gasps) You ate your own heinie? (Grunting) I must aim it quickly! (Aims it at the world's largest chocolate bar, but Perry cranks up the speed, making Doofenshmirtz crash into Perry and the Melt-inator aim at the Flynn-Fletcher car)

Lawrence: (On screen) Oh, the kids are going to love this Austrian-style cuckoo clock. Oh, I wish you'd let me buy the large one.

(The Melt-inator fires, melting the tires of the car and making Linda scream)

Lawrence: Maybe we should pull over and see what's going on. That's peculiar.

Linda: Good thing we also bought those 4 spare tires, huh?

(Back in S'Winter, Buford and Candace make it to the top)

Candace: Thanks, Buford. (Gives him a treat) Now all I need to do is find my Jeremy and then beat up Y/n. Oh no! Jeremy's talking to Dee Dee! I gotta put a stop to this! Oh, Jeremy! (slips on the ice) Wait! Jeremy!

Jeremy: Who's that?

Candace: (Screams as she falls off a cliff) Why does this keep happening to me? (lands in the water and one of the fishermen pulls her up now frozen in a block of ice with her teeth chattering)

Fisherman: Too scrawny. Throw it back. (Fisherman 1 does so)

Jeremy: Wow, Dee Dee! You're a really great skier!

(Candace gets angry and makes the ice melt, and collides with Phineas and Ferb snowboarding and Y/n and Sam right behind them, making her scream)

Phineas: Hey, Candace! (puts a helmet on her head) 

Y/n: Glad you could join us! 

Phineas: This is gonna be great! (she screams at this; they then run into a snowman but Candace gets hit) How did that miss us? 

Y/n: Who knows. (They then run into a tree, which hits Candace)

Phineas: That's just weird. Hold on! (They then freefall making Candace scream, cling to the board, and land on Ferb) That's the spirit! (screams as they land on a sled track)

Y/n: 'Scuse me, Bob. Pardon me, Bob. One side, Bob. 'Scuse me, Bob. Whoopsy Daisy. There we go. It's a bobsled.

Sam: Is it really?

Y/n: Oh yeah, you would be surprised to see how bobsledders are named Bob. (They then go down a ramp and into the air. Y/n notices that Candace is missing) Uh, Phineas have you seen Candace?

Phineas: (notices Candace under the snowboard) Oh, hey! Here she is Y/n! You rock, Candace! I didn't even know that was possible.

Y/n: (They then bounce off a hot-air balloon and over some clouds) Hey, look! A cloud angel! (They then bounce off the balloon in a different direction) Now this is what I call free-styling!

(They all land on the first place podium and the crowd cheers as Y/n holds Sam bridal style and she kisses him on the cheek.)

Y/n: Boy do I love winning.

People: Nice run, guys!/Totally awesome!

Jeremy: Wow, that was really cool.

Candace: (Snorts) Really?

Jeremy: You're quite the S'Winter athlete. By the way, have you met Dee Dee?

Candace: (Annoyingly) I don't believe I've had the pleasure.

D. D.: Derek Dukensson. But you can call me D. D. Nice to meet you.

Y/n: HA!

Candace: SHUT IT Y/N!


Candace: (The car horn honks from out front.) Mom and Dad? Back already? This is going to be the bestest day ever! (runs off)

Y/n: You think she even noticed she might have gotten over he fear of heights?

Sam: It's possible, but I suppose your method worked.

Y/n: Even though she can be in a major pain in the butt, she's still my sister. Gotta be a good big brother when I can.

(Cut back to D.E. Inc)

Doofenshmirtz: You almost foiled my plan! (Perry is seen ensnared by pink sticky string.) Luckily, I had an extra can of sticky string to subdue you with. Oops, I forgot to plug it in. I always wait 'till the last minute 'cause it takes a lot of power. (plugs it in, only for the electricity to go out in Danville and making S'Winter melt.)

People: (Clamoring and moaning in disappointment) Aw, man!...

Isabella: Hey, everybody! My Mom's got hot chocolate!

(People cheering)

(Cut to Candace)

Candace: Mom! Dad! Hee-ee-ee-ee... Look at what Phineas and Ferb did to the backyard!

Lawrence: (grunting) Just a second, Candace...!!

(He and Linda are struggling to carry the big cuckoo clock they won; the mountain melts in the backyard.)

Candace: Hurry, hurry! Come on, come on! They used a snow cone machine to build --

Lawrence: Oh, do you mind opening the door for us?!

(The snow floods out the gate.)

Lawrence: Well honey, what do you think?

Candace: Mom, Dad! Hurry up!! And it's a mix of Winter and Summer! (Linda and Lawrence come out; with her eyes closed) They call it: S'Winter.

Lawrence: I'd think that'd be "Wummer", wouldn't it?

Y/n: Sam....

Sam: Yes, Darling?

Y/n: Hold me back...

(Stunned, Candace looks over to see Phineas and Ferb at the normal snow cone machine, with only bits of snow remaining; Sam is trying to hold Y/n back for someone saying Wummer. The giant cuckoo clock chimes, and the bird smashes through the window and Y/n sighs.)

Y/n: I am now more angry at the fact I need to fix a window...

Phineas: You know what, Ferb? Today was the best S'Winter day ever. (At Candace) Last chance, Candace.

Candace: (Splats face into snow cone)

(Perry then appears as Y/n is now holding his toolbox and a pair of leather gloves with Sam also wearing a pair of gloves)

Y/n: Ah just in time Perry, you get to see the masters of fixing glass get to work.

Sam: Let's get to work.

Y/n: And afterwards we can cuddle right?

Sam: (giggles) Of Course.

Y/n: Yes!

[End of Chapter]

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