
- Chapter Nine -
"It won't last forever! Now go!"

So Primrose eventually found Klaus, he had his headphones on and was dancing around to some music playfully. Just the sight of it made her smile fondly. She honestly did not know where she would be without Klaus, the nine months when he was in rehab were hell for her, she was alone every night, going to bed without saying goodnight to someone. No one to distract her from her mind.

When he noticed her standing in the doorway, he grabbed her hand and pulled her in to dance, until he got bored and announced that he was taking a bath. It was rather abrupt but Prim let him go nevertheless. Since she was fired from her job, she took the time that she had exploring the rest of the house. It was an amazing house, really, it was. Too bad their childhoods were ruined.


She turned to see Diego and smiled warmly at him, waving as she made her way over. "Hi." She greeted.

"You feeling okay? You've been a today." He told her as they continued to walk around the house aimlessly.

"Yeah, it's just...I got fired." She huffed and he turned to her with raised eyebrows whilst they descended some stairs. "It was some stupid stuff about me skipping work, which yeah, I did, but it was for a good cause. I think. Whatever, my manager was being a jerk, and she fired me." She sighed. "It was all I had left of Pansy."

"Oh, well, I'm uh, sorry." He sympathized. Prim waved it off and let the small smile climb back onto her face. "Really, uh, y'know that loses you some innocence points." He teased, a giant smirk on his face.

"Well, I still own a lot of pink and I'm still named after a flower." She reminded him and he nodded in acceptance. The two of them continued to walk next to each other in a mix of awkward and comfortable silence as they looked around the house. New parts that Prim had never seen before and old parts that Diego hadn't seen in a while.

They walked into another hallway and Primrose opened her mouth to say something but the unexpected sound of a gun cocking caught her attention and both their heads turned to see two figures in creepy child masks and blue suits, holding loaded guns. As the two adults without masks looked at them in confusion, the other two started to fire their guns.

Diego's eyes grew twice the size as he pushed her down the opposite end of the hallway, running straight after her. "Go, go, go." He muttered and threw two knifes at them, but they ricocheted off of their metal masks and back on the floor. The two of them managed to hide behind a corner, breathing heavily whilst footsteps approached.

Diego turned the corner before she could warn him and began to fight the bigger person in the bear mask. He threw punches and the bear defended himself both of them yelling.

"Cha-Cha, shoot him!" The man, now clear because of his voice, ordered and Prim peeked round the corner to see the one in a dog mask holding a gun up to the fighting pair. "Get out of the way, dumbass!" Cha-Cha shouted.

Diego kicked the bear to the ground and returned round the corner, grabbing Prim's hand and making a break for it, both of them shielding their heads with their arms. The run down the balcony seemed like a long one with the gunfire behind them, but Diego had the crazy idea to jump of the edge, and in doing so, taking the strawberry-blonde with him. She fell on top of him with a grunt and quickly rolled off, putting out her foot out to stop herself as the man in black pulled her with him, leaning against a display table, hopefully hidden from view.

"Don't move." Primrose muttered to him as a warning, holding onto his arms that were wrapped around her protectively as footsteps echoed into the living room, where they were hiding. He glanced at her and hastily took his arms away from his weak grip so he could move faster. "Diego, no." She groaned as the gunfire shot again, nearer to the place where the man made his movement.

He curled up in a ball, putting his hands over his head as Prim protected him this time. She lifted her hand up slightly over the display table where the bullets were coming from and let it glow purple. The force of the bullets impacted almost immediately, meaning she now had to use two hands to keep them away from killing Diego.

Through the mist of the purple glow, she saw Luther come up behind Cha-Cha and stop her from firing whilst Allison fought the bear man, which she still didn't know the name of. Prim let the bullets drop and crouched back down to Diego, examining him for any bullet wounds. He shook his head and pushed himself up off of the floor.

He went to attack the bear that was now choking Allison and jumped on his back, hitting the top of the mask repeatedly whilst the man under there tried to pry him off. The bear man pushed Diego off, but Primrose caught him with a thin layer of purple in the air, letting him back down quickly so the impact didn't hurt that much. Luther grabbed the bear and threw him out of the living room and into the parlor.

"Who the hell are these guys?" Allison asked, breathing heavily as Prim surveyed them all for injuries that she could treat.

"You're welcome." Luther ignored Allison and directed his comment at Diego.

"We were doing fine." He scoffed.

"Oh yeah, you really had them handled."

"Primrose had it handled! And have you ever heard of a rope-a-dope?" He asked, glancing at the strawberry-blonde, whos eyes were now glowing purple, along with some veins in her hands. No one had time to question it as the gunfire started again and Diego pushed her back down to the ground.

"Get out of here now! Go!" Luther yelled as Allison ran out of the living room. Diego and Primrose were still on the floor, shielding themselves from the bullets.

"Diego." Prim grabbed his leg and closed her eyes for a moment, another vibrant colored glow emitted from her hands, which encased the man so he had a thin purple light surrounding his body. "I don't care if it crimps your style, it'll protect you! Now go!" She pushed him off of the floor and true to her word, all the bullets ricocheted off of him as he looked down at her still on the floor, breathing heavily and occasionally groaning as the purple spread up her veins.

"What about you?" He shouted at her, subconsciously raising his arms in front of his head so he didn't get hit, even though he was covered, thanks to Prim.

"It won't last forever, now go!" She yelled back, flinching when the purple reached her neck. He reluctantly ran after his sister, the purple shine still covering him slightly. As a line of purple went up her cheek and disappeared into her hairline. The once strawberry-blonde locks now consisted of a deep purple, her eyes just the same. She had never reached her full power before, but now she had and she had to take her chances.

The bear was walking around the room nonchalantly, looking for his weapon as Primrose remained in her space. He reached into a cabinet and pulled out a medieval weapon that she didn't know the name of. She was glad that everybody had run because she couldn't afford anybody to get hurt on her watch, she couldn't handle it. Not again.


Scratch that. Vanya's voice echoed from the stairs which made Primrose whimper quietly, she wished that the woman would turn and leave the house immediately. "Guys? Is everyone one okay?" Her footsteps were approaching the living room and the now purple-haired woman peeked around the corner of the thing she was hiding behind. "Hello? Guys?"

Prim could see the bear walking towards her and took this as her chance. She ran in front of Vanya and created another glow, bigger than the rest, more powerful as she pushed Vanya behind her. The bear was swinging his weapon at the shield, but it did not break, it didn't even falter. She grunted as she pushed the purple away from her and the man in the bear mask flew backwards into the parlor, shivering when the glow passed through him and enveloped Luther in a shine, much like what happened to Diego.

"Hey, asshole." Luther said from above the man, glancing at his purple envelopment and then to Prim, who watched in shock, she did not know that she could do that. The bear scrambled up and went to attack Luther as they engaged in a battle.

Prim turned back to Vanya and helped her off of the floor, since she had been the one to throw her onto it. "Oh my god, are you okay?"

Vanya nodded and then looked up, her mouth parting at the entirely different look of her brothers friend. "Y-your hair." She acknowledged and Prim chuckled lightly, touching a strand and bringing it in front of her eyes. "I know, not a fan." She chuckled lightly, helping the small woman up.

"Vanya, get out of here!" Luther yelled from the middle of his fight and Prim nodded in encouragement. "Primrose! Get her out!"

"Come on, lets go." The woman started to guide Vanya past the fight but the small woman stood in place. "Vanya, come on, it's not safe."

"He's my brother." Vanya argued, gesturing to the fight.

"Okay," Primrose gave in. "Okay, just stay back." She said as the bear slammed Luther into the ground, turning onto his new opponent.

"Wha-" Vanya didn't get the chance to say anything else as Prim launched herself into the fight. It was lucky that her parents had taught her to fight in case of anybody wanting their research and breaking into the home. This guy should be easy to take down, or so she thought.

Instead of punching and kicking him, she grabbed the mans forearms and slid under his legs, bringing him down whilst doing so. He yelped in surprise but quickly regained himself as they both stood up to fight again. The bear threw a punch but she evaded it and kicked under his legs instead, sending him to the ground again. "Always go for the legs." She laughed. "Sorry for the violence, by the way, but you're kind of trying to kill my friends."

"Thanks for the advice." He mumbled and kicked her legs so she fell down too. "I'm Hazel, by the way."

"Hey Hazel," She pushed herself up off the ground and jumped onto his shoulders, twisting herself round so her legs were wrapped around his neck. "I'm Primrose Armitage." The woman threw herself backwards with all of her strength and flipped off of the man, landing in a not-so-graceful position as he was sent stumbling backwards, into the wall behind him. He ran towards her again but she stuck her hands out and a bright glow came out of her hands again, stopping him from getting any closer.

She carefully raised her arms, lifting him in the air whilst doing so. "Sorry for this, Hazel, I'm sure you're a nice guy but I want to let you know that I only use violence when it's necessary and two people with guns in my friends house seems pretty necessary." Prim drew her arms back and pushed them forward again, throwing Hazel into another wall and letting the purple evaporate.

"Ow." He groaned from the floor, before managing to get up and run away.

"Sorry!" Prim called out to him, now feeling very guilty, at least she didn't kill him.

"Luther!" Allison shouted as she turned a corner and ran to the big man on the floor.

"Primro- oh." Diego was wide-eyed with shock when he saw the purple hair, she smiled sheepishly and went to help Allison with Luther, prompting Diego to do the same. "Oh, you gotta cut down on that fast food, soldier." The three helped him up.

"Out of the way!" He yelled suddenly, pushing them all to the side when the chandelier above them nearly came crashing down. Primrose tried to get back under so she could form a forcefield but Diego had his arms wrapped around her as he turned them around, hunching his back over so she was protected.

"Luther!" Allison screamed and there was a large thud, making the two that were bent over, slowly uncurl and look at the scene. Luther lay under the large chandelier, unmoving. Prim gasped and backed into Diego once more, her hair and eyes returning back to their normal color, which made her weaker than she thought as she fell slightly, being held up by the man's strong grip.

After a moment of silence, the man under the chandelier started to move again and the light bulbs flickered on and off. The three adults surrounding it watched in shock as Luther pushed himself up off the ground, the heavy light falling off of his back. His large coat that he always wore got stuck on one of the chandelier hooks and it ripped off of him, revealing the reason for his large figure. His top body resembled one of an ape.

"Holy shit." Diego mumbled whilst Prim was just wide-eyed with shock. Luther looked shamefully around at them all before he grunted and ran off up the stairs, slightly pushing past the two. Allison caught sight of Vanya and approached her whilst Primrose turned to Diego.

"New hair?" He asked quietly.

"New power." She smiled lightly, letting her eyes glow purple again, she could do that before but she had never been that powerful. "Your head." She mumbled and put her hand over a large cut on his forehead. Her hand emitted another small purple light and just like that, the cut was gone.

"Thanks." He cleared his throat and stepped away slightly, no longer holding onto her arms. "And uh, thanks for the thing before, it helped."

"You're welcome." She laughed lightly before a thought crossed her mind and her smile dropped.

"What?" He asked her, concerned at he sudden change of behavior.



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