
- Chapter Seven -
"This happiness is not fake, it was found in Klaus and it will stay in happy memories."

When Five asked Primrose to be his mother, she didn't know what to expect, but it certainly wasn't this. She, Klaus and Five were all in a science lab, in some random guys office pretending to be a family. Klaus was at in a chair in front of the desk, Prim was stood behind him with her hands on his shoulders whilst Five was stood, talking to the man behind the desk, whose name was Lance.

"Like I said to your son earlier, any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential. Without the clients consent, I cannot help you." Lance told them, Five was getting agitated with man as he leaned on the desk.

"Well, we can't get consent if you don't give us a name." He said through gritted teeth, staring down at the Doctor, who shrugged nonchalantly.

"That's not my problem. Sorry, now there's really nothing more I can do so-"

"And what about our consent?" Klaus interrupted, he and Primrose had been more or less quiet since they got there, under the instructions of Five who had told them not to say anything stupid.

"Excuse me?" Lance asked him.

"Who gave you touch our son?" He clarified, pointing to Five who furrowed his eyebrows at him and turned to Primrose who shrugged unknowingly and took her hands off of her best friend's shoulders.

"What?" The other three asked simultaneously.

"You heard me."

"I didn't touch your son." Lance looked at Five, who looked just as confused as him, he then decided to look to Primrose who also looked just as confused as the other two.

"Oh, really?" Klaus smirked. "How'd he get that swollen lip then?" He asked the doctor, looking back at Prim who shook her head at him, of course she knew what he was going to do, she was his best friend.

"He doesn't have a swollen lip-"

Klaus swung his arm towards his brother and back-handed him, sending Five's head to his right. As the boy hadn't seen this coming, he was unable to block it so he now indeed had a swollen lip and a cut lip.

"I want it," he said strongly, almost straight away. "Name, please, now." His hands clenched into fists and out them on the table, hunching his back to look down at the doctor.

"You're crazy." He pointed at Klaus who chuckled and rocked on his feet back and forth.

"You've got no idea." Klaus laughed, seeing a soft ball on the desk, he grabbed it and chucked it at his strawberry-blonde friend. It hit her in the eye and she yelped in surprise, stumbling backwards. The man apologized softly and turned back to the desk, now spotting a snow globe. "Peace on earth." He picked it up in his hands. "That's so sweet."

Then he smashed it against his head, the globe broke and the glass shattered, pieces lodging into his skin whilst some the water and glitter spilled onto the desk with most of the glass. "God that hurt!" He groaned in pain.

"I'm calling securi-" Lance grabbed the phone and dialed the number for security but Klaus grabbed it out of his hands, holding it up to his ear instead. "What are you doing?"

"There's been an assault!" He lied in a very hurt dramatic voice. "In Mr. Big's office and we need security, now. Schnell!" Shaking his head free of the glitter and the glass, he hung up the phone.

Prim feels a bit bad for Lance, who is now practically shaking with fear as he stared up at Klaus. "Now, here's what's gonna happen, Grant."


"In about 60 seconds, two security guards are gonna burst through that door, and they're gonna see a whole lot of blood, and they're gonna wonder 'what the hell happened?' And we're gonna tell them that you...beat the shit out of us." He cried.

"Oh, you're gonna do great in prison, Grant. Trust me, I've been there. Little piece of chicken like you. Oh, my god, you're gonna get passed around like a..." he bounced around in a circle. "You're're gonna do great. That's all I'm saying."

"Jesus, you are a real sick bastard." Lance shook his head, to which Klaus thanked him for. "You threw a ball at your wife." He gestured to Prim who was trying to care for Fives cut lip, which he was very reluctant to, but let her anyway, that amazed Klaus as he watched in curiosity.


Lance was now rummaging through files in a drawer out of his office and back to one of the main rooms. Five and Prim were stood watching while Klaus was sat on top of the drawers, also looking down at the mans fingers flicking through the papers.

He eventually found the file and gave it a once over, reading through the information, he glanced at Klaus with trembling hands, it was no secret that he was terrified of the man. "Oh, that's strange."


"Um, the eye," The doctor started. "It hasn't been purchased by a client yet." He furrowed his eyebrows at the paper.

"What do you mean?" Klaus hopped off of the drawers and walked round to look over Lance's shoulder at the file. Five also stood up straighter which prompted Prim to as well, the boys lip had been cleaned by the woman and the small first-aid kit she keeps in her bag, mainly because of Klaus and how easily he hurts himself.

"Well, uh," The doctor got more and more nervous as the seconds passed. "our logs say that the eye with that serial number...This can't be right. It hadn't even been manufactured yet. Where did you get that eye?" They all looked to Five, who just walked away from them all.

Klaus followed whilst Primrose stayed behind slightly. "I'm so sorry, they're a crazy duo." She chuckled softly, the man gave an unsure smile and waved it off. Prim waved bye to the man and followed the Five and Klaus out of the lab.

The two brothers, plus Primrose, made their way out. Five looked utterly defeated whilst Klaus was grinning with pride and excitement. Prim didn't know what to feel, her best friend had just threatened a man and she stood by, watching it. She felt like a horrible person.

"Well, this is not good." Five sighed and the woman sent him a sympathetic smile which he did not react to.

"I was pretty good though, right? 'Yeah. What about our consent, bitch?'" Klaus giggled childishly, looking to Prim for confirmation, but not long enough to get a reaction.

"Klaus, it doesn't matter." Five told him exasperatedly.

"What? What? What's the big deal with this eyes, anyway?" The man asked him to which Prim nodded and waited for an answer, she could honestly wait all day, patience was one of her many positive traits.

"There is someone out there who's going to lose an eye in the next seven days. They're gonna bring about the end of life on this Earth as we know it." He explained, huffing and turning away whilst Primrose processed the information in her kind. The world ends in seven days?

Klaus, however had no problem acknowledging if or even caring about it. "Yeah, can I get that 20 bucks, like, now, or what?" He asked, pursing his lips whilst facing his younger, older brother.

"Your 20 bucks?" Five repeated in disbelief, Klaus nodded and the small man-child got frustrated. "The apocalypse is coming, and all you can think about is getting high?"

"Well, I'm also quite hungry. Tummy's, a-rumblin'." He mock growled and patted his stomach whilst Prim searched her bag for money, if he was hungry then she could spare five dollars to get him a snack or something.

Five stared at him for a moment before sighing frustrated. "You're useless!" He let out, turning to walk towards a small step, which he sat on. "You're all useless!" With the last statement, he glanced at Prim, who was still rummaging through her purse, she pulled out a snack bar for Klaus as the boy sat down on the step.

"Oh, come on," Klaus groaned, taking the snack that Primrose offered, he nodded at her in thanks, with a bright smile, before continuing. "You need to lighten up, old man." The strawberry-blonde found another bar and handed it to Five, who took it reluctantly with a miniscule smile.

"Hey," The man in the suit started again through a mouthful of oat and raisin. "you know, I just now realized why you're so uptight. You must be horny as hell!"

"Klaus." Prim warned, taking a seat next to Five as Klaus followed. "All those years by yourself. It's gonna screw with your head, being alone." He said.

"Well, I wasn't alone." Five said after a moment of contemplation, once again he looked at Prim who was checking her watch.

"Delores?" She asked, turning back to him again, he hesitated and then nodded, looking away from the woman.

"Oh? Pray tell." Klaus urged his brother, missing the subtle glances to the strawberry-blonde.

"Delores and I were together for over 30 years." Five admitted, Prim looked down at her feet and sighed, she often tried not to let Violet plague her thoughts, but it was hard. If she had survived, if that explosion would've never happened, maybe they would be together for 30 years. They were engaged at 23, having not told anyone, then it happened. But then again, if it hadn't happened, Primrose wouldn't have Klaus. It was hard.

She was broken from her mind when her friend stood abruptly and started shouting. "Hey, hey, hey! What about my money?" He yelled at a passing taxi, which had Five in it, mock saluting them.

Prim smiled and stood up from the step, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Lets go get you cleaned up, then I need to get back to work." She told him and they set off back to the academy, which was closer to the lab then Primrose's apartment. Klaus nodded and followed her sluggishly, mumbling something about being hungry, so naturally, they made a pit stop at a corner store.


Back at the shop, Prim walked in to see her co-worker and her angry manager. At the sound of the door closing, Flo, her manager, whirled around to see the woman taking her bag off slowly, not meeting her eyes, she had nearly missed a full day of work thanks to Five needing her. She had completely forgot about Caitlin covering for her, but when she needed to head back, she was sure that the brunette would be fine. She was not, however, expecting her manager to be in the shop.

"Oh...hey Florence. Are you sure you should be here? You only broke your arm a couple of days ago." Prim smiled, looking to the cast on the woman's forearm.

"Primrose, I called today to see how my shop was doing and imagine my surprise when Caitlin picked up the phone, instead of you when it was meant to be your shift." Flo said as Prim walked around to the other side of he desk, apologizing profusely to Caitlin, who waved it off and walked back to the storage room.

"Sorry, Flo." She sighed. "I went to deliver some petunias and then I got caught up and-"

"This is the third time you have disappeared in the middle of the day for god knows how long." Flo continued, Primrose really didn't see what the big deal was, it's not like they're always incredibly busy. They get approximately 30 maybe 40 customer a day. 50 maybe 60 in spring. "It better not happen again, or you're done."

"What?" Prim's usual smile dropped slightly. "No, no, no. I promise it won't happen again, please don't fire me, I-"

"Primrose, I understand your troubles and how much this shop means to you. But it's been 7 years, how long do you expect to keep this up?" Florence huffed.

"Keep what up?"

"This fake happiness."

Prim tried to keep her small smiled in tact as she furrowed her eyebrows. Flo had no empathy as she continued. "I understand that Lilly, or whatever her name was, loved the shop. But, you actually have to be committed instead of doing it for somebody who died years ago."

"Florence, I am going to leave before I say or do something I regret. This happiness is not fake, it was found in Klaus and it will stay in happy memories. I suggest you choose your words more carefully. I'll see you tomorrow." Primrose sighed, the smile hanging onto her face by just a thread. "And her name was Pansy."

As shew turned to leave, her manager called her name once again. The woman turned and they both stared at each other for a second before the older one muttered two words that broke a little piece of Prim's fragile heart.

"You're fired."


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