Chapter 4: Flop Starz

(This episode will pretty much skip most of the Perry scenes and the scenes where the boys go on their one-hit wonder spree, instead this will be a chapter with a fair bit of original dialogue)

(Episode opens up in a TV in the dining room of the Flynn-Fletcher house. On the TV, there is a commercial which is on the stage. A kid is featured.)

Kid: (off-key) ♪ I met my love in a -- ♪ (gets hit by a huge boxing glove) AH!

Phil: Oh, boy! Did that kid stink or what? But maybe YOU'VE got what it takes to be: The Next Super American Pop Teen Idol Star! Auditions open today at the Googolplex Mall in beautiful downtown Danville.

(Zooms out to the dining room while he's speaking.)

Candace: Auditions! Today?!

Phil: Yes, today! At two o'clock sharp.

Candace: (Grabs the TV and kisses it) I've gotta tell Stacy! (Runs, bringing the TV with her and falls) Oh!

Y/n: Tch... She's following a dumb dream. All the pop stars these days are awful... well except one.

Linda: Is it Robin?

Y/n: H-How did you know?

Linda: Honey, I'm your mother and also you have like 20 posters of her in your room. Also, everyone in the house is 99% sure you have a crush on her.

(Examples of Y/n's Robin Posters are shown)

Y/n: You went in my room?!

Linda: You gave me permission because you needed something out of it and you were unable so you asked me.

Y/n: Darn you past Y/n!

Phineas: Ya know, That pop star stuff might be fun at first, but then you'd be stuck in a dead end job. Too bad you can't just do it once and move on.

Linda: Well, what you're talking about is a one-hit wonder.

Phineas: One-hit wonder? What's that?

Y/n: A fifty/fifty gamble of a song being good and people only release one.

Linda: Exactly and usually it has a catchy tune wand meaningless lyrics...

(Flashes back to a time when Linda was known as a singer named Lindana.)

(In the middle of the song:)

Linda: (voiceover) Then they throw a big diva tantrum, lose their label, and they fade to obscurity. Before you know it, their song ends up as elevator music. Years later, they have a reunion concert... (Cuts back to her in the dining room upset.) And after that, they never sing again. And no one... remembers them. (stares off into space, but quickly turns back to Y/n, Phineas, and Ferb) Not that I would know anything about that.

Y/n: Sure you don't...

Phineas: (writing) A one-hit wonder... (Shows checklist, listing in order: Hit record, Diva tantrum, Elevator music, Reunion tour) Ferb, I know what we're gonna do today. Y/n you in?

Y/n: Nah... I'm sitting this one out. I don't really sing....

Phineas: Alright, but you'll still support us right?

Y/n: Yeah, I'm not a monster. Besides, Bronya, Topaz, and Sam are all busy today so I've actually got nothing better to do.

(Ferb strums a guitar.)

(In Candace's room)

Candace: Stacy, what am I going to sing?

Stacy: Hello? What are you gonna wear?

Candace: Hmmm... (In a montage, it cuts to her wearing a blue gown.) What do you think?

Stacy: Too much. (Candace wears a bikini; now offscreen.) Too little. (Candace wears a pinafore.) Ugh, too clean. (Candace wears torn cords and a hippie t-shirt.) Too dirty. (Candace wears a street clothing.) Too street. (Candace wears a goth suit.) Too goth. Where'd you get that?

(Candace wears a Lindana costume.)

Candace: (wearing a Lindana costume) From my mom's closet. You like it?

Stacy: Nah, too retro.

(Candace tries more other outfits: a construction uniform, indian clothes, cowgirl duds, biking clothes, a sailor suit, a gorilla costume, a spacesuit, a clown costume, and finally ends up with her trademark clothing.)

Stacy: Perfect!

Candace: Nice, huh?

Stacy: Yeah, you should've tried that on first.

Candace: Let's go!

(They pass by Phineas and Ferb in their bedroom with Y/n leaning against the wall; Phineas is on the floor writing.)

Phineas: "Chika, chika, choo...wah". Meaningless lyrics done. (To Ferb) How's the catchy tune coming along? (Ferb presses a key on the computer keyboard, producing a piano sound in the key of D.) Excellent! We'll be done by lunch! Hey, where'd Perry go?

Y/n: Who knows.

(In the bathroom, Perry flushes himself in the toilet and then swims over his headquarters.)

(In Agent P's liar...)

Major Monogram: Hello? Hello-oo? Anybody there? (Perry crashes down, full of water) Oh, good morning Agent P. We just received word that Dr. Doofenshmirtz has been buying up construction toys at an alarming rate. We need you to find out what he's up to and put a stop to it.

(Perry salutes and leaves with his scooter, and stops at the red light. Linda's car stops beside him, and she glances; then when she realized it, Perry puts a pair of Groucho glasses on and Linda just shrugs. The green light then appears and he zooms away.)

♪ (Perry)! ♪

(At the mall)

Linda: We'll meet back at the entrance in an hour.


Candace: Come on, Stacy! We've gotta hurry so we could get a spot in li -- yayaya. (realized the line's too long) I've never sang in front of so many people!

Stacy: Uh, Candace? (shows her a LOT more people in the audience)

Candace: (gasps) I can't do this.

Stacy: Oh yes, you can! You're not a quitter; you're a fighter!

Candace: I am?

Stacy: Sure you are! You're a lean, mean, singing machine! (Candace growls and punches the purse as in boxing.) That's it, yeah! Now you're looking like a winner!

(Candace looks like a worn out tiger and drools.)

Y/n: Yes because that is the face of winner...

Stacy: Not now Y/n, not the time for your trademark sarcasm!

(Jeremy walks by.)

Jeremy: Hey, Candace.

Candace: (arranges herself) And that is what a gorilla looks like when you try to take away its food. Oh! Hi, Jeremy! Are you auditioning too?

Jeremy: Nah. I came to see this hot new band called PFT. I downloaded their song this morning. It's tight! The hundredth contestant gets to sing onstage with the band!

Candace: Really? (She walks through the entrance and becomes the 100th contestant.)

Jeremy: Hey, looks like that's you.

Y/n: Huh, welp that happened.

Phil: Congratulations! You're the hundredth contestant! (Pulls her away and puts her onstage; over speaker) Ladies and gentlemen, this young lady has the honor of singing onstage with PFT. So now, the band you've been waiting for: Phineas and the Ferb-Tones!

Y/n: Oh now this is golden. Maybe this won't be so bad. At least it's a band I know.

???: Oh you know the band?

(Y/n turns and sees someone standing next to him)

Y/n: Yeah, the kids on the stage are my younger brothers and the pencil neck is my younger sister.

(The girl chuckles)

???: You shouldn't say such things about your sister.

Y/n: If you knew her, you would understand. Besides, I'm only here to support them.

???: Not a big fan of this teen pop idol stuff?

Y/n: Yes and No, I don't like a majority of the artists these days, well except for one.

???: And who's that?

Y/n: Robin. She's my favorite.

???: Oh is she?

Y/n: Yeah, I'll tell you more later alright? I think it's about to start.

(??? Smiles causing Y/n to blush a bit)

???: Of course.

Candace: Phineas?!

Phineas: Candace? You're the hundredth contestant? How serendipitous. This'll be like a brother and sister thing! Now I'm assuming you've heard our single. I mean, who hasn't, right? It's a big hit. (gives her sheet music) So here's the words; but don't worry if you get lost. The lyrics are meaningless anyway. I'll point when it's your turn. (He steps forward as Candace stares.) Ladies and gentlemen, the Ferbettes! I'm Phineas and this is Ferb, and we're gonna sing a song!

(The first song for now)

(Candace looks at her music before throwing it aside.)

Candace: Wait a minute! What are you doing?

Phineas: I'm cuing you?

Candace: How did you get a hit single?!

Phineas: Well, it wasn't easy. It took most of the morning and half a dozen phone calls. But if you're willing to put in the work-

Candace: That's it! I'm gonna tell Mom!

Phineas: Okay...tell her what?

Candace: (pauses) Ooh, I'm just gonna tell. (She walks offstage)

Phineas/Ferbettes: ♪ Gitchee Gitchee Goo means that I love you! ♪

(Linda is in a store.)

Candace: Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom, you've gotta see this!

Linda: (with disdain) Let me guess. Is it unbelieva- (Candace pushes her) WOOAH!

Candace: Come on, come on, come on!

(Meanwhile with Y/n and ???. The two are sitting inside a coffee shop.)

???: This place has some really good coffee.

Y/n: Yeah it does, so you said you aren't from around here?

???: Mmmm, I'm from out of town. I'm just visiting here for a while.

Y/n: How are you liking this place so far?

???: It's fine, lots of nice people so far and the parks here are really beautiful. Although I did hear a strange rumor that there used to be a giant rollercoaster at the start of the summer?

(Y/n chuckles and takes a sip of his coffee)

Y/n: Oh that, yeah that was me and my younger brothers.

(??? raises an eyebrow)

???: Really, aren't you guys a little young to be building rollercoasters?

(Y/n laughs)

Y/n: Yes they are, but not me. I might be 16 but I already have 3 PhD's and I'm working on my 4th this summer.

(???'s eyes widen)

???: 3 PHD's already at the age of 16?! How is that even possible?!

Y/n: Quite simple really, I have an IQ of 200.

???: 200, so you are a super genius?

Y/n: Techinally yes I am, but you wanna see what else I can do because of it?

???: Sure, this could be fun.

(Y/n then pulls out four calculators causing ??? to giggle)

???: I didn't know super genius's needed calculators.

Y/n: Oh these aren't for that. Watch this.

(??? giggles and claps for Y/n who takes a bow)

???: That was cool, was that one of Robin's songs?

Y/n: Yeah.

???: You never did answer my question from earlier.

Y/n: Oh sorry about that, I got distracted. You wanted to know why she is my favorite?

???: Mmm, I have a strong interest in her and her fanbase, so I ask this question to a lot of her fans.

(Y/n begins to think and after a minute or two he speaks)

Y/n: If I'm being honest, I've never really thought about it to much. But I suppose it would have to be the freedom.

???: Freedom? I'm afraid I don't quite follow.

Y/n: Her songs have a way of just making me feel free. Every time I listen to one of her songs all my stress and anxiety just goes away. Like I'm truly free to just do whatever I want to and spread my wings. Also, I would have to say her appearance behind the scenes. In ever interview I've ever seen of hers, she just seems so genuine in her appreciation for her fans and her love of music. All these other teen pop stars put on these fake acts that most people can't see, but not Robin. She's true to herself and that makes her different and she just has an infectious personality. Every time I hear her voice I just get happy. Also, and don't think I'm weird for this, but she's also one of the prettiest girls I've ever seen.

(??? quickly pulls up her mask to hide her crimson blush)

Y/n: Are you alright?

???: I'm fine, it's just getting a bit hot in here. By the way, have you ever considered playing music? I mean besides on the calculator.

Y/n: If you mean singing with my actual voice, I've considered acting on it a few times...

???: Well why haven't you?

Y/n: I don't think I would be any good...

???: Everyone has a voice they can sing with, but you won't find it till you try.

Y/n: Maybe your right...

(Suddenly ???'s phone begins to ring and she picks it up before putting it down a minute later)

Y/n: Everything alright?

???: Yeah, I just need to head out.

(??? stands up from the table)

???: It was a pleasure getting to know you Y/n, I hope we can meet again.

Y/n: Yeah, me too.

(??? then leaves and then a few seconds later, Y/n facepalms)

Y/n: I didn't even get her name! But then again.... she seems... familar? Maybe I'm overthinking it....

(Y/n then hears the beginning to the song his brothers made)

Y/n: Huh, must be the reunion tour section.

(Y/n makes his wave back over to the stage area)

Phineas: (offscreen) Hey Candace.

(Shows the stage for the PFT Reunion Concert)

Phineas (cont'd.): You're still the hundredth contestant, wanna come up and help us out?

(Candace walks onstage.)

(Crowd cheers)

Candace: That was great! I've been thinking of my brothers all wrong! They're not a nuisance. They're my ticket to-

Phineas: Thanks, you've been great! This is the last time we're ever gonna sing that song. We're retiring, good night!

(The band walks offstage; the lights switch off, leaving Candace in the dark with her eyes still visible.)

Y/n: Told you it was a waste of time!

Mall Operator: (via loud speaker) The mall is now closed and will re-open at 9:00 A.M. tomorrow. Thank you for shopping with us.

(Candace's eyes blink then cuts to black, as the guitar stinger plays.)

(Some time later, Y/n is seen sitting in the open back of his car in the empty mall parking lot,, an acoustic guitar in his hands.)

Y/n: Ya know, maybe she has a point. Maybe I just need... to try.

(Y/n then begins to play the song)

(After he finishes he hears clapping from his left causing him to jump. He looks to his left and sees ??? from earlier)

Y/n: Oh it's you... what are you doing here?

???: I usually try to find quiet places at night just to think. I wasn't expecting this though. I find it nice you listened to my advice from earlier.

Y/n: Yeah... I guess you made a good point.

???: Your singing voice is lovely by the way..

Y/n: Oh thank you... you know I never got your name....

(??? proceeds to take off her glasses and winks at Y/n, his eyes then widen when he realizes who she is)

Robin: I'm Robin, silly. Your favorite artist.


[End of Chapter]

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