Chapter 2: The Fast and the Phineas
(You might have noticed I skipped Candace loses her Head. I just don't like that episode and I didn't really see a reason for Y/n to be in it on my end. This episode however, well you'll see why in a bit)
(The camera zooms into the backyard of the Flynn-Fletcher house. Phineas and Ferb are lying against the tree with Perry aside them. Y/n is chilling with Bronya and Sam.)
Phineas: So guy, what should we do today?
Y/n: Maybe we should give Perry a bath?
(Bronya and Sam look at Perry and take a single sniff)
Sam: I'm with N/n on this one, he really needs one.
Bronya: Yea, he smells worse then Y/n after the Sewer Incident.
Y/n: You said we would never speak of that again!
Bronya: *shrugs* I lied.
(From beyond, a race car sound is heard against them)
Phineas: (peeking over the fence) What is that wonderful noise?
(Camera shows Jefferson County Motor Speedway, where the racing cars qualify for Swamp Oil 500, miles away from the house.)
Y/n: Brothers and the loves of my life. I think I know what we are going to do today.
(In the garage, they start to work on turning the family car into a race car. Candace walks past, construction coming from the garage door.)
Candace: Oh, I have got to take a new picture of myself for my blog. I didn't realize mine is already a week old.
(She takes a selfie; her new selfie is exactly the same as her old one.)
Candace: That's better.
(She walks off, but snaps back to the garage entrance as she notices the boys, Bronya, and Sam working on the car.)
Y/n: (Slides out from underneath the car) Tricking it out, what else?
Candace: Oh and let me guess, you're gonna drive it?
Phineas: Well not exactly.
Candace: Phineas doesn't even know how to drive.
Sam: Oh we took care of that, we had Bronya and Ferb make this remote and Y/n is going to use it.
(Y/n smirks and presses the remote to activate the engine)
Candace: (deeply) Oh, you are so busted.
Y/n: Uh huh, sure we are. Sam can you hand me the 7/8th Torque Wrench? This bolt's a little loose and I wanna make sure it's tight enough so it doesn't fall off..
Sam: Sure.
(Sam hands Y/n the wrench as he slides back underneath the car as Candace exits the garage and starts opening and closing doors throughout the house.)
Candace: (offscreen; opens door) Mom?! (closes door, opens another) Mom?! (closes door, opens another) Mom?! (closes door, reenters garage with her awkward smike) Um, where's Mom?
Bronya: It's Bridge Day, so she's over at The Garcia-Shapiro's.
(Candace grins, then slips out. Ferb closes the hood.)
Bronya: So I'm almost done with the final touches, how's the undercarriage looking N/n?
Y/n: (slides back out from underneath the car) All Good down here, how's the engine?
Phineas: Purring like a Kitten.
Y/n: Excellent.
Candace: Heh, they won't get away with it this time!
Y/n: (From a distance) YES WE WILL!
Candace: (yelling back) SHUT UP Y/N!
(Candace goes to the Garcia-Shapiro household and rings the doorbell. Briefly, she turns her head to face the house, raising her eyebrows sneakly. Vivian comes out.)
Vivian: (Fast-paced) Oh, Candace, dear. Bubela, how good to see you. What a coincidence. Do you know your mom is here?
(The boys, Bronya, and Sam are testing the car behind Candace.)
Candace: Mmm-mmm. Yeah, I do, Mrs. Garcia-Shapiro. I need to talk to her if you don't mind.
Vivian: Oy-vey. Look how tall you are now. You must've grown a couple of inches since the last time I've saw you.
Candace: That was last week, Mrs. Garcia-Shapiro.
Vivian: Well your mom's inside, dear. Where are your braces? I thought you were wearing braces.
Candace: Yeah. MOM! MOM! MOM!
(Cut to Linda playing Bridge)
Linda: What is it, Candace?
Candace: Oh, you have got to see what Y/n, Phineas, and Ferb are doing!
(Linda gives a bored blank expression)
(Back outside, The Car zooms past Y/n, Bronya, Sam, Phineas and Ferb four times.
The first time, their hair is blown forward.
The second, their hair is bursted.
Third, their hair is switched.
Fourth, their hair is swapped back
Y/n: Bronya, can I press the-
Bronya: No.
Y/n: Aww man.
(Bronya then presses the red button causing the car to blast upward, as Linda comes out.)
Linda: What is it? What do you want me to see?
Candace: (gestures toward the boys) Look!!
Phineas: Hi, Mom!
Linda: Hi, boys! (to Candace) Well, if that's all, I'll just be getting back to the game.
(Candace just stands there, speechless and deadpanned. Just after Linda closes the door, the car lands back onto the road.)
Y/n: Good thing we beefed up the suspension. Also, WHY DOES BRONYA GET TO PRESS THE BUTTON FIRST?!
Sam: Oh I can answer that. She who helps makes the remote gets to press it first.
Y/n: That's fair I guess...
(Y/n makes the car spin.)
Phineas: Woah! What else can it do?
Y/n: The real question is what can it NOT do.
Isabella: (Walks up; dreamy look and voice) Hi, Phineas.
Phineas: Oh, hi, Isabella.
Isabella: What'cha doooooin'?
Phineas: We're entering The Swamp Oil 500 today.
Isabella: Aren't you gonna need a pit crew?
Sam: I was actually going to take care of that. Isabella, you know a few people who can work well together right?
Isabella: I do yeah.
Phineas: Great! You're hired! See you at the track. (To Ferb) Hey Ferb, Y/n, where's Perry?
(Scene shifts to Perry's lair, instead of Major Monogram on the screen, it's a young female around Y/n's age with blue eyes and silver white hair that has a red streak. Next to her is a creature with white, gold, and purple trimmings)
Topaz: Hi Perry, Topaz here. I'm filling in for the Major since he's sick today. So here's the lowdown for your mission. Dr. Doofenshmirtz is up to his old tricks. For reasons completely unknown and you will most likely find out later, he's purchased a blimp. We need you find out why, and a put a stop it.
(Perry gives a salute)
Topaz: Oh and one more thing Perry.
(Perry turns around and raises an eyebrow)
Topaz: When you see N/n later today at home, tell him something for me will you?
(Topaz's face turns into a scary one as Perry shivers)
Topaz: Tell N/n that his tax payment is coming up soon and his Sugar Mommy wants it in full with interest. He will know what I mean.
(Perry quickly nods and leaves the lair, he then removes his hat in some sort of prayer, probably to Y/n)
(Scene shifts to the Motor Speedway)
Isabella: (Dreamily) Hi, Phineas. I got your pit crew.
(Show the Fireside Girls lined up behind Isabella)
Phineas: Cool! See ya in the pits.
(Sam then steps foward)
Sam: I thank you all for coming to help us, now what you will be dealing with is a 426 cubic inch, fully-blown V8, with hypo lifters, radical cam, and a limited slip differential.
Gretchen: Would that be electronically fuel-injected?
Sam: I am so glad you asked that. Isabella, great job picking them.
Isabella: Thank you.
Candace: Phineas?! Y/N! PHIN-E-AS! Y-/-N!
Man: Hey! I can't hear the cars!
Jeremy: Hey, Candace! I didn't know you were a racing fan!
Candace: Jeremy. (Slaps herself) Who, me? Oh, yeah! Yeah, I'm a big fan of those, those uh, uh... that red one is cute!
Jeremy: Oh, that's Billy Ray Digler's car. He's great.
Candace: Yeah, he's the best. That Billy Roy.
Jeremy: Billy Ray.
Candace: Billy Ray. I-I love it when he turns left... and then he turns... left again, and then-
Dave: And in the 3rd lane, the newcomers Team Phineas!
Rick: Now is it just me, or does he look a little bit young to be behind the wheel of a 700 horse power racing machine?
Dave: Yes. Yes, he does.
Rick: And look, he's already got his own screaming fans!
Candace: (On screen) PHINEAS!
Phineas: Hey, Candace is rooting for us!
Jeremy: Candace, you're on the big screen!
Candace: (On screen, slow mo) PHINEAS!
Jeremy: And your little brother's gonna be on TV!
Candace: Phineas--? (sees him being interviewed) On TV? (Stands up) TV! That's it! They are so busted! Can you wait here for a second? (zips off, but comes back) Thanks. (zips off)
(At the Garcia-Shapiro house)
Linda: (on her cellphone) What is it, Candace? I'm right in the middle of a 3-No trump.
Candace: (on a payphone at the race) Turn on the TV!
Linda: All right. All right, Candace. This better be good.
(Linda presses a remote, the TV shows static)
Candace: (from the phone) Well? Well? Do you see it?
Linda: Just a second, honey.
Vivian: Turn on the cable box first.
Linda: Hmm. All right. (Presses another remote, ejecting a CD) Wait. 'Kay, that's not it. Um, is it this one? No, this is another phone.
♪ -Summer only lasts- ♪
Linda: Oh, I turned on the stereo!
Candace: (cringing) Mom, hurry up!!
Linda: Okay, just a second! (Presses the right remote)
TV Narrator: Are you embarrassed about flaking?; Itching?; Peeling?
Linda: Candace, this is a dandruff commercial. Is there something you're trying to tell me?
(Cuts immediately to the race track; the race is about to start.)
Phineas: Okay, Y/n. Are we good to go?
(Y/n cracks his knuckles)
Y/n: Let's do this.
Rick: And with the race about to start, there's the Doofenshmirtz Evil Incorporated blimp!
Sam: Excuse me, the WHAT?!
Bronya: Isn't that your dad's company?
Sam: It is, and he spent the Alimony he gets on it...
♪ Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc.! ♪
(Perry jumps into the Blimp)
Doofenshmirtz: Ah, Perry the Platypus. I'm glad you're here. Actually, I was just getting ready to serve some PLATYPUS UNDER GLASS! You're just in time to witness my latest invention... my Deflate-inator Ray! Which I will demonstrate by deflating all the tires of the Jefferson County Motor Speedway! After which, I will deflate everything in the Tri-State Area! That way, if anyone want's anything flated, they will have to talk to me.
(Scene shifts to the race track)
Candace: Phineas, you are in big trouble, mister--!
(Cars zoom past her, leaving her burnt.)
Jeremy: Candace, you've got a little...
Photographer: (takes picture) Smile! Souvenir picture? Only a dollar.
(Candace looks at her picture. She is burnt and Jeremy is staring confused.)
Candace: AAH! (shakes herself clean) Wait a second.
(Grabs camera, runs off)
Photographer: Hey!
Candace: (Takes a picture of Phineas driving) Ee-ee-ee-ee... now, I gotcha!
Photographer: (Snatches picture) Hey hey, Missy. Two pictures, two bucks.
Candace: Oh, yeah, uh, I've only got a dollar, but uh, I just want the one. You can just tear the other one up, 'kay?
(The photographer rips one picture.)
Candace: (rides out on bike) I've got 'em, NOW! Heeheehee.
Rick: And on the fast on the inside lane is Number 42, Team Phineas!
Phineas: Hey, Y/n. Do you think we can get any more power?
Y/n: Of course we can. You want me to open it up and send her to max?
Phineas: I mean if you can..(Classic car honking) Uh, Y/n? We're actually slowing down now.
Y/n: Are we?
Phineas: (Car suddenly speeds up) OH YEAH! NOW THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKIN' ABOUT!
(Telephone rings)
Y/n: Y/n speaking.
Sam: N/n, we should bring Phineas in for a pit stop.
Y/n: On it.
Isabella: (The race car enters the pit stop.) All right, Fireside Girls, let's move, move, move!
(The girls work on fixing the car)
Isabella: That helmet looks so manly.
Phineas: Thanks.
Sam: Hit it, N/n.
(The car takes off)
Isabella: I'm so proud of you girls. And the bow was a nice touch, Gretchen.
(Engine whirring)
(In the D.E.I blimp)
Doofenshmirtz: (Laughing) Listen to those fools, as they worship their candy-colored race car man. How about a little demonstration of my deflationary prowess?
(Fires laser and the laser fires to the race track)
Man #2: I got it!
(The ray hits the beach ball, which starts hissing. Tires screeching)
Race Car Driver: AAH! (Tires screeching, rams a sign)
Y/n: Bronya, you get into the speaker system yet?
Bronya: I did.
Y/n: Hit it!
(A song begins to play over the stadium speakers)
Rick: The Team Phineas car is avoiding every obstacle! It's like he can see the whole darn track at once!
Phineas: Nice song bro!
Y/n: Of course it is!
Phineas: OH YEAH!
(Cars then begin to make a tunnel which the car drives through)
Racers: We're okay! (Car zooms by)
(At the Garcia-Shapiro house...)
Candace: (from inside) Well Mom, what do you think of this?
(Cuts to inside)
Linda: You've...looked better.
Candace: Huh? What do you mean--? (looks at picture, starts to cringe)
(Camera shows that Candace brought the picture of herself burnt. She screams loud and very long.)
(Back at the Speedway, in the D.E.I. blimp...)
Doofenshmirtz: Already they fear me, listen to their screams, huh? Imagine the mayhem once my Deflate-inator ray is fully charged. (at the mouse in the machine) Run! Run like the wind, my little indentured rodent. And I will give you some cheese. Heh, I know I had some around here somewhere.
(Perry pulls out a briefcase filled with cheeses; Grabs stinky cheese and loads it onto a crossbow.)
Doofenshmirtz: I think there's some- There used to be some Roquefort in the back here. I don't...
Doofenshmirtz: I think there's some- There used to be some Roquefort in the back here. I don't...
(Mouse squeaking)
Doofenshmirtz: Hmm? AIEE! HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-AIEEEEEEE! (Glass breaks) Agh! Oof!
(Laser fires, Blimp deflating)
Doofenschmirtz: Hmm. I suppose I should've seen that coming.
(Back at the Garcia-Shapiro house...)
Candace: (from inside) But Mom, you've gotta believe me! (cuts to her.) Wait a minute. I bet it's still on TV! (runs off)
Linda: (Flatly) That's good, Candace. Go watch a little TV.
(Candace turns on the TV, the screen shows Phineas winning the race. There is a flash, freeze-frame.)
Dave: And look at this amazing finish.
Candace: (Stammering) Mom, come quick! Come look-look-look-look-look!!
Linda: All right! I'm coming! (stands up)
Candace: Ee-ee-ee-ee...
Dave: Oh no! A blimp is about to hit the broadcasting tower! Oh, the hu-
(The TV goes to static. Candace just sits there standing as Linda enters right on schedule.)
Linda: Ah-huh...?
Candace: Meap.
Linda: (leaving) Deal me back in, Viv.
(At the Speedway, Doofenshmirtz drives off in Phineas and Ferb's car)
Phineas: Hmm. Looks like we're walking.
Doofenshmirtz: AAH!
Y/n: Are we walking back?
(Y/n smirks and snaps his fingers as a yellow/green car drives up in front of them with no driver)
Phineas: Woah! How long have you had this?
Y/n: A while, don't tell Candace, I keep this hidden in the Shed.
Bronya: Nice.
Sam: Really pretty car dear.
Y/n: I know, now let's get going.
(Candace walks back to the Flynn-Fletcher house)
Candace: (Mimicking Linda) "Why don't you go back home, Candace?" "I'm busy with my bridge game, Candace?" She has no idea!! (echo) (Gasps, then looks behind her to see the garage empty. Crickets chirp in the background, She smiles.) Gotcha.
(Scene shifts to Perry and Doofenshmirtz fighting in the car wash, Doof gets caught in one of the car wash rolling brushes)
Doofenshmirtz: AHH-AHH-AHH-AHH-AHH! AAH!
(Beeping; Explosion, Perry blasts into space on the car)
(Back with Candace...)
Candace: (Runs up to Vivian's house and repeatedly knocks on the door hard) MOM! MOM! MOM! MOM! MOM!
Vivian: Oh, Candace, hello. I can't believe you grown so much, it's unbelievable--
Candace: MOM! (Goes to the living room) Mom, you've gotta see this! It's about your car!
Linda: (While Candace smiles) All right. (Candace drags her)
(The car is shown falling.)
Candace: (literally pushes Linda across the street) Come on, come on, come on!
Linda: Candace, you're wearing out the heels of my shoes.
(In the garage, Candace opens the door from the kitchen, her head turned away.)
Candace: See Mom?! Look, look! I told you--
Linda: (Gasps) But... who did this?
Candace: (not even turning her head) Y/n, Phineas, and Ferb.
Linda: You mean... they...?
Candace: (overlapping) Yeah, yeah, yeah! (Nods and laughs chaotically)
Linda: (overjoyed) They washed my car!?
Candace: Yes!! (then, confused) No...what?
(The car is back, clean with nothing on it. Perry walks by and chatters.)
Linda: It's beautiful!
(For the rest of the scene, Candace stands completely shocked with her mouth open.)
Linda (cont'd.): I gotta admit, I thought you were exaggerating a bit, but this is really worth getting excited about!
Phineas: (walking in the background, Y/n is carrying the trophy) Hi, Mom, we're home!
Linda: Hey, boys! I saw what you did today!
Y/n: (Referring to the race) Yeah? How'd you like it?
Linda: (from inside; oblivious) I loved it! (cut to her) Now who wants some snacks?
(The instrumental Rock version of the theme song as a stinger.)
Phineas: (offscreen) Thanks, Mom!
(Music pauses.)
Linda: (At Candace) Honey, close your mouth.
(Music resumes; iris out and Candace does not close her mouth on the still shot.)
(Sometime later, Perry walks into Y/n's room while he is hanging out with Bronya and Sam)
Y/n: Oh hey Perry, what's up?
Perry: (Chatters)
(Bronya and Sam begin to chuckle as Y/n's eyes widen in fear)
Y/n: I'm going to die...
Bronya: Sounds like your Sugar Mommy isn't happy with her Sugar Baby.
Y/n: She's not my Sugar Mommy!
Sam: Then what is She Y/n?
Y/n: She is a woman from the goverment who gives me money to fund my projects and in return I spend time wit-
(Bronya and Sam both gain smug smiles)
Y/n: Oh my god... she's my sugar mommy...
(Y/n's phone then begins to ring and he sees it's Topaz calling, he gulps and picks up.)
Y/n: H-Hello?
Topaz: (On phone) Now Now, baby. That's not how you are supposed to great me on the phone.
Y/n: (sighs) Hi Mommy...
Topaz: (On phone) That's better, now let's talk about your upcoming Tax Payment baby.
(Bronya and Sam both pat Y/n on the shoulder as they leave the room with Perry following behind them)
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