Poorly Sewn Plushies and Unachived Dreams

I ' L L A L W A Y S R E M E M B E R T H A T D A Y . . .

Vil walked down the Sidewalk Humming. He started to sing along with the music.

"Hey...So...Absolutely beautiful! No chance to beat us, no way! No way!" Vil sang as he listened to the music areing from his head phones.

He had Picked up some Veggies. He was a 17 year old male who could do things himself! No matter what Epel said.... The Music was at full blast but even through the technology he heard the piercing Siren of a Cop car. Vil snapped to attention and turned off his phone. He Slid the headphones around his Neck and ran toward the Car In Front of the Apartment complex where they lived. On the steps of the building he saw Epel.

I W A S R E T U R N I N G H O M E . . . M O M W A S A L O N E.

Epel's eyes were Wide and Saucer Like. He looked traumatized. Vil ran up and Crouched infrpnt of him.

"Epel what happened?!" Vil Exclaimed.

"M-mom she-" Epel shut up and started to breath heavily. Vil tried to calm him but in the end Epel Passed out and the cop came up.

"Are You Mr. Schoenheit?" The Cop asked

"Why yes I am Why do you ask?" Vil said.

"I'm sorry for your loss. As of 8:40 pm December 23rd your mother has passed away. She did however leave an account to pay for expenses. Your brother Found Her after he came back home from school.He will be given free therapy." The Cop Said. They Then Walked away.

Vil Crashed to the ground. How could his mom be dead? What Happend!? Oh....Thats why Epel passed out. He was fragile and he couldent handle this. Vil Walked back Up to the cop who had left.

"C-can we go back inside. The Baby Potato Passed Out. Would that interfere with the crime scene?" Vil asked.

"In no way would it interfere as this wasnt a crime. You can take him back inside." The Cop said.

Vil saw them Wheel out the body bag to the Ambulance. Vil swallowed and went over to the sleeping boy. He Picked up the small boy. Going into the building and up the elavator He thought. What would they do? Epel seemed to be traumatized and Scared when he talked to Vil. Oh How Vil wished he was home but he saw this as a consequence for his own actions. Epel had accidentally broke Vil's Vanity. He tripped over once of the weights Vil forgot to put away. He and Epel never got allong well so Vil thought he had done it on purpose so he started yelling. He said things he probably shouldent have as their mom tried to stop them. Vil got fed up and Hit Epel with a well aimed Curling Iorn that was still hot and epel had Caught it after it Hit and Burned his shoulder causing it to burn his hands. Vil looked down to see the bloody bandages. Clearly wrapped by Deuce.

Epel had run out the house in fear of what Vil had done. Vil's mother was crying and red he had thought she was angry. She told him to get out! And that she didnt want to see him for a few hours. Vil was startled but listened. He went to the Park and then got groceries and went home. The Elavator dinged as Vil stepped out and entered the flawlessly cleaned apartment. He walked over to Epel's Bedroom. It was decorated in posters and Trinkets. Photos dotted the Walls. On his desk chair was Vil's old Dress shirt. Vil sighed and Grabed it as well as a pair of short and changed Epel. He then Took the boy to his bed. On the bed Vil saw a plush that was a badly sewn poison apple. It was the last gift he ever gave Epel. How long ago was it that Epel received it? 10 years if Vil remembered right. Was when Epel was 5 the last time he ever got a gift from his older brother? Vil tucked Epel in and gave him the plush. His heart broke as he watched Epel curl around the Pollow and Speak.

"I Love you Vil..." Epel mumbled in his sleep

Vil walked out the room and collapsed into the Liveing room couch after closing the door. On the table he saw a note. TO VIL . It read. I was scrawled in his mothers chicken scratch. Thats when Vil relized what happened to his mother.

I F O N L Y I K N E W . . . I W O U L D H A V E S T A Y E D W I T H H E R . . .

He opened the letter and read through it. Two sentences Stood out to him the rest blurred. The Sentences "Im Sorry Vil" and "Please Look after Epel, Your smart and I know you'll protect him from harm. After all you love him don't you?" Vil let out a Laugh; bitter and cruel. Of course he loved Epel. No matter how much he acts like he doesn't, Epel is all he has ever cared for and Epel is now all he has. He would Protect his Little Brother no matter what happened. No mater what it takes. No matter what he has to do. Vil put the groceries away and walked to his Bed room. He changed and Tucked himself in. Tomorrow was another day. The note lied forgotten on Vil's Desk,

W E A R E A L O N E N O W.....

Vil driffted off to sleep.

The Next Year passed Quickly. Epel was in and out of therapy. Not one did he attend school. His last year of Scondary School was completely forgotten but he had good grades before he stoped attending so he could easily skip up to his first year of High school. As the Year passed Epel Clearly lost himself to thoughts never once forgeting or moving on from his mom and dad. Vil became increasingly more protective willing to do anything to ensure Epel's safety. This is how they ended up in the liveing room the night before the first day of Epel's First Year of Night Raven College and the start of Vil's third year of Night Raven.

"Alright...I Think we're Ready....Im Really scared for tomorrow..." Epel said

"Hey,Epel....Don't worry. Everything is going to be fine. I'll be right there with you." Vil Said

"I Missed One Year...What if I can't get back on track and completely Fail?" Epel asked Paniked.

" Your Not Going to fail at anything...." Vil responded. He Pet Epel's Hair.

"I Miss Mom and Dad so much..." Epel whispered..

"I-Im sure they will be proud of you..." Vil said. He winced before speaking.

"Alright...Good Night Vil." Epel said going to his room.

"Night," Vil called smiling. As the door closed his face dropped to one of pain and anguish as he went to his room and laid down.

Vil's Room was plain. A Vanity with Makeup and skin products he got one for Epel as well as some products. Epel dosent do heavy make up like him but still puts on some. The walls has Posters of Models. Vil so wished to be a Model and actor but currently it seemed like a dream. He had Epel to look after and even though The Baby potato was self sufficient he didnt want to leave him alone. He told Epel nearly every thing. Vil's one secret was his dream. Epel would encourage him to follow it and if he knew Vils reasons not to do so then he would spiral again. He still remembered the last time. Thats why Epel rarely wears Short sleeves. Vil spoke to him self.

"I'm Really Nervous...I Know everything is going to be fine tomorrow, but i'm really scared Epel thinks about Mom and Dad to much...i need to try and sleep a bit... I dont want to be tired for my first day of school with Epel..." Vil said as he closed his eyes.










Vil was confused, His was in a black void. Was this a dream?

"Huh? Where...Am I?" Vil asked to the void

" Is Some one there? Its Really dark here, I can't See Anything....Am I Dreaming? I dont know but I must run away from that scary place!" Vil exclaimed

He Started running the floor Clinked and clicked Under his shoes. He was in his school uniform but he looked like a shadow. He Needed to find a way out. He continued to run as he looked from left to right. It was a corridor made of Black void with Etheral blue glow. He continued as he ran he saw a form of wall. He looked left and right before turning Right and continuing to Run.

"I lost them" Vil Whisperd He Continued to run. "One By One..." He said.

He Neared another split and went right "Im Very Stong Mom." Vil meekly said.

He Continued to run as he neared another split and went left again." I take care of him..." Vil answerd with a smile.

He Reched a wall and turned right "Like You said..." Vil laughed.

He Continued to run as he took another left. "It's Hard..." He Whisperd

He Took another right hair whipping behind him "....But I can manage..." Vil smiled.

He took one final left before stoping to catch his breath but he jumped back as the floor shatters. White Cracks spred through the floor.

"Woah-I almost fell in that hole! What is it? Where am I supposed to go now?" Vil asked not expecting to get a response but he did.

" Remember what your mother told you Vil....Just Follow the Light. " a voice said as a light appeared infront of Vil.

"Who said that!? Where are you!? Are you here!?" Vil Yelled. Vil looked around as his eyes watered. The Light shot down the hole. He colapsed to his knees.

"Please! Don't Leave me Alone...." Vil begged Before Sighing. "...I Guess their right...I should just follow the light and jump in here." Vil Said. Vil Stood Up and Jumped down the hole.

As he fell he oddly didnt feel scared. He thought he would but he didn't. The World passed by him. It was now he noticed the calming music in the background. He relaxed but as he fell the world became bright and the music distorted into a sound that caused this heart to beat fast and hard. The Music faded as the world glowed like a flash bang had been set off.

He landed on his feet. He looked to be in a Hallway with no walls. Infront of him was a disembodied classroom. He Walked forward tward the door and saw 5 buttons. He went to the doors and then noticed he had Shrunk and the doors wouldn't open. He walked to one and stepped on it and saw how they all turned red.

"Oh this is a puzzle." Vil said.

He then walked to the middle button and stepped on it it lit up. He tried the one to the left and it lit up. He went to the one on the far right and lit that one up. He then tride the inner right one but they all flashed red. He used the same pattern but went to the far leftone and then the inner right. They all lit up and the doors opened. He walked into the classroom. It was way bigger than him. He decided to try and jump on the desk and to his sunrise he launched up. It was like he was flying. There was another puzzle. Six buttons on 6 desks. After a bit of trial and error he found the corect code and a Cabinate opened. He walked inside it after jumping down and saw another button which he stepped on. The Door on the right wall of the Classroom opened and Vil walked over and looked in one of the windows next to it. He was back to normal and in his School uniform still. He left and ended up in another glitched out hallway. He looked back and saw a second upside down classroom on top of the one he just left. At the end of the hallway was a button he stepped on and it flipped him upsideown and Changed the gravity so he could enter the upside down classroom.

He walked on the ceiling of the first hallway that now acted as a floor and neared the door. This door wasnt locked and he entered the classroom. Inside was a barren room with 4 Buttons. He started to jump on them..

"Lets try Inner Right, Outer left, Outer right, inner left..." Vil said as he jumped on them he surprisingly guessed it first try.

The Windows in the room broke as a green gas flooded in. Vil hacked and coughed. The Gass smelled like a rancid Perfume almost like the wild strawberry perfume from Bath and Body Works. Everything went dark.










An obnoxious song played as Vil woke up. He sat up and looked at his phone as he shut off the alarm. 7:30...

"What? Is it already time to wake up!?I Need to get up right now." Vil Shrieked.

He shot out of his bed and ran to his closet. He changed and then went to his vanity. He thanked himself for the years f practice as he left his room and ran to the kitchen where he made a quick breakfast sandwich fir him and Epel. He ran over to Epel's bedroom door.

"WAKE UP BABY POTATO! WERE GOING TO BE LATE!" Vil yelled. As he slammed the door open startling Epel who looked at the clook and shot out of his bed kicking Vil out so he could change.

Vil rushed back to his room and made sure his bag was packed before running back to the kitchen and Shoveing the Entire sandwich into his mouth barely chewing before he swallowed. He Got out a water bottle and Downed it to shove the dry biscuits down. He Grabed the Bentos Epel made the night before and shoved them in thir bags as Epel had his near the door. Oh how Vil loved Epel's Cooking. Due to Epel not going to school last year he was basically the person who cleaned up and cooked. Essentially he was a housewife(or House Husband as Epel would say when Vil joked about it. Apparently house Husband was more Manly). Not that the boy minded it gave him time to practice apple carving.

He heard Epel open his door. Vil Saw him in his uniform. Epel had a slightly different one which had a white shirt with a frilled colar. His bow tie was crooked so Vil walked over and fixed it before handing Epel his bag. Epel Quickly tied on his shoes and Grabed the sandwich he was going to down it but Vil scolded him.

"No Epel your not allowed to do that. Its very uncouth and dangerous. Why I would never do anything like that even in a rush!" Vil said. That was a lie but Epel didn't need to know! He nodded and took a small bite as Vil handed him a bottle of water and they left. Vil opened an Umbrella and covered them both as they walked. The Rain pelted down against the umbrella as they spoke. Blacked out figures walked by.

"Hey Epel How do you feel?" Vil asked

"A Little Stressed..." Epel answered honestly.

"Dont worry in sure everything will be fine." Vil said

"Mmph.." Epel hummed as he ate.

"Ill join you for lunchtime, my classroom is right above yours." Vil Claimed. The two turned into the hended Main entrance to the school. Black Figures passed on the sidewalk behind them. They reached the front door and the Headmaster stood there.

"Epel? Hello. Im Mr.Crowley, The Headmaster of Night Raven Collage. Welcome Here." He Said

"Nice to meet you sir." Epel said with a bow

"As You are new here,Im going to present you the school ground and your teacher for this year." Crowley said.

"Alright,Thank you. Well uhm Vil See you after classes." Epel said as he left with Crowley. Vil waved.

Vil Stood at the entrance Before His best friend ran up and greeted him.

"VIL! Heeyyyyy! I'm so Happy to see you!" He Exclaimed.

"Cater! Its been a while, How are you?" Vil Answerd

"I'm ok, I was wondering....Can help me out for a little thing?" Cater asked

"Sure what is it?" Vil asked

"It's a long story but I just lost my phone...I Know who stole it. Could you help me get it back Pleeaaassee?" Cater asked.

Vil looked exasperated of course it concerned his phone. At least it wasnt about hunting him like a certain other persons requests...

"...Alright,Tell me who stole it ill get it back." Vil said

"See That boy over there?Well...Thats him. I dont know who he is but he seems really rude and bad. Im Too scared to talk to him..." Cater said shivering and looking scared.

Vil looked over and he couldn't blame Cater. The Person had Lion ears and a calculating gaze. He also had green,slited, eyes with a scar over one and fangs. Not to mension he was around Vil's hight and had a rather muscular build.Vil knew who this was. This boy was Leona Kingscolar. A Rather popular jock who was held back 2 times. Besides him was Ruggie Bucchi and Jakc Howl. Jack was Epel's Age.

"Hah...Who told you we have to talk to him? Dont worry Ill get your phone back." Vil said with a laugh.

"Huh?...Whatever you do just remember I don't want to get involved in any kind of fight or anything. Anygays Thanks for your help,keep me updated whenever you get it." Cater said with a grateful sigh.

The Two walked into the school and hung out near the lockers. Vil watched as the Trio of Beastmen walked to the second floor. He then told Cater he was going to go get the phone and left. He Followed them up the stairs and looked through the window into the classroom they entered. Leona Put his bag on the table. Dark figures passed Vil.

"I Need to find a way to distract Leona." Vil said. He walked around the hall near Leona looking for a distraction before his eyes landed on a Plant. He walked by it and knocked it over. He then ran into Epel and the principal.

"What Happend here!??!" Crowley yelled.

"Im really sorry it was an accident!" Vil said. He acted distraught.

"Ugh-Thats Fine. Please be careful next time! Could you please clean that up? Someone could fall on it. I still need to finish showing the school to your brother." Crowley answered

"Dont worry about it! Ill clean that Up! Once Again Sorry Professor Crowley!" Vil Exclaimed.

They Walked away.

"That was close..." Vil Whisperd.

He Stood off to the side as a Student around 6' walked not noticing the pot and Fell. His Screech drew the Beastmen's attention as did the boys flameing hair. Vil Quickly ran into the classroom and zopend Leona's bag before taking out the phone with the eerie case that had a smiling Diamond. He Really needed to convince cater to get a new one.... He Left the room and went down stairs to Cater Before anyone noticed him. He walked up to Cater and Spoke.

"Guess what.....I GOT IT!" Vil Exclaimed.

"No Way! Your awesome. I knew you could do this! Thanks Alote for your help!" Cater Exclaimed. Vil could hear how Happy, Grateful, and Awe Struck Cater was. It made him happy.

"Next Time Be more careful with your phone! Lets head up to class, were going to be late." Vil said.

They walked up to class and sat down as the teacher passed out sheets. It was all very easy so Vil finished and Left the class Room. He had lunch with Epel and then went back to class. Once again it was all elementary. Soon the day finished and Vil went outside to wait for Epel. Epel walked out of the School and Tward Vil who he gave a hug.

"So how was your Day Little Brother.?" Vil asked

"It actually wasant that bad." Epel laughed

"Told you! Lets go home Alredy." Vil said in an I told you so tone.

The two walked home and After Vil did his homework he handed Epel his laptop to do his. Epel sat down and started doing his Math work. Epel really needed a Computer but they didnt have the money for one.... They could fix their Dads computer and Epel could use that. He needed to ask Epel. He waited until Epel was finished before walking over.

"Hey I was Thinking about something..." Vil Said

"What is it?" Epel asked

"As your now back to school, we both need a computer... What if we try to Fix dads computer for you?" Vil asked

"Dads computer?...I Mean...We could do that...yeah" Epel said looking unsure.

"Dont worry its going to be like a new computer. We will create an account Just for you." Vil responded Ruffling Epels already messy hair.

"Alright lets repair the computer together! It isnt that hard there like a bunh of tutorials online!" Vil said

"Mk Lets do this!" Epel said.

The Two walked over to the kitchen and got out the necessary tools before pulling up a video. Vil noticed the most popular Video was by the boy he had tripped earlier. He Winced slightlyly but they clicked on it and got started. Soon they had finished despite their laughing, snacking and Jokeing. Then Vil wentinto the settings and made a new account for Epel.

"Done! Be really Careful with this computer. Their is a bunch of memories with mom and dad on it and I dont want to lose them..." Vil Said.

"I'll be careful, Dont worry....Thank you Vil" Epel said.

Epel made their bentos while Vil read a book and then they went to bed. The next morning was more calm. Epel could actually eat at home. Then the two set off to school. The Spoke about things like Make up (per Vil's Influence) to Sports and Agraculture(Epels Infuence) as they entered School grounds Epel's attention trailed off and to a boy with Rose Red hair and storming eyes who was speaking to the Headmaster. Epels Cheeks Flushed red as he forced himself to look away and continue speaking with Vil.

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